Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

Greetings with Respect and Blessings!
Happy 2009
My soul sister Yubupa of The Onenesslovefoundation
has collaborated with me to create a new video of Hope.
Please share this prayer/video far and wide.
We send each of you infinite hope for the New Year!

May We Learn To Value Eachother MORE!
Miss Mellie Rainbow

The Obama Lesson.....A Family Prayer
Please join us as we thank Spirit for each and every blessing & miracle
that has manifested in our lives,
and the lives of all others throughout the Universe.

It is time to end ALL violence,
for forgiveness,
and a massive healing
so that we begin to accept
that separation of any kind
moves us away from our Collective Self.

in mind, body & spirit.
We each have a responsibility
to open our hearts,
and to learn to love unconditionally.

If asked how does one fight assimilation???
then we must consider this response---
we don't….
because the idea is to grow in LOVE.

We merge with Divine Consciousness.
This is our Spiritual Journey.
This is the reason why
we are here on Mother Earth=Heart.

For some of us, then the question becomes,
"How do I maintain my identity?",
The only true identity that we have
is to be ONE In Spirit
That is not to say
that we should ignore
our individual birth cultures.
On the contrary….
part of our journey to Spirit
is to have an understanding
of the many paths that we,
and our hopeful ancestors have taken.

With hope we can continue to learn to see more clearly,
and to work to live with understanding,
compassion, and a strong sense of self,
which is OUR her and his story.
Please join us in affirmation....
Today I pray for strength,
courage, and hope.

I release my fear.

I speak the truth.

I honor my hopeful ancestors.

I nurture my children and my entire family.

I believe in economic empowerment.

I walk as a leader,
a diplomat & a visionary.

I look at my brothers & sisters,
some lost,
and open my arms to show the way.

Together we stand
in the reflection pool
of our ancestors,
and join them in hope
and celebration of the
ongoing journey to re-membering LOVE…
And So It Is With Love,
Miss Mellie Rainbow
aka Rev. Melony McGant

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New YouTube Video Colloaboration By Yubupa

Greeting and Blessings to All throughout the Planet, and the Uni-Verse...

I have just received the gift of a new YOUTube Video of the Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama.

This video which was created by Yubupa serves as another reminder of what happens when we come together in love, and allow space for others to share with us and expand our vision. I believe this is why we elected Senator Barack Obama.

As an artist, the collaborative is very important to me and I marvel at my Soul Sisters Yubupa ( for her Videos) and Michelle Murray (and her students) at Miami-Dade Community College in Florida for their choreography of my poetry in dance and video.

I would be honored if you would share Yubupa's
Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama video far and wide. Thank you!
with Love & JOY!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama

Prayer In Celebration of President-Elect Barack Obama,
44th President of the United States, his wife Michelle,
his daughters Malia and Sasha
and All the People of the Earth=Heart.

Blessed Divine Spirit,

Right now we are filled with joy, and respect for eachother.
Let our lives have new meaning.

Show us how to best do your work, to have patience,
and undying love for All..

Allow us new gratitude and fortitude
filled with courage and laced with strength
as we shepherd in this magnificent new era.

We have voted with our hearts open without fear.
Let us be exuberant in our hope,
ecstatic in our faith
and peaceful in our joy.

There is work to be done.
Our lives are wrought with challenges
but the world community joins us in this new time---
in our desires to heal and nurture our Human Collective.

We are awakening in love
One by one.
We are re-membering
our children and our seniors as special gifts.

The lens for our collective future is clear.
The message is Change.
We are being asked to return to love.

Love is another name for the energy of God.
It moves through each of us
with each breath we take.

Within this love are the seeds
of Grace and Understanding
that allows us to nurture our world gardens of peace.

It is a peace that comes first within our hearts
and is reflected to others.
It is a peace that allows us to take only our share,
to not be wasteful…
to be generous in Spirit, action and deed.

This is how our Garden will flourish
and join with the forest, the ocean shores,
the city plains and hills, the country villages,
the mountains and valleys.

This is how we can move beyond war
and create a world with equanimity
where there is food, housing, healthcare,
economic stability
and new solutions to Earth’s conservation and Global warming,
while honoring our entire sentient family .

Let Us Join Together with President–Elect Barack Obama
and say….
And So It Is With Love!
offered by

Sunday, October 12, 2008

When We Feel Helpless

Dearest Beloved Community,

The last few weeks have been a wake-up call.
Control of our personal destinys have in some cases
been taken momentarily out of our hands
and it leaves us feeling vulnerable.

Whether we are feeling the aftershock
of current economic waves,
or personally know of someone suffering
from lack or poor health
the result is the same,
it makes us feel helpless.

For some of us, security has been taken away,
and all that re-mains is for us
to be still for a moment--- and just wait and see.

Yes, these are trying times.
It is also a time that calls for us
to re-evalute our lives, and our purpose.

We also have the opportunity
to make gratitude, hope, patience and faith
important actions steps in our lives.

How many of you have awakened feeling
a sense of loss and thought "I AM NOTHING"?

I know that I have.
Once again a talented artist named Pat
has joined me by offering music and pictures
to internal ideas.

The result is a new youtube video that you may view and share with others.

No matter how hard, or what circumstance you may be in at this time, I hope that each of you have time to take a few moments and reflect on the wonder and beauty of your lives.
In doing so, you find the strength and courage to go on!

Let us begin to offer eachother
our unconditional support, love & respect....
Miss Mellie Rainbow

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Families Celebrating Barack Obama

Hello Families Celebrating Barack Obama
Let's Help Make History in 2008....

Please Join Miss Mellie Rainbow

and Special Suprise Guests

for Four Free Family Events


Celebrate Our Historic Presidential Election

with the Whole Family

at Hue-Man Bookstore

between 125th and 124th Streets

on Frederick Douglas Blvd in Harlem

Every Saturday in October

October 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th


Read With Your Children...





Join Miss Mellie Rainbow

with Special Suprise Guests

for Stories and Songs.....


2-3pm every Saturday in October

October 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th.

Celebrate and Discuss the Presidential Election

Through A Series Of Childrens BOOKS...




and MORE!!!!!

Call 212.665.7400


2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd. New York N.Y. 10027 212.665.7400

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Harmonics/New Video on YOUTUBE

Greetings, Blessings and JOY
to Each one of You, and your Families!

Here is the latest video that has been made by my friend Pat.
It is the sixth video.

You can look up the other videos
by putting in the name Miss Mellie Rainbow
on youtube.

This Video is called
Harmonics as a Gift of LOVE .

Thanks For Your Loving Support!

ENJOY! Many Blessings!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Greetings All,

A very special artist named Pat who has 117 videos on youtube has created the video
We Are For World Change---- based on a poem that I wrote after conversation with the Children and Counselors at the Henry Street Settlement Camp in July, 2008 that is also posted.

I am struck with awe by her choice of images and music by Sally Oldfield.

Please share this video with others and take a look at some of the other videos from her under BetterWorld4YouAndMe on youtube.

Thank You! ......We Are Building Bridges Of Hope, Cooperation And Gratitude!

Friday, July 25, 2008

We Are For World Change

We Are For World Change
by Reverend Miss Mellie Rainbow
Inspired by the Children and Counselors
of Henry Street Settlement Summer Camp, Group One!

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
We are the children of hope and the mirrors of Love.
We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Let’s Change the World!

I don’t know how to help--or what I could dream.
The problems are big. Do you know what I mean?

Global Warming and wars, with no food to share.
Earth equals Heart. Can we please learn to care?

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
We are the children of hope and the mirrors of Love.
We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Let’s Change the World!

Violence is never right. We’ve got to help make it end
Let’s open our hearts and learn to be friends.

We are the children of hope, and mirrors of love.
We represent the NEW DAY
And with the new day, we bring a new way……

We are asking our parents, our teachers
our artists, musicians and friends
our leaders, our scholars, and our diplomats
----the list never ends.

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Food, Healthcare, Education and Housing for ALL.
Peace, Understanding, Compassion and Love.

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Let’s Change the World!

We are the children of hope and the mirrors of Love.
We represent the NEW DAY
And with the new day, We Bring A New Way……
Peace, Sharing, Understanding, Compassion, and Love.

Let’s Change the WORLD!
We Are the Children of Hope and the Mirrors of Love.

What Can Children Do To Help Change The World?

Ask parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters and friends to help.

Have bake sales or lemonade sales to raise money to help people who are sick,
poor or homeless.


Walk with an open heart.

Be kind to each other even if someone is different.

Donate food.

Learn and teach other people about global warming.

Recycle to help save our Earth.

Write poems or stories and draw pictures that show how to help others.

Share toys.

Be hopeful.

Become diplomats, and talk about Peace, Sharing, Understanding,
Compassion, and Love.

Be a Mirror of Love!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On Becoming A Minister

Dear Universal Family & Friends,

Thank you, ALL of YOU for your continuing kindness and your support!
I will graduate from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary at 4pm on June 22, 2008. And I would be honored if you are able,---- please attend in person, or in Spirit.

As many of you know, after traveling from Pittsburgh to Santa Fe , Phoenix, and back to New York City, I have finally found my calling----I, Melony McGant am Betty J. Tilman's daughter and ----"service is the rent for my space on Earth"...

Luddy Hayden, an old family friend, told me in 1999 that I "just needed to become a Minister". I remember telling him all the reasons why I could not, and would not in this lifetime ever consider that choice. Ha, Ha, Ha--- Our Blessed Divine Spirit had a another plan for me.

Since coming to NYC in the Spring of 1999, I have been blessed to write and publish; to travel and act as an assistant to the legendary Katherine Dunham; to work as director of marketing for Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions, and to become a professional storyteller with a passion for children .

Through my journeys, I have been led by, and inspired by a Universal Force that some call Divine Creator and others call Allah, and others call Yaweh, or Jehovah or God. This calling has truly inspired me to continue to assist others, to live life with joy, and to believe that we can collectively create a world that works for all.

Please print this invitation, and bring it with you as my personal guest. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you!

With Love, Gratitude and Respect, Melony

Melony McGant----
P.O. Box 230103
New York, NY 10023

The Faculty and Board of Directors of

One Spirit Interfaith Seminary

request the honor of your presence for the

Commencement Ceremony of

The Class of 2008

Sunday, June, 22, 2008

4 o'clock p.m.

The Riverside Church

490 Riverside Church Drive (at 120th Street)

New York City, NY

Congratulations Mellie

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Doves for Dunham on 22 June 2008

<strong>Doves for Dunham

5:30pm Sunday, June 22, 2008
Come Hug Your History.....
And Salute the Extraordinary Life
of Miss Katherine Dunham on her birthday
Outside Symphony Space Theatre
at 95th & Broadway in New York City.

Please join Dr. Glory Van Scott, other Dunham Dancers,
musicians, and friends as we honor the memory of this
legendary Icon by flying
99 Doves in Miss Dunham's honor
on her birthday (22 June).

Invite Friends, No Charge

For More Information Call (212) 712-6559

An Interview with the Legendary Miss Katherine Dunham

Katherine Dunham Speaks Out on Dunham Technique, Today's World Leaders, Violence and Hope

By Melony McGant This article appears at

Anthropologist, choreographer, writer and humanitarian Katherine Dunham has been called a visionary, a pioneer and a living legend. She has been a major force in dance, and is best known for incorporating African American, Carribean, African, and South American movement style themes into her ballets. She has appeared in more than 57 countries around globe, received recognition from Unesco, as well as heads of state, and is the recipient of hundreds of awards and honorary doctorates including the U.S. Presidential Award, Kennedy Center Honors, the Albert Schweitzer Award and the Essence Magazine Awards. In this interview with Melony McGant, Miss Dunham shares her heart, and hopes for a world of peace, as she passes us the baton.

It's been said that the Dunham Technique has strong implications and affiliations to the "other world."
I feel that to know Dunham Technique you have to be willing to accept the holistic view of life. That is the body, mind and spirit work together. They don't work separately from each other. They grow together and unite. You have to be aware that these things do not operate alone, they operate together. So when you are deeply into Dunham Technique and are performing the choreography or are teaching, or learning, then all of those parts of your body begin to sing. And they begin to sing not in solo voices but in unison. It's like striking a wonderful chord and the response from the person who is receiving is so great that the teacher grows from it too.
You can not be a teacher of Dunham Technique without receiving back from the pupil or the person that you teach.

Sometimes the student could get lost out there in their own meditation and become ecstatic . How can a teacher know when to bring them back?
By identification. By being able to identify with others. The good teacher is so sensitive, so willing to know and love, and be a part of ... The open minded student feels that. It's like the audience. The audience wouldn't be there if they didn't want to be there. The minute you step on to the stage you have to feel their awareness and willingness and gather it into your whole being. Every move that you make goes out with love and with an understanding of body, mind and spirit being united into one feeling, being, one "itness," so that you are a successful performer and your audience is able to receive with an open self.

How can a teacher help a student understand that?
I'd say don't talk about it. Just be it. Do it and be it. A lot of teachers try to explain. There's a little explanation, maybe. If you help your student eat the right thing, breath the right thing, feel the right thing, be aware of good things. It can help ... For instance, you might suggest that your student attend a concert that will immediately fit into their needs. Knowing the needs of other people is one of the hard things about BEING.

I don't say to a student don't do this or don't do that. I just try to show them. You know what was so wonderful about Erich Fromm ... He'd ask me questions instead of telling me how to be over my malaise or unhappiness or whatever it was, he'd ask me questions that would lead me to the Balm and Gilead for me. And that I think is what a good friend or a true psychoanalyst, a truly worthy element in your life does ... It is to guide you through love.

How do you feel about what's happening in the world"?
What's happening in the world today is very, very hard on me. It is so awful, so terrible, so painful and so many people suffering. It's a fact. It's here with us. It's ridiculous to think that your government is going to ease your pain. As I look at it I say ... For God's sake I say don't go and kill to compensate for killing.

This is a hard question for me to ask. Do you have any anger about anything?
Anger. Oh yes, that's a part of activism. If I do not approve of what you are doing, then I will do everything I can to stop it. I will bring all of my strength to stop it. I am not in agreement, I am not in accord ... I am angry at what is happening in this world today. I wouldn't be me if I tried to suppress that anger, I'd be false ... hypocritical. I don't have to put it on anyone else. You don't have to be angry with me if that's not the way you feel. But above all don't try to stop me from being angry.

If you were speaking to our world leaders, what would you say?
Well to most of them I would say: "You do not belong in a position of leadership. You have not overcome self. You don't really love humanity, yourself included. You are not a leader. Stop and look at it and study it, realize it and change it. Change yourself or step aside and help someone else take the position that you feel you are fulfilling but you're not." And I'd say: "Stop and think and don't try to put aside, or shut your eyes to those things that are showing you where you've made mistakes. Open your heart to these things inside and help. Be sure that your every breath, every thought, every movement, every deed is being helpful to someone or something. Be sure that you are honest and true."

How do you feel about this violence?
It should have no place in human living.

Are all religions the same? Not the dogma, but the spirit?
I think that intellectually they sound as though they are the same. Intellectually they all say we believe in our God. We want to do what that one God says do but we see errors that are committed because between God and action comes man. And man is by no means perfect creature.

And the United States?
The United States is a great big hypocrite bully. Our God has chosen to give us ... .a means of conquering ... but when you are power driven, you are bound to turn to destruction and violence.

What do you want to tell my generation and the children ... those who come after. What should we be doing?
You should be aware. And of course always be forgiving. You can judge but I don't feel that we have within us the right to hold forth any blessings. God does that. And I would say be aware and be giving. Know how to take, how to receive and how to give. Be sure that both are operating always in your life.

If you feel strongly about a cause, don't push it on people but be willing to defend it when it is necessary. Just one word, that one word love is strongest. Know all the different phases of love and have them all in your life. And be able to live with them.

Could you give me a couple of examples of love that you were thinking of ?
Well, you certainly have to know self-love.... belief in yourself and a love of yourself. Be kind and gentle with yourself and everything else. Try to avoid, and succeed in avoiding injury to others. Live life with kindness and live life with love.

Is there any hope?
I feel that this present civilization is just about over. I feel that there is a hope in some people, elements, I won't say remnants ... things that are still there, that they can manage to be together after a period of rest and growth. And choose to grow in the sunshine of hope and love. Yes then there is hope for another civilization on this earth. Of course there is always a chance that out in the universe there are some other earths that could come and smash this one into nothing.

I see no reason why there shouldn't be another chance for man because he is a creature of God but I'm not counting on it. I'm counting on trying to help save and give hope to those whose eyes are open now and who are suffering.

Is there anything that I can personally do for you? Or anything that I personally need to know ?
I think that you are one of the people who has the fabric of knowledge and I think that you should develop it and continue on your mission of nurturing love and furthering love and that you must spend a little more time protecting yourself. You can't afford to be hyper-sensitive, put it that way. You have to find different ways to help you to be stronger everyday. And be stronger and wiser. You need strength and you need wisdom.

And you've helped so much ... just the fact that you are there. And I know that you are there. And that I know you are an honest person working towards the same end, that's great.

Thank you, you honor me.
And don't be embarrassed by tears ...

I gathered my things and thanked Ms. Dunham again and gave her a big hug.
Melony McGant

Miss Dunham Ascended and joined the Ancestors on May 21, 2006

Monday, May 26, 2008

A Visioning Meditation on the Next President

Thoughts on the Honorable Barack Obama

I do believe that the Honorable BARACK OBAMA will be the next President of OUR United States. Let's hold that vision and see it manifesting! And as we see President Obama, then now lets begin to address some of the real concerns that are facing us as Americans and as Global Citizens.

We have big issues on our plates right now.----An estimated 100 thousand are dead or missing in Burma after the recent Cyclone Nargis, In China and Chili there reported earthquakes with more tremendous devestation. In Iraq we are bombing into civilian zones and killing pregnant women and children.

Here in New York City we've got the Sean Bell UNJUST Verdict---in Philadelphia we've got ten police on camera kicking and beating 3 suspects. We've got the Israeli and Palestinian conflict/Dafur/ Tibetan rights vs China and an Unemployment/Recession/Economic crisis.

We've got children in sub-standard schools that lack creativity and we are warehousing our seniors. We've got a new group of disabled War Veterans with no jobs/places to live or adequate community support. ----Oh and of course a penal system that doesn't reform and a health system that isn't working. What we have now is a system and a world that is NOT WORKING FOR ALL. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the work we have to do.

The truth is ---WE NEED TO SEND A STRONG MESSAGE to OUR NEXT President so that he becomes clearer on our collective concerns.

Fundraising is the reality in political campaigns--- but what do we do about the starving children/people in the world? How do we readily acknowledge our differences with compassion and respect for eachother?

Alice Walker and many others have said----WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Thank You for reading.

Please someone share these thoughts with our hopefully President-Elect Barack Obama as we vision him taking up residence on Pennsylvania Avenue!

With Respect/Appreciation/And LOVE! Miss Mellie Rainbow aka Melony McGant

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Who I am? BIO of Melony McGant aka Miss Mellie Rainbow

Friday, May 16, 2008

Miss Mellie Rainbow's Love Alphabet(in Video Vesion)

Please watch

And thanks for taking time

More videos will follow

Saturday, May 3, 2008




TO BE CONTUNED WITH MORE VIDEOS ................................

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Needing MORE

A Spring Note from Miss Mellie Rainbow...

Celebrate Global Love Day May 1, 2008
with me at Hue-man Bookstore in NYC from 3pm -5pm

My Beloveds,
Angels sang to me this morning and awakened me from a lovely slumber.
Today I pray for each beautiful sentient being throughout the Universe.
I visualize us enveloped in a world of peace, with equanimity, and joy.

Still, my heart cries at our need for violence,
at our rationale for killing, at our thoughts of the inevitability of war,
and economic collapse.
Painfully I address the lack of opportunity,
literacy and safety for those in the United States ,
and extend my thoughts globally.

There is no reason or need for poverty of mind, body or spirit
---other than the desire for a few to have MORE.

More money, more land, more stocks, more fun in the Alps ---MORE.

Though I am grateful for each of my blessings,
today I too am asking for MORE.

My more is in direct relation to a desire for equity for all people,
the sustainability of our Earth, and the healing of all disease.

My more is hope, joy, compassion, and understanding.
My more is a world filled with conscience intention and love.
My more is a request to ask that we honor our seniors,
share them with our precious children
and provide them with the best of ourselves.

MORE. My more is a dream of humility,
respect and diplomacy as we learn to interact with eachother heart to heart.

MORE. My more is for us to vision and create
a world of cooperation where we allow others
the dignity of returning to their homelands
instead of creating political obstacles to peace.

Yes today my heart sings a melody of more
---more understanding, more compassion,
more willingness to share the fruits of our labor.
I believe our potential of greatness.
I believe in a society that says right NOW
---let’s redefine our commitment to eachother.

Please, let us remember the voice of the Great Spirit.
Let us ask more of ourselves as we meet eachother in Grace,
and walk side by side, heart to heart.

Let us have more listening, more kindness,
more truth, more hope and more faith
as we embrace the Divine in each of us.
This Is My Request of MORE!

Miss Mellie Rainbow
aka Melony McGant

Friday, March 21, 2008

Please Share/Debate/Denzel

Dear Mr. Denzel Washington,

I ended 2007 by seeing the movie The Great Debaters. Please know that I believe you are a profound director/actor/human being.You are walking as a being of Divine Grace. I was so touched by the truly beautiful lesson of hope, faith and perseverance that I decided to take a young friend from Jordan to see the movie. For me it was a re-membering of a past life--- a pathway, and a road that my earthly anscestors had taken. It was the reason that I desired we find a place to hold and cherish eachother with One Heart.

I cried during The Great Debators---big crocodile tears. I cried tears of horror and shame at a public lynching for a crime unknown. I cried tears of hope for sharecroppers working together regardless of the color of their skin. I cried for the bravery, and brilliance of James Farmer Sr. and Melvin B. Tolson who both stood as a testament of excellence, faith and hope in the days of Jim Crow. I honored and respected their wives for their brilliance and the support of their husbands; as well as the love they transmitted to all. These women were the glue that created chapels of hope. It was these women who opened their hearts, and nurtured all who passed through their homes.

I honored and respected the students, and journeyed with them in hope, in despair and fear---still somehow believing that all were one. I saluted Howard, Fisk, the school in Oaklahoma, and Harvard University for promoting education as the right of every citizen.

I was reminded that some of today’s children have forgotten our history and don’t understand the importance of pursuing excellence. My heart was heavy but joyful, because I realized we are living in a time where truly we do have a potential opportunity to look beyond race or class into one’s heart. But still, the truth is, we are not there yet.

I then asked my young Jordanian friend---born of Palestinian parents and living in a land where even though her birthplace was Jordan, all of Palestinian ancestry are considered second class citizens. I asked her if there was anything in the Great Debators that touched her heart. She was quiet for a moment, and her eyes swelled with tears. “Yes”, she said. “You know that man hanging from the tree”, her voice faltered. “That is what the Israelis did to my grandfather.”

I stood for a moment, shocked by the revelation. My heart was filled with compassion for she too knew the pain of separation in a very real way.

Herstory/ mystory / yourstory/ ourstory------ in Gaza/ in Rwanda / in the Congo /in Kenya / in Tibet / in China / in Harlem / in Chicago / in LA / in Caracas / in Port Au Prince /in Buenos Aires / in London--- in every place throughout the world--- in our heads and in our hearts, we are challenged to stop promoting and creating poverty and fear based societies.

When will we see our differences as a field of beautiful flowers? This is my question? When will there be equity, and equanimity?

Right now, as I release my shame at our anger/our fear/ and our violence towards each other, there is nothing left in my heart but love, hope and a desire for compassion and understanding.

In my minds eye, I vision a world beyond war, and poverty-- a world that lovingly supports, and accepts the greatness of each being.

I thank everyone involved with the movie The Great Debaters for helping me explore the depths of my ancestoral pain, my personal courage, my hope, and my faith!

With Appreciation,

Melony McGant

Friday, March 14, 2008

Struggling With Duality


Many of us laugh,
as we cry tears of joy.
Many of us laugh as we cry tears of despair.
This duality is puzzling to me.
Do you understand duality?
As I attempt to understand,
sometimes I feel as if my heart is broken
only to be mended together by thoughts of LOVE.
Universal LOVE.

How can we look into the eyes of our children
and not want to create Universal LOVE???

Often I imagine a new world, a better world.
Do you ever imagine a world
without fear and envy or manipulation….
a world of equity and peace?

Throughout the centuries,
many have forged a way of LOVE.
I re-member and am encouraged.

Perhaps we could join together in a Circle of LOVE.
Let us build our Rainbow Bridge
across the Earth and create ONE HEART.

Right now, in this moment,
imagine that our bridge embraces all people, all cultures.

The Sun rises feeling glorious
and travels around Earth sharing warmth and light.

The Moon smiles as she rocks us to sleep at night.

We, all of us are committed
to educating our children, honoring our seniors,
curing all disease, nurturing all people,
celebrating all cultures,
and finding new ways to heal our hearts and our planet.

We are embraced by A Singular Divine Thought.
Hands are extended. Hearts are open.
Forgiveness is asked for and given.
Knowledge is shared. Healing transpires.
LOVE is reborn. JOY is recreated.
There is nothing but LOVE.

Perhaps you too share this dream.
I imagine that you are smiling right now.

And I become more hopeful.