Saturday, June 30, 2018

Love Is Relentless!

Love Is Relentless!

Beautiful People, 

Love is relentless and determined. It can be felt across the oceans of time and existence; or through a flower that brings a sweet fragrance of joy.

Love lives in the tears of loss and suffering; and in every smile that opens a heart and offer moments of hopeful understanding.

Love lives in the minuscule and the grande; it can be heard and felt even through the roar of confusion and bring harmony and balance to any day.

Love is intuitive; travels with fluidity and answers every question; including the ones you were afraid to ask.

I Breathe Deeply Ten Times and empty my heart of judgment. 

In Love.  Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love....

Only Love offers a good answer. I walk throughout the day with Love.

I walk and Breathe with patient, relentless hope and offer Loving Respect to all!

I walk and Breathe. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love!

Because my every thought, deed and action are aligned; Love, Determined and Relentless Love brings the Gift of Balance and Harmony into the Day!

Always, Melony

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Sitting In the Silence of Love: A Tender ReMinder!

Sitting In the Silence of Love: A Tender ReMinder!

Beautiful People, 
Let us be Grateful for the opportunity to Stand With Our Loved Ones tenderly as they journey through all the Passages of Life. 

Let us offer Our Hearts in Gratitude as we listen with compassion, and respond with kindness.  

Let us hold their hands, ask for,  or offer gentle hugs of forgiveness and Love.  

Let us show up when there is sickness or sorrow and allow our Loved Ones to rest in Dignity with our Love. 

Throughout life,  let us share our gentle smiles, our laughter, and joy.  

And when there are no words...

Look deeply into the eyes of Our Loved Ones with gratitude and say Thank You by sitting in the silence with ease and an illuminated Faith. 

Then, let our hearts speak by offering only the Hope of Eternal, Everlasting Love.

And when Our Loved Ones journey beyond into the Oceans of the Divine Heart of Love...

Though we feel the loss and sorrow... 

Let us try to ReMember to Allow the Flowers of Appreciation and Pearls of Grace with Wisdom to Live Forever In Our Hearts!

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Friday, June 29, 2018

About Moral Ambiguity...

About Moral Ambiguity...

Hello Beautiful People, 

Some of us like to prove that we are smarter, have more or know more.  

We consider ourselves successful by the cars we drive, the size of our homes, the size of our bank accounts or job titles.  

All these things are are Morally Ambiguous when Children and Families have little or no food, Inadequate Healthcare and No Viable Educational or Economic Opportunities for Growth. 

And yet, In the Heart of Our Blessed Divine Creator, YOU Are the Beloved!  

Most important in our lives is our willingness to create a World where All Our Children are well educated, safe, nurtured, and loved.   

When We Honor and Respect Our Elders and Eachother, then our resources become Gifts used to strengthen communities with compassion, integrity, kindness and cooperation and collective prosperity. 

With Clarity, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Four Times.   

If we are to truly prosper and live without fear, then we must come to understand that hate, greed and selfishness are poisons that destroy hearts.  

Again, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Four Times.  

Today Say to Yourself. ..

I am learning to walk as a Vessel of Hope and Share My Gifts.

I am willing to Be the Peace and Live in Peace! 

I am willing to Build Bridges of Compassion and Cooperation with Integrity so that the World around me may prosper as we come to Know, Be and Share Love!

I join many other citizens and demand that our legislators sincerely work together to provide good opportunity, quality education, housing and equitable healthcare, an end to gerrymandering with stronger voting rights and fair immigration policy with a clear path of citizenship with justice for All!  

There is No Room for Moral Ambiguity!  

Right Thoughts, Words and Actions of Truth Must Be Spoken and Lived with the Understanding that the UNITED STATES Constitution Says....

 "By the People,  For the People and Of the People"! 

This Is the Supposed Guarantee for All Citizens! 

Stand Strong on Moral Ground with Integrity!

Please Re-Member... Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

And So It Is With Love! 

Always, Melony

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Gratitude Is My Cloak!

Gratitude Is My Cloak! 

Beautiful People,

Gratitude Is My Cloak!

It is woven in with threads of courage, faith, hope, compassion, peace, deep listening, appreciation, good purpose, discernment, integrity, mercy,  healing, patience, respect, forgiveness, and Love. 

I wear it with humility,  joy and Love as I move in and out of daily challenges with tender care and the support of  Blessed Eternity!

What Cloak Do You Wear?

Always, Melony

Journey of Faith: Whispers of Love!

Journey of Faith: Whispers of Love!

Beautiful People,

Beyond knowledge is the Hope that my Faith is strong enough to face the feared and unknown. "How will I walk?",  I ask myself. 

I clear my mind, sit in the quiet and Breathe Deeply Ten Times. 
I Breathe In Love. I Exhale Fear.

The answer comes from the whispers of my heart. 

"First you must have the strength and courage to Trust. Then as Truth is revealed, you must face your fears and offer Kindness even to the one you perceive as your enemy. When you are able to transform your hate into Love with forgiveness, then you will grow in understanding." 

I Listen Deeply to the Whispers In My Heart. 

I Breathe In Love. I Exhale Love. 
I Breathe In Love. I Exhale Love. 
I Breathe In Love. I Exhale Love.

Every change or answer we seek can be found in our ability to give up control and walk the path of the unknowing. 

It is always through the Journey of Faith that we come to know Everlasting LOVE.

Again Ten Times Deeply I Breathe In Love. With Each Breath, I Exhale Love.

As I move forward, I will re-member to Listen with Care and Compassion as I Honor and Embrace the Whispers of Love In My Heart. 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

Always, Melony

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Impossible Becomes Probable Only through Love!

The Impossible Becomes Probable Only through Love!

Beautiful People, 

I'm Convinced that Love Is the Greatest Gift and the Most Powerful Energy of Every Galaxy throughout the MultiVerse.

The Impossible Becomes Probable Only through Love.

Miracles Manifest with Nurturing, Patience and Love.

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

I Am Willing to Walk with Integrity and Offer My Best Self with Compassion, Creativity, Kindness and A Loving Heart.

Without Doubt, I Know that the Impossible Becomes Probable through Love.

Today, with Gratitude, I Ask to Be Love Manifesting In All I Say and Do.

This Is My Prayer.

Always, Melony

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: Don't Give Up! Let Us Stand Up for Good!

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: Don't Give Up!  Let Us Stand Up for Good!  

#AndrewGoodmanFoundation #PoorPeoplesCampaign2018 

Beautiful People, 

Today,  Let Us Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.   

As we reflect on the World around us, it is evident that many people are choosing their fears.  

I Urge You to Rise Above Fear and Choose Integrity, Hope, Kindness and Love.  

Be a Nurturer of Good Purpose.  

Embrace Good Dreams for Yourself and Humanity. 

Yes, these are challenging, times and it appears that hate is winning.   

Hate Will Never Win if We Will Stand Up For Equity, Equanimity, Equality and Love for All People.

Now Is the Time for Us to Take Consistent Nonviolent Loving Actions and Raise Our Voices.  

Don't Give Up. Stand Up!

If You Believe in Better Education and Safe Communities for Our Children,  Stand Up. 

If You Believe that Discrimination Against Others Is Wrong, Stand Up.  

If You Believe in Supporting Those in Need, Creating Jobs, and Prosperity for All, Stand Up.

If You Believe in the Power of the VOTE and Know that Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Is Wrong, Stand Up!

If You Believe in Immigration Reform and a Clear Path to Citizenship, Stand Up.

 If You Believe in Justice and in Positive Prison Reform, Stand Up.  

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

We Are Artists, Activists, Teachers, Diplomats, Bus Drivers, Doctors and Nurses, Police and Peacemakers, Construction Workers, Customer Service Reps, Secretaries, Garbage
Sanitation Workers, Homemakers, Geologists,  Physicists, Celebrities, Clergy,  Landscapers, Corporate Leaders, Caretakers, Producers, Politicians, Business Owners and Government Workers. 

We Are Good People Everywhere. 

Let Us Stand Up.  Let Us Raise Our Voices.  

Let Us Vote, Filibuster, Sit In, March Peacefully, Write, Perform, Sing and Work Together with Good Purpose for Good Dreams and Good Change! 

Stand Up and Stand Strong!  

Please Re-Member... Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

Stand Up and Stand Strong!

Always, Melony

Sunday, June 24, 2018

For Every Soul Spirit...

For Every Soul Spirit... 

Beautiful People, 

Today, clear your minds and your hearts. 
Think and Feel Only Love.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times... 
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love....

Though some of you 
try not to think of US
or feel our energy,
like an arrow the very thought 
of Potential Oneness
always creates a bullseye of Love in Our OneHeart;

Much like thousands of eons ago when the MultiVerse 
was being created and All were Spirits of Light learning to Love. 

So many Spirits came separately to Earth and sometimes 
were seduced by the Power of Darkness. 

Some found each other as Warriors from different lands;
vowing to conquer;
forgetting memory of a Divine Purpose. 

Each time you partially Awakened throughout the ages of Time;

from the Stars and Heavens, 
throughout every known or 
unknown Galaxy...

We Called for You.
We Sang and Danced for You.

We Prayed for You.

Was there ever a right time? 
You have lost us; and found us
again and again---lifetime after lifetime.

Still so many were caught up
in cycles of mire and material illusion. 

Some of you grew
to doubt our sincerity, 
and looked everywhere but Within
for the purity of your hearts,
which once you gave freely,
and now, do not admit to Re-Membering. 

We Are Forever ONE,
fully Awakened and Re-born
in the Creator's Love. 

We Are Forever ONE,
bound only by Heaven.

We offer our courage, devotion,
humility, and compassion.

We imagine that ALL honor
the melody of Eternity
and dance the Soul's Dance. 

Do you know that the Memory
of Divine Essence lives in you still? 

One Day we will meet again,
with respect for All Loving Creations 
without the need for fear or greed; 

And in your Loving Innocence,
All Will Re-Member
the Creator's Song!

Until then, We Thank ALL
Who Have Awakened.

We Ask Each of You
to Have the Courage,
and to live always with 
Grace & Divine Purpose.

We will continue to send the 
Healing Vibrations of Lights 
filled with Compassion, Hope, 
Integrity, Faith and Love.

Re-Member, We Are ONE 
Only In LOVE!

Ashe! Namaste! Ubuntu! 

Always, Melony

Friday, June 22, 2018

Though Duality Exists, Our Good Potential Will Prosper!

Though Duality Exists, Our Good Potential Will Prosper!

Beautiful People, 

In deep reflection, I must face no one but Myself.  All violent thoughts and actions, envy, greed, hate or guns and wars to said to bring Peace are based in evil. 
Duality Exists.  Evil exists but over time, though it may be eons; ultimately Our Good Potential Will Prosper.

No matter what goes on in the World, I have a responsibility to live with humility in the Truth inspired by Love.

Only then through the Creator's Blessing of Love am I able to see the Earth, the Sky, the Oceans, the Dolphins and Trees, and Birds, and Flowers and All Sentients as purposeful and interconnected in Love.

As I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times in many intervals, I feel Hope in a World where much of Humanity is fearfully Awakening and struggling to restore itself through Love.

I Breathe in Gratitude for the Awakening of Truth Discovered when I face Myself by looking in the Mirror of all those around me. 
Seeing the need for compassion, forgiveness, integrity, kindness, mutual cooperation mercy and Love, I Look into the Heart of Eternity.  We Are One In Love.

In the circle of our Eternal Existence, beyond current evil acts of envy, greed hate, mis-understanding, violence and war...Love Exists Into Eternity. 

Yes, duality exists but ultimately Our Good Potential continues to prosper through our every Loving Action.

I commit to  walk with courage, fortitude, hope and patience.  I will do my best to live with Loving actions and thoughts of Peace and Prosperity for All.

In Deep Reflection and Prayer, I offer Gratitude, embrace Eternity, and ReMember that Love Is the Most Powerful Energy of Every UniVerse!! 

It is through our Collective Commitment to live beyond duality as Beings of Love, that Our EarthHeart, and Seven Generations of Children yet unborn will Peacefully Prosper with Joy and Love!

I Breathe Deeply and Re-Member... 
I Am a Being of Love!  You Are A Being of Love!  We Are One In Love!

Always, Melony...
Love Visionary
Believer in Compassion and Hope 
Interfaith Minister
Spiritual Coach

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Solstice Meditation: Just Listen. I Love You.

A Solstice Meditation: 
Just Listen. I Love You.

Beautiful People,

Take A Moment To Still Yourself.
Breathe Slowly In and Out Ten Times.

Now listen to the Voice of Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

"I believe in you and value you. I saw you as Stardust. I know your goodness. I know your fear of Light and of Love. I know of your selfish ways for they have long saddened me. I Forgive You.

Peace Is Possible! 
Just Listen. 
I Love You. 

Hear me through the birds chirping, the wind whistling through trees and the ocean's roar.

Breathe deeply and smell me in the honey suckle and cherry blossoms. 

Taste me in the avocado, the apple, the blueberry, the carrot, the ginger and turnips. Look at me in the Sky.

Remember it is I who share the magnificent moon, the glistening stars and the ebullient sun with you. 

The Land is not yours to fight over. 
It is Mine!  All Is Mine.  I share it with you in Love.

Find your way back to Love. 

Just Listen.I Forgive You. I Love You!"

Again, Breathe Slowly in and out Ten Times. 

Listen to the Voice of Voice of the Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

"Peace Is Possible! Just Listen. Stop Fighting. I Love You. 

Feel me in your hearts through your acts of Compassion, Cooperation, Humility and Integrity.
Find Your Way Back to Me.
Find Your Way Back to Love.

Re-Member...Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose,  Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patienxe, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Peace Is Possible! Just Listen. Stop Fighting. 

I Forgive You. I Love YOU!" 

Says the Voice of Voice of Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

Always, Melony

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Do More Good!

 Do More Good!

Beautiful People,

If we want to solve interpersonal, community or world problems and see good results, we've got to do more, graciously with humility and Love.

We've got to believe that good things will happen. Sometimes we have to do more and more so that others too are inspired to believe and do more good. 

In other words, Embrace the Genius within YOU and Celebrate the Genius In Others!  

We've got to reach out to people who are different than us and listen, Really Listen and try to understand their perspectives.  

We've got to share our stories and allow time and space to build bridges of compassion, healing and forgiveness.

And when we think we've done all the good we can, there are days that we simply have to embrace our good hopes/dreams and do one more good thing with Love! 

Therein lies the Power of Divine Grace! 

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  In Loving Courage.  Out Good.  In Loving Courage.  Out Good.  In Loving Courage.  Out Good....

Today, let's embrace our good dreams and do all the good we think we can.  

And then, let's try to each take it a step further and Do One More Good Thing With Love!

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Miss Mellie Rainbow's Love Alphabet!

Miss Mellie Rainbow's Love Alphabet! 

A-- Always Love YOU because when you Love yourself, you have more Love to share.

B-- Be who you are, not who someone wants you to be.

C-- Care for yourself and care enough to care for others.

D-- Breathe Deeply and Believe in the Divinity within you, and every other sentient being.

E--Experience the Ecstasy of life!

F-- Forgive others but don’t forget to forgive Yourself.

G --Always offer Gratitude.  Remember your genius and be gentle, genuine and generous with your Love.

H-- Hope will allow you to Have an Open Heart. 

I-- Be your own Inspiration.  Live with integrity and illuminate the heavens.

J -- Look for JOY within you.

K-- Be Kind to all kindred spirits.

L-- Like yourself, laugh often, and live life with leisure!

M-- It’s okay to be Marvelous! Manifest your dreams and create loving memories.

N-- Be Noble, and know that as you face the nemesis within, you will be victorious!

O-- Your heart has an Ocean of Melodies waiting to be sung.

P-- Preserve and paint your heart with precious positive memories. Believe that Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy and Love!

Q-- Take time for Quietude, and be open to quantum quality in your heart.

R-- Re-Member to receive Love with appreciation, and joy.

S -- Search your Soul, find the Love within, and remember your greatness!

T-- Be Tender with your thank yous.

U-- Be Universal.  Seek Understanding. Know that MotherFatherGod is within you!

V-- Be Vibrant, and know that you have value, and are worthy to Love, and be Loved!

W,X,Y,Z Wealth is the warmth, and giving spirit of your heart.  Xanadu, a place of great beauty, and contentment is YOU!  So be Zany with your Love, and zealous in living your life!

Always, Melony