Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Prayer of Re- Membering!

Prayer of Re- Membering!


Today I Pray for Strength, Courage, and Hope.

I Breathe Deeply 8 Times Times.
In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope. 
In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope. 
In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope. 
In Love.  Out Hope.  In Love.  Out Hope. 

I release my fear. 
I speak the Truth.

I Honor My Hopeful Ancestors. 

I nurture my children, my family and my community. 

I believe in economic empowerment.

I walk as a leader, a diplomat & a visionary.

I look at my brothers & sisters, some lost, and open my arms to show the way. 

Together we stand in the reflection pool of our Ancestors.

We  join them in Hope and Celebration of the ongoing journey to Re-Membering LOVE…

With Gratitude, I Breathe!
In Love. Out Hope. In Love. Out Hope. 

Yes, Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Always, Melony

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Big News...Melony's Retirement!

Big News...Melony's Retirement!

Honoring Cousins!

First let me say Thank You!  Your smiles, your laughter and congratulatory cards, notes and gifts have brought me to tears several times.

I Am So Grateful for Your Consideration.  After 8 Years at the New York State Department of Labor where I was given the opportunity to assist thousands of people on their life journeys, I am retiring and moving on to the Next Chapter of My Life!  

And Now What Will I Do?  I will follow my heart, write, meditate, learn, grow, travel, speak, conduct workshops, publish books, assist in the Awakening and Healing of Our Collective with Love and Do What Divine Spirit Guides Me to Do!

One thing I have learned is that no matter our culture, race, religion, political perspective or where we are in the World, We Are All Cousins.

Granted some are beloved cousins that make us laugh and not take ourselves to seriously.  Others cousins who have been around longer than I have showed me the ropes, offered advice and support.   

Some cousins raise their voices to make a point.  Others cousins point out details that can help us grow.

Some cousins have held my hand and offered hugs in both difficult and joyful moments.  Some cousins have decided not to speak to keep the peace.  

With some cousins I have been able to support and share.  Other cousins act like I was never there. And other cousins sing and act cheery in the mornings with me!

Some cousins are quiet but always open doors and their hearts.  I see them at the bodega the grocery store, the post office and the park.   

In my neighborhood of the World, with cousins, I shared ideas of Compassion and Love that some people thought were bananas.  At times I thought other cousins were driving me bananas!    

Some cousins I see on buses, trains or planes.  Some cousins call, send cards or write letters.  Others cousins across the World I see or read about in the paper, or on the Computer and TV.

And Because of All the Cousins, I Have Learned More Humility and Lived with Gratitude.  

Thank YOU!  I Appreciate YOU!                              

Always, Melony

Peace Is Possible through Creativity, Courage, Compassion, Cooperation, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Magnificent Garden of Love!

The Magnificent Garden of Love!

Share with Your Children!!  This Story needs an Illustrator and a Choreographer!

My Beloveds….

Once upon a time there was a special garden filled with trees and flowers. During the spring and summer ALL creations blossomed and blossomed. During the fall they tired and began to rest. By winter they slept soundly and together awaited their awakening in the spring.

There is no way to describe this garden other than to say that with each passing of ALL the seasons, this garden became more beautiful and more magnificent.

Together all the trees and flowers were ONE. All felt a collective joy in the Magnificent Garden Of LOVE. This was the desire of our DIVINE One and this was the way it was when time was infinite.

But then one spring something strange happened. An oak tree awoke too soon. He began to feel as if he were alone. He became very angry at the trees and flowers that still slept. And so as others awakened, he watched but he did not greet them. 

This oak tree began to think of himself as better, bigger and separate. By summer when ALL was in full bloom and the garden became magnificent he said in a very loud voice, "I am bigger and stronger than all of you. Look carefully at my leaves blowing in the wind for I am the true beauty of this garden."

And ALL were amazed and curious. Imagine, it was the first time they realized that they were not the same. For a moment it was quiet and then came the rustling of a rose bush. She said, " I am red and more beautiful!"

A sunflower replied, "Yes, but I am yellow with a brown center and my petals are pristine."

Then a pear tree spoke, "I am tall with green leaves and I bear sweet fruit!"

Not to be outdone, the cherry tree whistled in the wind, "How can you be sweeter than me? I have thousands of beautiful cherries that can be eaten!" 

This conversation went on and on throughout the Magnificent Garden Of LOVE. And so Separation began.

Our DIVINE One became unhappy and sent away the sun and the wind and the water and the moon and the stars. All the flowers and trees went into a deep sleep. They slept for years and years and while they slept, our DIVINE One spoke many times and explained that ALL Were The Same Magnificent Garden Of LOVE.

After a very long time, the sun and the wind and the water and the moon and the stars returned. Then one sunny spring day just as before, the oak tree awoke. He realized that he was first but this time in a joyful voice he called out to his brothers and sisters. 

And then one by one the trees and flowers awoke and felt collective joy. Once again, they All became A Magnificent Garden Of LOVE.
It is important for us to remember that we are no different than the flowers and trees. Before we are born, a special seed is placed within our bodies. This seed is so precious and so infinitely beautiful that it twinkles like a star. We call this seed a heart and through this heart we are able to express joy.

Sometimes this joy feels like the warmth of the sun together with a gentle wind that caresses our bodies. And when this sun and wind are nurtured with water, this seed grows and blossoms. Many different people are created.

We call this nurturing LOVE.  Over time we have felt this LOVE and learned that it was safe. So safe that like the flowers and trees, we have grown and grown, and blossomed and blossomed.

Our hearts are simply particles of our DIVINE Heart. Together with other sentient beings, we too have the Ability to Become A Magnificent Garden Of LOVE that encompasses this planet we call Earth. 

Please let US remember to nurture and support and Love eachother.  

Let Us Re-member that though We All Are Special and Unique, We Are ONE In Love! 

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of  Love!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Your Great Destiny!

Your Great Destiny!


Take a Moment to Still Your Mind. 

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.  

As you ponder your next good steps, feel the tears of unknowing in your heart. 

Within each teardrop resides a longing for compassion; a desire to be heard; a hope to understand and to be understood. 

Like rain, our tears can serve to nurture and cleanse our hearts, as the pain of a dis-appointment or fear washes away through Courage, Forgiveness, Hope and Integrity with Love! 

Now Open Your Heart and Vision Your Great Destiny! 

Love gives us the clarity, energy and Faith to commit to a Life of Service, to honor our Good Dreams; and the Courage to take another step into our Unknown Great Destiny! 

Again, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Listen Deeply to Your Melodious Heartsong of Love.  Allow Grace to Move Through You!

Now with Gratitude, Take a Step Into Your Great Loving Destiny! 

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Creativity, Courage, Compassion, Cooperation, Forgiveness, Hope , Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Embracing Change!

Embracing Change!

When all that I do leaves me depleted, I Breathe Deeply and ask to be open to change how I do what I do.  

I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.   In this way I clear my mind of old habits.  

Today I Embrace and Honor Change as an opportunity to Renew and Regenerate, so that I am more effective in my work and my life.  

I ask to do more in Harmony and Balance with my heart.

I Am Grateful for the Changes that Allow Me to Grow and Prosper In Love!

Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Courage, Creativity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Being Thankful...

Being Thankful... 


What do we have to be thankful for? 
When we are alive,... 
we learn to be thankful 
for every experience 
that offers us a moment 
to Awaken within our hearts. 

I invite you to join me 
as I say Thank You... 

Thank You for each moment 
of Loving Grace. 

Thank you for each 
learning opportunity which 
calls for me to expand 
and develop in deep understanding. 

Thank you for each mistake 
which has given me new wisdom. 

Thank you for showing me true 
compassion in the hearts of others, 
as I learn to meet them heart to heart. 

Thank you for my tears 
which show me the unlimited 
depth of my heart, much like 
the vastness of your Uni-Verse. 

Thank you for the disappointment 
and hard lessons that allow me to learn 
to release judgment and discover 
new gifts because I am able to 
let go of my expectations. 

Thank you for allowing me 
deep listening, as well as 
an incomprehensible space 
that leaves me with joy to share. 

Thank you for the breath of 
your Loving Grace, and your 
constant Divine Whisperings 
that resides within me 
and All Others. 

Thank you for every argument 
and world tantrum that calls 
for All of Humanity 
to let go of our 
selfishness and greed. 

Today I let go of my attachment 
to what I think I know. 

As I Awaken Within Your Heart, 
I Embrace the Unknown with 
Hope, Infinite Faith, 
Positive Thoughts 
and Appreciation 
for Each Miracle of Life! 

Always, Melony
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Hope, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Grace of Love!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! "Mitakuye Oyasin!" We Are All Related!

Happy Thanksgiving! "Mitakuye Oyasin!"
We Are All Related!

Beloveds Radiant Ones---

Today I pray to walk with compassion, humility, loving-kindness, and right words with right actions.

I remember the Lakota, a Native American Tribe that says "Mitakuye Oyasin".  We Are All Related.

I Breathe Deeply  and Exhale Slowly Four Times.

I open my Heart and Soul to honor and receive Divine Grace.
I honor the Ancients, the Ancestors and All those who have Ascended Into the Rainbow Heart of Love. 

I continue to Breathe and feel the Spirit of Love Awakening every cell within my body. 

With Humility, I Give Thanks for the Blessings and Miracles of Healing, Hope and Joy that are  manifesting on Earth and throughout the Multi-Verse as many Awaken to the Truth that lives through the Eternal Songs of Love.

Again I Breathe Deeply  and Exhale Slowly Four Times.  

I allow myself to remember and feel the Love Songs.

To Our Blessed Creator I pray and ask for the Courage and Faith to live always within the vision of Healing and Hope. 

May We Radiate Light and Joyfully Share Our Resources and the Truthful Songs of Love imprinted in Our Hearts; Dancing and Living in Every  Soul!

I Breathe Deeply, Give Thanks and Sing.

"Mitakuye Oyasin".  We Are All Related.

We Will Always Be ONE In the Rainbow Heart of Love! 
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Hope, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Grace of Love!

Always, Melony

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I Give Thanks!

I  Give Thanks! 

I Breathe Deeply Four Times and clear my mind and my heart of all my preconceived notions of how life and this day should be. 

I Give Thanks to the Master Creator for allowing me to be on this Earth. 

I  Give Thanks...

For waking up today...

For the storms that have turned me and my life upside down, and...

For the Rainbows of Hope and kindness shared by children, family, friends and the strangers who become friends.  

I Give Thanks for the Shining Sun and Brilliant Moon, with Stars and Galaxies of Love that teach me to embrace our cultural differences with Joy and Honor Elders with Loving Respect. 

I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the mistakes I have made which turned out to offer important lessons of humility and taught me to have Courage to live my dreams. 

I Breathe and feel the Spirit of Hope come Alive in my body and my heart. 

I Give Thanks to All Creations of Love and honor Love and Good Purpose within Myself.  

For All That Is Known...

For the Eternal Mystery and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through Love...  

I  Give Thanks!

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Hope,Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo by Peter Andrews

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Desire to Prosper...

A Desire to Prosper...


Some of us like to prove that we are smarter, have more or know more. We consider ourselves successful by the cars we drive, the size of our homes or our job titles.

All these things become ambiguous when there is no Love. 

Most important in our lives is our willingness to create a World where All Our Children are well educated, safe, nurtured, and Loved. 

When we honor and respect our elders and eachother, then our resources become gifts used to strengthen communities with kindness and cooperation. 

With Clarity, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Six Times. 

If we are to truly prosper and live without fear, then we must come to understand that greed and selfishness are poisons that destroys hearts. 

Again  Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Six Times. 

Let Us learn to walk as vessels of Hope; willing to build bridges of cooperation  and gratitude, so that the World around us may Prosper as we come to Know and Be Love.

Always, Melony 
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and--- the Gift of Love!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Home Is the Light and Love I Become...

Home Is the Light and Love I Become...

On my way home to Gratitude, I met
Disappointment who taught me 
that Compassion was always willing 
to Forgive with Mercy 
if I opened my heart 
with Integrity to Understanding; 
and through my every breathe and action offered Love.... 

And then I met The Peaceful Warrior who said
"When you can't look at the bright side, I  will sit with you in the dark."

Today I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

With each breath,  I allow the Grace of Love to Fill My Heart.  
Today I am able to sit comfortably with Compassion and many others in the dark. 

Together we shine a Light of Love, as we embrace disappointment with forgiveness, patience and Hope. 

Each day I open my heart with Compassion, Integrity and New Understanding. 

And Because I Am Willing to Share with Gratitude...

Even in the darkness, Home is the Light and Love I Become!

Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

We Will Sow Your Seeds of Light and Love!

We Will Sow Your Seeds of Light and Love! 

Beloved Radiant ONES,

Just as trees, flowers and all living things; we are all born from the Seeds of Light and Love.  

Even when our bodies are frail, our Hearts grow strong when nurtured with Love.

Some of us stay here for many years, share wisdom with many others, and learn great lessons.  

Others stay only a short time but their Love guides and gives us courage, strength and new purpose.  

Through them we learn what it is to be happy even when we are very sad!  

We learn to support and nurture eachother and share our special moments. 

Hopefully we learn quickly to say what is in our hearts and to Live With No Regret--- because sometimes we are asked to offer our tender goodbyes when we just became comfortable and said a loving hello! 

And Yes, it is true...

Every beautiful flower will wilt and return to the Earth. 

And strong trees may fall in a storm and die.

But the Roots of Love are Eternal and can remain and blossom in our minds and our hearts throughout All Time in the Circle of Life and Love!

Please Take a Moment,  Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

For All Those Whom We Love That Have Left This Earth, We Call Your Names, and Allow the Memory of Grace In Your Spirits to Help Us Live with Hope.

We Lovingly Call Your Names and  Re-Member Your Laughter, Your Joy, Your Wisdom, Your Precious Life Journeys, and Your Love. 

We Will Always Sow Your Seeds of Light and Love!  

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Peace Visionary Affirmation: I AM...

A Peace Visionary Affirmation: I AM...


Today, and Every Day is a Day for Diplomacy, Patience and Cooperation.  Let Us Speak  A Peace Visionary Affirmation of I AM...

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times.  In Respect.  Out Compassion.

In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion....

"In every situation where it is possible, I think before I speak.

Even when I am uncomfortable, offended or angry, I Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion.

Today I walk as a Diplomat. I Am A Believer In Truth.

We Are All One In Love.

I Am Caring, Compassionate and Creative. I Am A Go-Giver.

I Am A Good Listener. I Am Forgiving. I Am Hopeful.

I Am A Being of Integrity.  I Am A Keeper of Good Dreams.

I Walk and Breathe.  In Respect.  Out Compassion and Love!

I Am Patient. I Am A Peacemaker. I Am A Peace Keeper.

I Am A Community and World Peace Visionary.

I Am Lighthouse and A Wayshower.  I Am A Being Of Love!

I Walk and Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion and Love!

  I Am A Peacemaker. I Am A Peace Keeper.

I Am A Community and World Peace Visionary. 

I Am Lighthouse and A Wayshower. 

I Am A Being Of Love!   YOU Are A Being of Love!  

We Are ONE In Love!"

Always, Melony
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Hope, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Grace of Love!