when you walk
in your brilliance
with love,
you help others
to heal and be hopeful...
Thank you for your light...
Today shine on!
greatest love...m
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A New Year of Healing

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sending Joy---Blessed NEW YEAR
Today I imagine that...
Christ might say...
No matter your religion,
your culture, your skin color...
YOU Are the light of the universe...
bright shining stars of love....
WE Are One...
May you ALWAYS share your gifts of love...
greatest love,
with hope for peace
and healing in 2010...
Have A Blessed New Year 2010!
---miss mellie rainbow
Today I imagine that...
Christ might say...
No matter your religion,
your culture, your skin color...
YOU Are the light of the universe...
bright shining stars of love....
WE Are One...
May you ALWAYS share your gifts of love...
greatest love,
with hope for peace
and healing in 2010...
Have A Blessed New Year 2010!
---miss mellie rainbow

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Leigh Blake

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Miss Mellie Rainbow's Holiday Greeting
Are you concerned about the future of our Collective Humanity?
What is this direction we move---this killing pre-occupation
that sends drones into the homes of our world neighbors
and destroys the lives of children, their parents, and families?
Where is our understanding of living together in peace,
caring for our brothers and sisters;
and helping all who are in need?
Certainly our universal purpose is to have a collective heart
of compassion that allows us to create a world of equanimity.
Are we willing to move beyond violence?
What lessons do we share with our broken
promises of peace, hope and healing?
Is the Nobel Peace Prize now to be a forum
and justification for war?
When will we begin to confront our leaders
who send our soldiers to kill our brothers and sisters;
and then call them heroes?
What kind of courageous leaders have we selected
who destroy the hope of a collective love
that nurtures and heals?
Do we still find value in the Golden Rule----
“Honor thy mother and father,
Love thy neighbor as thyself
And… Thou shalt Not kill….”
Mahatma Gandhi, the great peacemaker
who never received a Nobel Peace Prize
once said “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.”
And Nobel Prize winner Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said
"A true test of a man is not where he stands
in a time of comfort and convenience but where
he stands during a time of conflict and controversy."
Many of the choices we are making
and allowing our leaders to make
are morally wrong.
Each life taken, every obstacle to universal healthcare,
every dollar spent to make war barons wealthier,
every thought of the “Other” moves us away from love.
For the Other is YOU!
Is this the world you desire?
Is this the world we think is good enough for our children’s future?
Many of us have broken hearts, and spirits.
Let us dissent, release our fear …
and embrace a dialogue of hope and actions of healing.
This New Year, We Have Work To Do!
greatest love---miss mellie rainbow
Are you concerned about the future of our Collective Humanity?
What is this direction we move---this killing pre-occupation
that sends drones into the homes of our world neighbors
and destroys the lives of children, their parents, and families?
Where is our understanding of living together in peace,
caring for our brothers and sisters;
and helping all who are in need?
Certainly our universal purpose is to have a collective heart
of compassion that allows us to create a world of equanimity.
Are we willing to move beyond violence?
What lessons do we share with our broken
promises of peace, hope and healing?
Is the Nobel Peace Prize now to be a forum
and justification for war?
When will we begin to confront our leaders
who send our soldiers to kill our brothers and sisters;
and then call them heroes?
What kind of courageous leaders have we selected
who destroy the hope of a collective love
that nurtures and heals?
Do we still find value in the Golden Rule----
“Honor thy mother and father,
Love thy neighbor as thyself
And… Thou shalt Not kill….”
Mahatma Gandhi, the great peacemaker
who never received a Nobel Peace Prize
once said “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.”
And Nobel Prize winner Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said
"A true test of a man is not where he stands
in a time of comfort and convenience but where
he stands during a time of conflict and controversy."
Many of the choices we are making
and allowing our leaders to make
are morally wrong.
Each life taken, every obstacle to universal healthcare,
every dollar spent to make war barons wealthier,
every thought of the “Other” moves us away from love.
For the Other is YOU!
Is this the world you desire?
Is this the world we think is good enough for our children’s future?
Many of us have broken hearts, and spirits.
Let us dissent, release our fear …
and embrace a dialogue of hope and actions of healing.
This New Year, We Have Work To Do!
greatest love---miss mellie rainbow

concern for humanity
i am concerned
for humanity...
i amcocerned
about the drones & many wars
we support
instead of creating more hope,
employment, healthcare
and sustainability on Mother Earth.
our voice of love must be stronger...
for humanity...
i amcocerned
about the drones & many wars
we support
instead of creating more hope,
employment, healthcare
and sustainability on Mother Earth.
our voice of love must be stronger...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
my feeling of appreciation
for you ALL
is far greater than you know.
thank you for the hope you share ....
thank you for the compassion
& love you give....
thank you for your desire for peace,
and healing everywhere on earth....
the work continues...
greatest love,
miss mellie rainbow
my feeling of appreciation
for you ALL
is far greater than you know.
thank you for the hope you share ....
thank you for the compassion
& love you give....
thank you for your desire for peace,
and healing everywhere on earth....
the work continues...
greatest love,
miss mellie rainbow

Thursday, December 10, 2009
in a difficult moment
today try to say to someone in a difficult moment....
we are journeying together.
with compassion & patience
our destination will be revealed.
show them your heart and feel new joy...
we are journeying together.
with compassion & patience
our destination will be revealed.
show them your heart and feel new joy...

Monday, December 7, 2009
the best of me....
dear God...
thank you for each gift of light
that illuminates my mistakes,
my lessons,
my joys
and my fears.
for it is in understanding
that i grow
and learn that
the best of me is YOU....
always, melony
thank you for each gift of light
that illuminates my mistakes,
my lessons,
my joys
and my fears.
for it is in understanding
that i grow
and learn that
the best of me is YOU....
always, melony

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Going deeper
into gratitude
i focus
on the wonder
and joy of my life.
i acknowledge
embracing hurt and pain.
i am grateful for it all...
for it has made me who i am in love...
into gratitude
i focus
on the wonder
and joy of my life.
i acknowledge
embracing hurt and pain.
i am grateful for it all...
for it has made me who i am in love...

Monday, November 30, 2009
if i falter...
i imagine that all of us are at different stages in our healing.
every war on this earth could end tomorrow and every hungry child fed if we really embrace love.
divine spirit lives in our hearts as love. are you willing to forgive, to walk with humility and compassion, as a reflection of God?
i know ...i am... and if i falter, i will just begin again in love.....
please join me...
always, melony
i imagine that all of us are at different stages in our healing.
every war on this earth could end tomorrow and every hungry child fed if we really embrace love.
divine spirit lives in our hearts as love. are you willing to forgive, to walk with humility and compassion, as a reflection of God?
i know ...i am... and if i falter, i will just begin again in love.....
please join me...
always, melony

important question....
Please tell me Beloveds....
Why do we harm ourselves through violence ?
The truth is we are One
Only In Love....
for it is then that we feel Spirit moving through us;
allowing us to reflect Loving Grace.
And Our Love Is Eternal....
for we are interconnected into
the Infinite Realm of the Universal Heart....
knowing this,
then there are no others.
Please let us do no harm...
reflect the hope & healing,
live with compassion,
embrace understanding,
Be the Peace.....
always, melony
Why do we harm ourselves through violence ?
The truth is we are One
Only In Love....
for it is then that we feel Spirit moving through us;
allowing us to reflect Loving Grace.
And Our Love Is Eternal....
for we are interconnected into
the Infinite Realm of the Universal Heart....
knowing this,
then there are no others.
Please let us do no harm...
reflect the hope & healing,
live with compassion,
embrace understanding,
Be the Peace.....
always, melony

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Peacemaker Remembered
You are a peacemaker mandated
to create a montage of LOVE all around the earth.
What will you do?
What if right now you are asked
to become a vessel of the Divine Heart…
Will you set aside your hidden fears?
Can you have the courage,
integrity and propensity to share your LOVE?
If you meet someone different than you,
suffering from xenophobia
and they are extremely unkind
because all they know is fear and hatred…
will you show them how to be
mellifluous with LOVE for ALL people?
You Have Awakened.
You are Re-Membering your dreams of LOVE.
Intrinsic in you is the desire
to create overtures of LOVE
for our children…
and all people through education, business, government,
art, music, dance, theatre and all art forms.
What Will You Do?
Every sentient being is an incarnation of LOVE.
LOVE is another name for
an Exalted Spirit with a palatial heart.
How Do You Feel?
Now, imagine yourself as a Lodestar
kindling the flame of LOVE.
Your best friend is Morning Star,
also know as Venus, the planet of LOVE.
You were born with the awareness of angels?
Together How Do You Feel And What Will You Do???
written on September 9, 2001
You are a peacemaker mandated
to create a montage of LOVE all around the earth.
What will you do?
What if right now you are asked
to become a vessel of the Divine Heart…
Will you set aside your hidden fears?
Can you have the courage,
integrity and propensity to share your LOVE?
If you meet someone different than you,
suffering from xenophobia
and they are extremely unkind
because all they know is fear and hatred…
will you show them how to be
mellifluous with LOVE for ALL people?
You Have Awakened.
You are Re-Membering your dreams of LOVE.
Intrinsic in you is the desire
to create overtures of LOVE
for our children…
and all people through education, business, government,
art, music, dance, theatre and all art forms.
What Will You Do?
Every sentient being is an incarnation of LOVE.
LOVE is another name for
an Exalted Spirit with a palatial heart.
How Do You Feel?
Now, imagine yourself as a Lodestar
kindling the flame of LOVE.
Your best friend is Morning Star,
also know as Venus, the planet of LOVE.
You were born with the awareness of angels?
Together How Do You Feel And What Will You Do???
written on September 9, 2001

Friday, November 20, 2009
November 13 & 14 The Gift of Hope, Joy & Heaven Inspired...

Celebrating Compassion & Love

Friday, November 6, 2009
Charter for Compassion

Celebrating the Charter for Compassion
Love, said Miss Katherine Dunham wrapped in an elegant brown and red oversized pashima as she sat majestically on her bed with ironed white sheets exquisitely embroidered… Love, she said is what is left of tender care after the thrill of pursuit and the triumph of capture is gone. We were both quiet for a moment, and then she said. Let’s write that down. I want to remember that… She wrote in her notebook and I wrote in mine. Love is what is left of tender care after the thrill of pursuit and the triumph of capture is gone…
Perhaps then beyond our need for bickering, our need for self destruction and war is love. This is the place where all of us connect. Are we willing to have compassion? To see and feel the journey of others as a reflection of our own, and to act on injustices?
November 12th marks the date of the release of the Charter for Compassion where thousands and thousands of people around the world will honor others as themselves; where we re-commit to awakening each day--- and moment to moment, acting with compassion. This was Miss Dunham’s dream---that we stop the violence and honor the love within each of us.
I was gifted to meet Miss Dunham through Reginald Yates and interview her first for African Voices Magazine. I traveled with her to her home in East St. Louis for the famed Dunham Seminar where I was befriended by Ruby Streate, artistic director of the Katherine Dunham Children’s Workshop. I journeyed with Miss Dunham to Harvard where she received an honorary doctorate degree, to Jacobs Pillow, where she was named one of the 100 Dance Treasures and to Miami where I re-connected and was embraced by choreographer Michelle Grant Murray.
From 2002-2005, I acted as a special assistant in service---learning about the mystical realms and always in discovery. My journey with Miss Dunham was one of love. Through this relationship, former principal Dunham Dancer, Dr. Glory Van Scott began to allow me to assist her with events honoring the legacy of Miss Dunham.
Today, I serve as marketing director of Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions. In Dr. Glory I met and embraced another great being of love whose life mission is to help others achieve their full human potential. Through Dr. Glory’s Youth Theatre at Riverside Church , children continue the Dunham legacy by developing and growing academically through the arts. The program is one of the finest intensive art programs in existence. These youngsters learn to sing in other languages, are up to date on current and world affairs and are learning to live their lives with compassion. I have been blessed with the gift of having two mentors who are legends in the world of dance, and both no strangers to film, Broadway or social activism.
In life, I have had many great mentors of compassion. My beloved Mother, Betty J. Tilman, Helena and John Hughes, Maida Springer Kemp, Dolores Stanton, Byrd R. Brown, Dr. Lloyd Bell, and Jackie Mullins are a few of the names that have guided me in love. Tyrone Backers, James Aloway, Tyrone and Barbara Rasheed, Deborah Ballard, Gayle and Chuckie Dobbs, Kathryn Twinfeathers, Camille Carlos, Mohamed Rum, Pat Peace, Nydia Loyd, Marva Allen, Kezia Ellison, Manuel Guzman, Andrea Christofferson, Andre McGant, Dr. Albertha Graham,Aziza (DDJW), Vin Esoldi, Joan Peters, Leonard A. Buggs, Dr.Abdullah AlNifay, Dr. Khadeeja Ghozee, Vea Williams, Maudy Fowler, my B’Earth family, my Global Extended family, my One Spirit Seminary family, Burt Danet, The Love Foundation and countless others mirror love. I thank them all.
I am inspired by many including Rev. Sedrick Gardner, Rev. Elizabeth Hin, Rev. Marcia Dyson, Karen Armstrong, Mahatma Gandhi, President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama, Gayle King, Oprah Winfrey, all the children of the universe and my Spiritual Father, His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. May Peace prevail with Integrity, Love and Compassion as our Universal Mantras.
--by Rev. Melony McGant aka Miss Mellie Rainbow…
Storyteller/poet Rev Melony McGant is an Interfaith Minister and author of the novel Sunshine and Olivier:A Parable of Love. Her poetry has appeared in several anthologies including the World Book of Hope and the Book of Healing (Beyond Borders Press) and Go Tell Michelle: African American Women Write to Michelle Obama. She has also written for Tribes Magazine, African Voices, The Harlem Times, the New Pittsburgh Courier and several other publications.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Performance Dedicated to the Charter for Compassion

Monday, October 12, 2009
The Gift of the Lamban Choreographed by Michelle Grant Murray
FOR IMMEDIATE Release... Please Share & Circulate
Miami Dade College Kendall Campus pays homage to the life, legacy and inspiration of Miss Katherine Dunham and celebrates her 100th Birthday. Reverend Melony McGant and Michelle Grant Murray have collaborated with Guest Artist Mohammed DaCosta (University of Florida) and students from Miami Dade College to create a dancing journey filled mystery, passion and intrigue.
The Gift of the Lamban
A dancing journey inspired by the life of Anthropologist, Choreographer and Cultural Icon--- Miss Katherine Dunham!
Written by Reverend Melony McGant and Choreographed by Michelle Grant Murray with guest artist Mohammed DaCosta.
It is an unknown passage of time and still humanity is stricken with a need for war
and greed....
A melancholy Katherine Dunham is in the heaven realm with the Ancients. On a day of personal remembrance, Miss Dunham is given a look at her earthly contributions---her role as a Dance Matriarch, and her undying commitment to healing, forgiveness and love. Though appreciative of the recognition among her peers, she feels that her work was left undone. The Ancients, many of whom have felt the same way about their time on Earth are inspired by Blessed Divine Spirit to ask Katherine Dunham to return to Earth to share the message of love and forgiveness. She agrees, and is transformed into a Dove and accompanied by a Golden Hawk on 24 hour return to Earth.
Their encourage humanity to learn forgiveness and "grow in the sunshine of hope and love”…
The cast includes: Kerri-Ann Simone, Lilabeth Triana, Damion Bradbury, Stephanie Gonzalez, Malcom Barraza, Brittany Williams, Chelsea Matthews, Andrea Jonusas and Malcom Lipscomb, Christina Gonzalez, Michelle Grant Murray, Mohammed DaCosta, and Rev. Melony McGant as the Storyteller.
The Gift of the Lamban performances are being held at McCarthy Theatre, Miami Dade College Kendall Campus, 11011 SW 104th Street, Miami, Florida 33176.
Performance times are as follows:
Friday, November 13---11:00am matinee & 7:30pm evening performances
and Saturday November 14 @ 7:30pm Tickets for this event are $5.00 per person
For more information contact Michelle Grant Murray at 305-237-2426
or e-mail:

The Gift of the Lamban----- Sing, Dance, Pray...
NOV13th and 14th

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gift of the Lamban Honoring Miss Katherine Dunham

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Free Family Storytime Oct 3rd with Miss Mellie Rainbow
Hue-Man Bookstore in New York City
Please Join Miss Mellie Rainbow
for a Special Family Sing-Along Storytime
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009
Celebrating Babies, Books
and Big Kids Too!!!!
Let's travel to Africa, Asia, Antartica, Australia,
Europe, North America, and South America too.
Let's Celebrate,
Let's Celebrate YOU!
Miss Mellie Rainbow
Date: Saturday, 3 October, 2009
Time: 11am- Noon
Admission is free and open to the public
Location: At Hue-Man Bookstore in NYC
On Frederick Douglass Blvd
Between 124th and 125th
Take A, B, C or D train to 125th.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
a dream that heals...
A Dream That Heals
My Beloveds,
Please join me in a collective prayer for peace.
Let us open our hearts with love, and flexibility.
Let us walk with patience, and understanding.
Allow us each to create peace within our hearts,
and to exude that peace externally.
Let us walk as a calming hot stream
and exude love’s warming vapors.
Loving spirits of the universe,
help us learn to be of service to eachother.
Let our eyes, and hearts open with joy
to receive the miracles that manifest each day.
As the birds call us to dance, and laugh, and sing;
allow a new peace to move through each of us
so that we begin to heal our Earth=Heart.
Let us each acknowledge our gratitude
to our Blessed Divine Mother and Father.
Right now at this moment,
let us feel new gratitude
as our entire sentient family reflects Joy.
Let us each re-member that a part of you,
and part of me are forever interconnected
to a Universal Spirit.
Right now, let us see
and connect to the Divine in ALL.
Let our hearts tenderly wander
around the universe exuding love,
and healing those with broken spirits.
Together, let us manifest the beginning of something
new, gentle, humane and beautiful.
As we re-member that we are interconnected
heart to heart,
we reflect only love, we release all fear,
we exude joy as a collective.
We become a rainbow of peace, service,
equanimity and love.
This Is Our Dream. This Is Our Prayer.
And So It With Love.
----Miss Mellie Rainbow
My Beloveds,
Please join me in a collective prayer for peace.
Let us open our hearts with love, and flexibility.
Let us walk with patience, and understanding.
Allow us each to create peace within our hearts,
and to exude that peace externally.
Let us walk as a calming hot stream
and exude love’s warming vapors.
Loving spirits of the universe,
help us learn to be of service to eachother.
Let our eyes, and hearts open with joy
to receive the miracles that manifest each day.
As the birds call us to dance, and laugh, and sing;
allow a new peace to move through each of us
so that we begin to heal our Earth=Heart.
Let us each acknowledge our gratitude
to our Blessed Divine Mother and Father.
Right now at this moment,
let us feel new gratitude
as our entire sentient family reflects Joy.
Let us each re-member that a part of you,
and part of me are forever interconnected
to a Universal Spirit.
Right now, let us see
and connect to the Divine in ALL.
Let our hearts tenderly wander
around the universe exuding love,
and healing those with broken spirits.
Together, let us manifest the beginning of something
new, gentle, humane and beautiful.
As we re-member that we are interconnected
heart to heart,
we reflect only love, we release all fear,
we exude joy as a collective.
We become a rainbow of peace, service,
equanimity and love.
This Is Our Dream. This Is Our Prayer.
And So It With Love.
----Miss Mellie Rainbow

Friday, September 11, 2009
I AM ONE 9/9/09
Today Joy moves through me as I learn compassion and humility.
I am ONE with all sentient beings…the sky, the clouds, the sun the rain, the trees that sway and dance in the wind, the birds that greet me in song.
I am One with the Spirit of Mother Theresa, Malcolm, Martin, John, and Edward as well as Ruth, Isaac, Joshua, Mary, Jesus, Khadeeja, Mohammed, Shams, Kuan Yin and Sojourner Truth.
I am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer and the man suffering and dying from lung cancer and the woman in Afghanistan whose family was killed by a drone.
I am ONE with the homeless woman pushing the cart with all her worldly possessions and warning us of our greed though we don’t often listen.
I am One with the Tibetan who was told by Chairman Mao that religion is poison and the Palestinian wandering, unable to return to his homeland.
I am One with the starving child of Dafur
and the Israeli settler with a gun in his hand.
I am One with every child born at this moment
and the great-grandparents who are taking
their last breath on this Earth Realm.
I am ONE with the artist struggling to show us the way
and the politician disgraced in shame.
I am ONE with those who have awakened in love and those filled with fear.
Circumstances make no difference to me
for I embrace the journey and see the Divine
in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.
I am One with the President who needs more courage
to say stop the killing everywhere
and the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in peace.
In my dreams the white Buffalo Woman,
the morning dove and the golden hawk
guide me as my heart becomes filled
with ancient prayers of all traditions.
for I embrace the journey and see the Divine
in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.
I am One with the President who needs more courage
to say stop the killing everywhere
and the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in peace.
In my dreams the white Buffalo Woman,
the morning dove and the golden hawk
guide me as my heart becomes filled
with ancient prayers of all traditions.
I am One with the caterpillar and the butterfly.
I am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew,
the Moslem, the Bahai, the Hindu, the Yoruba, the Janist,
the Naturalist, the One who doesn’t believe in God
and the One Lost in their material identity
and always needing more….
Today Joy moves through me as compassion, humility
and understanding become a way of life...
for in you I see the reflection of me
and know WE ARE ONE.
I am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew,
the Moslem, the Bahai, the Hindu, the Yoruba, the Janist,
the Naturalist, the One who doesn’t believe in God
and the One Lost in their material identity
and always needing more….
Today Joy moves through me as compassion, humility
and understanding become a way of life...
for in you I see the reflection of me
and know WE ARE ONE.
Miss Mellie Rainbow on 9/9/09
aka Rev. MelonyMcGant

Monday, August 31, 2009
a call for love...
as i journey
through an abyss
of new understanding,
i pray that we begin
to walk together
in loving grace...
full of faith,
hope and gratitude....
through an abyss
of new understanding,
i pray that we begin
to walk together
in loving grace...
full of faith,
hope and gratitude....

Monday, August 10, 2009
on light...
as the light
moves through me
embracing and loving me
i become you...
as the light moves through you
you become me...
there is no separation
no need to fear
our oneness because
it is a return to the beginning
of love's answer to each question...
moves through me
embracing and loving me
i become you...
as the light moves through you
you become me...
there is no separation
no need to fear
our oneness because
it is a return to the beginning
of love's answer to each question...

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Miss Katherine Dunham's 100th BirthdayCelebration
Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions Presents:
Miss Katherine Dunham
Four Spectacular Events In Celebration of Her 100th Birthday
Sunday, June 21, 2009
10:00 a.m. The Miss Dunham 100th Parade
8:30-9:45 a.m. Parade Line-up
Boogie on down and Yanvalou. That’s the thing we want you to do.
Join the Katherine Dunham Birthday Parade.
Dress in a Fabulous Costume and You’ve got it made!
Dress in a Fabulous Costume and You’ve got it made!
Leaving from the West Side 79th Street Boat Basin and parade across to West End Avenue,---and up to West End Avenue to
Symphony Space Theatre (95th and Broadway, New York City)
12:00 p.m. Doves for Miss Dunham
Outside of Symphony Space Theatre, 95th and Broadway in New York City.
Dance, Drumming and Dignitaries and 100 Doves released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s honor.
Symphony Space Theatre (95th and Broadway, New York City)
12:00 p.m. Doves for Miss Dunham
Outside of Symphony Space Theatre, 95th and Broadway in New York City.
Dance, Drumming and Dignitaries and 100 Doves released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s honor.
1:30-3:30 p.m. Arturo O’Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra The Orchestra performs as part of Make Music NY, a world-wide celebration of free public music.
***7:00 p.m. Symphony Space Theatre (95th and Broadway, New York City)***
Generations Meet---A Performance Celebration of Miss Katherine Dunham’s 100th Birthday!
Limited free tickets are available that day on a first come, first serve basis.
For More Information
or call (212)712-6559

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
NYC--Miss Katherine Dunham's1 00 Birthday Celebration
Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions
New York City
For Immediate Release
Contact: Melony McGant (212) 712-6559
Two Spectacular Events In Celebration of The 100th Birthday
of Miss Katherine Dunham” on Sunday, June 21, 2009
10:00am –The Miss Katherine Dunham 100th Birthday Parade will leave from the West Side 79th Street Boat Basin and parade across to West End Avenue,----and up West End Avenue to Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC).
1:00pm Outside Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC)
A Short Program with Dance, Drumming & Dignitaries.
100 Doves will be released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s Honor.
7:00 pm Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC) Generations Meet --- a Performance Celebration of
Miss Katherine Dunham’s 100th Birthday!
Says Dr. Glory Van Scott “On Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 10:00AM we are asking people to Boogie On Down and Yanvalou. That’s the thing that we want you to do. Come watch the Miss Katherine Dunham Birthday Parade with People Dressed in Fabulous Costumes. Feel the Rhythm in your heart and let it move to your feet. Get the Spirit and Dance in the Street!
The Miss Katherine Dunham 100th Birthday Parade will leave from the West Side 79th Street Boat Basin and then travel up West End Avenue to Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC).
Between 12:00pm and 1:00pm, outside Symphony Space Theatre, drummers, dancers ,and dignitaries will gather for a short program and 100 Doves will be released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s honor.
Also on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 7pm the public is invited to attend a free performance of “The 100th Birthday Celebration of Miss Katherine Dunham at Symphony Space Theatre.” “Generations meet as eight prominent dance companies, all with a unique connection to Miss Katherine Dunham, come together in dance,” says producer Dr. Glory Van Scott.
Invited guests include original Dunham Dancers, as well as a host of dance celebrities including the Alpha Omega Dance Company, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, the Fred Benjamin Dance Company, the Joan Peters Dance Company, the Katherine Dunham Children’s Dance Workshop, the Louis Johnson Dance Theatre, PHILADANCO and Dr. Glory’s Youth Theatre. It will be a celebration of Miss Dunham’s life through testimony and dance.
Admission is free on a first come, first served basis.
For More Information About This Release Contact:
Melony McGant (212) 712-6559
New York City
For Immediate Release
Contact: Melony McGant (212) 712-6559
Two Spectacular Events In Celebration of The 100th Birthday
of Miss Katherine Dunham” on Sunday, June 21, 2009
10:00am –The Miss Katherine Dunham 100th Birthday Parade will leave from the West Side 79th Street Boat Basin and parade across to West End Avenue,----and up West End Avenue to Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC).
1:00pm Outside Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC)
A Short Program with Dance, Drumming & Dignitaries.
100 Doves will be released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s Honor.
7:00 pm Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC) Generations Meet --- a Performance Celebration of
Miss Katherine Dunham’s 100th Birthday!
Says Dr. Glory Van Scott “On Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 10:00AM we are asking people to Boogie On Down and Yanvalou. That’s the thing that we want you to do. Come watch the Miss Katherine Dunham Birthday Parade with People Dressed in Fabulous Costumes. Feel the Rhythm in your heart and let it move to your feet. Get the Spirit and Dance in the Street!
The Miss Katherine Dunham 100th Birthday Parade will leave from the West Side 79th Street Boat Basin and then travel up West End Avenue to Symphony Space Theatre (95th & Broadway in NYC).
Between 12:00pm and 1:00pm, outside Symphony Space Theatre, drummers, dancers ,and dignitaries will gather for a short program and 100 Doves will be released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s honor.
Also on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 7pm the public is invited to attend a free performance of “The 100th Birthday Celebration of Miss Katherine Dunham at Symphony Space Theatre.” “Generations meet as eight prominent dance companies, all with a unique connection to Miss Katherine Dunham, come together in dance,” says producer Dr. Glory Van Scott.
Invited guests include original Dunham Dancers, as well as a host of dance celebrities including the Alpha Omega Dance Company, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, the Fred Benjamin Dance Company, the Joan Peters Dance Company, the Katherine Dunham Children’s Dance Workshop, the Louis Johnson Dance Theatre, PHILADANCO and Dr. Glory’s Youth Theatre. It will be a celebration of Miss Dunham’s life through testimony and dance.
Admission is free on a first come, first served basis.
For More Information About This Release Contact:
Melony McGant (212) 712-6559

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hope For All/Oness Love Foundation Video
Greetings and Blessings!
The Oneness Love Foundation has created
a You-tube video of my poem Hope For All...
This video is dedicated to Ger Duaney, Emmanuel Jal
and children affected by war everywhere.
In theses challenging days
I ask you to join me in prayer and reflection.
I am so grateful that my Soul Sister Pat,
and the Oneness Love Foundation are inspired
with hope and dedicated to lift us up in love!
Have A Beautiful Day and please...
Let Us Have Hope For ALL!
Miss Mellie Rainbow aka Rev. Melony McGant
The Oneness Love Foundation has created
a You-tube video of my poem Hope For All...
This video is dedicated to Ger Duaney, Emmanuel Jal
and children affected by war everywhere.
In theses challenging days
I ask you to join me in prayer and reflection.
I am so grateful that my Soul Sister Pat,
and the Oneness Love Foundation are inspired
with hope and dedicated to lift us up in love!
Have A Beautiful Day and please...
Let Us Have Hope For ALL!
Miss Mellie Rainbow aka Rev. Melony McGant

Monday, February 16, 2009
New Hope/Emmanuel Jal/ War Child
This Prayer is Dedicated to Ger Duany and Emmanuel Jal
and Every War Child Everywhere....There is HOPE!
Dearest MotherFatherGOD,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow see me, hear me, feel me
as I offer my thanks and my love to YOU.
Even as I struggle to understand this world, somehow sleep overcomes me
and in my sleep I feel that I rejoice with the matrix of love that is YOU.
Thank you.
Thank you for each hurt, each challenge, each lesson that brings me more awareness.
Thank you for this unknowingness that gives me new humility.
Thank you for the imbalance and roller coaster of life
that holds me with love through my despair.
Today my heart opens and opens throughout the Universe.
Though I have no words, I feel nurtured by the infinite possibility of your love.
I think of Ger Duany, Emmanuel Jal
---and all of the Lost Boys of the Sudan , and the lost boys of the world.
I think too of the Girls raped and lost on every continent.
All of them living in a hell… made by our collective materialist greed.
Surely we are ready to come together in Oneness.
As planes drop in flames from the sky and our addictions
lead to mass destruction is it not time to open our hearts and speak the unspeakable?
This world we are living in must change now.
Nations thriving on shock and awe result in guns and bombs
as the source of understanding for children through video games.
Poisoned food, poisoned minds, poisoned hearts
exist only to destroy our connection to love which is our Infinite Source.
I see these things; these horrors that others only speak of,
but still I awaken with hope and strength and courage.
I pray through this time of Sodom and Gomorrah
to see us return to Heaven On Earth where we thrive together in harmony
and God Grants Us Grace.
This is the dream I am dreaming.
This dream where our love for each other holds the answer to our future---
this dream where my heart joins Emmanuel’s smile and Ger’s laugh
to build new schools; to educate and restore customs and culture
and communities which are holy and speak of love. Only LOVE.
What will it take to stop the drones from flying with missiles to destroy lives?
One life taken anywhere is me killing myself. Why should I kill over and over?
Today’s pain is unbearable but still I lift up with courage and ask for hope.
In doing so, I am able to release the hurt and the pain that is magnified
throughout our Mother Earth=Heart and to see beyond to the next World of Love.
We are here and Awakening. We are here learning to cherish each other;
to heal the wounds; to teach respect, and courage, forgiveness and Love.
Our Soul’s sole purpose is to open our hearts
and to shine as brilliant Morning Stars of our Blessed Divine Mother’s Grace.
Today God, my Blessed Mother and Father,
I rest and move with your guidance so that I bring order and beauty
to my home and the Universe. Home is Heaven On Mother Earth.
I pray for all others and send loving thoughts of joy and healing.
I pray for new humility, compassion, understanding and the Joy
to open my heart to the lessons of God at this, and every moment in time.
I listen with my heart. I allow my tears---some of joy, some of pain
but all for cleansing and healing to connect with the Eternal River of Life.
I re-member and ask Our Blessed Divine Mother to hold me once again
and to allow me to be nurtured by her wisdom and imbued with LOVE.
Blessed Divine Creator and Infinite ONE,
today and everyday, hear my prayer and let it be a Song of the Universe.
Allow me to meet no stranger and to see God in ALL.
Teach me to condemn none,
as my heart learns to transform every thought into Love.
Right now, I see Mothers and Fathers with Daughters and Sons
and Brothers and Sisters and Cousins and Aunts and Uncles
and GrandMothers, GrandFathers and All our Ancestors
--- as Blessed Children of God.
My sight, once lost has returned to me and as I awaken,
I re-member my true purpose.
I will love and die loving to be re-born loving,
and to love again over and over to love until
---until we ALL understand, accept and rejoice that there is nothing real
but Forgiveness and LOVE.
And So It Is With Love….
written by Miss Mellie Rainbow
aka Rev. Melony McGant has everything to do with it!

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