Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions Presents:
Miss Katherine Dunham
Four Spectacular Events In Celebration of Her 100th Birthday
Sunday, June 21, 2009
10:00 a.m. The Miss Dunham 100th Parade
8:30-9:45 a.m. Parade Line-up
Boogie on down and Yanvalou. That’s the thing we want you to do.
Join the Katherine Dunham Birthday Parade.
Dress in a Fabulous Costume and You’ve got it made!
Dress in a Fabulous Costume and You’ve got it made!
Leaving from the West Side 79th Street Boat Basin and parade across to West End Avenue,---and up to West End Avenue to
Symphony Space Theatre (95th and Broadway, New York City)
12:00 p.m. Doves for Miss Dunham
Outside of Symphony Space Theatre, 95th and Broadway in New York City.
Dance, Drumming and Dignitaries and 100 Doves released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s honor.
Symphony Space Theatre (95th and Broadway, New York City)
12:00 p.m. Doves for Miss Dunham
Outside of Symphony Space Theatre, 95th and Broadway in New York City.
Dance, Drumming and Dignitaries and 100 Doves released in Miss Katherine Dunham’s honor.
1:30-3:30 p.m. Arturo O’Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra The Orchestra performs as part of Make Music NY, a world-wide celebration of free public music.
***7:00 p.m. Symphony Space Theatre (95th and Broadway, New York City)***
Generations Meet---A Performance Celebration of Miss Katherine Dunham’s 100th Birthday!
Limited free tickets are available that day on a first come, first serve basis.
For More Information Email:dr.gloryvanscottproductions@yahoo.com
or call (212)712-6559