Into the New Year
let us carry
a vision of Loving Peace.
Through our openess to be good,
resolve our differences,
to offer understanding
and forgiveness...
our hearts will beam
with compassion and faith.
2011-- Herein lies the vision
and hope for a loving peace!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Friday, December 31, 2010
2011 A new Year of HOPE!

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Simply Grateful
Let us be simply grateful
for this moment,
this hour, and this day.
Let us offer ourselves
as living testaments of hope;
as we walk with illuminated faith.
Through our joy and sadness;
our laughter and tears,
let us be simply grateful
for each breath of Love.
And in our gratitude
to our Blessed Divine Creator,
let us... Walk in Peace
and allow our lives to be
Songs of Love and Gratitude!
Let us be simply grateful
for this moment,
this hour, and this day.
Let us offer ourselves
as living testaments of hope;
as we walk with illuminated faith.
Through our joy and sadness;
our laughter and tears,
let us be simply grateful
for each breath of Love.
And in our gratitude
to our Blessed Divine Creator,
let us... Walk in Peace
and allow our lives to be
Songs of Love and Gratitude!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Life Will Call
Life will call,
beckoning us to move out
of our comfort zone
and experience the unknown.
When we answer and embrace
the mystery of life,
we receive new blessings
and become wayshowers who
carry the lantern of hope.
Be bold. Answer the call!
Be a wayshower of hope!
Life will call,
beckoning us to move out
of our comfort zone
and experience the unknown.
When we answer and embrace
the mystery of life,
we receive new blessings
and become wayshowers who
carry the lantern of hope.
Be bold. Answer the call!
Be a wayshower of hope!

Earth School
Every day we are given many
opportunities to remember that
we are in Earth School. Earth.
Every Action Reflects True Humility.
When we have humility
we let go of greed
and envy and become more
understanding and patient.
We share and become greater in good.
We learn to walk with through
the gardens of Compassion,
Humility and Grace.
As we open our hearts we are
given these precious life gifts.
These gifts are the intent
and fruit of the Divine Heart.
Earth School...
What gifts are you willing to receive today?
Every day we are given many
opportunities to remember that
we are in Earth School. Earth.
Every Action Reflects True Humility.
When we have humility
we let go of greed
and envy and become more
understanding and patient.
We share and become greater in good.
We learn to walk with through
the gardens of Compassion,
Humility and Grace.
As we open our hearts we are
given these precious life gifts.
These gifts are the intent
and fruit of the Divine Heart.
Earth School...
What gifts are you willing to receive today?

No matter the challenges and struggles,
we must find peace within our hearts
and walk with loving tenderness.
This is Earth School.
Some come to learn, others to teach.
Some are warriors.
Others are peacemakers.
Some walk with great faith
and become personifications
of loving hope.
Others are learning about the
material world and mistakenly
embrace greed and power.
They have forgotten love.
No matter who we are, our time here
is finite but our Spiritual existence
is infinite and eternal.
While we are here we must honor
and celebrate eachother, love eachother
and cherish eachother as beings
connected in love.
Today honor family,friends and strangers.
Share compassion. Forgive with humilty.
Make peace with all.
Our time to be here may be short
but in leaving we are never alone.
Those who return before us to Heaven,
our angel ancestors await us---
just as they live always in our hearts
and soar through the universe unlimited
or restricted by physical bodies assisting us.
God lives through them and through us.
There is nothing but love.
Love is God in action.
Please re-member love...
and live only with love today!
No matter the challenges and struggles,
we must find peace within our hearts
and walk with loving tenderness.
This is Earth School.
Some come to learn, others to teach.
Some are warriors.
Others are peacemakers.
Some walk with great faith
and become personifications
of loving hope.
Others are learning about the
material world and mistakenly
embrace greed and power.
They have forgotten love.
No matter who we are, our time here
is finite but our Spiritual existence
is infinite and eternal.
While we are here we must honor
and celebrate eachother, love eachother
and cherish eachother as beings
connected in love.
Today honor family,friends and strangers.
Share compassion. Forgive with humilty.
Make peace with all.
Our time to be here may be short
but in leaving we are never alone.
Those who return before us to Heaven,
our angel ancestors await us---
just as they live always in our hearts
and soar through the universe unlimited
or restricted by physical bodies assisting us.
God lives through them and through us.
There is nothing but love.
Love is God in action.
Please re-member love...
and live only with love today!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Happy Holidays With Love
A Miss Mellie Rainbow Holiday Note On Love
As we honor the season of a Child born of humble beginnings,
we can remember the simplicity of hope and the power of faith.
This child was born in love, grew in love,
walked only in love and died in love.
Love is the greatest of all gifts that we can share.
Love forgives, offers compassion, grows in understanding
and patience, gives us courage and fortifies our strength
in good.
Love fills our hearts, gives us joy and a desire to share
more love in Peace.
As we honor the Child of Love, in this Holy Season,
let us love, hope, and heal together, pray together
and have faith in an Eternal Divine Purpose
for we too, all of us are…
Born to Love.
As we honor the season of a Child born of humble beginnings,
we can remember the simplicity of hope and the power of faith.
This child was born in love, grew in love,
walked only in love and died in love.
Love is the greatest of all gifts that we can share.
Love forgives, offers compassion, grows in understanding
and patience, gives us courage and fortifies our strength
in good.
Love fills our hearts, gives us joy and a desire to share
more love in Peace.
As we honor the Child of Love, in this Holy Season,
let us love, hope, and heal together, pray together
and have faith in an Eternal Divine Purpose
for we too, all of us are…
Born to Love.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Solstice--Seasons of Life
In life, we will have joy.
We will have sadness.
We will learn to share our compassion
and love with others as we embrace
the winters, springs, summers
and autumns of our lives
with appreciation and gentleness.
As we learn with divine understanding,
we will have more courage
and strength in love.
Balance too, is important
in all areas of our lives.
Work hard but take time to be playful.
Enjoy the special moments of each season
and re-member to always sing
the Universal Song of Love!
Happy lunar eclipse full moon
day of winter solstice!
In life, we will have joy.
We will have sadness.
We will learn to share our compassion
and love with others as we embrace
the winters, springs, summers
and autumns of our lives
with appreciation and gentleness.
As we learn with divine understanding,
we will have more courage
and strength in love.
Balance too, is important
in all areas of our lives.
Work hard but take time to be playful.
Enjoy the special moments of each season
and re-member to always sing
the Universal Song of Love!
Happy lunar eclipse full moon
day of winter solstice!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Celebrating Friends
Friends are personal angels.
They show up when needed,
give space with care,
nurture us through dis-appointment,
or tough times, and encourage us
to live our greatness.
A friend shares your life passages
of success and failure,
and often lifts you up
to begin again in love.
A friend shares our laughter and tears;
sadness and joy,
and reminds us to cherish
the good of our lives.
They too are family
Today let's celebrate our personal angels
and the gift of friendship!
Friends are personal angels.
They show up when needed,
give space with care,
nurture us through dis-appointment,
or tough times, and encourage us
to live our greatness.
A friend shares your life passages
of success and failure,
and often lifts you up
to begin again in love.
A friend shares our laughter and tears;
sadness and joy,
and reminds us to cherish
the good of our lives.
They too are family
Today let's celebrate our personal angels
and the gift of friendship!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Evidence of Faith
When we have no evidence
of an outcome
but believe in good anyway,
then we have faith.
Faith is the light of love
that opens the door
to the universal heart.
Within the universal heart
we can walk with compassion
and share our collective dream
of love through kindness.
It is then that Grace moves
through us giving evidence
of a holy light
that magnifies and heals.
Through faith, we become
the loving outcome of hope
and learn to live as beings
of light and love.
Today be kind and have faith
in the benefit of
each loving action!
Be a holy light of hope!
When we have no evidence
of an outcome
but believe in good anyway,
then we have faith.
Faith is the light of love
that opens the door
to the universal heart.
Within the universal heart
we can walk with compassion
and share our collective dream
of love through kindness.
It is then that Grace moves
through us giving evidence
of a holy light
that magnifies and heals.
Through faith, we become
the loving outcome of hope
and learn to live as beings
of light and love.
Today be kind and have faith
in the benefit of
each loving action!
Be a holy light of hope!

Saturday, December 18, 2010
PEACE dedicated to Emmanuel JAL PEACE
Peace is possible when we remember
the magic of love
and re-connect to divine grace.
So many of you are living peace
and singing the song of peace.
How beautiful you each are
as you create new chords
for a universal song.
All over the world you are awakening
and singing about a loving peace.
Thank you.
Please keep singing and
living the message of Peace.
You have opened the door
to the miracle realm.
All good is possible and probable
when we live with a loving
peace in our hearts!
This is the song and the word of love!
Peace is possible when we remember
the magic of love
and re-connect to divine grace.
So many of you are living peace
and singing the song of peace.
How beautiful you each are
as you create new chords
for a universal song.
All over the world you are awakening
and singing about a loving peace.
Thank you.
Please keep singing and
living the message of Peace.
You have opened the door
to the miracle realm.
All good is possible and probable
when we live with a loving
peace in our hearts!
This is the song and the word of love!

Friday, December 17, 2010
Please walk tenderly.
Honor the Divine Spirit
in all sentient beings.
God is love
and the energy of love
moves through you
to create new
infinite melodies of Grace.
Walk tenderly and be
in tune with the harmonic
loving vibrations of the universe
on this day.
Sing and share the melody...
Be the song of Love!
Please walk tenderly.
Honor the Divine Spirit
in all sentient beings.
God is love
and the energy of love
moves through you
to create new
infinite melodies of Grace.
Walk tenderly and be
in tune with the harmonic
loving vibrations of the universe
on this day.
Sing and share the melody...
Be the song of Love!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
George Clooney, Alicia Keys Declare 'We Want Peace' For Sudan
Sudanese rapper Emmanuel Jal recruited George Clooney, Alicia Keys, Peter Gabriel, Richard Branson, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan and other famous friends for his ... - Cached
We Want Peace – New Video From Emmanuel Jal ...
Rummler and Brache wrote cheap microsoft office suite in 990, that ”a business process globalization in 006, the MXR 300 and MLX 3 MPLS enabled routers were much bigger ... - Cached
YouTube - Emmanuel Jal - We Want Peace Official Music ...http://We- Want- * * Emmanuel Jal's call for Peace in Sudan and the whole world. Emmanuel Jal enlists the support ... - Cached.Play Video.
Sudanese rapper Emmanuel Jal recruited George Clooney, Alicia Keys, Peter Gabriel, Richard Branson, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan and other famous friends for his ... - Cached
We Want Peace – New Video From Emmanuel Jal ...
Rummler and Brache wrote cheap microsoft office suite in 990, that ”a business process globalization in 006, the MXR 300 and MLX 3 MPLS enabled routers were much bigger ... - Cached
YouTube - Emmanuel Jal - We Want Peace Official Music ...http://We- Want- * * Emmanuel Jal's call for Peace in Sudan and the whole world. Emmanuel Jal enlists the support ... - Cached.Play Video.

Emmanuel Jal - We Want Peace Official Music Video feat Alicia Keys, George Clooney, Peter Gabriel
Emmanuel Jal's call for Peace in Sudan and the whole world. Emmanuel Jal enlists the support from A' listers from all walks of life in this groundbreaking music video. It features Alicia Keys, George Clooney, Peter Gabriel, The Elders (Kofi Anann, Jimmy Carter, Sir Richard Brandson, Fernando H Cardo
Emmanuel Jal - We Want Peace Official Music Video feat Alicia Keys, George Clooney, Peter Gabriel
Emmanuel Jal's call for Peace in Sudan and the whole world. Emmanuel Jal enlists the support from A' listers from all walks of life in this groundbreaking music video. It features Alicia Keys, George Clooney, Peter Gabriel, The Elders (Kofi Anann, Jimmy Carter, Sir Richard Brandson, Fernando H Cardo

Say YES!
Joy is often hidden in yes.
It is part of the story of our lives
that too often we ignore.
We are too busy to listen,
to offer a hug or hold a hand
of a person in pain.
We often miss the miraculous moments
because we are pre-occupied
with work or self or fear.
Today please pay attention
to what is going on around you.
Smile and connect to others.
Call an old friend.
Visit a sick friend.
Say "I love you" to someone
you cherish everyday.
Play a game and read a book
with your child everyday.
Draw a picture, sing a song,
blow some bubbles,
or make an angel in the snow.
Say thank you at least ten times a day.
Say yes to being alive,
living your dream and helping
someone else live their dream.
The time is now.
Let's come together, work together,
forgive eachother, love eachother,
support eachother and live
each day with a willingness to say Yes!
Joy is often hidden in yes.
It is part of the story of our lives
that too often we ignore.
We are too busy to listen,
to offer a hug or hold a hand
of a person in pain.
We often miss the miraculous moments
because we are pre-occupied
with work or self or fear.
Today please pay attention
to what is going on around you.
Smile and connect to others.
Call an old friend.
Visit a sick friend.
Say "I love you" to someone
you cherish everyday.
Play a game and read a book
with your child everyday.
Draw a picture, sing a song,
blow some bubbles,
or make an angel in the snow.
Say thank you at least ten times a day.
Say yes to being alive,
living your dream and helping
someone else live their dream.
The time is now.
Let's come together, work together,
forgive eachother, love eachother,
support eachother and live
each day with a willingness to say Yes!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
On Children---When your heart says NO More!
There are times that we love
our children so much that
they learn to show us little respect.
Today's music and media tools
encourage a culture of sex,
drugs and violence.
Talk to them about it.
Remind them to have compassion,
humility, respect, and loving kindness.
Nurture their gifts.
Teach them to work hard and to share.
As adults we must love children
as we set clear boundaries
and be firm about the consequences.
And even when your heart says no more,
you must find the way to forgiveness
and love within the boundaries you have set.
No matter what they have done,
today is a new day.
Love them, be firm, nurture them,
set clear boundaries and let them
know that you love and believe in them.
And so it is!
There are times that we love
our children so much that
they learn to show us little respect.
Today's music and media tools
encourage a culture of sex,
drugs and violence.
Talk to them about it.
Remind them to have compassion,
humility, respect, and loving kindness.
Nurture their gifts.
Teach them to work hard and to share.
As adults we must love children
as we set clear boundaries
and be firm about the consequences.
And even when your heart says no more,
you must find the way to forgiveness
and love within the boundaries you have set.
No matter what they have done,
today is a new day.
Love them, be firm, nurture them,
set clear boundaries and let them
know that you love and believe in them.
And so it is!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
New Choices and Possibilities
An Affirmation.
Today I walk with honor,
respect and feelings of love
for myself and all others.
I vision peace in my life
and hold a loving peace in my heart.
As I let go and move on in my life,
new choices are presented and
like a child in wonder,
I embrace the infinite possibilities.
Today I move forward as a loving spirit
awakening in a beautiful new way.
I simply ask to be given guidance
so that I live my true loving,
peaceful destiny moment to moment.
And so it is!
An Affirmation.
Today I walk with honor,
respect and feelings of love
for myself and all others.
I vision peace in my life
and hold a loving peace in my heart.
As I let go and move on in my life,
new choices are presented and
like a child in wonder,
I embrace the infinite possibilities.
Today I move forward as a loving spirit
awakening in a beautiful new way.
I simply ask to be given guidance
so that I live my true loving,
peaceful destiny moment to moment.
And so it is!

Monday, December 13, 2010
Make the Best of Today!
Make the best of today!
Love now.
Sometimes we regret the path
we have taken and wonder
how our lives could be different.
We forget that our life experience
has made us the unique
individuals we are now.
So we must let go of regret
and be grateful for Now.
Ultimately, all we have
is the Here and Now.
Love now for what we have is today.
We should try to make
the best of today by sharing
the best of ourselves
and caring for others.
Please love now!
Make the best of today!
Love now.
Sometimes we regret the path
we have taken and wonder
how our lives could be different.
We forget that our life experience
has made us the unique
individuals we are now.
So we must let go of regret
and be grateful for Now.
Ultimately, all we have
is the Here and Now.
Love now for what we have is today.
We should try to make
the best of today by sharing
the best of ourselves
and caring for others.
Please love now!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Please be Hope
One kind word
what the future holds...
Please be Hope.
Have faith, pray, be forgiving,
share and live with compassion.
Walk with loving kindness!
Today, Please Be Hope...
Offer joy.
One kind word
what the future holds...
Please be Hope.
Have faith, pray, be forgiving,
share and live with compassion.
Walk with loving kindness!
Today, Please Be Hope...
Offer joy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010
As we learn to honor,
respect and love our elders,
we become more aware
of God in Eternity.
Re-birth, transformations,
endings beginnings again,
and again
remind us that there is always
cause for ceremony and celebration.
Each day we are given opportunity
to expand our vision and our hearts
as we re-discover Heaven
in the simplicity of kindness!
As we learn to honor,
respect and love our elders,
we become more aware
of God in Eternity.
Re-birth, transformations,
endings beginnings again,
and again
remind us that there is always
cause for ceremony and celebration.
Each day we are given opportunity
to expand our vision and our hearts
as we re-discover Heaven
in the simplicity of kindness!

Friday, December 10, 2010
On Peace
Peace is a pathway that
lies beneath each thought,
feeling and action.
Peace is learning to honor
the healing process
and holding a space for the
joy that can come after.
Peace is the smile of joy
on a child's face as she or he
holds the hand of a grandparent
and adoringly they say to eachother...
I love you!
Peace is hope day and night
illuminated by faith.
May a loving peace prevail!
Peace is a pathway that
lies beneath each thought,
feeling and action.
Peace is learning to honor
the healing process
and holding a space for the
joy that can come after.
Peace is the smile of joy
on a child's face as she or he
holds the hand of a grandparent
and adoringly they say to eachother...
I love you!
Peace is hope day and night
illuminated by faith.
May a loving peace prevail!

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Most Important
Most important this holiday season
is to remember all that is good
in our lives.
We can share our gratitude
with family and friends.
We can inspire eachother
through our loving actions.
We can also celebrate with compassion
by sharing our resources
with those in need and help
to improve our Earth.
Today, start by extending
a big smile to a stranger.
Share your gratitude for all good deeds.
Hope for prosperity and peace for all people!
And please, even in loving dis-agreement,
we must re-member to support eachother with respect.
May a loving peace prevail!
Most important this holiday season
is to remember all that is good
in our lives.
We can share our gratitude
with family and friends.
We can inspire eachother
through our loving actions.
We can also celebrate with compassion
by sharing our resources
with those in need and help
to improve our Earth.
Today, start by extending
a big smile to a stranger.
Share your gratitude for all good deeds.
Hope for prosperity and peace for all people!
And please, even in loving dis-agreement,
we must re-member to support eachother with respect.
May a loving peace prevail!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
It is said that some healing
comes from inner Joy.
But what is Joy?
Joy is in the be-ing,
in the recognizing,
and in the acceptance of love.
Just as breathing creates the pathway
for the journey of love.
Today, breathe deeply
embrace each moment
and find your JOY!
It is said that some healing
comes from inner Joy.
But what is Joy?
Joy is in the be-ing,
in the recognizing,
and in the acceptance of love.
Just as breathing creates the pathway
for the journey of love.
Today, breathe deeply
embrace each moment
and find your JOY!

Monday, December 6, 2010
Giving More to the Rich is a DinosauricThought
At some point, we must all travel
through the wilderness of our own mind
to discover what holds us in fear.
Some of us might be horrified
by the vestiges of dinosauric thoughts
that prevent us from moving forward
in love and a willingness
to support those in need.
Is it right to give the wealthy
in America more
by continuing the Bush- era
tax cuts for the rich
just so those unemployed
can have extended benefits?
What do you think?
How can we really move forward in love?
How do we create more jobs
and support those in need?
Where is our morality?
We must let go of these dinosauric thoughts.
Is it right to reward the rich
while others suffer?
We do support you Mr. President.
Please don't give more to the rich.
Help us keep our hope and integrity!
Folks, today call your senator,
your congressperson and the White House.
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
At some point, we must all travel
through the wilderness of our own mind
to discover what holds us in fear.
Some of us might be horrified
by the vestiges of dinosauric thoughts
that prevent us from moving forward
in love and a willingness
to support those in need.
Is it right to give the wealthy
in America more
by continuing the Bush- era
tax cuts for the rich
just so those unemployed
can have extended benefits?
What do you think?
How can we really move forward in love?
How do we create more jobs
and support those in need?
Where is our morality?
We must let go of these dinosauric thoughts.
Is it right to reward the rich
while others suffer?
We do support you Mr. President.
Please don't give more to the rich.
Help us keep our hope and integrity!
Folks, today call your senator,
your congressperson and the White House.
Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Sunday, December 5, 2010
So many shadows
and skeletons
of our society
are being exposed.
We now have an opportunity
to be honest
and return to integrity.
Today,what do you need
to be honest about ?
What skeletons or shadow
needs to be embraced,
forgiven and let go?
Perhaps we can
find hope in truth
and forgiveness
as we commit to
Move Forward In Love!
Walk In Peace!
So many shadows
and skeletons
of our society
are being exposed.
We now have an opportunity
to be honest
and return to integrity.
Today,what do you need
to be honest about ?
What skeletons or shadow
needs to be embraced,
forgiven and let go?
Perhaps we can
find hope in truth
and forgiveness
as we commit to
Move Forward In Love!
Walk In Peace!

Saturday, December 4, 2010
On Deception
When you walk with an open heart,
there are those who will try
to deceive you.
They may even believe that
your kindness is a weakness.
They may lie and try to steal
your money and your heart.
This is a fact of life.
When you know this,
you become wealthy
in understanding and wisdom.
You become stronger
in love and compassion.
No matter what others believe,
you see every deception.
But as an instrument of God,
you pray for the best.
You Give with discernment;
And your gifts forever
multiply with love!
This is the reward
for the believer
and giver of love!
When you walk with an open heart,
there are those who will try
to deceive you.
They may even believe that
your kindness is a weakness.
They may lie and try to steal
your money and your heart.
This is a fact of life.
When you know this,
you become wealthy
in understanding and wisdom.
You become stronger
in love and compassion.
No matter what others believe,
you see every deception.
But as an instrument of God,
you pray for the best.
You Give with discernment;
And your gifts forever
multiply with love!
This is the reward
for the believer
and giver of love!

Friday, December 3, 2010
Risk and Reward
In life if we
are not willing to risk
some of our material comfort
for God's dream,
then how will there be
any reward?
If your heart says yes,
then take the risk
and know that positive resolution
will come from God's miracle realm.
Ultimately the risk will be
a lesson in courage and compassion.
God's true reward will be understanding
with an everlasting, sustaining love!
In life if we
are not willing to risk
some of our material comfort
for God's dream,
then how will there be
any reward?
If your heart says yes,
then take the risk
and know that positive resolution
will come from God's miracle realm.
Ultimately the risk will be
a lesson in courage and compassion.
God's true reward will be understanding
with an everlasting, sustaining love!

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Miracle Worker
Everyday I pray
for Miracles for others
and do my best
to offer love.
Often the Uni-Verse
in infinite wisdom
sends through others
with kindness and love,
beautiful Miracles for me!
Do Good and good will come.
Today, be a Miracle Worker!
Everyday I pray
for Miracles for others
and do my best
to offer love.
Often the Uni-Verse
in infinite wisdom
sends through others
with kindness and love,
beautiful Miracles for me!
Do Good and good will come.
Today, be a Miracle Worker!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
World Aids Day. Keep A Child Alive!
There is not minute to spare
when it comes to re-membering
that You are a Gift of Love.
Now is the time
to begin to use your gifts
to live God's dream!
World Aids Day. Keep A Child Alive!
There is not minute to spare
when it comes to re-membering
that You are a Gift of Love.
Now is the time
to begin to use your gifts
to live God's dream!
World Aids Day. Keep A Child Alive!

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