We are given no choice
but to live in the Now.
The challenges at any moment
may seem overwhelming
but when we pause and breathe deeply,
we re-connect to our divine selves.
An Affirmation---
Today I remember to breathe deeply.
I will speak gently in a way that
will allow me to be heard.
I will do what I can do,
rest when I need to rest
and through my breath,
I will allow and receive the spirit
and grace of re-membering love!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Challenging NOW

Sunday, January 30, 2011
They Will Rise Up
As people awaken in love, they will rise up
and be inspired by truth. We are One.
The few who have taken the resources
from the majority and are living in opulence
will find that their reigns are being questioned.
People will take to the streets and protest
with both dignity and frustration.
They will want a voice in their destiny.
They will demand to be heard.
People will want more for their children
and begin to protest unfair social, political
and economic practices that result in discrimination.
They will no longer accept living in poverty.
They will want their children to have education,
and homes filled with a loving peace, and bright futures.
The majority of people will want
new leaders with compassionate hearts.
This time has come.
We must all pray for a positive, peaceful,
non-violent resolve as we move into an era
where more people want to create, live
and thrive in diverse, democratic societies!
Let us pray and vow to move forward
with positive, loving societal transitions
with truth and re-conciliation
and the sharing of resources and power!

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Remembering Ancient Grandmothers
Re-Membering Ancient Grandmothers
----Inspired by the Teachings of Elizabeth A. Hin
The sun shone on a crisp Fall day,
and the wind blew so that leaves
danced as old friends, and eternal lovers.
Even now the music plays in my head.
A drum beats steadily
as bells create joyful melodies of Grace.
It was then that many were reborn.
Reborn with the understanding
that love is patience in the knowing
and feeling of humility, and compassion.
Many were re-born knowing
love is all there is, and ever was.
And therefore it is no surprise
that today we find ourselves
amongst the fallen red/orange/yellow/green leaves
and gather them tenderly
as if they are our most precious possessions.
For these leaves represent
the passage of time---a settling,
an understanding,
an appreciation of Grace.
Ancient Grandmothers are surprised, really,
that we don’t re-member
to fully embrace the breath of our hearts.
It is a breath as sweet as jasmine,
as salty as an ocean breeze,
as light and refreshing
as the smell of trees when it rains.
The breath is all things
that allow us a new understanding of the old.
We often have reason for celebration
for we are ancient in our desire,
in our faith, and our understanding.
And re-member, since the beginning of time
Grandmothers have said that
peace is a pathway that lies
beneath each thought, feeling, and action.
Peace is an opportunity
to create a world of tranquility
filled with hope, and manifested by healing.
Peace is the smile of joy
on a child’s face as she or he
holds the hand of a grandparent
and adoringly they say to eachother,
I love you!
Peace is each of us re-visiting our anger
and forgiving ourselves through love.
Peace is honoring the healing process
and holding a space for the joy
that can come after.
Peace is each of us walking tranquilly
with no guns, no weapons of mass destruction,
and no more red buttons in the white house
created to annihilate the world.
Peace is hope, day and night
illuminated by hard work, and the quest
for cures of all the ills of our society.
Peace is illuminated by each step into grace
and the reconciliation of differences
that now serve to plant
new seeds in our Universal Garden.
The Ancient Grandmothers are surprised, really,
that we don’t re-member harmonics
as the flowers of Grace which eternally
have formed new bouquets of hope,
of infinite healing, of courage,
of solutions to age old challenges.
These bouquets honor and salute
our entire sentient family
and reflect a unique understanding
of the future of the Universe.
Ancient Grandmothers
are asking us to become
more aware of a special sense of order.
Rebirth, transformations,
endings, beginnings again, and again
remind us that there is always cause for celebration,
always an opportunity to expand our vision,
and our hearts.
Ancient Grandmothers are asking
Us to pay more attention;
to walk in the field of miracles,
to embrace the newness of leaves
fallen with hope, appreciation and courage.
What if in this moment we imagine
a potential new healing
supported by angels, masters and spirit guides
as well as trees, mountains, oceans,
sea lions, eagles, doves, dolphins and whales.
Ancient Grandmothers tell us that
truth is the constant re-minder
and the unearthing in the Now.
truth is the intuition and courage
within each of us.
Truth is the desire to live, hope and dream
of love---of a tranquil world with opportunity,
healing, food, equity,
and the fulfillment of good dreams for all.
Truth is a new song created by the symphony.
The chords are stronger, the harmony intensified.
Surety is the reality.
Resistance too is a part of the song.
Together it all becomes a symphony of love
within the passage of time.
Love is traveling through unknown pathways.
Love is with new purpose.
Love is with new meaning.
It is a song where fear is transformed
into hope with the courage to take
a solo of compassion created by humility.
The symphony of love creates a
New Infinite Harmonic
that carries us beyond; in this time,
and beyond, the beyond, the beyond!
Ancient Grandmothers remind us
that Joy is in the be-ing,
in the recognizing, in the acceptance of love.
As breathing creates the pathway
for the journey of love
into new sound vibrations of Harmonic Grace.
The sun shone on a crisp Fall day,
and the wind blew so that leaves
danced as old friends, and eternal lovers.
Ancient Grandmothers, and Grandfathers
are surprised; really,
that we don’t re-member harmonics
as the flowers of Grace which eternally
have formed new bouquets of hope,
of infinite healing, of courage,
and solutions to age old challenges.
-----Miss Mellie Rainbow
----Inspired by the Teachings of Elizabeth A. Hin
The sun shone on a crisp Fall day,
and the wind blew so that leaves
danced as old friends, and eternal lovers.
Even now the music plays in my head.
A drum beats steadily
as bells create joyful melodies of Grace.
It was then that many were reborn.
Reborn with the understanding
that love is patience in the knowing
and feeling of humility, and compassion.
Many were re-born knowing
love is all there is, and ever was.
And therefore it is no surprise
that today we find ourselves
amongst the fallen red/orange/yellow/green leaves
and gather them tenderly
as if they are our most precious possessions.
For these leaves represent
the passage of time---a settling,
an understanding,
an appreciation of Grace.
Ancient Grandmothers are surprised, really,
that we don’t re-member
to fully embrace the breath of our hearts.
It is a breath as sweet as jasmine,
as salty as an ocean breeze,
as light and refreshing
as the smell of trees when it rains.
The breath is all things
that allow us a new understanding of the old.
We often have reason for celebration
for we are ancient in our desire,
in our faith, and our understanding.
And re-member, since the beginning of time
Grandmothers have said that
peace is a pathway that lies
beneath each thought, feeling, and action.
Peace is an opportunity
to create a world of tranquility
filled with hope, and manifested by healing.
Peace is the smile of joy
on a child’s face as she or he
holds the hand of a grandparent
and adoringly they say to eachother,
I love you!
Peace is each of us re-visiting our anger
and forgiving ourselves through love.
Peace is honoring the healing process
and holding a space for the joy
that can come after.
Peace is each of us walking tranquilly
with no guns, no weapons of mass destruction,
and no more red buttons in the white house
created to annihilate the world.
Peace is hope, day and night
illuminated by hard work, and the quest
for cures of all the ills of our society.
Peace is illuminated by each step into grace
and the reconciliation of differences
that now serve to plant
new seeds in our Universal Garden.
The Ancient Grandmothers are surprised, really,
that we don’t re-member harmonics
as the flowers of Grace which eternally
have formed new bouquets of hope,
of infinite healing, of courage,
of solutions to age old challenges.
These bouquets honor and salute
our entire sentient family
and reflect a unique understanding
of the future of the Universe.
Ancient Grandmothers
are asking us to become
more aware of a special sense of order.
Rebirth, transformations,
endings, beginnings again, and again
remind us that there is always cause for celebration,
always an opportunity to expand our vision,
and our hearts.
Ancient Grandmothers are asking
Us to pay more attention;
to walk in the field of miracles,
to embrace the newness of leaves
fallen with hope, appreciation and courage.
What if in this moment we imagine
a potential new healing
supported by angels, masters and spirit guides
as well as trees, mountains, oceans,
sea lions, eagles, doves, dolphins and whales.
Ancient Grandmothers tell us that
truth is the constant re-minder
and the unearthing in the Now.
truth is the intuition and courage
within each of us.
Truth is the desire to live, hope and dream
of love---of a tranquil world with opportunity,
healing, food, equity,
and the fulfillment of good dreams for all.
Truth is a new song created by the symphony.
The chords are stronger, the harmony intensified.
Surety is the reality.
Resistance too is a part of the song.
Together it all becomes a symphony of love
within the passage of time.
Love is traveling through unknown pathways.
Love is with new purpose.
Love is with new meaning.
It is a song where fear is transformed
into hope with the courage to take
a solo of compassion created by humility.
The symphony of love creates a
New Infinite Harmonic
that carries us beyond; in this time,
and beyond, the beyond, the beyond!
Ancient Grandmothers remind us
that Joy is in the be-ing,
in the recognizing, in the acceptance of love.
As breathing creates the pathway
for the journey of love
into new sound vibrations of Harmonic Grace.
The sun shone on a crisp Fall day,
and the wind blew so that leaves
danced as old friends, and eternal lovers.
Ancient Grandmothers, and Grandfathers
are surprised; really,
that we don’t re-member harmonics
as the flowers of Grace which eternally
have formed new bouquets of hope,
of infinite healing, of courage,
and solutions to age old challenges.
-----Miss Mellie Rainbow

Friday, January 28, 2011
When are we perfect?
We are perfect in love.
Our quest should always be
to be more kind, understanding
and loving towards others.
Each day we learn that we
are reflections of each other
--- in our pain and our joy.
Today let us laugh, dream and love!
When are we perfect?
We are perfect Only in Love.
When are we perfect?
We are perfect in love.
Our quest should always be
to be more kind, understanding
and loving towards others.
Each day we learn that we
are reflections of each other
--- in our pain and our joy.
Today let us laugh, dream and love!
When are we perfect?
We are perfect Only in Love.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
The World Is Calling
From severe floods of rain and snow
to millions of people who remain unemployed
and others rising up in protest
in Tunesia and Egypt---
the World is calling for loving,
cooperative change!
There is friction as Truth is revealed
and we are called upon to work together
and move forward in love.
Through it all we must be patient,
hopeful and willing to accept loving,
cooperative change!
From severe floods of rain and snow
to millions of people who remain unemployed
and others rising up in protest
in Tunesia and Egypt---
the World is calling for loving,
cooperative change!
There is friction as Truth is revealed
and we are called upon to work together
and move forward in love.
Through it all we must be patient,
hopeful and willing to accept loving,
cooperative change!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Circle of Life
When we were given eternal breath,
we began to live moment by moment
using our gifts, mastering our talents,
and sharing our love.
In the circle of life,
there is no ending---
our ultimate ascension
gives us a new beginning.
As we travel on our infinite journey,
at each destination we leave
a legacy of our love,
our creative accomplishments
and our ability to inspire.
For it is through love and inspiration
that we are re-membered
and thrive in eternity.
When we were given eternal breath,
we began to live moment by moment
using our gifts, mastering our talents,
and sharing our love.
In the circle of life,
there is no ending---
our ultimate ascension
gives us a new beginning.
As we travel on our infinite journey,
at each destination we leave
a legacy of our love,
our creative accomplishments
and our ability to inspire.
For it is through love and inspiration
that we are re-membered
and thrive in eternity.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Each of us will cross galaxies of hope
find mole hills of despair
valleys of joy
and a mountain of love.
The stars forever
twinkle in delight
of our search for the truth
within our hearts.
Always our discoveries and pathways
are illuminated with Divine Love!

Monday, January 24, 2011
What Matters
In life what matters?
It only matters that we open our hearts
allowing our Spirits to become States United
giving and receiving love
learning to accept and appreciate joy.
If this is what matters,
then today how will open your heart?
How will you live what matters?

9/9/09--I AM ONE
Today Joy moves through me as I learn
compassion and humility.
I am ONE with all sentient beings…
the sky, the clouds, the sun the rain,
Today Joy moves through me as I learn
compassion and humility.
I am ONE with all sentient beings…
the sky, the clouds, the sun the rain,
the trees that sway and dance in the wind,
the birds that greet me in song.
I am One with the Spirit of Mother Theresa, Malcolm, Martin,
the birds that greet me in song.
I am One with the Spirit of Mother Theresa, Malcolm, Martin,
John, and Edward as well as Ruth, Isaac, Joshua,
Mary, Jesus, Khadeeja, Mohammed, Shams,
Kuan Yin and Sojourner Truth.
I am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer,
I am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer,
the man suffering and dying from lung cancer,
and the woman in Afghanistan whose family
was killed by a drone.
I am ONE with the homeless woman pushing the cart
with all her worldly possessions and warning us of
our greed; though we don’t often listen.
I am One with the Tibetan who was told
by Chairman Mao that religion is poison
and the Palestinian wandering,
unable to return to his homeland.
I am One with the starving child of Dafur
and the Israeli settler with a gun in his hand.
I am One with every child born at this moment
and the great-grandparents who are taking
their last breath on this Earth Realm.
I am ONE with the artist struggling to show us the way
and the politician disgraced in shame.
I am ONE with those who have awakened in love
and those filled with fear.
Circumstances make no difference to me
for I embrace the journey and see the Divine
in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.
I am One with the President who needs more courage
to say stop the killing everywhere
and the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in peace.
In my dreams the white Buffalo Woman,
the morning dove and the golden hawk
guide me as my heart becomes filled
with ancient prayers of all traditions.
I am One with the caterpillar and the butterfly.
I am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew,
the Moslem, the Bahai, the Hindu, the Yoruba,
the Janist, the Naturalist,
the One who doesn’t believe in God
and the One Lost in their material identity
and always needing more….
Today Joy moves through me as compassion,
and the woman in Afghanistan whose family
was killed by a drone.
I am ONE with the homeless woman pushing the cart
with all her worldly possessions and warning us of
our greed; though we don’t often listen.
I am One with the Tibetan who was told
by Chairman Mao that religion is poison
and the Palestinian wandering,
unable to return to his homeland.
I am One with the starving child of Dafur
and the Israeli settler with a gun in his hand.
I am One with every child born at this moment
and the great-grandparents who are taking
their last breath on this Earth Realm.
I am ONE with the artist struggling to show us the way
and the politician disgraced in shame.
I am ONE with those who have awakened in love
and those filled with fear.
Circumstances make no difference to me
for I embrace the journey and see the Divine
in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.
I am One with the President who needs more courage
to say stop the killing everywhere
and the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in peace.
In my dreams the white Buffalo Woman,
the morning dove and the golden hawk
guide me as my heart becomes filled
with ancient prayers of all traditions.
I am One with the caterpillar and the butterfly.
I am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew,
the Moslem, the Bahai, the Hindu, the Yoruba,
the Janist, the Naturalist,
the One who doesn’t believe in God
and the One Lost in their material identity
and always needing more….
Today Joy moves through me as compassion,
humility and understanding become a way of life...
for in you I see the reflection of me
and know WE ARE ONE.
for in you I see the reflection of me
and know WE ARE ONE.
Miss Mellie Rainbow on 9/9/09
aka Rev. MelonyMcGant
aka Rev. MelonyMcGant

Mercy, Compassion and Grace
The more we value and appreciate
the stories of others,
the more we can invite mercy
and compassion into our world.
Mercy teaches us to say
"never again"-- not in anger and hate
but in respect and love.
We learn that forgiveness heals
and inspires acts of common kindness.
This is Grace.
Compassion allows us to share in the dignity,
the joy, the wonder and victory of the Divine Heart!
This too is Grace.
Today, let us invite mercy and compassion
into our hearts and our World!
The more we value and appreciate
the stories of others,
the more we can invite mercy
and compassion into our world.
Mercy teaches us to say
"never again"-- not in anger and hate
but in respect and love.
We learn that forgiveness heals
and inspires acts of common kindness.
This is Grace.
Compassion allows us to share in the dignity,
the joy, the wonder and victory of the Divine Heart!
This too is Grace.
Today, let us invite mercy and compassion
into our hearts and our World!

Friday, January 21, 2011
Re-Visiting Hope
Hope comes to visit everyday
through a smile,
an unexpected phone call or letter,
a quiet reflection,
dinner with an old friend
filled with laughter,
a walk in the park,
a visit to the musuem or zoo
and a word or act of kindness.
Hope resides in our hearts
and is a special gift to share.
Hope is a friend that gives us courage
to take a difficult next step
and shares comfort in hard times.
It calms our spirit and lightens our hearts!
Today, welcome hope into your life!
Hope comes to visit everyday
through a smile,
an unexpected phone call or letter,
a quiet reflection,
dinner with an old friend
filled with laughter,
a walk in the park,
a visit to the musuem or zoo
and a word or act of kindness.
Hope resides in our hearts
and is a special gift to share.
Hope is a friend that gives us courage
to take a difficult next step
and shares comfort in hard times.
It calms our spirit and lightens our hearts!
Today, welcome hope into your life!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Even when our hearts are broken
and filled with despair
there is beauty.
It is often in our brokeness
that we find the courage
and strength to comfort eachother.
In our grief we learn that
there are no boundaries in pain,
and that we all yearn for love.
We re-member to share mercy.
We begin to speak more tenderly.
We extend a hand to others.
We become united in hope and work
together to create a more loving
legacy for our children.
This is beauty with divine inspiration!
Even when our hearts are broken
and filled with despair
there is beauty.
It is often in our brokeness
that we find the courage
and strength to comfort eachother.
In our grief we learn that
there are no boundaries in pain,
and that we all yearn for love.
We re-member to share mercy.
We begin to speak more tenderly.
We extend a hand to others.
We become united in hope and work
together to create a more loving
legacy for our children.
This is beauty with divine inspiration!

In every child resides a gift
waiting to be nurtured and loved.
Through children we may learn
to dance with butterflies
or whisper to flowers.
We may learn to hug the trees
or try to count the stars in the sky.
Children are born knowing only love.
Nurture and love our children
for in them resides the genius,
the curiosity and infinite hope.
Act with love.
Be the peace, live in peace
for our children!
And you too will come
to live in a field of Divine miracles!
In every child resides a gift
waiting to be nurtured and loved.
Through children we may learn
to dance with butterflies
or whisper to flowers.
We may learn to hug the trees
or try to count the stars in the sky.
Children are born knowing only love.
Nurture and love our children
for in them resides the genius,
the curiosity and infinite hope.
Act with love.
Be the peace, live in peace
for our children!
And you too will come
to live in a field of Divine miracles!

Being Wise
In life we may be asked to be-friend
both a fool and a wise one.
The fool will smile and charm us,
take our gifts, ask for more, break their word,
and soon leave to find others to manipulate.
Be always kind.
A wise one asks for nothing, shares
whatever they have
and vows eternal friendship.
Be grateful to the fool
for they have served as a teacher
and you have learned who NOT to become.
Pray for them.
To the wise one, offer friendship,
pray together and begin to build
a universal community of good
with a loving foundation.
Are you a fool or a wise one?
In life we may be asked to be-friend
both a fool and a wise one.
The fool will smile and charm us,
take our gifts, ask for more, break their word,
and soon leave to find others to manipulate.
Be always kind.
A wise one asks for nothing, shares
whatever they have
and vows eternal friendship.
Be grateful to the fool
for they have served as a teacher
and you have learned who NOT to become.
Pray for them.
To the wise one, offer friendship,
pray together and begin to build
a universal community of good
with a loving foundation.
Are you a fool or a wise one?

Friday, January 14, 2011
many Paths, ONE Destination
There are many paths
we will travel in life
but the only destination
is to return to the
One Collective Heart of Mercy.
Journey into remembrance
and move forward with care
and appreciation for
your fellow travelers.
Have A Beautiful Day!
There are many paths
we will travel in life
but the only destination
is to return to the
One Collective Heart of Mercy.
Journey into remembrance
and move forward with care
and appreciation for
your fellow travelers.
Have A Beautiful Day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Faith in Goodness
These are times when
the light of love
sometimes feels dim.
People are suffering.
How do we heal?
We heal through the faith
in our own goodness.
Each kind act makes
the light more vibrant.
We must open our hearts
so the light of compassion
shines with hope.
At every moment we have
the opportunity to be good
and to
offer our lives in service to good.
The light of love is the greatest
gift within you. Believe it.
Be understanding of life's challenges.
Act with generosity of spirit.
Make kindness your practice
and you will help heal our wounded world.
I heal through my good acts and by sharing
the light of love within me!
Kindness is my practice!
These are times when
the light of love
sometimes feels dim.
People are suffering.
How do we heal?
We heal through the faith
in our own goodness.
Each kind act makes
the light more vibrant.
We must open our hearts
so the light of compassion
shines with hope.
At every moment we have
the opportunity to be good
and to
offer our lives in service to good.
The light of love is the greatest
gift within you. Believe it.
Be understanding of life's challenges.
Act with generosity of spirit.
Make kindness your practice
and you will help heal our wounded world.
I heal through my good acts and by sharing
the light of love within me!
Kindness is my practice!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A true leader is a follower
who always offers
their personal best,
listens intently,
acts with compassion,
and recognizes and inspires others
to offer their personal best.
We all have the potential
to live as leaders
when we offer
our personal best
with humility and grace.
A true leader is a follower
who always offers
their personal best,
listens intently,
acts with compassion,
and recognizes and inspires others
to offer their personal best.
We all have the potential
to live as leaders
when we offer
our personal best
with humility and grace.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Dawn of a New Day
The beauty of the day is evident
in the rainbow palette
of the sky as the Sun rises.
We call it the Dawn of a New Day.
And sometimes, with it comes
the memory of tragedy and
the despair we felt yesterday.
Still with hope, our hearts
begin to awaken, and re-membering
compassion; we begin again.
Today we offer a hand and speak
tenderly to our neighbors
even in dis-agreement.
This is the way of diplomacy!
The beauty of the day is evident
in the rainbow palette
of the sky as the Sun rises.
We call it the Dawn of a New Day.
And sometimes, with it comes
the memory of tragedy and
the despair we felt yesterday.
Still with hope, our hearts
begin to awaken, and re-membering
compassion; we begin again.
Today we offer a hand and speak
tenderly to our neighbors
even in dis-agreement.
This is the way of diplomacy!

How often have we felt offended
and simply wanted an apology
that never came?
First we must have the courage
to peacefully say what hurt us.
It may be received graciously or not.
Offer understanding and forgiveness
in your heart.
This is your healing.
Then simply move on in your day
and be open to discover what
new miracles await you!
How often have we felt offended
and simply wanted an apology
that never came?
First we must have the courage
to peacefully say what hurt us.
It may be received graciously or not.
Offer understanding and forgiveness
in your heart.
This is your healing.
Then simply move on in your day
and be open to discover what
new miracles await you!

Living the YES!
What would happen if the
whole world awakened in yes
and aligned by living the principles
of compassion, faith, forgiveness,
hope, humility, mercy,
respect and love?
Well You Have Awakened!
All over the Earth, others like You
are re-membering compassion,faith,
forgiveness, hope, humility, mercy,
respect and love.
Millions and millions
are Awakening in Yes.
Now with the help of Infinite Divine Spirit,
moment to moment, we must keep
our hearts open
and Live the Yes!
What would happen if the
whole world awakened in yes
and aligned by living the principles
of compassion, faith, forgiveness,
hope, humility, mercy,
respect and love?
Well You Have Awakened!
All over the Earth, others like You
are re-membering compassion,faith,
forgiveness, hope, humility, mercy,
respect and love.
Millions and millions
are Awakening in Yes.
Now with the help of Infinite Divine Spirit,
moment to moment, we must keep
our hearts open
and Live the Yes!

Courage and New Beginnings
Let us honor and support Haitians--
still walking with hope after
tremendous continuing loss
and the broken promises of the world,
as well as South Sudanese
asking for peace, voting
for new beginnings--
and all those everywhere
holding on to dreams of
healing peace with love,
prosperity and education for children.
This is the walk of courage of
a dolphin learning to swim or
an eagle preparing to soar through the sky.
With the support of God's ever abiding love,
success comes by believing we can!
Let us honor and support Haitians--
still walking with hope after
tremendous continuing loss
and the broken promises of the world,
as well as South Sudanese
asking for peace, voting
for new beginnings--
and all those everywhere
holding on to dreams of
healing peace with love,
prosperity and education for children.
This is the walk of courage of
a dolphin learning to swim or
an eagle preparing to soar through the sky.
With the support of God's ever abiding love,
success comes by believing we can!

Friday, January 7, 2011
Creating Space
A wise person allows others
the experience of using
their voice and their gifts.
No one is insignificant.
We must listen to others
and honor their gifts.
Try to create a space where others
feel their contributions are worthy.
We are here,
together learning
to work, build consensus
and live in community.
A wise person allows others
the experience of using
their voice and their gifts.
No one is insignificant.
We must listen to others
and honor their gifts.
Try to create a space where others
feel their contributions are worthy.
We are here,
together learning
to work, build consensus
and live in community.

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Thank You for Your Kindness
Thank you.
Your daily actions,
your willingness to share
your unique gifts,
your patience
and your hard work are appreciated.
Say this to someone else,
and you both will shine!
Thank you.
Your kindness and dedication
to good is helping to
open the heart of the world!
Today is a beautiful day to say thank you!
Thank you.
Your daily actions,
your willingness to share
your unique gifts,
your patience
and your hard work are appreciated.
Say this to someone else,
and you both will shine!
Thank you.
Your kindness and dedication
to good is helping to
open the heart of the world!
Today is a beautiful day to say thank you!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Gift of Tolerance
Individuals grow in love
when they are willing to offer
their best and accept those
who appear to be different.
We all have different special gifts.
Be tolerant and open
to the gifts of others.
Offer appreciation and honor them.
See their best,
allow them to offer their best.
Offer your best
--- and somehow you will come
together in love!
Individuals grow in love
when they are willing to offer
their best and accept those
who appear to be different.
We all have different special gifts.
Be tolerant and open
to the gifts of others.
Offer appreciation and honor them.
See their best,
allow them to offer their best.
Offer your best
--- and somehow you will come
together in love!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
How does the conversation of love
move through you?
Breakthrough and Honor
the voice of your heart.
Who are you?
You are a being of Grace.
Have courage.
Gently ask the questions
and begin to experience
the lessons of love in All!
It is a beautiful day for discovery!
How does the conversation of love
move through you?
Breakthrough and Honor
the voice of your heart.
Who are you?
You are a being of Grace.
Have courage.
Gently ask the questions
and begin to experience
the lessons of love in All!
It is a beautiful day for discovery!

Monday, January 3, 2011
Peacemaker 2011
Peacemakers grow to see every side,
as they learn to read between, below,
and on top of words and emotions.
Peacemakers articulate a truth
that allows for compassion,
forgiveness and reconcilliation.
They learn to walk and offer their lives
as living prayers for Cooperation and Peace.
Are you a Peacemaker?
How do you walk?
What truth will you articulate?
What is your offering?
Peacemakers grow to see every side,
as they learn to read between, below,
and on top of words and emotions.
Peacemakers articulate a truth
that allows for compassion,
forgiveness and reconcilliation.
They learn to walk and offer their lives
as living prayers for Cooperation and Peace.
Are you a Peacemaker?
How do you walk?
What truth will you articulate?
What is your offering?

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