Listen Up America! Your children are tired of politician-parents bickering. You are breaking their hearts.
Children want their parents to have jobs so that they can eat and have a place to call home. Children want their grandparents to be cared for with respect and love.
Children want to honor their President, like all the other Presidents have been honored and see good conversations about peace,not wars that wound or kill their parents.
Children want to live in a beautiful world where we appreciate and share our resources as we honor the Earth.
Listen Up America! Your Children offer their hearts with love; desire a world of safety, loving peace and shared prosperity. That is the real conversation!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Listen Up America!

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Hello World. Welcome HOME!
Hello World! This is a dinner invitation. Come as you are! Bring your joys and your sorrows. Bring your hopes, your fears, your great success and desperate failures. Bring your shadows of disappointment, envy and greed. Nourishment and transformative Healing awaits you!
Come as you are to the Home and Heart of Compassion. Here, humility, understanding, forgiveness and gratitude is the food offered for your Soul. As you taste each morsel, your faith will blossom with hope and joy.
Welcome Home! Only Love Can Prosper Here!
Hello World! This is a dinner invitation. Come as you are! Bring your joys and your sorrows. Bring your hopes, your fears, your great success and desperate failures. Bring your shadows of disappointment, envy and greed. Nourishment and transformative Healing awaits you!
Come as you are to the Home and Heart of Compassion. Here, humility, understanding, forgiveness and gratitude is the food offered for your Soul. As you taste each morsel, your faith will blossom with hope and joy.
Welcome Home! Only Love Can Prosper Here!

Friday, July 29, 2011
Goodbye in Gratitude
There will be those to whom you open your heart and extend a hand of mercy, compassion and love. Do this always willingly. Even Strangers may truly appreciate and honor your efforts.
There will be others who constantly call upon you and expect your gifts at every turn of their lives but will walk away when you are in need. Be prepared.
When they leave,say Goodbye in Gratitude. Your broken heart has just been opened and is ready to receive the great love that is coming for you! Pray, Pay Attention and Prepare in Gratitude!
There will be those to whom you open your heart and extend a hand of mercy, compassion and love. Do this always willingly. Even Strangers may truly appreciate and honor your efforts.
There will be others who constantly call upon you and expect your gifts at every turn of their lives but will walk away when you are in need. Be prepared.
When they leave,say Goodbye in Gratitude. Your broken heart has just been opened and is ready to receive the great love that is coming for you! Pray, Pay Attention and Prepare in Gratitude!

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Living Your Word
Yesterday will become today, tomorrow. Our commitments of cooperation rest within our hearts waiting to be realized. How do we allow our word to become truth? How will we live the commitments we made yesterday?
Today is the day to awaken the commitments in your heart. Each step you take with care, honor, dignity and mercy will allow you to live your words of compassion and realize your commitment of cooperation and hope. Yesterday's Truth Awaits. Begin Today! Live Your Word. Continue Tomorrow!
Yesterday will become today, tomorrow. Our commitments of cooperation rest within our hearts waiting to be realized. How do we allow our word to become truth? How will we live the commitments we made yesterday?
Today is the day to awaken the commitments in your heart. Each step you take with care, honor, dignity and mercy will allow you to live your words of compassion and realize your commitment of cooperation and hope. Yesterday's Truth Awaits. Begin Today! Live Your Word. Continue Tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Savor the Promise
Day and Night promised to cherish eachother and honor the greatness of the Uni-Verse. They see eachother only at Dusk and at Dawn but the memory of their union grows and rests in the heart of the Sun and the Stars. All savor the promise and hope of each moment in time.
When we lovingly keep our word, we too honor Love's song. We savor the promise by offering our hearts and taking each breath in love!
What promises have you have made in love? How are they cherished and being fulfilled within the Heart and Hope of the Uni-Verse?
Day and Night promised to cherish eachother and honor the greatness of the Uni-Verse. They see eachother only at Dusk and at Dawn but the memory of their union grows and rests in the heart of the Sun and the Stars. All savor the promise and hope of each moment in time.
When we lovingly keep our word, we too honor Love's song. We savor the promise by offering our hearts and taking each breath in love!
What promises have you have made in love? How are they cherished and being fulfilled within the Heart and Hope of the Uni-Verse?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
We may look and think differently. We may live in different climates and sing different songs. Still we all are born from the Heart of Love.
When we learn to honor and respect our differences, we can come together to make our lives better. In difference we must learn to share and compromise!
We may look and think differently. We may live in different climates and sing different songs. Still we all are born from the Heart of Love.
When we learn to honor and respect our differences, we can come together to make our lives better. In difference we must learn to share and compromise!

Monday, July 25, 2011

People may ask us to join them on their emotional toxic roller coasters.
Offer compassion and empathy but stay grounded in good. It is the only place where your honor and integrity can be of benefit to them, yourself and the world.
Offer your loving intent to hold a good space so that healing and moving forward becomes the most logical heartfelt action!
Don't take on the toxic emotions of others. Stay Grounded In Good!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Lovable YOU
To know love, we must believe we are lovable! When we have the courage to allow ourselves the gift of being stronger and wiser even in moments where we feel fragile and broken, we blossom in love.
That love we feel for ourselves becomes a gift we are able to see and honor in others. When know, honor and share love, we blossom through every season of life!
In the garden of life, a lovable Me sees and honors a lovable You!
To know love, we must believe we are lovable! When we have the courage to allow ourselves the gift of being stronger and wiser even in moments where we feel fragile and broken, we blossom in love.
That love we feel for ourselves becomes a gift we are able to see and honor in others. When know, honor and share love, we blossom through every season of life!
In the garden of life, a lovable Me sees and honors a lovable You!

Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Black Crow
The caw-caw of the black crow singing of it's woe shares an important lesson we all need to know.
He sings of greed and the old debt that has become every nation's biggest threat. The greedy want to jab, stab and grab.
The caw-caw of the black crow sings to compromise, sow and grow. The lesson always is to care and share!
Today Pray that people find the way! Pray that Good will save the day!
The caw-caw of the black crow singing of it's woe shares an important lesson we all need to know.
He sings of greed and the old debt that has become every nation's biggest threat. The greedy want to jab, stab and grab.
The caw-caw of the black crow sings to compromise, sow and grow. The lesson always is to care and share!
Today Pray that people find the way! Pray that Good will save the day!

Friday, July 22, 2011
Gentle Inspiration
In speaking to yourself and others, use words that share gentle questions and solutions without condemnation.
In every moment throughout the day it is important to try to allow our language to sing with the rhythm and hope of compassion! Allow yourself to be a tool of Gentle Inspiration!
In speaking to yourself and others, use words that share gentle questions and solutions without condemnation.
In every moment throughout the day it is important to try to allow our language to sing with the rhythm and hope of compassion! Allow yourself to be a tool of Gentle Inspiration!

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Honor the Flow
Each day when we are thoughtful and aware,
our lives become a stream and an ocean
of never-ending miracles
as we re-member to breathe and honor
the flow of Divine Grace!
Each day when we are thoughtful and aware,
our lives become a stream and an ocean
of never-ending miracles
as we re-member to breathe and honor
the flow of Divine Grace!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Every memory of the heart will offer a touchstone with a lesson.
Some touchstones are cooling agents, others simmer in joy.
The memory of the heart serves exclusively to help us move forward by accepting each touchstone as a lesson, and gift of love.
Today, as you re-connect to your touchstones, embrace the gift of a New Day and a New You!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Honor Simple Details
Honoring the simple details of our lives creates new energy filled with the willingness to cooperate with the flow of the Universe.
It is like the words Thank You being offered to the Creator early morning, throughout the day and as you fall asleep at night.
Gratitude is a simple detail that enhances the flow of abundance.
Honor and cherish the details of your life and your good offerings will become acts of Grace to share in love.
Honoring the simple details of our lives creates new energy filled with the willingness to cooperate with the flow of the Universe.
It is like the words Thank You being offered to the Creator early morning, throughout the day and as you fall asleep at night.
Gratitude is a simple detail that enhances the flow of abundance.
Honor and cherish the details of your life and your good offerings will become acts of Grace to share in love.

Monday, July 18, 2011
Negotiate Good Outcome
Each day Our Creator whispers good thoughts of loving care to each of us.
Throughout your day take a few moments to be still. Open your heart; receive and share the Grace flowing through you.
Offer your best to all others with a peaceful intention. Stand in the truth and walk offering respect and care. In this way you will inspire others to be peaceful.
Today offer only your best with a peaceful intention. In negotiation,-- with respect and care, allow for All parties to experience a good outcome!
Each day Our Creator whispers good thoughts of loving care to each of us.
Throughout your day take a few moments to be still. Open your heart; receive and share the Grace flowing through you.
Offer your best to all others with a peaceful intention. Stand in the truth and walk offering respect and care. In this way you will inspire others to be peaceful.
Today offer only your best with a peaceful intention. In negotiation,-- with respect and care, allow for All parties to experience a good outcome!

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Joyful Nourishment for Life

When good intentions are mixed with loving kindness and the fruit of our experience is tempered and seasoned with the wisdom of compassion--- then we create a colorful, opulent salad of love that can heal our hearts and provide joyful nourishment for life!

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Accept the Offering
We forget that what we desire may not come in the package we want. Perhaps we want a helper to accomplish a task but instead receive someone in need of our help.
It is a blessing, honor it! Accept the offering and good will of another in all their brokeness. Take time to Help them, but don't enable them.
Breathe deeply with compassion for them and yourself. Say hello to God and move on with new energy to accomplish the task you want to complete!
We forget that what we desire may not come in the package we want. Perhaps we want a helper to accomplish a task but instead receive someone in need of our help.
It is a blessing, honor it! Accept the offering and good will of another in all their brokeness. Take time to Help them, but don't enable them.
Breathe deeply with compassion for them and yourself. Say hello to God and move on with new energy to accomplish the task you want to complete!

Friday, July 15, 2011
Creating New Blessings
Sometimes we must stop, listen and re-organize our lives so that blessings flow more easily. What is really important for you to live with ease? Set your priorities carefully using your good intuition.
Let go of every selfish thought. Be gracious in disagreement and generous of heart.
Honor the sublime and gentleness of Spirit within you. By doing so, you will create new space for all the beautiful blessings that are about to come into your life!
Sometimes we must stop, listen and re-organize our lives so that blessings flow more easily. What is really important for you to live with ease? Set your priorities carefully using your good intuition.
Let go of every selfish thought. Be gracious in disagreement and generous of heart.
Honor the sublime and gentleness of Spirit within you. By doing so, you will create new space for all the beautiful blessings that are about to come into your life!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Come Walk With Me
Come, walk with me through the daffodils and daisies into the magnificent valley of hope. Smell the magnolias and cherry blossoms.
Feel free to pick a rose and know that its thorns represent ages and ages of Divine Wisdom.
Now gaze intently into the pool of life. Permit our reflections to show merely love. Love is the only weapon we need to conquer the fear in our hearts!
"Come now with love, and walk with me..." says your heart!
Come, walk with me through the daffodils and daisies into the magnificent valley of hope. Smell the magnolias and cherry blossoms.
Feel free to pick a rose and know that its thorns represent ages and ages of Divine Wisdom.
Now gaze intently into the pool of life. Permit our reflections to show merely love. Love is the only weapon we need to conquer the fear in our hearts!
"Come now with love, and walk with me..." says your heart!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How do we create a sanctuary for hope when so many of our neighbors are suffering? It is simple. Those who have more must share more. Selfishness will never feed hungry children, educate or help them grow in love. If our children are to survive and thrive on Earth, we must re-new our commitment for caring and sharing.
We can create a sanctuary for hope today by re-membering that every person struggling deserves help! We must begin to offer a hand to those in need and say "How can I help?"
How do we create a sanctuary for hope when so many of our neighbors are suffering? It is simple. Those who have more must share more. Selfishness will never feed hungry children, educate or help them grow in love. If our children are to survive and thrive on Earth, we must re-new our commitment for caring and sharing.
We can create a sanctuary for hope today by re-membering that every person struggling deserves help! We must begin to offer a hand to those in need and say "How can I help?"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Though difficult, there is beauty in saying goodbye to a job,a home or a Loved One.
Honor all that leaves you by re-membering it as a infinite bouquet of love. Special memories will then live within you as flowers of Grace.
As you give yourself permission to say goodbye, new roots of understanding are planted in your heart. Embrace each gift of the past. Let go with gratitude for the time shared, and each lesson of love.
Moving into the present moment, allow change to be the Divine Love Offering of renewal and hope in your life!
Though difficult, there is beauty in saying goodbye to a job,a home or a Loved One.
Honor all that leaves you by re-membering it as a infinite bouquet of love. Special memories will then live within you as flowers of Grace.
As you give yourself permission to say goodbye, new roots of understanding are planted in your heart. Embrace each gift of the past. Let go with gratitude for the time shared, and each lesson of love.
Moving into the present moment, allow change to be the Divine Love Offering of renewal and hope in your life!

Monday, July 11, 2011
Joy Is...
Joy is the We inside of You!It can be the voice of angels guiding. It is always God calling! It is you awakening in love believing in the power of a peaceful dove. Joy is accepting responsibility but giving up control. Joy is compassion in action!
Sometimes I think that Joy is simply the We inside of You that Re-members to Smile and Say Thank You! What is joy to you?
Joy is the We inside of You!It can be the voice of angels guiding. It is always God calling! It is you awakening in love believing in the power of a peaceful dove. Joy is accepting responsibility but giving up control. Joy is compassion in action!
Sometimes I think that Joy is simply the We inside of You that Re-members to Smile and Say Thank You! What is joy to you?

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Honor the Day!
Wake up everybody and sing a song.
Honor the day with a smile
and you won't be wrong!
Be kind to others.
Be helpful too!
Honor the day, listen to your heart.
Learn every lesson.
Know that you are Sunshine Smart!
Come now, the World is waiting
and needs You to do Your Special Part!
Love Is Always the Way to Honor the Day!
Wake up everybody and sing a song.
Honor the day with a smile
and you won't be wrong!
Be kind to others.
Be helpful too!
Honor the day, listen to your heart.
Learn every lesson.
Know that you are Sunshine Smart!
Come now, the World is waiting
and needs You to do Your Special Part!
Love Is Always the Way to Honor the Day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tenderly Live the Pause!
Every gain or loss gives us a reason to pause, to re-connect with our inner wisdom and prepare to take the next good steps in the dance of life.
In living the pause we breathe and allow deep listening in our mind, body and heart. Grace arrives as inspiration and we begin to dance re-membering to honor our soul calling.
Today embrace your divine rhythm. Tenderly Live the Pause!
Every gain or loss gives us a reason to pause, to re-connect with our inner wisdom and prepare to take the next good steps in the dance of life.
In living the pause we breathe and allow deep listening in our mind, body and heart. Grace arrives as inspiration and we begin to dance re-membering to honor our soul calling.
Today embrace your divine rhythm. Tenderly Live the Pause!

Friday, July 8, 2011
For Me Love Is...

For me,
Love is walking along the shore,
your feet gently nestled in the sand
with ocean water caressing your legs,
and the smell of the salt breeze
kissing your face as you
watch the sun set or the moon rise
and ponder swimming with the dolphins.
Love Is Everything Good... Everywhere!
What is Love for You?

Thursday, July 7, 2011
It IsTime
Here is a question for you... If it is possible to feel your heart beat "boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom", is it because you remember love; or is it the fear that one you hold dear may leave again?
It is time. Time to forgive and let go of anger, fear and regret. It is time to heal old wounds of disappointment. It is time to begin your soul journey back to The Divine!
Today, You Have Time Only To Love!
Here is a question for you... If it is possible to feel your heart beat "boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom", is it because you remember love; or is it the fear that one you hold dear may leave again?
It is time. Time to forgive and let go of anger, fear and regret. It is time to heal old wounds of disappointment. It is time to begin your soul journey back to The Divine!
Today, You Have Time Only To Love!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Life's Romance
Beloveds, For all the times I've loved and all the people I've loved it's never been the same. I am in love with children, butterflies, birds, flowers, trees, stones, seashells and dolphins. I love people who love and people trying to love. I love the sun, the rain, the moon and the stars! I love people who have forgotten how to love because they teach me to keep my heart open. I love being alive and see life as an everlasting spiritual romance!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Please Be Yourself!
The next time we meet along the way, promise this... Please, just be yourself. Write your own song. Do your own dance. Allow me the gift of discovering and accepting the mystery of You!
Within that mystery, Grace will move. Then with ease, I will sing and dance too!
Please just Be You! Remember,I only know how to Be Me!
The next time we meet along the way, promise this... Please, just be yourself. Write your own song. Do your own dance. Allow me the gift of discovering and accepting the mystery of You!
Within that mystery, Grace will move. Then with ease, I will sing and dance too!
Please just Be You! Remember,I only know how to Be Me!

Monday, July 4, 2011
Releasing Obligation
When we are able to let go and release others of their feelings of obligation towards us, then love in its freedom begins to permeate the sweet scent and memory of Divine Understanding!
The flames of that love never die but are transformed. The heat of love's intensity creates a jewel for healing.
Throughout every lifetime, as the embers simmer and glow within the heart, that love re-membered becomes an emerald permeating the sweet scent and memory of Divine Understanding!
When we are able to let go and release others of their feelings of obligation towards us, then love in its freedom begins to permeate the sweet scent and memory of Divine Understanding!
The flames of that love never die but are transformed. The heat of love's intensity creates a jewel for healing.
Throughout every lifetime, as the embers simmer and glow within the heart, that love re-membered becomes an emerald permeating the sweet scent and memory of Divine Understanding!

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Our Spiritual Inheritance
For every Master with a Peaceful Heart who has ever lived, there were greedy people standing with swords, ready for combat.
With courage, bravery and a commitment to fulfilling an inner vision offered by our Creator, these Masters--Women and Men lovingly walked with hope, shared and taught the virtue and value of the peaceful, giving heart.
The core of their good teachings rest within every religion and cultural tradition. Let us live the lesson and accept their gift of wisdom.
For when we love, honor and respect our world neighbors; when we forgive and care for others with grace and compassion, then we will truly embrace our Universal Spiritual Inheritance!
For every Master with a Peaceful Heart who has ever lived, there were greedy people standing with swords, ready for combat.
With courage, bravery and a commitment to fulfilling an inner vision offered by our Creator, these Masters--Women and Men lovingly walked with hope, shared and taught the virtue and value of the peaceful, giving heart.
The core of their good teachings rest within every religion and cultural tradition. Let us live the lesson and accept their gift of wisdom.
For when we love, honor and respect our world neighbors; when we forgive and care for others with grace and compassion, then we will truly embrace our Universal Spiritual Inheritance!

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Honor All Trees; Honor All People

Apple, banyan, baobob, bodhi,cedar,cherry blossom,chesnut, coconut,cottonwood, cypress, elm, evergreen, fig, ginko, maple, magnolia, mulberry, oak, olive, palm, pear, pine, redwood, sequoia, spruce, and sycamore are all names of trees. Some trees feed us, others inspire, nurture, or shade us.
Many trees are tied to our myths and cultures. Most of all trees, like people with ALL of their beauty and differences are a unique reflection of the Creator's magnificent wisdom to offer joy; to share and provide for the physical and spiritual needs of humanity.
In honoring all trees; honoring all people we learn to Honor Our Creator!

Friday, July 1, 2011

When we are at war, we try to protect ourselves from being hurt, and create a fortress of quiet despair. We carry old wounds like badges of honor and are often ready to battle.
When we surrender in love and believe in good, we are asking for Divine guidance and support. We re-member to trust that every experience offers a lesson in understanding. We open the door to forgiveness and experience cherished new gifts that we had not anticipated but arrive in that moment.
Surrendering offers an opening, a way to connect to our hearts to the truth, the power and freedom of unconditional love.

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