Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Shared Songs
Beloveds, Music is a power tool of Grace. Through song we tell stories of our hearts. We honor our past and mourn those we've lost; celebrate birthdays; and dance at weddings or other precious celebrations. Music helps us come together tenderly as a human collective. Our shared songs can offer understanding in our daily lives; bring forth joy and teach us the power of Grace as we dance through life with the collective memory of hope!

The Greed Temptation
Beloveds, A dreamer will meet many who will try to woo you into the abyss of lost integrity. The demon Greed may manifest, tempting you with riches laced in someone else's misfortune. Greed caters to the selfish ego; teaches disregard of humanity, and tries to manipulate your good heart. Everything you have and every you are is a gift from our Creator. Try to be diligent in Good. Dreamer, use your gifts to serve and share! Embrace the wisdom of your loving, compassionate heart!

Rejoice Dreamer Rejoice!
Beloveds, Rejoice and give thanks for this new day of mystery. Be grateful for the lessons of yesterday. Embrace a sense of renewed purpose with confidence and hope. Breathe deeply and feel the gentle wisdom in your heart. As you walk into the mystery of the new day, know that Spirit will guide you in every loving, compassionate step. Rejoice Dreamer Rejoice!

Joy Bearer
Dreamer, now that you have awakened into the new day and offered thanks, walk with a prayer of joy. Today use and share your gifts with humility. Smile when you say hello! Offer to help someone in need. Listen carefully. Complete each task willingly--- with precision and grace. Share your best with joyful gratitude. Become a Joy Bearer!

Thursday, October 27, 2011
The Real YOU
If you want to discover and become the real you; the you under the clothe of life's uncertainty, then see yourself in everyone! Love is most sincere and gratifying in each unselfish deed! The real you will always glisten, shine and become the best you through unselfish love!
If you want to discover and become the real you; the you under the clothe of life's uncertainty, then see yourself in everyone! Love is most sincere and gratifying in each unselfish deed! The real you will always glisten, shine and become the best you through unselfish love!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
In every conversation our words can become a song and a dance long remembered. In every conversation be fully present. Breathe deeply. Listen intently. Embrace the rhythm of care and understanding. Speak clearly. Allow the grace and wisdom of your heart to lead you in the dance of conversation!
In every conversation our words can become a song and a dance long remembered. In every conversation be fully present. Breathe deeply. Listen intently. Embrace the rhythm of care and understanding. Speak clearly. Allow the grace and wisdom of your heart to lead you in the dance of conversation!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saying Less
A dreamer must be mindful that their words do not harm but heal. Even when we don't mean to offend, sometimes the very tone of our words become weapons that harm. A dreamer learns to have more understanding, and to say less, with more compassion. Ultimately, a dreamer's consistent good thoughts and actions will speak louder than the words!
A dreamer must be mindful that their words do not harm but heal. Even when we don't mean to offend, sometimes the very tone of our words become weapons that harm. A dreamer learns to have more understanding, and to say less, with more compassion. Ultimately, a dreamer's consistent good thoughts and actions will speak louder than the words!

Monday, October 24, 2011
Pray and Believe!
A dreamer must pray not just for self but for others! Believe that your prayers are being heard by the Divine Heart. Walk as a giver and reflector of compassion. Allow and believe that the good you want for yourself can be shared by others. A dreamer believes that their prayers, gifts and good work will benefit many!
A dreamer must pray not just for self but for others! Believe that your prayers are being heard by the Divine Heart. Walk as a giver and reflector of compassion. Allow and believe that the good you want for yourself can be shared by others. A dreamer believes that their prayers, gifts and good work will benefit many!

Give A Pass
Many think our teens are unruly and self centered. They dress differently, listen to music adults find offensive and in general, don't have respect for anyone! Actually, this may far from true! I learned a new expression from a peacemaking teenager today. "Give A Pass!" The next time someone annoys or offends you, instead of demeaning them or thinking about how you can punish them, offer forgiveness---give a pass!
Many think our teens are unruly and self centered. They dress differently, listen to music adults find offensive and in general, don't have respect for anyone! Actually, this may far from true! I learned a new expression from a peacemaking teenager today. "Give A Pass!" The next time someone annoys or offends you, instead of demeaning them or thinking about how you can punish them, offer forgiveness---give a pass!

Autumn Celebration
One day the dreamer awakened with only prayers of gratitude and appreciation. Outside the air was crisp and the sun sang with understanding. The wind whispered to begin harvesting the precious fruit of love. Buckeyes of joy and pine cones of fresh clarity lay on fallen leaves shimmering in gold and orange became like a blanket of hope. The dreamer sang in delight and collected autumn's gifts to share!
One day the dreamer awakened with only prayers of gratitude and appreciation. Outside the air was crisp and the sun sang with understanding. The wind whispered to begin harvesting the precious fruit of love. Buckeyes of joy and pine cones of fresh clarity lay on fallen leaves shimmering in gold and orange became like a blanket of hope. The dreamer sang in delight and collected autumn's gifts to share!

Friday, October 21, 2011
Remaining Charitable
A dreamer may not have a paved road to travel. At times there may be weeds of mis-understanding that seem to grow into bushes of unkindness. Though wounded with the words and fearful thoughts of others, a dreamer remains charitable and kind. Walking with purpose and hope, a dreamer embraces patience; learns to have undaunted faith and heals always through love.
A dreamer may not have a paved road to travel. At times there may be weeds of mis-understanding that seem to grow into bushes of unkindness. Though wounded with the words and fearful thoughts of others, a dreamer remains charitable and kind. Walking with purpose and hope, a dreamer embraces patience; learns to have undaunted faith and heals always through love.

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Divine Calling
A dreamer may have traveled far from their beginnings and achieved comfort and success only to wake up and discover they have more work to do. With courage a dreamer re-members the Divine Calling and prepares to once again to take the next step into their unknown good destiny!
A dreamer may have traveled far from their beginnings and achieved comfort and success only to wake up and discover they have more work to do. With courage a dreamer re-members the Divine Calling and prepares to once again to take the next step into their unknown good destiny!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
There are times when givers must learn that they too are worthy to receive the blessings they have shared with others. We must learn that no gift is too small to be received graciously, with love. Today don't block your blessings, honor all gifts and small acts of kindness with sincere gratitude!
There are times when givers must learn that they too are worthy to receive the blessings they have shared with others. We must learn that no gift is too small to be received graciously, with love. Today don't block your blessings, honor all gifts and small acts of kindness with sincere gratitude!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
One Small THing
Often our days are spent meeting our obligations. Work consumes our time and the pressure to balance our lives can be overwhelming. What can we do? Every day we must set aside some time for ourselves and to do one small thing that brings us joy! What will you do today?
Often our days are spent meeting our obligations. Work consumes our time and the pressure to balance our lives can be overwhelming. What can we do? Every day we must set aside some time for ourselves and to do one small thing that brings us joy! What will you do today?

Monday, October 17, 2011
A Savored Moment!
A smile shared, a warm greeting, a look of understanding, or a word of appreciation can become a savored moment in the day! When we honor others with respect, and meet them in gratitude, it is like offering a prayer with perfect intention! Today pray all day!
A smile shared, a warm greeting, a look of understanding, or a word of appreciation can become a savored moment in the day! When we honor others with respect, and meet them in gratitude, it is like offering a prayer with perfect intention! Today pray all day!

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Be A Joyful Giver
A Dreamer learns to offer each gift loving without any expectation! Be grateful that you are able to share. Thank our Blessed Creator for allowing you to be in service to Love. Be a Joyful Giver! A Dreamer learns that every gift given with genuine appreciation and hope offers encouragement to others. Every gift given in love multiplies in love and can bring a better destiny to both the giver and many receivers!
A Dreamer learns to offer each gift loving without any expectation! Be grateful that you are able to share. Thank our Blessed Creator for allowing you to be in service to Love. Be a Joyful Giver! A Dreamer learns that every gift given with genuine appreciation and hope offers encouragement to others. Every gift given in love multiplies in love and can bring a better destiny to both the giver and many receivers!

Your Greatest Gifts
ALL experiences hold a lesson of new understanding about ourselves. The Dreamer learns to pay attention to All and is inspired by both the hardships and success of others. Every Dreamer learns that if they are to succeed in developing and fully using their gifts, they must face many obstacles. These obstacles serve only to teach compassion,kindness and courage as one learns the power and strength of the gift of love!
ALL experiences hold a lesson of new understanding about ourselves. The Dreamer learns to pay attention to All and is inspired by both the hardships and success of others. Every Dreamer learns that if they are to succeed in developing and fully using their gifts, they must face many obstacles. These obstacles serve only to teach compassion,kindness and courage as one learns the power and strength of the gift of love!

Your Great Destiny
Within each teardrop resides a longing for compassion; a desire to be heard; a hope to understand and to be understood. Like rain, our tears can serve to nurture and cleanse our hearts, as the pain of a dis-appointment washes away through forgiveness and is replaced by love! Love gives us the energy and faith to honor our good dreams; and the courage to take another step into our unknown great destiny!
Within each teardrop resides a longing for compassion; a desire to be heard; a hope to understand and to be understood. Like rain, our tears can serve to nurture and cleanse our hearts, as the pain of a dis-appointment washes away through forgiveness and is replaced by love! Love gives us the energy and faith to honor our good dreams; and the courage to take another step into our unknown great destiny!

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Your Beautiful Dream
A dreamer is one who steps out of their comfort zone and has chosen to embrace the magnet that draws whatever lessons you need closer to you. When your heart is willing to accept and learn the lesson, you begin to experience peace within yourself. Peace of mind on a difficult but rewarding journey brings new clarity and understanding to your beautiful dream. You will grow in strength, compassion and new achievement!
A dreamer is one who steps out of their comfort zone and has chosen to embrace the magnet that draws whatever lessons you need closer to you. When your heart is willing to accept and learn the lesson, you begin to experience peace within yourself. Peace of mind on a difficult but rewarding journey brings new clarity and understanding to your beautiful dream. You will grow in strength, compassion and new achievement!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Your Success
You may be excited and happy about a gift from our Blessed Creator. Expect that your joy may not be shared by All. A dreamer's success often represents a lost dream for a family member or friend. What you have accomplished may remind them of what they did not achieve. Be Patient and understanding. Allow your heart to be humble and kind. Walk with Gratitude. Continue your journey and share Hope with all!
You may be excited and happy about a gift from our Blessed Creator. Expect that your joy may not be shared by All. A dreamer's success often represents a lost dream for a family member or friend. What you have accomplished may remind them of what they did not achieve. Be Patient and understanding. Allow your heart to be humble and kind. Walk with Gratitude. Continue your journey and share Hope with all!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Important Decisions
When emotions run high and people disagree, take time for reflection and clarity. First breathe deeply and offer the Creator gratitude for the opportunity to be an instrument. Then breathe deeply again and ask for clarity. Listen closely to the song of unity and continue breathing deeply, with compassion for All. Patience and clarity will come forth as you wait until the time is right to make any important decisions!
When emotions run high and people disagree, take time for reflection and clarity. First breathe deeply and offer the Creator gratitude for the opportunity to be an instrument. Then breathe deeply again and ask for clarity. Listen closely to the song of unity and continue breathing deeply, with compassion for All. Patience and clarity will come forth as you wait until the time is right to make any important decisions!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Many Questions, No Answers!
As a Dreamer you may have to give up the comfort of the safe life you've always known. There will be many questions, and no answers. It may feel that with each step you take, you have journeyed far from the world you knew. Feeling alone, kindness may come from strangers. You will meet Bravery. Deep listening and Intuition will be your guides. Patience and Faith will lovingly sing the songs of support you need!
As a Dreamer you may have to give up the comfort of the safe life you've always known. There will be many questions, and no answers. It may feel that with each step you take, you have journeyed far from the world you knew. Feeling alone, kindness may come from strangers. You will meet Bravery. Deep listening and Intuition will be your guides. Patience and Faith will lovingly sing the songs of support you need!

"If Only I Had..."
When we look back on our lives we often experience regret of our poor choices. We live with the memory " If only I had...". Today, believe that you can! Begin to work towards no regret. Be patience, generous, mindful and kind. Do all that you can in love. Believe there is a solution to every problem. Journey always with Courage, Hope, Faith. Let your legacy be good choices in love and say "I am glad I did!"
When we look back on our lives we often experience regret of our poor choices. We live with the memory " If only I had...". Today, believe that you can! Begin to work towards no regret. Be patience, generous, mindful and kind. Do all that you can in love. Believe there is a solution to every problem. Journey always with Courage, Hope, Faith. Let your legacy be good choices in love and say "I am glad I did!"

Saturday, October 8, 2011
Being Heard
So many of us feel powerless. We may believe that no one cares or listens to our concerns! Every person has a right to be heard. Change will only come when we are willing listen to eachother and address the needs and concerns of our neighbors. Being heard; using compassion in listening; and a willingness to compromise with respect are the tools and gifts of a democratic society!
So many of us feel powerless. We may believe that no one cares or listens to our concerns! Every person has a right to be heard. Change will only come when we are willing listen to eachother and address the needs and concerns of our neighbors. Being heard; using compassion in listening; and a willingness to compromise with respect are the tools and gifts of a democratic society!

Friday, October 7, 2011
Loving Intention
Whose day will you make brighter? Whose heart will you touch? A simple act of mercy, of kindness and love can fill another with hope and joy. Today, share your brilliant smile and good thoughts. Offer new hope to everyone. Try to live your sacred practice with a loving intention!
Whose day will you make brighter? Whose heart will you touch? A simple act of mercy, of kindness and love can fill another with hope and joy. Today, share your brilliant smile and good thoughts. Offer new hope to everyone. Try to live your sacred practice with a loving intention!

Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Songbird
Have you ever heard the Songbird in your heart quietly singing morning, noon and night? Can you feel the vibration gently beating in you heart? Listen carefully, feel the rhythm, and you too will move with the Songbird and re-member to sing the song of love!
Have you ever heard the Songbird in your heart quietly singing morning, noon and night? Can you feel the vibration gently beating in you heart? Listen carefully, feel the rhythm, and you too will move with the Songbird and re-member to sing the song of love!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Celebrate the Harvest
Just as the farmer celebrates the crops of a good harvest, so we too can celebrate the fruits of our labor. The joy of celebration is magnified by our willingness to share our gifts. No matter our challenges, we have a daily responsibility to honor the Creator with our loving intentions and good will without expectation. Today, celebrate and share your harvest. Allow your gifts to grow and nurture others!
Just as the farmer celebrates the crops of a good harvest, so we too can celebrate the fruits of our labor. The joy of celebration is magnified by our willingness to share our gifts. No matter our challenges, we have a daily responsibility to honor the Creator with our loving intentions and good will without expectation. Today, celebrate and share your harvest. Allow your gifts to grow and nurture others!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The Dreamer
When the Dreamer began to make good change, family and friends were angry because she stopped complaining and spent more time helping others. "Don't be a fool! Those people don't care about you like we do. You'll lose everything!" they said." The Dreamer thought about what they said. She knew that her dream required great sacrifice. But in her heart, she embraced her own integrity and discovered great faith. It was then that she was able to move forward into her unknown destiny! Are you a Dreamer? Will You Do More Good!
When the Dreamer began to make good change, family and friends were angry because she stopped complaining and spent more time helping others. "Don't be a fool! Those people don't care about you like we do. You'll lose everything!" they said." The Dreamer thought about what they said. She knew that her dream required great sacrifice. But in her heart, she embraced her own integrity and discovered great faith. It was then that she was able to move forward into her unknown destiny! Are you a Dreamer? Will You Do More Good!

Monday, October 3, 2011
Do What You Can
In life we will all have obstacles to move through. It can be rewarding but life is not easy. Many of us will be given choice and free will to discover their gifts. Once discovered, share your gift and you will live with joy! Today do what you can to make way to do what you love!
In life we will all have obstacles to move through. It can be rewarding but life is not easy. Many of us will be given choice and free will to discover their gifts. Once discovered, share your gift and you will live with joy! Today do what you can to make way to do what you love!

Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Healing Adagio Book

For Immediate Release
Contact : Ynolem (212) 502-0895
New Book Offers Compassion and Tolerance As Key To Becoming Good Neighbors When Society Has Lost Its Moral Compass!
The Healing Adagio… A Love Symphony In Five Parts
Melony McGant with Fellow Truth Seekers
FORMAT: Softcover 17.95
ISBN: 978-1-4670-3816-4 (sc)
For Review Copies Contact: Author House:
Published by Author House
The Healing Adagio… A Love Symphony In Five Parts
For the unemployed, under-employed or employed--- and All Truth Seekers of every faith and cultural tradition ---The Healing Adagio is a new book written by Melony McGant where small poetic thoughts become big ideas that offer compassion, hope and inspiration in difficult and challenging times. Daily reminders, reflections and affirmations of hope carry the reader through the day.
Says H. Daniel Mujahid "This book highlights our need to restore respect for our sacred human core values, and our shared freedoms. In this way we, you and I, inherit the original acceptance for the very “Spirit of Mother”, and Gratitude to Fathers”… whose redemption is a debt we owe ourselves.
The Healing Adagio Moving Forward Heart Songs are written by Deborah Ballard and H. Daniel Mujahid, along with Heart Songs from James Aloway, Peter Andrews, Evens Anozine, Gloria Brown, Tehuti Carter Jones, Andrea Christofferson, Adrienne Croix, Kay Dendy, Katherine Henry, Gayle Hodnett Dobbs, Rev. Sedrick Gardner, Sunil Gupta, Patricia Moore, Karen Piazza, Pamela Patrick, Norbu Tsering, and Dr. Glory Van Scott.
“Reverend Melony McGant’s written words of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement,---travel beautifully off the pages of her new book The Healing Adagio. The reader’s eyes behold words of her truly universal spirit---which touches your heart, and gently rocks your soul. Her timely messages of truth will gladden and uplift your day, and gladden and uplift your year!”Producer, writer and choreographer, Dr. Glory Van Scott
Author Bio
Melony McGant is a poet, humanist and an ordained Interfaith Minister with more than twenty years experience in assiting people and organizations discover or promote thier personal or professional life missions. She considers herself a seeker of truth “quietly in service to those in need of guidance and positive thoughts. Melony has spoken with thousands of people seeking new employment, shifting careers, exploring new life options and seeking spiritual re-assurance and the path to re-discovering joy.
Front Cover photo by Tyrone Rasheed
For Review Copies Contact Author House 800-839-8640
Published by Author House

Legacy of Grace
When we care enough to simply nurture each other through every difficulty, the roots of our collective existence become strong, courageous trees that blossom with the fragrance and fruit of mercy, forgiveness, joy, kindness, understanding, tolerance and love. This is the Legacy of Grace!
When we care enough to simply nurture each other through every difficulty, the roots of our collective existence become strong, courageous trees that blossom with the fragrance and fruit of mercy, forgiveness, joy, kindness, understanding, tolerance and love. This is the Legacy of Grace!

The Naysayers Gift
When you decide to take the journey into your true destiny, some of those closest to you will become naysayers. Be patient. Listen to them with love and discernment. Use their objections to fine-tune your plan. Unknowingly, the naysayer will help you develop more clarity. Thank them for their gift. Now, when you are ready, the Champion in you called Faith will come forward with the gifts of confidence, and courage as you take your next good steps!
When you decide to take the journey into your true destiny, some of those closest to you will become naysayers. Be patient. Listen to them with love and discernment. Use their objections to fine-tune your plan. Unknowingly, the naysayer will help you develop more clarity. Thank them for their gift. Now, when you are ready, the Champion in you called Faith will come forward with the gifts of confidence, and courage as you take your next good steps!

My Good Friends
My good friends Disappointment and Fear always want to protect me. They have been with me my entire life and much of what I wanted to do, I didn't because I loved them so. One day I met my new friends, Hope and Courage. Disappointment and Fear were hurt. They didn't believe in miracles. Then I met Faith. She brought Patience. Now, I have decided that all my good friends can help me grow and inspire me to live my good dreams!
My good friends Disappointment and Fear always want to protect me. They have been with me my entire life and much of what I wanted to do, I didn't because I loved them so. One day I met my new friends, Hope and Courage. Disappointment and Fear were hurt. They didn't believe in miracles. Then I met Faith. She brought Patience. Now, I have decided that all my good friends can help me grow and inspire me to live my good dreams!

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