Children are the Hope of the World. If you have shame for past deeds, it is not theirs to bear and today your fear cannot be imbedded into their DNA. Today's Children have come to Earth, as Liberated, Loving Spirits. They have unlimited capacity to forgive, offer compassion, and share understanding. They Want to Live in a World of Peace! You Are a Wisdom Keeper. Clear the Pathway. Build the Bridge to Peace!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
YOU Are A Wisdom Keeper

Good Humor
Laugh and say Thank You! Good Humor has come to helps build new bridges and opens doors. Now ask Valour to help you to restore your friendship with Strength so that you learn to focus on your many gifts. The Dreamer Seeker opens their mind and learns to become a responsible builder of bridges, nurturer of dreams and lover of heart wisdom!
Laugh and say Thank You! Good Humor has come to helps build new bridges and opens doors. Now ask Valour to help you to restore your friendship with Strength so that you learn to focus on your many gifts. The Dreamer Seeker opens their mind and learns to become a responsible builder of bridges, nurturer of dreams and lover of heart wisdom!

The Tree of Youe Life
How does the tree of your life blossom? It begins with a dream and is nurtured by love, respect and trust. Be rooted in the Garden of Faith. Allow yourself to blossom through self- love, self-respect and self-trust. You will live the Dream when the flower of Compassion blossoms in You. Its sweet fragrance of Faith and Hope will heal many hearts with Love!
How does the tree of your life blossom? It begins with a dream and is nurtured by love, respect and trust. Be rooted in the Garden of Faith. Allow yourself to blossom through self- love, self-respect and self-trust. You will live the Dream when the flower of Compassion blossoms in You. Its sweet fragrance of Faith and Hope will heal many hearts with Love!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Please Be Careful!
Please Be Careful! We must never allow our ego to guide us to respond in a way that harms and de-humanizes others. Above all, remember this--- The one who sacrifices their integrity to win a battle after battle will always secretly live in fear and ultimately lose the loving peace in their heart!
Please Be Careful! We must never allow our ego to guide us to respond in a way that harms and de-humanizes others. Above all, remember this--- The one who sacrifices their integrity to win a battle after battle will always secretly live in fear and ultimately lose the loving peace in their heart!

The Dreamer is like the Rising Sun that meets and embraces Moon at daybreak. In this heavenly exchange, The Dreamer awakens carrying the wisdom learned through honoring and accepting the responsibility to confide in oneself. Today be like the Rising Sun. Choose to have Confidence. Trust the Wisdom of Your Heart!
The Dreamer is like the Rising Sun that meets and embraces Moon at daybreak. In this heavenly exchange, The Dreamer awakens carrying the wisdom learned through honoring and accepting the responsibility to confide in oneself. Today be like the Rising Sun. Choose to have Confidence. Trust the Wisdom of Your Heart!

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Good Boundaries
Choose what you want to be a part of and give your energy to! Breathe deeply. Re-member You! Organize. Set good, comfortable boundaries. Ask Integrity to lead the way. Now with clearer vision and purpose, take the Next Good Step!
Choose what you want to be a part of and give your energy to! Breathe deeply. Re-member You! Organize. Set good, comfortable boundaries. Ask Integrity to lead the way. Now with clearer vision and purpose, take the Next Good Step!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Great Resolve
Inspired Growth is possible when we integrate varying perspectives and release the inner critic within ourselves. Inspired Growth is also possible only through Great Resolve! Be Brave. Open the door and resolve to honor your practical ideas with creative action. Restore the dignity of your good heart and move forward with Faith!
Inspired Growth is possible when we integrate varying perspectives and release the inner critic within ourselves. Inspired Growth is also possible only through Great Resolve! Be Brave. Open the door and resolve to honor your practical ideas with creative action. Restore the dignity of your good heart and move forward with Faith!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Strength and Intuition
It may cold but instead of wearing a coat of judgment, put on a coat of objective observation. Use your intuition, and your perceptive heart to make good choices of courage and strength. Honor yourself and others with good communication that can be received, heard and acted upon with Grace.
It may cold but instead of wearing a coat of judgment, put on a coat of objective observation. Use your intuition, and your perceptive heart to make good choices of courage and strength. Honor yourself and others with good communication that can be received, heard and acted upon with Grace.

Monday, January 23, 2012
Living a Fruitful Life
If we want to make our lives more fruitful, and in alignment with our hearts; we must explore the options that have lain dormant with Fear. Today, Honor Universal Truth. Trust your heart and re-think your priorities. Surrender your dream to G-D. Walk with Faith. Ask for the Balance needed to walk with Wisdom and Abundant Love. Begin to live a more honest, Fruitful Life!
If we want to make our lives more fruitful, and in alignment with our hearts; we must explore the options that have lain dormant with Fear. Today, Honor Universal Truth. Trust your heart and re-think your priorities. Surrender your dream to G-D. Walk with Faith. Ask for the Balance needed to walk with Wisdom and Abundant Love. Begin to live a more honest, Fruitful Life!

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Balance Requires Risk
Life will often ask us to risk the familiar so that space is created in Faith to embrace emotional integrity with clear vision. The gift of balance is offered through our willingness to let go with a trusting heart. At varying times, Balance may require great Risk which ultimately unfolds and blossoms in a Nurturing, Eternal Love born of Grace and Wisdom!
Life will often ask us to risk the familiar so that space is created in Faith to embrace emotional integrity with clear vision. The gift of balance is offered through our willingness to let go with a trusting heart. At varying times, Balance may require great Risk which ultimately unfolds and blossoms in a Nurturing, Eternal Love born of Grace and Wisdom!

The Call
Breathe deeply and awaken in your heart an awareness of gratitude. In solitude allow yourself the luxury of quiet contemplation. Continue breathing in and out and notice the rhythm of your heart. Offer a simple thank you to the Master Creator. Now you are ready to answer The Call. Breathe again. Offer your heart to Gratitude! Embrace and Honor the Mystery of the New Day.
Breathe deeply and awaken in your heart an awareness of gratitude. In solitude allow yourself the luxury of quiet contemplation. Continue breathing in and out and notice the rhythm of your heart. Offer a simple thank you to the Master Creator. Now you are ready to answer The Call. Breathe again. Offer your heart to Gratitude! Embrace and Honor the Mystery of the New Day.

Friday, January 20, 2012
Words and Actions
Words spoken can help us to communicate our good intentions but it is our actions that speak to the heart and define who we really are with Integrity. When our words don't match our actions, we create confusion in our hearts. When we have Integrity, we allow our words to be aligned with good actions that allow for hearts to be nurtured as we grow in compassionate understanding!
Words spoken can help us to communicate our good intentions but it is our actions that speak to the heart and define who we really are with Integrity. When our words don't match our actions, we create confusion in our hearts. When we have Integrity, we allow our words to be aligned with good actions that allow for hearts to be nurtured as we grow in compassionate understanding!

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Deep Regret
It was only in the Autumn of Life, that the Master Dreamer was able to meet Deep Regret in the Garden of Yesterday's Sorrow. Like old lovers, they sat together, held hands under the Tree of Life; drank ginger tea mixed with tears and the sweet honey of forgiveness. And that night in a dream. the twins--- Joy and Reconciliation were Conceived and Re-Born in Love!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Precious Jewels
We want what we want when we want it! Then one day if we are patience, we awaken in Love. With Love comes something different and more than we wanted. Love offers the precious jewels we didn't know existed. Thank You Mother Father Creator of Every Uni-Verse. Today I will share my Precious Jewels of Love with Gratitude!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Stop Blaming Me
If what I write or say or do bothers you,
look into your own heart.
Stop blaming me for my smiles,
my compassion and my happiness.
Go find what makes you happy.
I have lost myself in Love and made
a new home with Courage.
He and I share meals
with Humility and Independence.
Once in a while when Fear visits,
we open our hearts and offer
we open our hearts and offer
the gift of Understanding.
Fear leaves having been
nourished by smiles of Courage,
nourished by smiles of Courage,
Compassion and Love.
Stop Blaming Me.
Go find what makes You Happy!

Own Who You Are
When you speak your truth with gratitude,
more lessons and blessings come.
With loving gratitude, speak your truth.
Own your gifts.
You are empowered.
Own Who You Are in Love!
When you speak your truth with gratitude,
more lessons and blessings come.
With loving gratitude, speak your truth.
Own your gifts.
You are empowered.
Own Who You Are in Love!

The Heart of An Artist
On paper, a writer uses words, syntax and capitalization to Honor a
Soul Calling. On stage, an actor allows their entire being to reflect both the
Joy and Sorrow of Humanity. A dancer uses their body to Sing Songs of Praise.
A painter may use variations of color to depict a Mood of Grace. A musician may
use instruments to teach us the Harmony of Love. Each share in the Mystery Born
in the Heart of an Artist!
Soul Calling. On stage, an actor allows their entire being to reflect both the
Joy and Sorrow of Humanity. A dancer uses their body to Sing Songs of Praise.
A painter may use variations of color to depict a Mood of Grace. A musician may
use instruments to teach us the Harmony of Love. Each share in the Mystery Born
in the Heart of an Artist!

Vision Quester
Every dreamer can become a Vision Quester when they journey inward to
find the True Dream of Infinite Purpose residing within their heart. They first
must let go of old habits and false perceptions they have about themselves. Only
then is the dreamer able to honor the deep insights of balance, clarity and
strength needed to mobilize as the Vision Quester and move forward with loving
Every dreamer can become a Vision Quester when they journey inward to
find the True Dream of Infinite Purpose residing within their heart. They first
must let go of old habits and false perceptions they have about themselves. Only
then is the dreamer able to honor the deep insights of balance, clarity and
strength needed to mobilize as the Vision Quester and move forward with loving

Friday, January 13, 2012
Ask Faith
The path to your good dreams may be long and sometimes arduous but in every step you take there is Wisdom to be learned; Hope to be revealed; Courage to be embraced; Exquisite Mystery to behold; and Joy to be uncovered. Ask Faith and Love to Guide You!
The path to your good dreams may be long and sometimes arduous but in every step you take there is Wisdom to be learned; Hope to be revealed; Courage to be embraced; Exquisite Mystery to behold; and Joy to be uncovered. Ask Faith and Love to Guide You!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Doing the Work
If we are to bring about the good change that we want in our lives, we must be Thoughtful, Pro-Active and Diligent. Good Change also requires that we work to release old habits that no longer serve our Expansive Loving Hearts.
If we are to bring about the good change that we want in our lives, we must be Thoughtful, Pro-Active and Diligent. Good Change also requires that we work to release old habits that no longer serve our Expansive Loving Hearts.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Re-membering to Be Grateful
Even as a young Spirit in Heaven I frolicked through buttercup and marigold meadows, danced with butterflies and swam with dolphins friends in the Ocean of Love. I learned what All Dreamers learn! I learned to be grateful for everything and everyone; and to appreciate the goodness of the CREATOR'S Agents of LOVE everywhere in the Heavens and on Earth/Heart!
Even as a young Spirit in Heaven I frolicked through buttercup and marigold meadows, danced with butterflies and swam with dolphins friends in the Ocean of Love. I learned what All Dreamers learn! I learned to be grateful for everything and everyone; and to appreciate the goodness of the CREATOR'S Agents of LOVE everywhere in the Heavens and on Earth/Heart!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Friends Are Waiting
There are times when someone close to us makes a mistake that causes us hurt or disappointment. We have a choice to let the pain grow in our hearts or to forgive and move on. In my heart I forgive all mistakes made and move on with Hope. Our friends Faith, Mercy and Good Fortune Are Waiting!
There are times when someone close to us makes a mistake that causes us hurt or disappointment. We have a choice to let the pain grow in our hearts or to forgive and move on. In my heart I forgive all mistakes made and move on with Hope. Our friends Faith, Mercy and Good Fortune Are Waiting!

Monday, January 9, 2012
Prayer for Humanity
Let us pray that Humanity will come together with Respect and Esteemed Cooperation. May We All, learn to let go of our personal disdain and fear of others. May we make greater effort to more actively share our resources as we vision a world of peaceful healing; beyond war and poverty. May it be a world of compassion where Every Child Blossoms and Flourishes with Love! And So It Is!
Let us pray that Humanity will come together with Respect and Esteemed Cooperation. May We All, learn to let go of our personal disdain and fear of others. May we make greater effort to more actively share our resources as we vision a world of peaceful healing; beyond war and poverty. May it be a world of compassion where Every Child Blossoms and Flourishes with Love! And So It Is!

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Rest, Reflect but Don'T Stop!!!
When you are committed to Good, you discover that every accomplishment
or failure is merely a step on the path of your personal destiny! Breathe
deeply. Take the Next Step with Courage. Rest and Reflect but Don't Stop! Mercy
and Faith are waiting to guide you through the Forest of dis-appointment and
into the Valley of Hope!
or failure is merely a step on the path of your personal destiny! Breathe
deeply. Take the Next Step with Courage. Rest and Reflect but Don't Stop! Mercy
and Faith are waiting to guide you through the Forest of dis-appointment and
into the Valley of Hope!

My New Red Teapot
In the kitchen of My Heart I recently let go of the broken teapot of
mistakes and disappointment that daily brewed unhappiness. I asked to know
Forgiveness and she appeared with Worthy. They brought me a New Red Teapot.
mistakes and disappointment that daily brewed unhappiness. I asked to know
Forgiveness and she appeared with Worthy. They brought me a New Red Teapot.
We boiled water of hope and my New Red Whistling Teapot sang the song of love
renewed with the restored dreams of my heart!
renewed with the restored dreams of my heart!
Forgiveness, Worthy and I sat together drinking cups of ginger tea, and talked and laughed and cried with JOY.

Friday, January 6, 2012
Laughter and JOY
Some say that Laughter, Joy and Happiness
can start spreading with a Kind Word
and a Single Smile of Love!
Some say that Laughter, Joy and Happiness
can start spreading with a Kind Word
and a Single Smile of Love!

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Learn, Receive, Share and Serve!!!
We are born to Learn, Receive, Share and Serve. Everyday a dreamer is learning to graciously accept the help of others and mirror their compassion and kindness in everyday actions.-- I Learn as I Receive and offer a sincere thank you with a heart of Gratitude. I Share knowing it gives me Joy. I Serve because it gives me Purpose!
We are born to Learn, Receive, Share and Serve. Everyday a dreamer is learning to graciously accept the help of others and mirror their compassion and kindness in everyday actions.-- I Learn as I Receive and offer a sincere thank you with a heart of Gratitude. I Share knowing it gives me Joy. I Serve because it gives me Purpose!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
They say there is no "do-over" in life. Still when we lose the keys to our home, it is always wise to re-trace our steps with kindness. Calmly search for and re-claim your keys. Know that journey back may be filled with Grace and show you the gift of re-newed hope and gratitude! Your "Do-Over" may offer you an Unexpected New Beginning!
They say there is no "do-over" in life. Still when we lose the keys to our home, it is always wise to re-trace our steps with kindness. Calmly search for and re-claim your keys. Know that journey back may be filled with Grace and show you the gift of re-newed hope and gratitude! Your "Do-Over" may offer you an Unexpected New Beginning!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Everything had shifted, and the dreamer believed that Love was every present. Together, Confidence and Possibility went into the dreamer's heart. The corridor's were many but they took each step with care and smiled when they felt the dreamer put on Cloak of Humility. Now it was time for the dream to journey into the Mystery of Possibility with the light of Confidence!
Everything had shifted, and the dreamer believed that Love was every present. Together, Confidence and Possibility went into the dreamer's heart. The corridor's were many but they took each step with care and smiled when they felt the dreamer put on Cloak of Humility. Now it was time for the dream to journey into the Mystery of Possibility with the light of Confidence!

Vows for a New Quest? Happy 2012
Vows for a New Quest.
1. Each day I will organize the details of my life so that my mind, body and heart are in alignment.
2. I will work vigorously to exceed my own expectations.
3. I will do something I enjoy everyday; and share joyously.
4. When Divine Spirit speaks through others, I will listen.
5. Though my new destination is unknown, I Will Trust that as I am ready, All Will Be Revealed With Love!
Happy New Year 2012
Vows for a New Quest.
1. Each day I will organize the details of my life so that my mind, body and heart are in alignment.
2. I will work vigorously to exceed my own expectations.
3. I will do something I enjoy everyday; and share joyously.
4. When Divine Spirit speaks through others, I will listen.
5. Though my new destination is unknown, I Will Trust that as I am ready, All Will Be Revealed With Love!
Happy New Year 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012
When Earth Meets Heaven

When the Mother Earth-Heart met Father Sky in the New Year, many awakened and felt the nurturing spirit of the MasterMotherFatherCreator. And in the smile of the Morning Sun each saw the Rainbow Pathway of Heaven and knew if they chose, they too could be re-born in Love. On this day Hope met Faith. Together Hope and Faith began the journey into the Miracle Field of Peace and Promise! Along the way, Love greeted them with Abundance and Joy! Happy New Year 2012!

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