Even on a busy day, take time to pause for a good cause. Remember
to Breathe! Relax your mind, think a funny, joy thought,
let laughter fill your heart! Now you
are prepared to share. Go let someone
know you care! Always Pause for a Good
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Even On A Busy Day

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Everywhere You Go
Wisdom teaches that each offering to others that we make with compassion and joy, is ultimately a gift to ourselves. In all that you do; meet others where they are with love. Make no judgment. Offer Only Your Best! Everywhere You Go, Shine Your Light!
Wisdom teaches that each offering to others that we make with compassion and joy, is ultimately a gift to ourselves. In all that you do; meet others where they are with love. Make no judgment. Offer Only Your Best! Everywhere You Go, Shine Your Light!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Ling the Questions with Care
I Breathe Deeply and offer my gratitude and appreciation for the mystery of this New Day. I am grateful for the courage to explore the questions tugging my heart; asking for attention. Again, I Breathe Deeply, and ask for Strong Resolve to patiently live the questions. Today I listen deeply to my heart, and the hearts of all those around me. I ask for humility and clear vision so that I listen and act only with respect. Today, with a courageous strong resolve, I will live the questions with care and compassion. Every answer I desire can be revealed through my Loving Actions. I Breathe Deeply, and Embracing the Mystery of the New Day--- I Thank You!
I Breathe Deeply and offer my gratitude and appreciation for the mystery of this New Day. I am grateful for the courage to explore the questions tugging my heart; asking for attention. Again, I Breathe Deeply, and ask for Strong Resolve to patiently live the questions. Today I listen deeply to my heart, and the hearts of all those around me. I ask for humility and clear vision so that I listen and act only with respect. Today, with a courageous strong resolve, I will live the questions with care and compassion. Every answer I desire can be revealed through my Loving Actions. I Breathe Deeply, and Embracing the Mystery of the New Day--- I Thank You!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Are You Listening?
Are you watching your freedom disappear because you did not value your vote or have not held your leaders accountable? Have you turned your back and locked the door of your hearts to neighbors in need? Are you listening to the cries of the babies and children asking to live in a peaceful world. How will you answer them? How does their innocence and love inspire you? What will you do today to help heal Our World ?
Are you watching your freedom disappear because you did not value your vote or have not held your leaders accountable? Have you turned your back and locked the door of your hearts to neighbors in need? Are you listening to the cries of the babies and children asking to live in a peaceful world. How will you answer them? How does their innocence and love inspire you? What will you do today to help heal Our World ?

Monday, June 25, 2012
Honoring Ancestors
In the Island of Grenada--- An UnderWater Sculpture Honoring Ancestors Thrown Overboard and Lost In the Middle Passage of the African Slave Holocaust.

Let the True Friend Be YOU!
We can be compassionate and loving even to the fair weather friends that keep us around just to say they've known us for a long time; but avoid us when the storms hit our lives. Remember, for those around you who are grieving death, illness, job loss, depression, disappointment or despair---Be a Friend to them through every storm. Look deeply into their eyes. Tenderly care for them. Offer hope and tend to each one with Patience and Faith. In life if you have even One True Friend, it is a Great Blessing. Let the True Friend Be YOU!
We can be compassionate and loving even to the fair weather friends that keep us around just to say they've known us for a long time; but avoid us when the storms hit our lives. Remember, for those around you who are grieving death, illness, job loss, depression, disappointment or despair---Be a Friend to them through every storm. Look deeply into their eyes. Tenderly care for them. Offer hope and tend to each one with Patience and Faith. In life if you have even One True Friend, it is a Great Blessing. Let the True Friend Be YOU!

The Wise Ones
In my dream those who had Ascended smiled and encouraged me. "We Are One Only In Love", said the Wise Ones. I awakened in tears. Understanding flowed into the ocean of my heart. We have wasted thousands of years condemning, fearing and killing eachother selfishly. We Must Choose. Divine Spirit offers only the Breath of Love. Today, I will share Hope even when I am told there is no room for Hope. I will honor the Wise Ones with my Faith and Good Actions. I embrace their lesson of Oneness. No Matter the Circumstance, I have put down my sword. I walk with a desire to help, and to harm none. I Choose to Love! I Awaken and Re-member We Are One Only In Love!
In my dream those who had Ascended smiled and encouraged me. "We Are One Only In Love", said the Wise Ones. I awakened in tears. Understanding flowed into the ocean of my heart. We have wasted thousands of years condemning, fearing and killing eachother selfishly. We Must Choose. Divine Spirit offers only the Breath of Love. Today, I will share Hope even when I am told there is no room for Hope. I will honor the Wise Ones with my Faith and Good Actions. I embrace their lesson of Oneness. No Matter the Circumstance, I have put down my sword. I walk with a desire to help, and to harm none. I Choose to Love! I Awaken and Re-member We Are One Only In Love!

The New YOU
Make room for the New YOU! Moving forward is a gift that helps us change, grow and transform into our courageous loving selves. First with love we must forgive and release the old sorrow that clutters our minds and our hearts. Second we must ask for clarity so that we are able to feel, and see our next good steps. Then moving forward with integrity, we can establish new priorities and remember to communicate respectfully. Today, Be Courageous. Clear the Clutter. Make Room for the New YOU!
Make room for the New YOU! Moving forward is a gift that helps us change, grow and transform into our courageous loving selves. First with love we must forgive and release the old sorrow that clutters our minds and our hearts. Second we must ask for clarity so that we are able to feel, and see our next good steps. Then moving forward with integrity, we can establish new priorities and remember to communicate respectfully. Today, Be Courageous. Clear the Clutter. Make Room for the New YOU!

I can only hope that our enthusiasm
and desire for goodness
becomes more poignant
and real each passing day.
May we learn to embody mercy
and compassion for All;
so that all are safe
and free to make good choices.
May we live our lives as good neighbors
in loving, prosperous communities
of respect and tolerance.
May we share our time together nurturing hearts
building strong peaceful,
healing foundations of hope for children
to explore
and grow
and share their many gifts with love.
Call Me A Dreamer!
From the book—
The Healing Adagio: A Love Symphony In Five Parts
Melony McGant with Fellow Truth Seekers

Friday, June 22, 2012
On a Hot Sultry Day
On a Hot Sultry Day where some tempers are likely to flair; listen and care fully. Then offer only gentleness with a peaceful heart and understanding. Allow your words and actions to be like the Cool Rain of Compassion that brings new rainbows of gratitude and hope!
On a Hot Sultry Day where some tempers are likely to flair; listen and care fully. Then offer only gentleness with a peaceful heart and understanding. Allow your words and actions to be like the Cool Rain of Compassion that brings new rainbows of gratitude and hope!

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Renewing Confidence
Sometimes when a day is difficult, my heart becomes is unsure of my next good steps. I stop and sit quietly. I breathe deeply and allow Hope to comfort me. It is then that I remember my potential and purpose. Again, I breathe deeply and ask for guidance. I know that only hard work and patience will lead me to my destination. Breathing deeply with Hope, Patience and Renewed Confidence, I Re-Commit to taking the next good step on my life journey!
Sometimes when a day is difficult, my heart becomes is unsure of my next good steps. I stop and sit quietly. I breathe deeply and allow Hope to comfort me. It is then that I remember my potential and purpose. Again, I breathe deeply and ask for guidance. I know that only hard work and patience will lead me to my destination. Breathing deeply with Hope, Patience and Renewed Confidence, I Re-Commit to taking the next good step on my life journey!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Embracing Uncertainty
Today I let go of confusion and embrace uncertainty. I Breathe and Re-Member that my every good action brings Hope. I Breathe and allow Love to move through my entire Be-ing. Today I embrace uncertainty, knowing truth will be revealed through Love. I have unlimited patience, creativity and a commitment to have only right thoughts, words and actions. I Breathe, and Say Thank You for My Beautiful Life!
Today I let go of confusion and embrace uncertainty. I Breathe and Re-Member that my every good action brings Hope. I Breathe and allow Love to move through my entire Be-ing. Today I embrace uncertainty, knowing truth will be revealed through Love. I have unlimited patience, creativity and a commitment to have only right thoughts, words and actions. I Breathe, and Say Thank You for My Beautiful Life!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Breathe and Believe!
Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Gentleness came for dinner and decided to stay as permanent guests in the home of my heart. They brought with them Laughter, Joy, Abiding Love, and Faith. Together We Breathe and Believe! All challenges can be resolved in a good way when you stop, think, Breathe and Believe! Breathe and Believe!
Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Gentleness came for dinner and decided to stay as permanent guests in the home of my heart. They brought with them Laughter, Joy, Abiding Love, and Faith. Together We Breathe and Believe! All challenges can be resolved in a good way when you stop, think, Breathe and Believe! Breathe and Believe!

Monday, June 18, 2012
Suit of Respect
When it's hot and steamy with disagreement, put a a cool suit of Respect. and Be the Peace you desire. An Affirmation---Today I walk with Peace in my mind and my heart. I Am the Peace. In every steamy situation or disagreement, I stop. I Breathe. I listen deeply. As I seek understanding, I remember to offer my respect generously. I say in my heart "I Am the Peace". I Give Thanks. I Breathe. I move forward firmly with a tender heart; listening deeply and offering Respect for All.
When it's hot and steamy with disagreement, put a a cool suit of Respect. and Be the Peace you desire. An Affirmation---Today I walk with Peace in my mind and my heart. I Am the Peace. In every steamy situation or disagreement, I stop. I Breathe. I listen deeply. As I seek understanding, I remember to offer my respect generously. I say in my heart "I Am the Peace". I Give Thanks. I Breathe. I move forward firmly with a tender heart; listening deeply and offering Respect for All.

Sunday, June 17, 2012
Tribute to Fathers
One of the greatest Fathers and Grandfathers I have ever known was Chuckie Dobbs.
Chuckie wholeheartedly believed that with the Mother, a Father nurtures, loves, protects and raises Boys and Girls to be Compassionate Men and Women. He was always was there for little league, went camping with the family, took them across the United States in a van, and moved from Pittsburgh to St. Thomas, VI because it was his wife's dream. He loved his wife Gayle, and tried as best he could to support her and live together joyfully. She was my friend first and their two Sons, Husn and Chaz are my God Sons.
Until Cancer took his life, Chuckie remained an exemplary Man who faced and overcame many challenges as an entrepreneur and a Master Electrician; including blindness from Glaucoma. He was a Father, Grandfather, Brother and Friend to many, including me.
I salute Chuckie and every Compassionate, Loving Father on Earth or in Heaven!
A Father is a Man who nurtures, loves, protects and raises Boys and Girls to be Compassionate Men and Women!
One of the greatest Fathers and Grandfathers I have ever known was Chuckie Dobbs.
Chuckie wholeheartedly believed that with the Mother, a Father nurtures, loves, protects and raises Boys and Girls to be Compassionate Men and Women. He was always was there for little league, went camping with the family, took them across the United States in a van, and moved from Pittsburgh to St. Thomas, VI because it was his wife's dream. He loved his wife Gayle, and tried as best he could to support her and live together joyfully. She was my friend first and their two Sons, Husn and Chaz are my God Sons.
Until Cancer took his life, Chuckie remained an exemplary Man who faced and overcame many challenges as an entrepreneur and a Master Electrician; including blindness from Glaucoma. He was a Father, Grandfather, Brother and Friend to many, including me.
I salute Chuckie and every Compassionate, Loving Father on Earth or in Heaven!
A Father is a Man who nurtures, loves, protects and raises Boys and Girls to be Compassionate Men and Women!

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Aha, Cha Cha!
Compassionate Love starts as a seed that dreams and becomes a thought that grows into a feeling shared by the Heart of the Uni-Verse. Love flows like water in every act where you show you care. Love moves through the air bringing rhythms of joy when you share. It causes men to feel like boys and women to feel like girls as together they joyfully dance with the innocence and wonder of Love.
Aha, Cha Cha! Aha, Cha Cha! Aha, Cha Cha! Turn, Whooooo! It's Love! Aha, Cha Cha! Turn, Whooooo! It's Love! Aha, Cha Cha, It's Love! Aha Cha Cha, It's LOVE!
copyright by Melony McGant
Compassionate Love starts as a seed that dreams and becomes a thought that grows into a feeling shared by the Heart of the Uni-Verse. Love flows like water in every act where you show you care. Love moves through the air bringing rhythms of joy when you share. It causes men to feel like boys and women to feel like girls as together they joyfully dance with the innocence and wonder of Love.
Aha, Cha Cha! Aha, Cha Cha! Aha, Cha Cha! Turn, Whooooo! It's Love! Aha, Cha Cha! Turn, Whooooo! It's Love! Aha, Cha Cha, It's Love! Aha Cha Cha, It's LOVE!
copyright by Melony McGant

Day of Discovery
Every roadblock or detour helps me learn to be more flexible; to grow in patient awareness, and to embrace a new mystery as a precious gift---waiting to be unraveled. I am grateful for this beautiful day of discovery!
Every roadblock or detour helps me learn to be more flexible; to grow in patient awareness, and to embrace a new mystery as a precious gift---waiting to be unraveled. I am grateful for this beautiful day of discovery!

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Joy Is Contagious!
Joy is contagious! The tender smile that you offer to yourself and others is like a flower blossoming in the Garden of Hearts.
Your laughter is like the Holy Bell of Joy ringing through the ethers with hope; traveling across oceans, mountains, valleys and cities through the wind.
Your smiles and laughter are a catalyst that awakens the leaf on every tree of life and causes them to offer oxygen of joy so that we breathe in love and harmony.
Today offer your tender smiles and laughter.
Breathe Deeply in Love and you will become like a flower; helping to heal many hearts!
Joy Is Contagious!
Joy is contagious! The tender smile that you offer to yourself and others is like a flower blossoming in the Garden of Hearts.
Your laughter is like the Holy Bell of Joy ringing through the ethers with hope; traveling across oceans, mountains, valleys and cities through the wind.
Your smiles and laughter are a catalyst that awakens the leaf on every tree of life and causes them to offer oxygen of joy so that we breathe in love and harmony.
Today offer your tender smiles and laughter.
Breathe Deeply in Love and you will become like a flower; helping to heal many hearts!
Joy Is Contagious!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Step Gently
I Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks. I listen and pay attention to the rhythm of my heart. Abundant Good resides there. I Breathe Deeply In Love. I honor the many blessings of my life and know that Courage, Patience and Persistence travel with me. I Breathe Deeply. In every situation I ask for clarity so that I can offer the Abundant Good that lives in my heart. I Say Thank You for Every Lesson, Opportunity and Blessing Shared! I Breathe, and Step Gently Into the New Day!
I Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks. I listen and pay attention to the rhythm of my heart. Abundant Good resides there. I Breathe Deeply In Love. I honor the many blessings of my life and know that Courage, Patience and Persistence travel with me. I Breathe Deeply. In every situation I ask for clarity so that I can offer the Abundant Good that lives in my heart. I Say Thank You for Every Lesson, Opportunity and Blessing Shared! I Breathe, and Step Gently Into the New Day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
What Does Prayer Offer YOU?
Most of all I want to trust that I am safe with you and that we belong In Spirit to a Nurturing Uni-Versal Heart that accepts, understands and Loves Us All. I have confidence that when I pray--- a Dear Friend, a Brother, a Sister; a Mother and a Father are listening. Prayer offers me the unconditional trust of my heart. It helps me to feel safe and nurtured with compassion and Love. Prayer allows me to trust that I have the ability to nurture others with compassion and Love so that Collectively we Prosper with Goodness; and have the Strength to Live In Truth In a World that Desperately Needs Our Care and Compassion! What Does Prayer Offer You?
Most of all I want to trust that I am safe with you and that we belong In Spirit to a Nurturing Uni-Versal Heart that accepts, understands and Loves Us All. I have confidence that when I pray--- a Dear Friend, a Brother, a Sister; a Mother and a Father are listening. Prayer offers me the unconditional trust of my heart. It helps me to feel safe and nurtured with compassion and Love. Prayer allows me to trust that I have the ability to nurture others with compassion and Love so that Collectively we Prosper with Goodness; and have the Strength to Live In Truth In a World that Desperately Needs Our Care and Compassion! What Does Prayer Offer You?

Monday, June 11, 2012
YOU Are Spectacular!
Do you know that the Master Creator thinks you are Spectacular? Yes You- All of You! You wrapped in love, and learning compassion as you dream big dreams of kindness; and grow in understanding. When the beauty of your heart is constantly blossoming in humility and goodness, then you are caring and sharing with your neighbors. They are Spectacular Too. Together you must Learn to live in Peace and Bring Good Change to the World. You Are Spectacular. Please, keep blossoming in Kindness and Love!
Do you know that the Master Creator thinks you are Spectacular? Yes You- All of You! You wrapped in love, and learning compassion as you dream big dreams of kindness; and grow in understanding. When the beauty of your heart is constantly blossoming in humility and goodness, then you are caring and sharing with your neighbors. They are Spectacular Too. Together you must Learn to live in Peace and Bring Good Change to the World. You Are Spectacular. Please, keep blossoming in Kindness and Love!

Sunday, June 10, 2012
Positive Persistence
Today, I Breathe in Love, and exhale any remnants of old doubt or fear of success. I Breathe deeply, and offer my Gratitude to Our Creator. Today I choose to focus on the Good in my life. I ask for clarity and an alignment of mind, body and Spirit. I Breathe. I Exhale and Stretch. I prepare to take a new step into my Good Potential. I Smile and Say Thank You. ---- Again and again, I Breathe, Exhale, Stretch, Smile and Move Forward into the Good Potential of My Life! All Good is Possible and Probable with Positive Persistence!
Today, I Breathe in Love, and exhale any remnants of old doubt or fear of success. I Breathe deeply, and offer my Gratitude to Our Creator. Today I choose to focus on the Good in my life. I ask for clarity and an alignment of mind, body and Spirit. I Breathe. I Exhale and Stretch. I prepare to take a new step into my Good Potential. I Smile and Say Thank You. ---- Again and again, I Breathe, Exhale, Stretch, Smile and Move Forward into the Good Potential of My Life! All Good is Possible and Probable with Positive Persistence!

Lost on a Holy Road
When I was able to let go of Disappointment, I said goodbye to my old friend Fear. With Clear Intention and Trust I traveled far, and became lost on a Holy Road. Along the way the open sky embraced me. Bird and trees taught me to honor the mystery of Mother Nature, her Earth-- and the beauty of new discovery in my life. It was then my heart opened to accept the Grace of the Creator. Feeling free with joy; and Lost on a Holy Road, I found the Essence of My Be-ing. I found Love!
When I was able to let go of Disappointment, I said goodbye to my old friend Fear. With Clear Intention and Trust I traveled far, and became lost on a Holy Road. Along the way the open sky embraced me. Bird and trees taught me to honor the mystery of Mother Nature, her Earth-- and the beauty of new discovery in my life. It was then my heart opened to accept the Grace of the Creator. Feeling free with joy; and Lost on a Holy Road, I found the Essence of My Be-ing. I found Love!

The WaterSongLine Samba
Everybody is invited to the Watersongline Line! It is time! Time to care and share. People of All cultures, and traditions, we are related through the air we breathe, in our hearts; and bound to the Mother of Love! Offer smiles with kindness. Pray for hope, healing and forgiveness! Pray to end every war, to love every child, every human and all creations! Let us sing with joy. Come together people. On the mountains and plains, in the cities and across the waters let us open our hearts. Dance the watersongline Samba! Hey! Hey! Hey! Respect and care for eachother!
All over the Earth, Let's Open Our Heart and Create a Loving Peace!
Dance the Watersongline Samba! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Everybody is invited to the Watersongline Line! It is time! Time to care and share. People of All cultures, and traditions, we are related through the air we breathe, in our hearts; and bound to the Mother of Love! Offer smiles with kindness. Pray for hope, healing and forgiveness! Pray to end every war, to love every child, every human and all creations! Let us sing with joy. Come together people. On the mountains and plains, in the cities and across the waters let us open our hearts. Dance the watersongline Samba! Hey! Hey! Hey! Respect and care for eachother!
All over the Earth, Let's Open Our Heart and Create a Loving Peace!
Dance the Watersongline Samba! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Moving to the Beginning
All that I desire for Good Is Possible and Probable! On This Day, I Move to the Beginning of the rest of my life. The only thing stopping me from achieving and living to my great potential is me. I Breathe Deeply and Say Thank You. All that I desire for Good Is Possible and Probable!
All that I desire for Good Is Possible and Probable! On This Day, I Move to the Beginning of the rest of my life. The only thing stopping me from achieving and living to my great potential is me. I Breathe Deeply and Say Thank You. All that I desire for Good Is Possible and Probable!

Prosperity and Grace
Beware of monetary systems and paper money created in service to greed manifestation. Prepare yourselves for a more simple life with the bounty of the Earth. Plant gardens and you will have food for life. Live on the land and allow Our Mother Earth to share her prosperity. The Creator's Reign is the Grace of Nature all around you!
Beware of monetary systems and paper money created in service to greed manifestation. Prepare yourselves for a more simple life with the bounty of the Earth. Plant gardens and you will have food for life. Live on the land and allow Our Mother Earth to share her prosperity. The Creator's Reign is the Grace of Nature all around you!

At Sacred Grove, in Gold Hill, NC--
This morning as birds sang and the rain clouds made way for the sun, a joyful butterfly kissed the dandelion and greeted me with a morning dance! I am discovering bicycles as flower pots; trees and sacred fire circles.
Today, I AM Basking in the Generosity and Majesty of Our Blessed Creator!
This morning as birds sang and the rain clouds made way for the sun, a joyful butterfly kissed the dandelion and greeted me with a morning dance! I am discovering bicycles as flower pots; trees and sacred fire circles.
Today, I AM Basking in the Generosity and Majesty of Our Blessed Creator!

Live In the Sushine of Love!
Listen to the caw, caw, caw of the Crow
and the whistling answer of Mother Nature's Birds
singing in community.
They too are grateful for the rains that nurture Earth
and the garden of your heart.
"Prune your thoughts and let go of old fears" they say.
Breathe. Have patience in disagreement.
Find the way back to eachother.
Forgive and the Sun will move away
all the clouds of uncertainty.
Remember what has been built in love.
Listen and Care Fully.
Be gentle and kind.
Meet eachother Heart to Heart.
Today, Try to Reflect and Honor Eachother.
Live Only In the Sunshine of Love!
Listen to the caw, caw, caw of the Crow
and the whistling answer of Mother Nature's Birds
singing in community.
They too are grateful for the rains that nurture Earth
and the garden of your heart.
"Prune your thoughts and let go of old fears" they say.
Breathe. Have patience in disagreement.
Find the way back to eachother.
Forgive and the Sun will move away
all the clouds of uncertainty.
Remember what has been built in love.
Listen and Care Fully.
Be gentle and kind.
Meet eachother Heart to Heart.
Today, Try to Reflect and Honor Eachother.
Live Only In the Sunshine of Love!

You Are A Miracle!
Remember Why You Are Here! You are a Miracle; here to experience the beauty of Our Mother Earth; to sing with the birds, and learn from the trees as they share oxygen so you can breathe.
You are here like a caterpillar in order to grow and have the courage to transform into a beautiful butterfly that soars in gratitude.
You are here to offer your talent and gifts of compassion; just as the bee offers honey for healing.
You are here to befriend your world neighbors and to learn to live in Peace as you honor the oceans and rivers so that there is clean water to drink and nurture our Universal Sentient Family for Future Generations .
There are so very many good reasons why you are here!
You, Are A Miracle--- Here to Grow and Prosper With A Loving Heart! Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!
Remember Why You Are Here! You are a Miracle; here to experience the beauty of Our Mother Earth; to sing with the birds, and learn from the trees as they share oxygen so you can breathe.
You are here like a caterpillar in order to grow and have the courage to transform into a beautiful butterfly that soars in gratitude.
You are here to offer your talent and gifts of compassion; just as the bee offers honey for healing.
You are here to befriend your world neighbors and to learn to live in Peace as you honor the oceans and rivers so that there is clean water to drink and nurture our Universal Sentient Family for Future Generations .
There are so very many good reasons why you are here!
You, Are A Miracle--- Here to Grow and Prosper With A Loving Heart! Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Disappointment, Illness and Death....
Disappointment, Illness and Death will challenge us to rise above our circumstances and learn Great Love.
Often we feel guilty that we've lost our jobs. We become angry when illness limits our dreams. We become fearful when we know that the time is soon for our bodies to die. First we must accept the truth and ask for New Courage and Compassion to enter our hearts. Then with Forgiveness and Mercy we mourn our loss. Love is ever-present; holding our hand and guiding our journey with Faith.
G-D offers us Peace in our hearts and reminds us of all the gifts of Unconditional Love that we have to share each moment of every day. Even as we are taking our last breath; and slipping into Eternity--- Great Love is the Gift that Remains!

Saturday, June 2, 2012
Be Kind to YOU!!!
Life teaches us that we can not be truly kind and compassionate to Others until we have learned to be truly kind and compassionate to Ourselves.
Because I see, feel and honor the Creator's Love in Me-- I am able to see, feel, and honor the Creator's Love in You!
Life teaches us that we can not be truly kind and compassionate to Others until we have learned to be truly kind and compassionate to Ourselves.
Because I see, feel and honor the Creator's Love in Me-- I am able to see, feel, and honor the Creator's Love in You!

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