Though Storms of life seemed wicked and unrelenting and the dreamer lost much; after the Storms had subsided one great thing remained. Some call it Faith. The Dreamer smiled joyfully because he and others were Still Alive.
If you have awakened today with a rainbow of integrity in your heart, then you too are Still Alive. Be a Dreamer! Feel the Power of Faith. Give Thanks! Use your gifts for Good! Walk with Unrelenting Fortitude and Courage. Begin to Build the World You Want Your Children to Inherit!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Hurricane Prayers for People
Please join me in offering Prayers of Strength and Fortitude for the people of Haiti, Florida, Louisiana, the Gulf Coast and All those affected by Hurricane Storms, as well as people suffering anywhere on Earth. We open our hearts and offer gifts of compassionate action and resources as we vision recovery from this natural disaster, and all that is causing suffering. Let Us Send Adequate Assistance filled with Courage, Hope and Love so that Families Survive and Thrive Everywhere on Earth!
Please join me in offering Prayers of Strength and Fortitude for the people of Haiti, Florida, Louisiana, the Gulf Coast and All those affected by Hurricane Storms, as well as people suffering anywhere on Earth. We open our hearts and offer gifts of compassionate action and resources as we vision recovery from this natural disaster, and all that is causing suffering. Let Us Send Adequate Assistance filled with Courage, Hope and Love so that Families Survive and Thrive Everywhere on Earth!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
What Inspires YOU???
I Breathe Deeply and ask myself "What will inspire you, heal your heart and offer Hope? For me it is a conversation filled with deep listening and tender understanding filled patience! Today, I Breathe Deeply, and remember to listen with a Peaceful Heart! I am inspired by listening to the wisdom of YOUR Heart which longs to heal and have hope! What Inspires YOU?
I Breathe Deeply and ask myself "What will inspire you, heal your heart and offer Hope? For me it is a conversation filled with deep listening and tender understanding filled patience! Today, I Breathe Deeply, and remember to listen with a Peaceful Heart! I am inspired by listening to the wisdom of YOUR Heart which longs to heal and have hope! What Inspires YOU?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Marvelous Details
This morning I look into the mirror with
Gratitude and say hello to my Smiling Face! The Confusion of yesterday came
with a precious reminder-- I Am Loved.
This understanding brings Clarity. I
Breathe Deeply. I Laugh Joyfully. I say hello to the Singing Birds, the
Embracing Sky, and the Trees of Wisdom.
I Breathe Deeply and Honor the New Day
of Marvelous Details calling for my attention.
Most importantly, I remember to
Laugh and to Say Thank You.
Love Is Everywhere!

Patient Understanding
Thank You for the gift of Your Patient
Understanding which has created a New Bridge of Hope as a way to walk across
unsteady waters of yesterday's disappointment.
Breathe Deeply--- In and Out.
Breathe In Loving Courage. Exhale Fear and Disappointment. Breathe Deeply four
Begin Your Day In Gratitude. Feel Loving Courage take your hand and walk
with you across the New Bridge of Hope!
Breathe Again. Step into Good
Possibility. Say Thank You!

Those Who Have MORE
Why continue to point the finger at another or
bad mouth them when you already know what caused the problem. Greed caused the
problem. Look into your hearts and partner with your brains to find an
Equitable Solution. It Calls for a Not So Radical Change. Speak About It! Walk
with Integrity and move forward with a plan that offers Hope with Equity. There
Is Only One Equitable Solution. With Greed comes Consequence! Those Who Have
More Must Give More!

Why I Can't Hate
If I hate those who are selfish and hate, then
I too become a selfish hater and will bury myself and my dreams in a relentless
cycle of fear and despair. I will not be selfish or hate you. Instead I will
love the world we can create through mutual respect and care.
There is no way
forward but to see the potential of goodness; to live with thoughts of
goodness; and to share the gift of compassionate actions that heal, inspire and
nurture our world.
I believe and will always believe that when we offer our
hearts with Love, we will open the door to Good Change so that all families
will prosper and our children can live together in safety with JOY!

Friday, August 24, 2012
Often the Conflict in our daily lives takes away our creativity, our feeling of love and the Peace in Our Hearts. Still, the challenges of life will call for us to let go of fear, and to practice compassion. Compassion will always lead to Greater Wisdom. Greater Wisdom can open the door to creative understanding with love.
Today walk with a Peaceful Heart. In conflict, Breathe Deeply. Listen and Care Fully.
Practice Sharing Compassion and Kindness.
Often the Conflict in our daily lives takes away our creativity, our feeling of love and the Peace in Our Hearts. Still, the challenges of life will call for us to let go of fear, and to practice compassion. Compassion will always lead to Greater Wisdom. Greater Wisdom can open the door to creative understanding with love.
Today walk with a Peaceful Heart. In conflict, Breathe Deeply. Listen and Care Fully.
Practice Sharing Compassion and Kindness.

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Today Is A DAY!
I Breathe In and Out.
Letting go of the friction caused by Uncertainty,
I Breathe Slowly and Deeply four times.
My only thought is of Gratitude.
I Breathe In and Out.
With Gratitude I honor the gift of Patience
which allows me to Listen with Respect.
I Breathe Slowly and Deeply Four Times.
My Best Self Is Required.
Today Is a Day to Listen and Act
only with Compassion, Patience and Respect!
I Breathe In and Out.
Letting go of the friction caused by Uncertainty,
I Breathe Slowly and Deeply four times.
My only thought is of Gratitude.
I Breathe In and Out.
With Gratitude I honor the gift of Patience
which allows me to Listen with Respect.
I Breathe Slowly and Deeply Four Times.
My Best Self Is Required.
Today Is a Day to Listen and Act
only with Compassion, Patience and Respect!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
When Life Falls Apart
When life falls apart in your mind or your heart; be like a willow and bend as you mend. Then stand tall and start again.
Take your time. Please still be kind. Show that you care. Always try to share. Let Love Grow and Blossom Everywhere!
When life falls apart, even as you heal, ask for the Courage to do your part. Allow Faith and Confidence to help you Make a New Start!
When life falls apart in your mind or your heart; be like a willow and bend as you mend. Then stand tall and start again.
Take your time. Please still be kind. Show that you care. Always try to share. Let Love Grow and Blossom Everywhere!
When life falls apart, even as you heal, ask for the Courage to do your part. Allow Faith and Confidence to help you Make a New Start!

Monday, August 20, 2012
The Real Conversation
Perhaps the Real Conversation we should
be having is the need for healing of impoverished, envious, greedy or war-torn
hearts; and a Dream that allows for the Dignity and Creation of a Prosperous
Peace in a Society that has the resources to share, encourage and nurture ALL.
If we love Our Children and care for their Future, then we would do well to
focus our current resources on improving the quality of food, housing,
healthcare, education, environment, employment; and the right/responsibility of
All Citizens to be able to Vote for continuing Good Change Without Obstacles! And Before All That---the Real Conversation Is LOVE!

Set Good Intentions
Deeply Breathe and Give Thanks for the
Exquisite New Day.
Breathe in and out; honoring every Blessing.
Set Your Good
In this way you give attention to what You want and believe.
Breathe. You are successful, beautiful and content with your life.
Today you
have unlimited resources filled with hope
and encouragement to share with
Breathe, Share and Give Thanks!

Eid Mubarak!
Each of You is a member of the Master
Creator's Royal Family. Honor the Jewels of Compassion, Kindness, Patience,
Generosity, Understanding and Hope. These are the Jewels that sparkle through
Faith when shared with the Jewels of Mercy, Forgiveness and Unselfish Love.
we honor our Muslim Earth Family in celebration of Ramadan lessons shared, We
Say Eid Mubarak.

Friday, August 17, 2012
The Tender Wind
I am Grateful for the Air filled with Oxygen that helps me Breathe, and sends Clarity to my brain.
Breathing deeply four times, I listen to the Voice of Wisdom that sings like the a tender wind caressing my heart.
I Breathe again, and again! Hearing the Song of Love, I embrace the Clarity of the Tender Wind of Wisdom.
I Breathe Deeply. Moving forward, I offer My Hopeful Best as a Gift Love!
I am Grateful for the Air filled with Oxygen that helps me Breathe, and sends Clarity to my brain.
Breathing deeply four times, I listen to the Voice of Wisdom that sings like the a tender wind caressing my heart.
I Breathe again, and again! Hearing the Song of Love, I embrace the Clarity of the Tender Wind of Wisdom.
I Breathe Deeply. Moving forward, I offer My Hopeful Best as a Gift Love!

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Apples of JOY
Whenever Patience and Understanding come to visit, hearts open with Respect and Appreciation. It is then that friends, families and strangers begin to share Apples of JOY.
Today Patience and Understanding live in my heart! I Smile and share with Respect and Appreciation---my delicious Apples of Joy!
Whenever Patience and Understanding come to visit, hearts open with Respect and Appreciation. It is then that friends, families and strangers begin to share Apples of JOY.
Today Patience and Understanding live in my heart! I Smile and share with Respect and Appreciation---my delicious Apples of Joy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Charity begins at Home!!!
There is an old expression "Charity Begins at Home!" When I have loyalty, concern and love for myself; I am able to see more clearly the need to have loyalty, concern and love for Others. Because I care about Me, and am able to love, nurture and forgive Myself; I am able to see myself in both friends and strangers.
Today I will Care, Listen and Offer My Best As Encouragement!
There is an old expression "Charity Begins at Home!" When I have loyalty, concern and love for myself; I am able to see more clearly the need to have loyalty, concern and love for Others. Because I care about Me, and am able to love, nurture and forgive Myself; I am able to see myself in both friends and strangers.
Today I will Care, Listen and Offer My Best As Encouragement!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Put Down Your Guns!
Dream Only of a Safe World of Peace where people value and respect their neighbors. Put Down Your Guns. Let go of your thoughts of violence. Feed the hungry. Build homes for the homeless. Nurture the sick. Educate your children. Put Down Your Guns. Take your children to the park or a large meadow. Let them teach you to blow bubbles, talk to trees, sing with birds and dance with butterflies.
Put Down Your Guns. Create a World where people listen and care about eachother. Share your gifts and resources. Honor your Elders. Walk with Courage. Live with Compassion.
Truth Offers Hope! Always VOTE! Live Joyfully. Laugh Often. Love Tenderly. Always VOTE!
Dream Only of a Safe World of Peace where people value and respect their neighbors. Put Down Your Guns. Let go of your thoughts of violence. Feed the hungry. Build homes for the homeless. Nurture the sick. Educate your children. Put Down Your Guns. Take your children to the park or a large meadow. Let them teach you to blow bubbles, talk to trees, sing with birds and dance with butterflies.
Put Down Your Guns. Create a World where people listen and care about eachother. Share your gifts and resources. Honor your Elders. Walk with Courage. Live with Compassion.
Truth Offers Hope! Always VOTE! Live Joyfully. Laugh Often. Love Tenderly. Always VOTE!

Monday, August 13, 2012
YOU Are LOVED! Have Faith; Wake UP!!!!
You Are LOVED!!!!
Today, I Breathe gratefully as Song Birds in
Flowered Trees sing "You are Loved". I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude
and know that is the Soul Message. I Am LOVED. I Breathe In Love and embrace
the power of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Oceans, the Mountains and All
Sentient Beings which help encourage and inspire me to dream of a Prosperous
Peace; and believe in the Power of Love. Today I embrace the Wisdom imprinted
in the fruit and on the leaves of trees with Joy. I honor All Living Things as
Gifts of the Creator. I allow the Grace of Nature to move through me as Kindness,
Patience and Peace! I Breathe Deeply, Re-membering that I Am LOVED.
When we lost Hope and tried to forbid Faith to
live in our hearts; the story of our Lives became too painful to examine. Trust
was gone. As I cried and cried, one very dark night, Courage and Strength came
quietly with Compassion and Hope. We walked together through the woods of disappointment,
and discovered Forgiveness as a Child of Love hidden in the magical chambers of
my heart. She called herself Faith. She and Trust opened the door to My Good
Destiny of Honoring Love!
*****Sing, Dance, SHINE
Beloved Si-STARS and Bro-STARS,
Come Forth and Shine! Show Yourselves so that
even in the darkness of greed and corruption, there will be support for the
ones that are innocence and born only to LOVE. You are being given the
opportunity to Serve the Master Creator! Breathe Deeply and Say Thank YOU! Now,
feel yourself wrapped in the luminosity of Rainbows. BREATHE. Re-Member! All
that is GOOD Is Born in the Breath of LOVE! BREATHE DEEPLY. Beloved Si-STARS
and Bro-STARS, It is Time to Sing the Holy Song of LOVE! Go Forth. Sing. Dance
and Shine!
*******Prosperous Mountains of HOPE
the politics of corporations, governments, religions and who's who in the social
hierarchy of communities, you will discover prosperous mountains of Hope;
hidden in every heart; but sometimes forgotten by people who live in fear.
Courage, Mercy, Truth and Respect live in these mountains-- with the desire
only to be of service, and to build a World of Love. For those seeking Peace,
they offer the Wisdom of
Collective Ancestors. For those who are sick, they show compassion and offer
loving care. For those who are sad, angry, or needing forgiveness, they listen
and offer unconditional Love. Love is like honey, it always helps to heal. I am
like an innocent child always believing that Prosperous Mountains of Hope lie
hidden in every heart seeking to build a World of Love!
WAKE UP Beloveds,
On days when the World seems like a bad dream,
Wake Up and offer prayers in Gratitude and Love. There is no time to engage
evil and think fearful thoughts. Breathe Deeply and re-connect to Good. Today,
let your every deed be like a smile of joy that offers encouragement,
compassion and hope. Allow kindness and love to become the Grace that fills
your heart and helps bring healing to Our World! Wake Up! Live a Good Dream!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Your Beautiful Heart
Even when life has revealed major difficulty; even when you or a loved one is sick; even when your job has been lost---YOU Are Still Beautiful! The light from your heart shines through the pain like a star providing direction to the lost traveler at night. Breathe Deeply FOUR TIMES. Gather your energy. Take the hand of Courage. The good way to go is Forward. Breathe. Allow Your Beautiful Heart to Light the Path and Show You the Way!
Even when life has revealed major difficulty; even when you or a loved one is sick; even when your job has been lost---YOU Are Still Beautiful! The light from your heart shines through the pain like a star providing direction to the lost traveler at night. Breathe Deeply FOUR TIMES. Gather your energy. Take the hand of Courage. The good way to go is Forward. Breathe. Allow Your Beautiful Heart to Light the Path and Show You the Way!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Divine Whispers
The Seeker Dreamer awoke to a Gentle Divine Whisper.
"Feel Me through your Tears. Know Me even in your Brokeness. Accept Me in Forgiveness. I AM Mercy. I AM the Hope Blossoming in You! Today and every day, I AM the Answer. I live within YOU. I feel through YOU. I Am the tingling strength you develop in wisdom and compassion. Allow Me the Gift of Awakening within your heart and You Will See Me in every Tender Smile. I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE!"
The Seeker Dreamer awoke to a Gentle Divine Whisper.
"Feel Me through your Tears. Know Me even in your Brokeness. Accept Me in Forgiveness. I AM Mercy. I AM the Hope Blossoming in You! Today and every day, I AM the Answer. I live within YOU. I feel through YOU. I Am the tingling strength you develop in wisdom and compassion. Allow Me the Gift of Awakening within your heart and You Will See Me in every Tender Smile. I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE!"

Monday, August 6, 2012
Please Say YES!!!!
People become less tolerant, more fearful and sometimes violent when they feel their lifestyles are threatened; there is no one listening; or no one to care.
Certainly the challenges we are facing in the U.S. and the World result from the pure greed of a few; a desire to maintain control of resources; and to create a permanent underclass to whom no one is listening or cares about.
For Our Children to Live in a World Mandated By Hope; we must open our hearts to Truth and Say NO to Inequity! We must raise our voices, use our pens and our Votes!
We Must Be Willing to Trust Eachother, Share Our Resources and Show Eachother Loving Respect!
Today, Please Say Yes to LOVE!
People become less tolerant, more fearful and sometimes violent when they feel their lifestyles are threatened; there is no one listening; or no one to care.
Certainly the challenges we are facing in the U.S. and the World result from the pure greed of a few; a desire to maintain control of resources; and to create a permanent underclass to whom no one is listening or cares about.
For Our Children to Live in a World Mandated By Hope; we must open our hearts to Truth and Say NO to Inequity! We must raise our voices, use our pens and our Votes!
We Must Be Willing to Trust Eachother, Share Our Resources and Show Eachother Loving Respect!
Today, Please Say Yes to LOVE!

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Golden Stardust Homonyms
My Heart...
broken in pieces and pounded
like flour
by the sores of disagreement,
war and poverty
has become like golden stardust
grains that soar throughout
the Uni-Verse
and return reconstructed
as seeds of love
that forever are destined
to plant fields
of Cooperative Hope.
The rains of Faith
nurture the fruit of Patience.
I learn to offer
blossoming flowers
of kindness, understanding,
forgiveness and compassion.
In this way, the desire
for the Reign of Peace
and Spiritual Prosperity
begin to live as
Golden Stardust
Homonyms in My Heart!
My Heart...
broken in pieces and pounded
like flour
by the sores of disagreement,
war and poverty
has become like golden stardust
grains that soar throughout
the Uni-Verse
and return reconstructed
as seeds of love
that forever are destined
to plant fields
of Cooperative Hope.
The rains of Faith
nurture the fruit of Patience.
I learn to offer
blossoming flowers
of kindness, understanding,
forgiveness and compassion.
In this way, the desire
for the Reign of Peace
and Spiritual Prosperity
begin to live as
Golden Stardust
Homonyms in My Heart!

Friday, August 3, 2012
Thank You For Caring!!!
All People need to believe that someone cares and is listening. We thrive when we are supported and encouraged. We blossom and grow with Courage when we feel appreciated! No good deed is insignificant. Every act of kindness brings MORE Hope and Healing across the Earth! Practice saying Thank You with your Smiles, and Hugs, Phone Calls and Notes of Gratitude. Every Day, please share the gift of tender grace! Listen and act with the gratitude and wisdom that lives in your heart! Thank You for Caring!
All People need to believe that someone cares and is listening. We thrive when we are supported and encouraged. We blossom and grow with Courage when we feel appreciated! No good deed is insignificant. Every act of kindness brings MORE Hope and Healing across the Earth! Practice saying Thank You with your Smiles, and Hugs, Phone Calls and Notes of Gratitude. Every Day, please share the gift of tender grace! Listen and act with the gratitude and wisdom that lives in your heart! Thank You for Caring!

Thursday, August 2, 2012
Gather Your Energy
When there is confusion, I take a few moments to breathe deeply and gather my energy. I imagine a Heart Quest. I see myself with dolphins in calm waters; swimming in the ocean and hugging the sands of time. I Breathe and mourn my losses, forgive my failures and Honor the Creator of the Uni-verse. I Breathe deeply four times and reflect on my life purpose. I ask for the Courage to dream new dreams. Gathering My Energy, I Breathe and Say Thank for my Heart Quest. I step into the moment and continue my day with Patience!
When there is confusion, I take a few moments to breathe deeply and gather my energy. I imagine a Heart Quest. I see myself with dolphins in calm waters; swimming in the ocean and hugging the sands of time. I Breathe and mourn my losses, forgive my failures and Honor the Creator of the Uni-verse. I Breathe deeply four times and reflect on my life purpose. I ask for the Courage to dream new dreams. Gathering My Energy, I Breathe and Say Thank for my Heart Quest. I step into the moment and continue my day with Patience!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The gifts we share have True Value when they are given with Loving Encouragement, Respect for the Receiver and Joy. Share every gift with True Value and you will Light the World with Hope and Right Actions of Love!
The gifts we share have True Value when they are given with Loving Encouragement, Respect for the Receiver and Joy. Share every gift with True Value and you will Light the World with Hope and Right Actions of Love!

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