The Wise One said to the Seeker...
"All is possible only if you believe! Try to awaken with peace in your heart. Breathe Deeply Four Times and say Thank You. Decide to take one step into good change with Joy! Always remember to work and offer your best throughout the day. Breathe Deeply Four Times and say Thank You. Today take a Step into the Good Change You Believe Is Possible and Probable!"
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
If You Believe

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Learn Joyfully
I Breathe Deeply with Joy
and Gratitude.
Six Times I Breathe.
With each deep breath,
I become more Attentive
and Receptive to learning.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Only through my willingness
to learn can I honor
and move forward
with Good Change.
Today I will be Attentive
and Receptive!
I Will Learn Joyfully!
I Breathe Deeply with Joy
and Gratitude.
Six Times I Breathe.
With each deep breath,
I become more Attentive
and Receptive to learning.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Only through my willingness
to learn can I honor
and move forward
with Good Change.
Today I will be Attentive
and Receptive!
I Will Learn Joyfully!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Breathe and Smile!
Everybody loses when you hide your gifts. What is your gift? How do you use your gift? How does developing and sharing your gift benefit your community and the World?
Breath Deeply Four Times.
How will you share your gift today?
Breath Deeply Four Times again.
Now Smile with Confidence and say I am Grateful and Willing to Share My Gifts!
Throughout the Day, remember to Breathe and notice the beauty of the moment as you share Your Gifts!
Be a Winner!
Breathe and Smile!
Everybody loses when you hide your gifts. What is your gift? How do you use your gift? How does developing and sharing your gift benefit your community and the World?
Breath Deeply Four Times.
How will you share your gift today?
Breath Deeply Four Times again.
Now Smile with Confidence and say I am Grateful and Willing to Share My Gifts!
Throughout the Day, remember to Breathe and notice the beauty of the moment as you share Your Gifts!
Be a Winner!
Breathe and Smile!

Monday, February 25, 2013
Is It The Ego???
Sometimes we must ask Ourselves
"Is it the ego needing a new victory
or the heart asking you to Live in Truth?".
In all ways and all things seek Clarity.
Breathe Deeply Eight Times With Gratitude for Your Life.
Inhale Honesty, Perseverance and Faith.
Exhale Humility with Self-Confidence and Love.
Listen to your heart. Care fully.
Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In all ways and all things seek Clarity.
Inhale Honesty, Perseverance and Faith.
Exhale Humility with Self-Confidence and Love.
Walk and Speak Gently!
Sometimes we must ask Ourselves
"Is it the ego needing a new victory
or the heart asking you to Live in Truth?".
In all ways and all things seek Clarity.
Breathe Deeply Eight Times With Gratitude for Your Life.
Inhale Honesty, Perseverance and Faith.
Exhale Humility with Self-Confidence and Love.
Listen to your heart. Care fully.
Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In all ways and all things seek Clarity.
Inhale Honesty, Perseverance and Faith.
Exhale Humility with Self-Confidence and Love.
Walk and Speak Gently!

Sunday, February 24, 2013
Be Wealthy In Love
It is possible that those you have cared for,
supported and loved will not stand by you
when you Awaken, honor, speak and live
with Integrity in Love's Truth.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
Breathe In Understanding and Out Wisdom with Love.
Your heart may feel like it's breaking and tears may come.
Just keep Breathing.
In Understanding and Out Wisdom with Love.
There are people who walk with blinders.
They are caught up and intoxicated
by materialism and immediate gratification.
They know the price of everything, fear losing
what they have acquired and often have
forgotten the value of Love.
Never Forget,
You May Have Been One of Them, Yesterday.
Breathe In Understanding and Out Wisdom with Love.
Be Hopeful and Pray for all those who have Not Yet Awakened.
Breathe In Understanding and Out Wisdom.
Love has no price tag and its value is Infinite.
Live Only with Integrity In Love's Truth
and you will Be Wealthy In Love!
It is possible that those you have cared for,
supported and loved will not stand by you
when you Awaken, honor, speak and live
with Integrity in Love's Truth.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
Breathe In Understanding and Out Wisdom with Love.
Your heart may feel like it's breaking and tears may come.
Just keep Breathing.
In Understanding and Out Wisdom with Love.
There are people who walk with blinders.
They are caught up and intoxicated
by materialism and immediate gratification.
They know the price of everything, fear losing
what they have acquired and often have
forgotten the value of Love.
Never Forget,
You May Have Been One of Them, Yesterday.
Breathe In Understanding and Out Wisdom with Love.
Be Hopeful and Pray for all those who have Not Yet Awakened.
Breathe In Understanding and Out Wisdom.
Love has no price tag and its value is Infinite.
Live Only with Integrity In Love's Truth
and you will Be Wealthy In Love!

Saturday, February 23, 2013
I Offer This Day
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
Breathing Deeply Eight Times,
I allow Gratitude to pour through my heart.
I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
I accept every opportunity to re-visit
ways that I can better communicate;
as well as to pay attention to the signs
and details asking me to step forward.
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
I will listen, be patience and watchful!
Four Times I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
In Each Breath,
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
Breathing Deeply Eight Times,
I allow Gratitude to pour through my heart.
I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
I accept every opportunity to re-visit
ways that I can better communicate;
as well as to pay attention to the signs
and details asking me to step forward.
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
I will listen, be patience and watchful!
Four Times I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
In Each Breath,
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.

Friday, February 22, 2013
I Breathe With Patience
I Begin this day in Gratitude,
believing that I am a being of Love
born with the gifts of Kindness and Respect.
These gifts, Kindness and Respect
join with Patience and daily nurture me.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Gratitude and Kindness.
Out Respect with Patience and Love.
Every breath is born of Love.
In Gratitude and Kindness.
Out Respect with Patience and Love.
I Breathe Deeply and remember...
With Patience I am able to offer the gifts
of Respect and Kindness to All!
I Begin this day in Gratitude,
believing that I am a being of Love
born with the gifts of Kindness and Respect.
These gifts, Kindness and Respect
join with Patience and daily nurture me.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Gratitude and Kindness.
Out Respect with Patience and Love.
Every breath is born of Love.
In Gratitude and Kindness.
Out Respect with Patience and Love.
I Breathe Deeply and remember...
With Patience I am able to offer the gifts
of Respect and Kindness to All!

Thursday, February 21, 2013
Light Your Pathway!
Light your pathway of life with a Smile.
Every Sincere Smile is a beautiful gift.
A Smile can share joy, give hope
or offer compassion.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In JOY. Out Compassion and Hope.
In Joy. Out Compassion and Hope.
Today I will to light my pathway of life
with Compassion, Hope and Joy!
I Breathe Deeply In Gratitude and Smile!
Light your pathway of life with a Smile.
Every Sincere Smile is a beautiful gift.
A Smile can share joy, give hope
or offer compassion.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In JOY. Out Compassion and Hope.
In Joy. Out Compassion and Hope.
Today I will to light my pathway of life
with Compassion, Hope and Joy!
I Breathe Deeply In Gratitude and Smile!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Patient Wisdom
The One with gratitude who lives with wisdom and love in their heart has nothing to fear because every outcome can be accepted and managed through Patient Wisdom and Love.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Today I offer Gratitude for my life and Our World with Hope for Healing.
May every experience help me grow with Patient Wisdom and Love.
The One with gratitude who lives with wisdom and love in their heart has nothing to fear because every outcome can be accepted and managed through Patient Wisdom and Love.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Today I offer Gratitude for my life and Our World with Hope for Healing.
May every experience help me grow with Patient Wisdom and Love.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Wise Man said to the Seeker "We like to believe there are things we control, but the reality is there is nothing we truly control, not even our own feeble actions."
Today I let go of my need for control.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
As I learn to speak Joy and Gratitude into the Day, I will allow for each moment to flow with Divine Intent and Purpose.
I Breathe In the Joy of Aliveness. I Breathe Out Gratitude.
Four Times I Breathe.
Giving up the idea of control, I speak Joy and Gratitude into this Day!
I will do my best to allow each moment to flow with Divine Intent and Purpose.
Two Times I Breathe!
The Wise Man said to the Seeker "We like to believe there are things we control, but the reality is there is nothing we truly control, not even our own feeble actions."
Today I let go of my need for control.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
As I learn to speak Joy and Gratitude into the Day, I will allow for each moment to flow with Divine Intent and Purpose.
I Breathe In the Joy of Aliveness. I Breathe Out Gratitude.
Four Times I Breathe.
Giving up the idea of control, I speak Joy and Gratitude into this Day!
I will do my best to allow each moment to flow with Divine Intent and Purpose.
Two Times I Breathe!

Monday, February 18, 2013
Live With Grace
Beloveds----Live With Grace!
Thank you for your unique contributions to healing our planet. In these transitional times, it is important to feel connected to all that is, and to re-member that we are not alone.
The trees and other plant life that give us oxygen to breathe love, share joy. Birds and other animals bring us Divine messages and support. It is now that we too must find joy within our hearts and share it with others.
I know from personal experience that sometimes our gifts may be rejected. Still as we give, GRACE moves through us and gives us courage to give again, and again with more LOVE.
For many of us, the day to day concerns of life are very challenging. Collectively, shadows of fear have gained an unusual strength, and are creating havoc on our glorious Earth=Heart. Conflict, confusion, unnatural violence, and lack of appreciation for each other have many of us, even global leaders living in a state of anxiety.
Some are wearing fear as a second skin and causing irreparable harm.Others of us are carrying the pain and hurt of rejection. We are all beings of LOVE. It is time to release our mental swords of fear. It is time to let go of past disappointments.
I ask each of you to release your personal cloaks of fear and pain into the universe.LET THEM GO NOW. As we are able to do this, JOY and innocence will move through us as a Rainbow of Grace.
Whether or not we are aware, there is a tiny doorway waiting for each of us to step through. It is here, in this small opening of eternal lightthat we can rediscover hope and align ourselves with our true nature and a Divine Spirit.
It is time for us to organize our lives with humility, compassion, loving kindness and creativity. Right now, we each have the opportunity to re-member our inherent wisdom.
We can use our intuition by magnifying the mustard seeds of LOVE. This will allow us to share our hope and courage so that we are able to have right words, and right actions for each personal, community or global situation.
Let us each re-commit to creating a world of equity, sustainability and peace. Let our individual joy and cooperation act as beacons of light to assist others in regaining hope and experiencing healing.
Let us each believe in our own inherent goodness without a shadow of a doubt! For as we believe it--- so it shall be.
It is within the miracle of LOVE that crystals reflect rainbows of JOY! Let us live in the moment with appreciation, faith and hope.

Sunday, February 17, 2013
Grow In Every Seasom
The Wise Man said to the Seeker "The cold makes me long for warmth, and warmth makes me nostalgic for the cold."
So often we half-listen with our ears and not listen to the call for the change of seasons within our hearts.
I greet This Day with JOY and Breathe Deeply Seven Times.
Today I will listen deeply to my heart. I will honor the need to grow and gently make good change throughout every season of my life!
The Wise Man said to the Seeker "The cold makes me long for warmth, and warmth makes me nostalgic for the cold."
So often we half-listen with our ears and not listen to the call for the change of seasons within our hearts.
I greet This Day with JOY and Breathe Deeply Seven Times.
Today I will listen deeply to my heart. I will honor the need to grow and gently make good change throughout every season of my life!

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Heed the Call
First I heed the call of Love that beckons me
to awaken into the new day.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Gratitude for the New Day.
Out Love with Patient Understanding.
I Breathe and feel and listen.
The Wind sings and vibrates through the air.
I Breathe.
In Gratitude for the New Day.
Out Love with Patient Understanding.
I Breathe and feel and listen.
I know that as I am able to offer gratitude;
so the fruit of my heart will blossom in Love.

Friday, February 15, 2013
When we realize that we have been deceived, and trust has been violated, our hearts may feel wounded.
How do we move forward in Truth?
First we must accept the difficult lesson.
Second, we must remember that with every difficult lesson comes the opportunity for forgiveness so that we are able to heal our hearts and grow wiser with integrity.
Today I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
With each breath I ask to be given Guidance with Integrity.
I Breathe and Breathe.
In Guidance with Integrity.
Out Wisdom With Healing, Forgiveness and Love.
Every Truth allows me to grow, heal and move forward with Love.

Thursday, February 14, 2013
Love Is Unforgettable
Because Love Is Unforgettable, I know that today I will need to dress myself with Courage, Compassion and Forgiveness.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and offer Gratitude to all those I Love and have ever Loved.
Today I have dressed myself with Courage, Compassion and Forgiveness. I will walk my talk and offer my very best with Joy.
And because Love Is Unforgettable, I will Breathe and Breathe with Loving appreciation and remember to honor all that is Beautiful about my life, my Loved Ones and Our Earth/Heart!
I Breathe Deeply with Unforgettable Love!
Because Love Is Unforgettable, I know that today I will need to dress myself with Courage, Compassion and Forgiveness.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and offer Gratitude to all those I Love and have ever Loved.
Today I have dressed myself with Courage, Compassion and Forgiveness. I will walk my talk and offer my very best with Joy.
And because Love Is Unforgettable, I will Breathe and Breathe with Loving appreciation and remember to honor all that is Beautiful about my life, my Loved Ones and Our Earth/Heart!
I Breathe Deeply with Unforgettable Love!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Often we have wounded eachother in so many ways; we expect to be hurt and disappointed. And because we expect it, we find a reason to be hurt or disappointed. There is so much mis-understanding in the World.
Today I will see the best in myself and others. I offer only my best. I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I honor the gift of Love. I am able to give graciously and forgive easily. I let go of every thought of disappointment.
I Breathe In Love and Out Joy with Gratitude for Every Experience! I Breathe. Today I will see the best in myself and others. I honor the gift of Love. I am able to give graciously and forgive easily. I move forward and remember to Breathe! In Love. Out Joy with Gratitude!
Often we have wounded eachother in so many ways; we expect to be hurt and disappointed. And because we expect it, we find a reason to be hurt or disappointed. There is so much mis-understanding in the World.
Today I will see the best in myself and others. I offer only my best. I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I honor the gift of Love. I am able to give graciously and forgive easily. I let go of every thought of disappointment.
I Breathe In Love and Out Joy with Gratitude for Every Experience! I Breathe. Today I will see the best in myself and others. I honor the gift of Love. I am able to give graciously and forgive easily. I move forward and remember to Breathe! In Love. Out Joy with Gratitude!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
May the Wealth of Our Love---
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I honor the Creator with my gratitude and humility.
I Breathe and offer a prayer. May the wealth of Our Love create many abundant hearts that multiply and share the gifts and messages of healing, cooperative peace and the energy of prosperity that lives in Our Souls!
I Breathe and Breathe. I Breathe and with Courage, I open my heart to Believe!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I honor the Creator with my gratitude and humility.
I Breathe and offer a prayer. May the wealth of Our Love create many abundant hearts that multiply and share the gifts and messages of healing, cooperative peace and the energy of prosperity that lives in Our Souls!
I Breathe and Breathe. I Breathe and with Courage, I open my heart to Believe!

Monday, February 11, 2013
EVery Breath I Take
Every Breath I take in Gratitude clears the pathway of hope and allows new energy to move through me as the Breath of Love.
I listen deeply and Breathe. In Gratitude and Out Love with Compassion. Six Times I Breathe. In Gratitude and Out Love with Compassion.
Every Breath I take in Gratitude clears the pathway of hope and allows new energy to move through me as the Breath of Love.
Every Breath I take in Gratitude clears the pathway of hope and allows new energy to move through me as the Breath of Love.
I listen deeply and Breathe. In Gratitude and Out Love with Compassion. Six Times I Breathe. In Gratitude and Out Love with Compassion.
Every Breath I take in Gratitude clears the pathway of hope and allows new energy to move through me as the Breath of Love.

Sunday, February 10, 2013
I Will Do No Harm
Our fearful thoughts and careless actions
can intercept the Blessings of Grace meant
for us to grow in Love.
When this happens, our words
become like swords that inflict
wounds and deflate dreams.
Today, I will do no harm.
I Breathe Deeply and honor this understanding.
Ten times I Breathe.
In Trust and Love. Out Tender Compassion.
I gently pay attention and open my heart
so that Blessings of Grace
and Love can move through.
I Breathe.
In Trust and Love. Out Tender Compassion.
Today, I Will Do No Harm.
Our fearful thoughts and careless actions
can intercept the Blessings of Grace meant
for us to grow in Love.
When this happens, our words
become like swords that inflict
wounds and deflate dreams.
Today, I will do no harm.
I Breathe Deeply and honor this understanding.
Ten times I Breathe.
In Trust and Love. Out Tender Compassion.
I gently pay attention and open my heart
so that Blessings of Grace
and Love can move through.
I Breathe.
In Trust and Love. Out Tender Compassion.
Today, I Will Do No Harm.

Saturday, February 9, 2013
You Can Decide to Heal
The Seeker thought of the days past and breathed deeply four times; feeling and hearing the wisdom voice of the heart.
"If you knew me, then you would know my questions are meant to benefit, nurture and enrich your Spirit Energy so that your Soul is able to receive and transmit the message of cooperative understanding and Love."
Today I Breathe In the Mystery of the Creator's Song. I Breathe Out Love with Acceptance and Cooperative Understanding.
I know that as human beings our history of violence and separation can be healed only by our willingness to accept the Truth and build reconciliation through education, conversation, cooperative understanding and Love.
Ten Times I Breathe....
In the Mystery of the Creator's Song and Out Love with Acceptance and Cooperative Understanding.
Today, I accept Truth in Eternity.
I Will Walk with a Peaceful, Loving Heart that Helps Nurture and Heal the Collective!
The Seeker thought of the days past and breathed deeply four times; feeling and hearing the wisdom voice of the heart.
"If you knew me, then you would know my questions are meant to benefit, nurture and enrich your Spirit Energy so that your Soul is able to receive and transmit the message of cooperative understanding and Love."
Today I Breathe In the Mystery of the Creator's Song. I Breathe Out Love with Acceptance and Cooperative Understanding.
I know that as human beings our history of violence and separation can be healed only by our willingness to accept the Truth and build reconciliation through education, conversation, cooperative understanding and Love.
Ten Times I Breathe....
In the Mystery of the Creator's Song and Out Love with Acceptance and Cooperative Understanding.
Today, I accept Truth in Eternity.
I Will Walk with a Peaceful, Loving Heart that Helps Nurture and Heal the Collective!

Friday, February 8, 2013
Just You Watch ME!
Children play, learn and teach eachother with the dare of encouragement. "Bet you can't!", and the other replies "Just you watch me!".
Courage and Commitment often come with a dare we make to ourselves to live our purpose and believe our good dreams.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Today As I listen to the dreams of others, I will move beyond the dare and offer Love and Encouragement to All.
And if anyone says I can Not do something that I believe is possible;
I will Breathe Deeply.
In my mind and my heart I will smile and think, "Just You Watch Me!"
Children play, learn and teach eachother with the dare of encouragement. "Bet you can't!", and the other replies "Just you watch me!".
Courage and Commitment often come with a dare we make to ourselves to live our purpose and believe our good dreams.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Today As I listen to the dreams of others, I will move beyond the dare and offer Love and Encouragement to All.
And if anyone says I can Not do something that I believe is possible;
I will Breathe Deeply.
In my mind and my heart I will smile and think, "Just You Watch Me!"

Thursday, February 7, 2013
Offer Your Hand
With gratitude and patience, I take a moment and Breathe Four Times.
I release old disappointment and mis-understandings as lessons learned.
I Breathe. Today I will listen and offer my good self with kindness, and compassion.
I Breathe in Gratitude and decide to offer my hands, my heart and my resources with a smile!
With gratitude and patience, I take a moment and Breathe Four Times.
I release old disappointment and mis-understandings as lessons learned.
I Breathe. Today I will listen and offer my good self with kindness, and compassion.
I Breathe in Gratitude and decide to offer my hands, my heart and my resources with a smile!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
May We Live Well!
May we fill our hearts with Compassion, and Loving Respect for Ourselves and All Others!
May we do our best to listen and embrace every moment as we live the Lesson of Peace.
May we live well in Truth with little regret, and Make Room Always for Love.
May we fill our hearts with Compassion, and Loving Respect for Ourselves and All Others!
May we do our best to listen and embrace every moment as we live the Lesson of Peace.
May we live well in Truth with little regret, and Make Room Always for Love.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Thank YOU is My Prayer Today
Thank YOU is My Prayer Today. Thank YOU.
I Breathe Deeply Seven Times.
In Hope and Mercy, and Out Patience and Love.
Through every moment of conflict and confusion I ground my thoughts and my heart in peace.
Listening, I Breathe and Breathe.
In Hope and Mercy, and Out Patience and Love.
With JOY I Breathe, Listen and Say Thank YOU!
Thank YOU is My Prayer Today. Thank YOU.
I Breathe Deeply Seven Times.
In Hope and Mercy, and Out Patience and Love.
Through every moment of conflict and confusion I ground my thoughts and my heart in peace.
Listening, I Breathe and Breathe.
In Hope and Mercy, and Out Patience and Love.
With JOY I Breathe, Listen and Say Thank YOU!

Monday, February 4, 2013
Happy to Be Alive!
Happy to Be Alive, I begin the day with new eyes
of compassion and a heart of humility.
I Breathe Deeply and clear my mind
and my heart.
I Breathe. In Compassion with JOY,
Out Love with Humility and Strength.
Six Times with Gratitude I Breathe.
In Compassion with JOY,
Out Love with Humility and Strength.
I become energized by Love
and am filled with new Courage.
In Compassion with JOY,
Out Love with Humility and Strength.
Happy to Be Alive, I Breathe!
Happy to Be Alive, I begin the day with new eyes
of compassion and a heart of humility.
I Breathe Deeply and clear my mind
and my heart.
I Breathe. In Compassion with JOY,
Out Love with Humility and Strength.
Six Times with Gratitude I Breathe.
In Compassion with JOY,
Out Love with Humility and Strength.
I become energized by Love
and am filled with new Courage.
In Compassion with JOY,
Out Love with Humility and Strength.
Happy to Be Alive, I Breathe!

Sunday, February 3, 2013
Forever ONE
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and imagine that we are One in Our Creator's Heart. I Breathe and feel, and watch and listen to the Earth's Song.
A sun/son returns, a daughter dances, a mother sings, and a father cries. We Are One in Divine Love. As I imagine, I breathe and breathe and breathe.
The moon is blue. The clouds are purple. I am but a star joining all the other stars glistening and sparkling as we re-member our connection to the Uni-Verse. I breathe, and feel and watch and listen.
Every Star is singing many songs; embraced and nurtured by Love. We are Forever ONE in the Creator's Earth/Heart!
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and imagine that we are One in Our Creator's Heart. I Breathe and feel, and watch and listen to the Earth's Song.
A sun/son returns, a daughter dances, a mother sings, and a father cries. We Are One in Divine Love. As I imagine, I breathe and breathe and breathe.
The moon is blue. The clouds are purple. I am but a star joining all the other stars glistening and sparkling as we re-member our connection to the Uni-Verse. I breathe, and feel and watch and listen.
Every Star is singing many songs; embraced and nurtured by Love. We are Forever ONE in the Creator's Earth/Heart!

Saturday, February 2, 2013
I Bend In Gratitude!
In stormy weather, a pilot will tell you
that in order to get to your good destination,
it is always necessary to fly
above or around the storm.
I Breathe Deeply and ask myself.
"What would it take for me to travel
around the every obstacle with a hopeful heart?".
The answer is clear.
First I must have Gratitude for every lesson.
Second I must have patience.
Third I must learn to be flexible and bend
like a Willow Tree in Love with the Earth.
I Breathe Deeply.
In Patience, Out Flexibility with Love.
Ten times I Breathe.
In Patience, Out Flexibility with Love.
Today I am patient and flexible.
Like a Willow Tree in Love with the Earth,
I bend in Gratitude and Respect!
In stormy weather, a pilot will tell you
that in order to get to your good destination,
it is always necessary to fly
above or around the storm.
I Breathe Deeply and ask myself.
"What would it take for me to travel
around the every obstacle with a hopeful heart?".
The answer is clear.
First I must have Gratitude for every lesson.
Second I must have patience.
Third I must learn to be flexible and bend
like a Willow Tree in Love with the Earth.
I Breathe Deeply.
In Patience, Out Flexibility with Love.
Ten times I Breathe.
In Patience, Out Flexibility with Love.
Today I am patient and flexible.
Like a Willow Tree in Love with the Earth,
I bend in Gratitude and Respect!

Friday, February 1, 2013
Warm Thoughts
I Breathe Deeply and Thank The Master Creator for a Joyful Awakening. There is no doubt that it is cold and windy with confusion outside, but in my heart the Sun is shining and beaming rays of Love.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Joyful Awakening and Out Love! I am a being of Love that Loves Myself and cares enough to show Love to All Others.
Today I have dressed for the weather of confusion.
I Breathe and focus on warm thoughts of Gratitude for the New Day.
I Breathe and Breathe. In Joyful Awakening and Out Love!
I Breathe Deeply and Thank The Master Creator for a Joyful Awakening. There is no doubt that it is cold and windy with confusion outside, but in my heart the Sun is shining and beaming rays of Love.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Joyful Awakening and Out Love! I am a being of Love that Loves Myself and cares enough to show Love to All Others.
Today I have dressed for the weather of confusion.
I Breathe and focus on warm thoughts of Gratitude for the New Day.
I Breathe and Breathe. In Joyful Awakening and Out Love!

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