I Breathe Slowly in and out Ten Times.
I still myself and listen to the voice of Uni-Verse--
"I believe in you and value you.
I saw you as Stardust. I know your goodness.
I know your fear of Light and of Love.
I know of your selfish ways for
they have long saddened me.
I Forgive You.
Just Listen. I Love You.
Hear me through the birds chirping,
the wind whistling through trees
and the ocean's roar.
Breathe deeply and smell me
in the honey suckle and cherry blossoms.
Taste me in the avocado, the apple,
the blueberry, the carrot, the ginger and turnips.
Look at me in the Sky.
Remember it is I who share the magnificent moon,
the glistening stars and the ebullient sun with you.
The Land is not yours to fight over.
It is Mine! All Is Mine.
I share it with you in Love.
Just Listen. Stop Fighting. I Love You.
Feel me in your hearts through your acts
of compassion and cooperation.
Find your way back to Love.
Just Listen. I Forgive You. I Love You! "
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Just Listen

Saturday, March 30, 2013
Re-Birth and Renewal
With Humility, I take a moment to still myself.
I Breathe Six Times and feel
the Love of the Uni-Verse embrace me
and offer the Grace of Renewal.
Deeply I Exhale with each breath
and let go of every thought that is not Love.
I Breathe and offer Gratitude.
I open my heart and feel the lessons
of the dove, the dolphin, the butterfly
and the phoenix.
It is like I am walking on water
into the clouds of heaven.
I am reminded that Wisdom
offers Patience and Fluidity.
Love's beginnings are beyond time
and serve as an infinite Ocean of Grace
that teaches Compassion.
Love is meant to flow and has ending.
I Breathe and Exhale Deeply.
Only Through Love am I offered
Re-Birth and Renewal.
I Breathe with Gratitude!
With Humility, I take a moment to still myself.
I Breathe Six Times and feel
the Love of the Uni-Verse embrace me
and offer the Grace of Renewal.
Deeply I Exhale with each breath
and let go of every thought that is not Love.
I Breathe and offer Gratitude.
I open my heart and feel the lessons
of the dove, the dolphin, the butterfly
and the phoenix.
It is like I am walking on water
into the clouds of heaven.
I am reminded that Wisdom
offers Patience and Fluidity.
Love's beginnings are beyond time
and serve as an infinite Ocean of Grace
that teaches Compassion.
Love is meant to flow and has ending.
I Breathe and Exhale Deeply.
Only Through Love am I offered
Re-Birth and Renewal.
I Breathe with Gratitude!

Friday, March 29, 2013
My Heart Opens
My Beloveds---
As I Bow in each of the Four Directions--
East-West-North and South,
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
My heart sings in celebration of the New Day
and the potential for us to learn
to live together in Peace.
Again I Breathe slow, deep breaths of Love.
I exhale with Hope and ask that my words
be genuine
and my actions be right
and just in every situation.
I Breathe and Remember
as Grace pours through me.
The Potential for a Vivid Peace
lies in our willingness to Care,
Share and Love!
My heart opens as I sing and Breathe!
As I Bow in each of the Four Directions--
East-West-North and South,
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
My heart sings in celebration of the New Day
and the potential for us to learn
to live together in Peace.
Again I Breathe slow, deep breaths of Love.
I exhale with Hope and ask that my words
be genuine
and my actions be right
and just in every situation.
I Breathe and Remember
as Grace pours through me.
The Potential for a Vivid Peace
lies in our willingness to Care,
Share and Love!
My heart opens as I sing and Breathe!

Thursday, March 28, 2013
Living With JOY
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
With each breathe I honor the unlimited
potential to live with Joy.
Today I will remember to speak gently,
offer compassion and show others that I care.
Again I Breathe Four Times.
In Appreciation. Out Gratitude with Joy.
I believe that with Patience
my life will continue to blossom
with understanding as I share
my many gifts with JOY!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
With each breathe I honor the unlimited
potential to live with Joy.
Today I will remember to speak gently,
offer compassion and show others that I care.
Again I Breathe Four Times.
In Appreciation. Out Gratitude with Joy.
I believe that with Patience
my life will continue to blossom
with understanding as I share
my many gifts with JOY!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
A Desire to Prosper
Some of us like to prove that we are smarter, have more or know more. We consider ourselves successful by the cars we drive, the size of our homes or our job titles. All these things become ambiguous when there is no Love.
Most important in our lives is our willingness to create a World where All Our Children are well educated, safe, nurtured, and loved. When we honor and respect our elders and eachother, then our resources become gifts used to strengthen communities with kindness and cooperation.
With Clarity, I Breathe Deeply Four Times. If we are to truly prosper and live without fear, then we must come to understand that greed and selfishness are poisons that destroys hearts.
Again I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I am learning to walk as a vessel of hope; willing to build bridges of cooperation so that the World around me may prosper as we come to Know and Be Love.
Some of us like to prove that we are smarter, have more or know more. We consider ourselves successful by the cars we drive, the size of our homes or our job titles. All these things become ambiguous when there is no Love.
Most important in our lives is our willingness to create a World where All Our Children are well educated, safe, nurtured, and loved. When we honor and respect our elders and eachother, then our resources become gifts used to strengthen communities with kindness and cooperation.
With Clarity, I Breathe Deeply Four Times. If we are to truly prosper and live without fear, then we must come to understand that greed and selfishness are poisons that destroys hearts.
Again I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I am learning to walk as a vessel of hope; willing to build bridges of cooperation so that the World around me may prosper as we come to Know and Be Love.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Listen, Care and Share
As the morning mist clears, I am able to see in the dawn of the new day all that I felt I had missed.
I Breathe Four Times in Gratitude for my beautiful Life. Slowly I Breathe In and Out.
With each new breath, awakened within the core of my understanding is Faith, Mercy and Forgiveness.
The Grace of the Creator's Infinite Love pours through me like a waterfall of Joy.
Slowing and deeply I Breathe. I allow myself to accept the gift of Hope that comes through Faith, Mercy and Forgiveness.
Together we step into the New Day with the commitment to listen, care and share Our Gift of Hope!
As the morning mist clears, I am able to see in the dawn of the new day all that I felt I had missed.
I Breathe Four Times in Gratitude for my beautiful Life. Slowly I Breathe In and Out.
With each new breath, awakened within the core of my understanding is Faith, Mercy and Forgiveness.
The Grace of the Creator's Infinite Love pours through me like a waterfall of Joy.
Slowing and deeply I Breathe. I allow myself to accept the gift of Hope that comes through Faith, Mercy and Forgiveness.
Together we step into the New Day with the commitment to listen, care and share Our Gift of Hope!

Monday, March 25, 2013
I Cultivate Relationships through Kindness
With Gratitude and Humility I Breathe. I sit in the silence of the moment and listen deeply for messages from the Creator.
I Breathe Four Times. In Gratitude and Humility. Out Compassion and Kindness.
I say to myself , "Though there confusion in the World around me, I live in peace with myself, and will try always to offer Hope as I cultivate and nurture those around me with Kindness and Compassion."
I stop and embrace this moment. Four Times, with Gratitude and Humility, I BREATHE.
Today I will offer Hope; and Cultivate Every Relationship through Compassion and Kindness!
With Gratitude and Humility I Breathe. I sit in the silence of the moment and listen deeply for messages from the Creator.
I Breathe Four Times. In Gratitude and Humility. Out Compassion and Kindness.
I say to myself , "Though there confusion in the World around me, I live in peace with myself, and will try always to offer Hope as I cultivate and nurture those around me with Kindness and Compassion."
I stop and embrace this moment. Four Times, with Gratitude and Humility, I BREATHE.
Today I will offer Hope; and Cultivate Every Relationship through Compassion and Kindness!

Sunday, March 24, 2013
Spring Renewal
Though it is chilly, I open the all the windows in my home and Breathe In the Oxygen of Fresh Air.
Four Times I Breathe Deeply In and Out. I focus on the birds singing their morning song of Renewal and Love.
I give Gratitude for the Beautiful Day. I Breathe and Breathe and feel the clarity of the Song.
I am Grateful for every opportunity to breathe deeply and allow myself a willingness to re-arrange the home in my heart.
I decide to dust and clean and polish the silver; to re-arrange the furniture and artwork and to let go of that which I no longer need.
I Breathe Deeply with Love and Appreciation for All I have been given by the Creator.
I begin my many tasks with Patience and Joy.
Spring is Always a Time of Beauty and Renewal.
Though it is chilly, I open the all the windows in my home and Breathe In the Oxygen of Fresh Air.
Four Times I Breathe Deeply In and Out. I focus on the birds singing their morning song of Renewal and Love.
I give Gratitude for the Beautiful Day. I Breathe and Breathe and feel the clarity of the Song.
I am Grateful for every opportunity to breathe deeply and allow myself a willingness to re-arrange the home in my heart.
I decide to dust and clean and polish the silver; to re-arrange the furniture and artwork and to let go of that which I no longer need.
I Breathe Deeply with Love and Appreciation for All I have been given by the Creator.
I begin my many tasks with Patience and Joy.
Spring is Always a Time of Beauty and Renewal.

Saturday, March 23, 2013
Come for a Visit
I can no longer ponder life with "Why didn't I or why didn't You?". I can only live in the now and create a home in my heart filled with Good Intention and the Courage to follow through with Tender Actions of Good Change.
I Breathe Deeply Eight Times. With each breath I forgive myself and you. I let go of every "Why didn't?".
I Breathe Deeply with Good Intention and Courage. Again I Breathe Deeply and ask for the guidance to create a welcoming home in my heart.
With Tenacity, I clear the obstacles with compassionate actions so that together we may share, prosper, and grow in Love.
Opening the door with Good Intention and Courage, I invite you to come for a visit. All Are Welcomed in the Home of My Heart.
I can no longer ponder life with "Why didn't I or why didn't You?". I can only live in the now and create a home in my heart filled with Good Intention and the Courage to follow through with Tender Actions of Good Change.
I Breathe Deeply Eight Times. With each breath I forgive myself and you. I let go of every "Why didn't?".
I Breathe Deeply with Good Intention and Courage. Again I Breathe Deeply and ask for the guidance to create a welcoming home in my heart.
With Tenacity, I clear the obstacles with compassionate actions so that together we may share, prosper, and grow in Love.
Opening the door with Good Intention and Courage, I invite you to come for a visit. All Are Welcomed in the Home of My Heart.

Friday, March 22, 2013
Deep Reflection
In Deep Reflection, I must face no one but Myself. All violent thoughts and actions, envy and greed or guns and wars to said to bring Peace are based in Evil.
No matter what goes on in the World, I have a responsibility to live with humility in the Truth inspired by Love.
Only then through the Creator's Blessing of Love am I able to see the Earth, the Sky, the Oceans, the Dolphins and Trees, and Birds, and Flowers and All Sentients as purposeful and interconnected in Love.
Only now as I Breathe Deeply Four Times in many intervals do I feel Hope in a World where much of Humanity is struggling to restore itself through Love.
I Breathe in Gratitude for the Awakening of Truth Discovered when I faced Myself by looking in the Mirror of all those around me and seeing the need for Kindness, Mutual Cooperation and Love, I Am a Being of Love!
In Deep Reflection, I must face no one but Myself. All violent thoughts and actions, envy and greed or guns and wars to said to bring Peace are based in Evil.
No matter what goes on in the World, I have a responsibility to live with humility in the Truth inspired by Love.
Only then through the Creator's Blessing of Love am I able to see the Earth, the Sky, the Oceans, the Dolphins and Trees, and Birds, and Flowers and All Sentients as purposeful and interconnected in Love.
Only now as I Breathe Deeply Four Times in many intervals do I feel Hope in a World where much of Humanity is struggling to restore itself through Love.
I Breathe in Gratitude for the Awakening of Truth Discovered when I faced Myself by looking in the Mirror of all those around me and seeing the need for Kindness, Mutual Cooperation and Love, I Am a Being of Love!

Song of a Sinner
Love was all around me everyday-- in the smiles of the children,-- in the melody of a song,-- in the dance of the trees blowing in the wind,-- in the light of the moon,--in the warmth of the sun, and even the roar of the ocean.
Love was before me everywhere. But my ego needed control and in control, I destroyed it all. Then empty and alone, my heart became broken and scattered throughout the Universe.
And in the emptiness of eons beyond time, I was filled with the benevolent mercy of our Creator.
It was then, beyond the desire of my selfish ego that even me, the worst of sinners was forgiven and born again in Grace.
Having learned that lesson, now I am able to offer Only Love!
Love was before me everywhere. But my ego needed control and in control, I destroyed it all. Then empty and alone, my heart became broken and scattered throughout the Universe.
And in the emptiness of eons beyond time, I was filled with the benevolent mercy of our Creator.
It was then, beyond the desire of my selfish ego that even me, the worst of sinners was forgiven and born again in Grace.
Having learned that lesson, now I am able to offer Only Love!

Thursday, March 21, 2013
When You Don't Know The Answer
When you feel excited or nervous or don't know the answer to your questions to yourself, Stop. Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Clear your mind and sit with the moment. Ask for Guidance. Breathe Deeply In and Out.
Be Grateful for Every Experience.
Throughout your day, remember to slowly Breathe. Try to Be Kind. Have Patience. Breathe. Do the Work. Pay Attention. Laugh Often. Be Joyful.
Just remember to Breathe. In Time All Will Be Revealed with Grace!
When you feel excited or nervous or don't know the answer to your questions to yourself, Stop. Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Clear your mind and sit with the moment. Ask for Guidance. Breathe Deeply In and Out.
Be Grateful for Every Experience.
Throughout your day, remember to slowly Breathe. Try to Be Kind. Have Patience. Breathe. Do the Work. Pay Attention. Laugh Often. Be Joyful.
Just remember to Breathe. In Time All Will Be Revealed with Grace!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Honoring Happiness
It is Spring. Happiness fills the Air.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
I Breathe In Celebration of Re-birth.
I Exhale with Focus
and a commitment to Renewal.
I Breathe and Breathe.
I ask my mind, my body,
my heart and my spirit
to feel the oneness of each breath.
Together We Give Thanks
to Our Blessed Creator
and Honoring the Happiness
In the Air;
We Become One In Love!
It is Spring. Happiness fills the Air.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
I Breathe In Celebration of Re-birth.
I Exhale with Focus
and a commitment to Renewal.
I Breathe and Breathe.
I ask my mind, my body,
my heart and my spirit
to feel the oneness of each breath.
Together We Give Thanks
to Our Blessed Creator
and Honoring the Happiness
In the Air;
We Become One In Love!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
The Breeze of Truth
Walking through the day, I feel a breeze of Truth. Each time I stop and settle myself, I am overcome with appreciation for Good Change.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I Breathe In Humility and Courage. I Exhale Compassion and Love.
The past is best expressed as lessons that have taught me to value life, and have unlimited courage to step into Good Change.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I Breathe In Humility and Courage. I Exhale Compassion and Love.
With Gratitude I Move Forward into the Breeze of Truth.
Walking through the day, I feel a breeze of Truth. Each time I stop and settle myself, I am overcome with appreciation for Good Change.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I Breathe In Humility and Courage. I Exhale Compassion and Love.
The past is best expressed as lessons that have taught me to value life, and have unlimited courage to step into Good Change.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I Breathe In Humility and Courage. I Exhale Compassion and Love.
With Gratitude I Move Forward into the Breeze of Truth.

Monday, March 18, 2013
When the Book Becomes a Tree
I Greet the Day with a dance of the Breath of Compassion.
I honor all that is around me as beautiful creations of the Divine. The book becomes a tree and the pages are leaves with memories of Awakening Songs that will guide me.
I Breathe Six Times. I inhale the harmony of gratitude and exhale confidence.
I Breathe. With each breath I become like the reed that whistles in the wind and bends and turns in salutation with Compassion and Hope.
The dance continues with every breath.
I Breathe Deeply and the book becomes a tree.
I Inhale the Harmony of Creation.
I Exhale the Confidence of Love.
I Greet the Day with a dance of the Breath of Compassion.
I honor all that is around me as beautiful creations of the Divine. The book becomes a tree and the pages are leaves with memories of Awakening Songs that will guide me.
I Breathe Six Times. I inhale the harmony of gratitude and exhale confidence.
I Breathe. With each breath I become like the reed that whistles in the wind and bends and turns in salutation with Compassion and Hope.
The dance continues with every breath.
I Breathe Deeply and the book becomes a tree.
I Inhale the Harmony of Creation.
I Exhale the Confidence of Love.

Sunday, March 17, 2013
A Beautiful Day to Give Thanks!
Oh what a Beautiful Day to Give Thanks!
My Mind and Body are at ease and feeling well rested.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
With each breath of Love, I am joyfully reminded
of birds chirping and greeting the New Day with a Song.
I breathe and breathe and breathe. I breathe In Love.
I feel my heart expanding.
With each breath I exhale deeply.
I Am Blossoming In Hope and greeting
the New Day in a Song of Love!
Today I humbly embrace Love, and walk with Love.
To All Others I will listen with care and compassion.
I joyfully Offer Only Love!
I Breathe with Love and Give Thanks!
Oh what a Beautiful Day to Give Thanks!
My Mind and Body are at ease and feeling well rested.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
With each breath of Love, I am joyfully reminded
of birds chirping and greeting the New Day with a Song.
I breathe and breathe and breathe. I breathe In Love.
I feel my heart expanding.
With each breath I exhale deeply.
I Am Blossoming In Hope and greeting
the New Day in a Song of Love!
Today I humbly embrace Love, and walk with Love.
To All Others I will listen with care and compassion.
I joyfully Offer Only Love!
I Breathe with Love and Give Thanks!

Saturday, March 16, 2013
The Gift of Possibility
First I Breathe Deeply and say Thank You.
I am grateful to open my eyes, to stand, to walk, to bow and greet the four directions of Our Blessed Earth/Heart in the New Day of Possibility.
I Breathe In Deeply, feeling the Oxygen of Love move through every part of my being.
Knowing I am rooted in Love, I exhale Self Doubt and open my heart with Flexibility.
I Breathe Deeply Eight Times. In Oxygen of Love. Out Self Doubt.
With each new breath, my heart opens with Flexibility.
I Breathe Deeply again and again. In Oxygen of Love. Out Self Doubt.
Knowing I am rooted in Love, I step into each moment and gratefully re-member to honor the Gift of Possibility!
First I Breathe Deeply and say Thank You.
I am grateful to open my eyes, to stand, to walk, to bow and greet the four directions of Our Blessed Earth/Heart in the New Day of Possibility.
I Breathe In Deeply, feeling the Oxygen of Love move through every part of my being.
Knowing I am rooted in Love, I exhale Self Doubt and open my heart with Flexibility.
I Breathe Deeply Eight Times. In Oxygen of Love. Out Self Doubt.
With each new breath, my heart opens with Flexibility.
I Breathe Deeply again and again. In Oxygen of Love. Out Self Doubt.
Knowing I am rooted in Love, I step into each moment and gratefully re-member to honor the Gift of Possibility!

Friday, March 15, 2013
I Breathe. I Trust. I Believe!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times and offer my Eternal Gratitude to Our Blessed Creator.
The more I am able to identity fear within my heart, the more I am able to embrace and trust the Light of Love that grows strong in my Soul. Through Patience, Faith and Love fear is transformed into Courage.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I inhale Patience and Faith. I exhale and my fear becomes the Courage to Trust and Believe. I Gather my soul energy and commit to feel, walk and share the Light of Love.
I Breathe. I Trust. I Believe!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times and offer my Eternal Gratitude to Our Blessed Creator.
The more I am able to identity fear within my heart, the more I am able to embrace and trust the Light of Love that grows strong in my Soul. Through Patience, Faith and Love fear is transformed into Courage.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I inhale Patience and Faith. I exhale and my fear becomes the Courage to Trust and Believe. I Gather my soul energy and commit to feel, walk and share the Light of Love.
I Breathe. I Trust. I Believe!

Offering a Welcome
Knowing that I am changing, growing and becoming, I clear my mind and my heart and prepare to welcome a New Me.
Offering a prayer of Gratitude, I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
With each breath I feel Alive in Love. With Patience and Hope I Breathe and Breathe.
Now with Compassion, I step into this Day with the Courage to continue Changing, Growing, Sharing, Loving, Blossoming and Becoming.
I Breathe Deeply and Welcome the New Me!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Go Left
When many in the World turn right but you decide to go left, Breathe Deeply Four Times and honor the Integrity that lives in your heart.
Integrity, Compassion and a Commitment to move in the direction Hope all happen when you listen to rhythm and decide to dance and sing the Eternal Love Song.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. Gather Your Energy. Offer Prayers of Gratitude. Listen to Integrity. Allow Compassion to guide you as you dance.
Breathe Deep Breaths. When You Decide to Go Left, You Will Move In the Direction of Hope!
When many in the World turn right but you decide to go left, Breathe Deeply Four Times and honor the Integrity that lives in your heart.
Integrity, Compassion and a Commitment to move in the direction Hope all happen when you listen to rhythm and decide to dance and sing the Eternal Love Song.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. Gather Your Energy. Offer Prayers of Gratitude. Listen to Integrity. Allow Compassion to guide you as you dance.
Breathe Deep Breaths. When You Decide to Go Left, You Will Move In the Direction of Hope!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Do the Work!
Why do we not do the work and take the next step? Sometimes the mundane becomes comfortable even if it does not make us happy.
First I Breathe Deeply and offer Prayers of Gratitude. I Breathe Seven Times. With each breath my heart says "Do the work. Take the next step. Prepare to Move Forward!"
I Breathe and Breathe and Breathe. Today Courage and I will walk together as we gather unlimited enthusiasm and the energy needed to do the work to Move Forward with Grace!

Monday, March 11, 2013
I Love You. I Believe In YOU!
Whether You are a Parent or Child, a Sister or Brother, a Friend or Lover, there is power in your words. Clear your mind and Breathe Deeply Six Times. Say " I Love You, I Believe In You!" Breathe.
Today help heal and encourage those you care about.
Simply Say "I Love You, I Believe In You!" Breathe Deeply and Honor the Power of Your Every Word!
Whether You are a Parent or Child, a Sister or Brother, a Friend or Lover, there is power in your words. Clear your mind and Breathe Deeply Six Times. Say " I Love You, I Believe In You!" Breathe.
Today help heal and encourage those you care about.
Simply Say "I Love You, I Believe In You!" Breathe Deeply and Honor the Power of Your Every Word!

Sunday, March 10, 2013
Woven Into the Heart Tapestry
Woven deeply into the heart tapestries of our lives are the stories and secrets of our souls. We may share a story but rarely do we reveal ourselves or our wounds in totality.
We have forgotten the great mystery of Love woven within our very beings.
Divine Spirit, in calling us to Awaken, asks us to Re-member In Love all the places and wounds that need to be healed.
Breathe Deeply Six Times. As you Inhale, ask for and offer forgiveness in your heart. Exhale memories of old wounds.
Breathe Deeply and allow your Soul to easily Awaken.
The Great Mystery of Love is like a woven heart tapestry that somehow connects us to All that Is Generous, Merciful, Loving and Divine.
Breathe and Re-Member!
Woven deeply into the heart tapestries of our lives are the stories and secrets of our souls. We may share a story but rarely do we reveal ourselves or our wounds in totality.
We have forgotten the great mystery of Love woven within our very beings.
Divine Spirit, in calling us to Awaken, asks us to Re-member In Love all the places and wounds that need to be healed.
Breathe Deeply Six Times. As you Inhale, ask for and offer forgiveness in your heart. Exhale memories of old wounds.
Breathe Deeply and allow your Soul to easily Awaken.
The Great Mystery of Love is like a woven heart tapestry that somehow connects us to All that Is Generous, Merciful, Loving and Divine.
Breathe and Re-Member!

Saturday, March 9, 2013
In every difficult moment we must Breathe Deeply Four Times and hold on to a warm thought of Love. Then as we allow our minds and hearts to remember the Loving Resilience of All those who have Walked In Grace before us, we are able to see our path of Good Intention. The very breath of Love then becomes a resilient transformer, and a pathway to deeper understanding.
With Love, I Breathe Deeply Four Times....
In every difficult moment we must Breathe Deeply Four Times and hold on to a warm thought of Love. Then as we allow our minds and hearts to remember the Loving Resilience of All those who have Walked In Grace before us, we are able to see our path of Good Intention. The very breath of Love then becomes a resilient transformer, and a pathway to deeper understanding.
With Love, I Breathe Deeply Four Times....

Friday, March 8, 2013
Come, Sit With Me!
The Voice said, "Come Sit With Me. I will listen to your sorrows and your joys. It is difficult I know. Just Breathe. First remember that You Are Loved. Now, take Four Deep Breaths. Breathe In Love, Exhale Confidence with Humility. You Are Loved. The answer to every question you have is meant to be lived. You Are Loved. Listen. Breathe. Heal. Share. Love!"
My Tears Are Joyful!
The Voice said, "Come Sit With Me. I will listen to your sorrows and your joys. It is difficult I know. Just Breathe. First remember that You Are Loved. Now, take Four Deep Breaths. Breathe In Love, Exhale Confidence with Humility. You Are Loved. The answer to every question you have is meant to be lived. You Are Loved. Listen. Breathe. Heal. Share. Love!"
My Tears Are Joyful!

Thursday, March 7, 2013
Offering Support
What could be more powerful than knowing you are supported and loved? If only we could let go of greed, offer our hands and support each other; then we could bring Good Change to the World.
I Breathe Deeply with Gratitude Seven Times. With each breath I let go of Greed and Not Enough.
Now I am free to help bring Good Change. Again I breathe Deeply, and feel my heart speak the words "I Love You".
Because I desire Good Change, today I will have the Courage to offer my hands and my heart so that I Am Able to Offer Others the Support I Desire!
What could be more powerful than knowing you are supported and loved? If only we could let go of greed, offer our hands and support each other; then we could bring Good Change to the World.
I Breathe Deeply with Gratitude Seven Times. With each breath I let go of Greed and Not Enough.
Now I am free to help bring Good Change. Again I breathe Deeply, and feel my heart speak the words "I Love You".
Because I desire Good Change, today I will have the Courage to offer my hands and my heart so that I Am Able to Offer Others the Support I Desire!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
The Storm of Sequester
When we know the Storm is coming, it is best be patient; seek safety and allow it let it pass before venturing into unknown territory.
I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude Four Times. May I have the humility to offer patience and compassion to All as we move through the Economic Storm of Sequester.
With Each breath I inhale hope for Wisdom and Good Change and exhale Courage with Patience and Compassion.
I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude Four Times. I inhale Hope for Wisdom and Good Change and exhale Courage with Patience and Compassion.
I offer my Appreciation for this New Day and Pray that the Storm of Economic Sequester Passes Quickly!
When we know the Storm is coming, it is best be patient; seek safety and allow it let it pass before venturing into unknown territory.
I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude Four Times. May I have the humility to offer patience and compassion to All as we move through the Economic Storm of Sequester.
With Each breath I inhale hope for Wisdom and Good Change and exhale Courage with Patience and Compassion.
I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude Four Times. I inhale Hope for Wisdom and Good Change and exhale Courage with Patience and Compassion.
I offer my Appreciation for this New Day and Pray that the Storm of Economic Sequester Passes Quickly!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
It is A Beautiful Day for Good Change
Today I Breathe Deeply Four Times and Bow with the Winds of Change. With Each breath I exhale Fear and inhale Courage.
Change has come unexpected like a new lover. At first I ignored it but it wouldn't go away. Every time Change would smile and take my hand; my stomach would feel butterflies.
Change asked me to have Courage when I didn't know the answer.
Change taught me to believe in myself and to pay attention to all the ways that I could do better and be better.
Courage helps me get up when I fall and teaches me better balance so I can prepare to take the next new step.
I am so grateful! I Breathe Deeply Four Times and Bow with the Winds of Change. With Each breath I exhale Fear and inhale Courage.
I believe that it is a Beautiful Day for Good Change!
Today I Breathe Deeply Four Times and Bow with the Winds of Change. With Each breath I exhale Fear and inhale Courage.
Change has come unexpected like a new lover. At first I ignored it but it wouldn't go away. Every time Change would smile and take my hand; my stomach would feel butterflies.
Change asked me to have Courage when I didn't know the answer.
Change taught me to believe in myself and to pay attention to all the ways that I could do better and be better.
Courage helps me get up when I fall and teaches me better balance so I can prepare to take the next new step.
I am so grateful! I Breathe Deeply Four Times and Bow with the Winds of Change. With Each breath I exhale Fear and inhale Courage.
I believe that it is a Beautiful Day for Good Change!

Monday, March 4, 2013
Patience and Energy
It is for me to live with respect and to honor for myself and others by offering My Best. This is why I give my Daily Thanks to the Master Creator for filling me with Patience and Energy to complete the many small tasks that teach me to be more flexible and able to grow.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I Inhale Patience and I Exhale New Flexibility.
Today I have the Patience and Energy to complete the many small tasks that will help me grow and move forward.
I Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!
It is for me to live with respect and to honor for myself and others by offering My Best. This is why I give my Daily Thanks to the Master Creator for filling me with Patience and Energy to complete the many small tasks that teach me to be more flexible and able to grow.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I Inhale Patience and I Exhale New Flexibility.
Today I have the Patience and Energy to complete the many small tasks that will help me grow and move forward.
I Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!

Sunday, March 3, 2013
What AreYou Willing to Share?
It is said that Greed will make you sick and leave you lonely but there are many greedy people in our world. Pray for them.
It is wise to travel the path of Generosity. Generosity walks with Humility. They both nurture Love, offer compassion and uplift many hearts.
In life every Seeker is asked, "What is your Intent? What have you learned? What are you willing to Share."
Take a moment to clear your mind and your heart. Breathe Deeply Seven Times. Breathe In Good Intent. Breathe Out Generosity and Humility with Wisdom.
What is your Intent? What have you learned? What are you willing to Share.
Breathe In Good Intent. Breathe Out Generosity and Humility with Wisdom.
Answer every question with Love!
It is said that Greed will make you sick and leave you lonely but there are many greedy people in our world. Pray for them.
It is wise to travel the path of Generosity. Generosity walks with Humility. They both nurture Love, offer compassion and uplift many hearts.
In life every Seeker is asked, "What is your Intent? What have you learned? What are you willing to Share."
Take a moment to clear your mind and your heart. Breathe Deeply Seven Times. Breathe In Good Intent. Breathe Out Generosity and Humility with Wisdom.
What is your Intent? What have you learned? What are you willing to Share.
Breathe In Good Intent. Breathe Out Generosity and Humility with Wisdom.
Answer every question with Love!

Saturday, March 2, 2013
You are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!
Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Inhale Humility and Joy.
Exhale the Grace of Love.
You are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!
As Hierophants we are all teachers, and students.
Living, learning, sharing, and loving.
This is our path, a return to LOVE.
Again, Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Inhale Humility and Joy.
Exhale the Grace of Love.
People would have us believe that
we should not focus on the heart.
The truth is we can NOT develop
and travel into the new realms
purely in our minds.
The heart always has the right answers.
And Truth is all there is.
For In Truth we experience Divine LOVE.
Right now let us feel Joy's embrace
as particles of LOVE run through
the very cells of our body!
You Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!
Inhale Humility and Joy.
Exhale the Grace of Love.
Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Inhale Humility and Joy.
Exhale the Grace of Love.
You are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!
As Hierophants we are all teachers, and students.
Living, learning, sharing, and loving.
This is our path, a return to LOVE.
Again, Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Inhale Humility and Joy.
Exhale the Grace of Love.
People would have us believe that
we should not focus on the heart.
The truth is we can NOT develop
and travel into the new realms
purely in our minds.
The heart always has the right answers.
And Truth is all there is.
For In Truth we experience Divine LOVE.
Right now let us feel Joy's embrace
as particles of LOVE run through
the very cells of our body!
You Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!
Inhale Humility and Joy.
Exhale the Grace of Love.

Friday, March 1, 2013
The Blossoming Compassionate Heart
I Breathe Deeply Six Times in Gratitude for the New Day and New Month.
March always gives me new hope for re-birthing. Soon will come new leaves and buds on trees preparing to share as they blossom in joy with the New Spring Season.
As humans, we too have something to share. Our hope, good wishes and smiles can make a stranger feel welcomed and cared for. Our financial contributions to someone struggling may help guarantee a meal, a warm place to stay or send a child to school.
I Breathe Four Times In Gratitude for March.
It is like I too am re-birthed in the coming of Spring. Feeling nurtured, the flower buds of my heart are growing with Compassion.
I have so much to share; so much that I am willing to give as my heart Awakens and Blossoms in Love.
Deeply I Breathe!

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