Take a moment and
Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Love. Out Hope.
Hope comes to visit everyday
through a smile,
unexpected phone call or letter,
or a quiet reflection.
Hope is dinner with an old
filled with laughter,
a walk in the park,
a visit to the
musuem or zoo
and a word or act of kindness.
Hope resides in our
and is a special gift to share.
Hope is a friend that gives
us courage
to take a difficult next step
and shares comfort in hard
Hope calms our Spirit and lightens our hearts!
Breathe Deeply.
In Love. Out Hope.
Today, Offer the Gift of Hope...
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Acts of Diplomacy
When we offer a smile,
or a hand in friendship,
and understanding
--we lift the vibration
of our hearts and the planet
into Love.
Our good actions of diplomacy
are living songs of kindness,
compassion and hope
that can bring grace
and healing to our world.
The more we listen,
deepening our understanding;
share our resources
and sing with hope,
the greater the vibration of Love.
I Breathe Deeply 10 Times.
or a hand in friendship,
and understanding
--we lift the vibration
of our hearts and the planet
into Love.
Our good actions of diplomacy
are living songs of kindness,
compassion and hope
that can bring grace
and healing to our world.
The more we listen,
deepening our understanding;
share our resources
and sing with hope,
the greater the vibration of Love.
I Breathe Deeply 10 Times.
I Inhale Love. I Exhale Love.
With each breath I re-member...
Love is the way to Heal
Our Broken Hearts and Our World!
Our Broken Hearts and Our World!
Monday, July 29, 2013
May I Be A Humble, Truthful Friend
Radiant Ones--
In the beauty of this day, I stand in awe and give gratitude to the Earth Angels that serve as Friends near and far. I Breathe Deeply Six Times and offer the Master Creator appreciation and gratitude for the gifts of Friends that have stood by me throughout time and helped me see the radiance of love within myself.
I Breathe Slowly and Deeply In and Out. With JOY, I ask for guidance so that I may always be a humble, truthful friend with integrity that mirrors compassion, loyalty, patience, strength with lustre and Love throughout Eternity!
In the beauty of this day, I stand in awe and give gratitude to the Earth Angels that serve as Friends near and far. I Breathe Deeply Six Times and offer the Master Creator appreciation and gratitude for the gifts of Friends that have stood by me throughout time and helped me see the radiance of love within myself.
I Breathe Slowly and Deeply In and Out. With JOY, I ask for guidance so that I may always be a humble, truthful friend with integrity that mirrors compassion, loyalty, patience, strength with lustre and Love throughout Eternity!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Shine Seeker Dreamer
Beloved Radiant Ones---
Thank YOU for your service Seeker Dreamer. Still your mind and your body. Slowly Breathe In Love. Exhale Love with Faith.
Breathe and Exhale Ten Times. Allow yourself the gift of oxygen that gives new energy and diamond clear thought. Breathe. Again Breathe.
Today Integrity asks Courage to join you on the Journey. With diamond clear Loving thoughts, tender, caring words and powerful, sincere actions you walk and Breathe with the energy of a Lighted Soul Star.
Breathe Deeply with Integrity and Courage. Feel Only Love. SHINE Seeker Dreamer. You Are a Lighted Soul Star!
Thank YOU for your service Seeker Dreamer. Still your mind and your body. Slowly Breathe In Love. Exhale Love with Faith.
Breathe and Exhale Ten Times. Allow yourself the gift of oxygen that gives new energy and diamond clear thought. Breathe. Again Breathe.
Today Integrity asks Courage to join you on the Journey. With diamond clear Loving thoughts, tender, caring words and powerful, sincere actions you walk and Breathe with the energy of a Lighted Soul Star.
Breathe Deeply with Integrity and Courage. Feel Only Love. SHINE Seeker Dreamer. You Are a Lighted Soul Star!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Safe Sactuary
Beloved Radiant Ones---
YOU, the Seeker Dreamer will become a lighted Soul Star when you offer compassion and allow the goodness of your heart to become a Safe Sanctuary through deep listening. When we allow others to speak their Truth, we create new pathways of understanding and respect.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Listening with Care. Out New Wisdom, Respect and Love.
When you offer compassion and allow the goodness of your heart to be a Safe Sanctuary, you become a lighted Soul Star shining and healing through goodness and Love!
YOU, the Seeker Dreamer will become a lighted Soul Star when you offer compassion and allow the goodness of your heart to become a Safe Sanctuary through deep listening. When we allow others to speak their Truth, we create new pathways of understanding and respect.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Listening with Care. Out New Wisdom, Respect and Love.
When you offer compassion and allow the goodness of your heart to be a Safe Sanctuary, you become a lighted Soul Star shining and healing through goodness and Love!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Awaken and Celebrate
Awaken and Celebrate! Feel your heart beating. Breathe deeply in and out several times to clear your head and your heart. Embrace the Creator's Love in every breath! Tenderly say Thank You. Step gently into the New Day with Compassion. What Gifts Do You Have to Contribute? How Will You Celebrate Your Humaness? Today, How Will You Honor and Share Your Love?
Awaken and Celebrate! Feel your heart beating. Breathe deeply in and out several times to clear your head and your heart. Embrace the Creator's Love in every breath! Tenderly say Thank You. Step gently into the New Day with Compassion. What Gifts Do You Have to Contribute? How Will You Celebrate Your Humaness? Today, How Will You Honor and Share Your Love?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Breathe, Reflect and Share
Please Still Yourself and Breathe Deeply In and Out Six Times. Now Join Me in a Prayer of Love Affirmation.
Please Still Yourself and Breathe Deeply In and Out Six Times. Now Join Me in a Prayer of Love Affirmation.
I Am a Lighted being, Created and Inspired by Our Blessed Divine Creator to Reflect Love, Share Love and Be Love. All that I dream and hope for comes through the Divine Flow of Love. My thoughts and feelings are Love. The Air I Breathe is Love. YOU ARE LOVE. I AM LOVE. WE ARE LOVE.
Today, All the Good that I Do Is Nurtured and Inspired By LOVE. And So It Is With LOVE! I Breathe, Reflect and Share LOVE!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Trust the Melody
Beloved Radiant Ones---
The most difficult choice I face daily is to trust that time will heal, inspire and offer the gift of Love. I Breathe Deeply Ten Times and ask myself to trust the unknown mysteries and notes of the Creator's Song.
The most difficult choice I face daily is to trust that time will heal, inspire and offer the gift of Love. I Breathe Deeply Ten Times and ask myself to trust the unknown mysteries and notes of the Creator's Song.
I will practice singing
the melody of Kindness so that the portal of compassion and truth will open
each time I smile and offer my best to others with loving heart!
I Breathe Deeply with Trust and commit to walk and dance with only the melody of Kindness in my heart!
I Breathe Deeply with Trust and commit to walk and dance with only the melody of Kindness in my heart!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Truth Is Rarely Popular
People who scorn Integrity and Truth
are often Not willing to become less selfish and change the way they live so
that All Children of All Faiths on Earth/Heart will benefit.
Truth is rarely popular except when
seen through the lens of the catastrophic.
I still myself in Gratitude. I ask
to have the Courage and Fortitude to step into the New Day with Integrity and
Truth as my constant companions.
I Breathe Deeply 8 times. I Breathe
In Integrity and Truth. I Breathe Out Love and Forgiveness.
Through Love, I have the Courage and
Fortitude to live with Integrity and Truth so that Hope can exist; and All the
Children of the Earth/Heart can be safe.
When we open our hearts to
compassionate conversation, we will say No to bullies, guns and violence.
Then Our Children will learn and
grow and live the dream of a vivid peace with a Love that prospers and can
benefit All on Earth/Heart.
I Breathe In Integrity and Truth. I Breathe Out Love and
Monday, July 22, 2013
I Have the Courage to Be Myself!
Each and Every Day through the Gift
of Unselfish Love,
Our Blessed MotherFatherMasterCreator
nurtures our Heart/Earth.
In the light of Moon, we are offered
the opportunity of Spiritual health,
honorable relationships and expanded peace
to grow and prosper.
Some will close the blinds, shutters, doors
and their hearts on the Moon's brilliance.
I will not ignore the LIGHT.
With Gratitude, I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Slowly I Exhale.
Each and Every Day through the Gift
of Unselfish Love,
Our Blessed MotherFatherMasterCreator
nurtures our Heart/Earth.
In the light of Moon, we are offered
the opportunity of Spiritual health,
honorable relationships and expanded peace
to grow and prosper.
Some will close the blinds, shutters, doors
and their hearts on the Moon's brilliance.
I will not ignore the LIGHT.
With Gratitude, I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Slowly I Exhale.
Each Breath become like the Full Moon
offering compassion; shining
a bright Light of Authentic Love.
I Breathe In Compassion. Out Love.
Feeling the Light of Eternity,
I accept the challenge to be Myself
and expand in Compassion
through the Light of Authentic Love.
I have the Courage to Be Myself!
Deeply I Breathe...
offering compassion; shining
a bright Light of Authentic Love.
I Breathe In Compassion. Out Love.
Feeling the Light of Eternity,
I accept the challenge to be Myself
and expand in Compassion
through the Light of Authentic Love.
I have the Courage to Be Myself!
Deeply I Breathe...
In Compassion. Out Love!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Love Does Not Conquer!
Still yourselves for a moment. Deeply Breathe In the Oxygen of Love. Breathe Out All Your Fears. Breathe in and out with Love.
Love does not conquer; for every Loving soul learns to walk with a peaceful, caring heart. Love clears obstacles of fear. Love gives us courage and hope through Faith.
Love offers respect and, supports our Big Dreams. Love embraces, nurtures and frees us so that we live with Purpose and JOY.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Love. Out Peace. Today, please walk with Purpose and JOY!
Still yourselves for a moment. Deeply Breathe In the Oxygen of Love. Breathe Out All Your Fears. Breathe in and out with Love.
Love does not conquer; for every Loving soul learns to walk with a peaceful, caring heart. Love clears obstacles of fear. Love gives us courage and hope through Faith.
Love offers respect and, supports our Big Dreams. Love embraces, nurtures and frees us so that we live with Purpose and JOY.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Love. Out Peace. Today, please walk with Purpose and JOY!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Heaven On Earth
Heaven On
this magnificent valley
with greatness…
the magnolias & cherry blossoms.
the daffodils and daisies…
free to pick a rose
know that it’s thorns
ages and ages of Divine wisdom.
touch the dirt of our Earth
know that it is Mother
fruits, vegetables, trees and flowers…
a rock or two along the way…
these rocks and know
their firmness
represents the will of the Divine.
the birds chirping
delight of our presence?
yourself as a frog
from a lily pad
splashing into a clear pond.
gaze intently into the pool of life…
our reflections to show merely Love…
For Love is the only weapon we
to conquer the fear in our
you allow me to take your hand?
we always walk together
Heaven on Earth--- feeling Divine Love?
Friday, July 19, 2013
Spirit Ramblings
Spirit Ramblings (c) by Melony McGant
My heart dreams often…
looking into the eyes of strangers
seeing love, feeling love.
For they are not strange to me.
Often it is a brother or sister,
maybe even a mother, a father
or a dear friend from a past life.
I wonder do they know me too
or are my soul ramblings vivid only to myself?
My thoughts are so intense,
viewing yesterdays and tomorrows
as if they are today.
The concept of time escapes me.
But come let us travel
around the galaxy and share joy.
Our hearts know no limitations
for we can be One with the Divine through love.
‘And what is love?’ You ask.
Love is a rainbow
or a smile glistening like a star at night.
Love is a storm
readjusting & cleansing the earth
so that plants will grow
and we may feel
even the sizzle of an ant and know bliss.
Love is opening your heart
and feeling the wisdom of an oak tree
or the magical transformation
of a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Love is walking along the shore,
your feet gently nestled in the sand
with ocean water caressing your legs
and the smell of a salt breeze kissing your face
as you watch the sun set
or the moon rise
and ponder swimming with the dolphins.
Love is believing that ALL people
are gifts from the Divine
and knowing that each of us
is related and interconnected
with every other sentient being.
Love is everything, everywhere.
Love is co-creating with the Divine.
‘How do we co-create?’ You ask.
Imagine that when your fingers
tingle for no apparent reason
that That is the Divine teaching you,
helping you to understand what it is like
when a flower blooms.
Or perhaps when you experience
unexplainable tears of joy,
your heart is opening,
expanding like a womb
when a baby is being born.
And so on some level,
you too understand the bliss of motherhood.
You smile. That is good.
My spirit ramblings have often
brought me much laughter.
Laughter can release fear
and helps us understand one another.
Laughter is for me a desire for Grace.
A desire to reconnect with other souls.
My heart feels many thoughts around me.
Some are asking…
‘How can we co-create the bliss of love?’
‘It is not possible.’ You say.
Here is a question for You…
If it is possible to feel my heart beat
“boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom”,
is it because you remember love
or is it the fear that one you hold dear
will leave again?
Do not answer, but muse in your heart.
Remember, it is time to Forgive.
Time only to Love.
Now come, let us travel together
on our soul journey back to the Divine.
(c) Melony McGant
My heart dreams often…
looking into the eyes of strangers
seeing love, feeling love.
For they are not strange to me.
Often it is a brother or sister,
maybe even a mother, a father
or a dear friend from a past life.
I wonder do they know me too
or are my soul ramblings vivid only to myself?
My thoughts are so intense,
viewing yesterdays and tomorrows
as if they are today.
The concept of time escapes me.
But come let us travel
around the galaxy and share joy.
Our hearts know no limitations
for we can be One with the Divine through love.
‘And what is love?’ You ask.
Love is a rainbow
or a smile glistening like a star at night.
Love is a storm
readjusting & cleansing the earth
so that plants will grow
and we may feel
even the sizzle of an ant and know bliss.
Love is opening your heart
and feeling the wisdom of an oak tree
or the magical transformation
of a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Love is walking along the shore,
your feet gently nestled in the sand
with ocean water caressing your legs
and the smell of a salt breeze kissing your face
as you watch the sun set
or the moon rise
and ponder swimming with the dolphins.
Love is believing that ALL people
are gifts from the Divine
and knowing that each of us
is related and interconnected
with every other sentient being.
Love is everything, everywhere.
Love is co-creating with the Divine.
‘How do we co-create?’ You ask.
Imagine that when your fingers
tingle for no apparent reason
that That is the Divine teaching you,
helping you to understand what it is like
when a flower blooms.
Or perhaps when you experience
unexplainable tears of joy,
your heart is opening,
expanding like a womb
when a baby is being born.
And so on some level,
you too understand the bliss of motherhood.
You smile. That is good.
My spirit ramblings have often
brought me much laughter.
Laughter can release fear
and helps us understand one another.
Laughter is for me a desire for Grace.
A desire to reconnect with other souls.
My heart feels many thoughts around me.
Some are asking…
‘How can we co-create the bliss of love?’
‘It is not possible.’ You say.
Here is a question for You…
If it is possible to feel my heart beat
“boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom”,
is it because you remember love
or is it the fear that one you hold dear
will leave again?
Do not answer, but muse in your heart.
Remember, it is time to Forgive.
Time only to Love.
Now come, let us travel together
on our soul journey back to the Divine.
(c) Melony McGant
Heart Tapestry
Woven deeply into the heart tapestries of our lives are the stories and secrets of our souls. We may share a story but rarely do we reveal ourselves or our wounds in totality.
We have forgotten the Great Mystery of Love woven within our very beings.
Divine Spirit, in calling us to Awaken, asks us to Re-member In Love all the places and wounds that need to be healed.
Breathe Deeply Six Times. As you Inhale, ask for and offer Forgiveness in your heart. Exhale memories of old wounds.
Breathe Deeply and allow your Soul to easily Awaken.
The Great Mystery of Love is like a Woven Heart Tapestry that somehow Connects Us to All that Is Generous, Merciful, Loving and Divine.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Go Left/Nelson Mandela Day of Service
Today Is the Nelson Mandela Day of Service
Offer Others Support and See Them Smile!
When many in the World turn right but you decide to go left, Breathe Deeply Four Times and honor the Integrity that lives in your heart.
Integrity, Compassion and a Commitment to move in the direction of Hope all happen when you listen to rhythm and decide to dance and sing the Eternal Love Song.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. Gather Your Energy. Offer Prayers of Gratitude. Listen to Integrity. Allow Compassion to guide you as you dance.
Breathe Deep Breaths. When You Decide to Go Left, You Will Move In the Direction of Hope!
Offer Others Support and See Them Smile!
When many in the World turn right but you decide to go left, Breathe Deeply Four Times and honor the Integrity that lives in your heart.
Integrity, Compassion and a Commitment to move in the direction of Hope all happen when you listen to rhythm and decide to dance and sing the Eternal Love Song.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. Gather Your Energy. Offer Prayers of Gratitude. Listen to Integrity. Allow Compassion to guide you as you dance.
Breathe Deep Breaths. When You Decide to Go Left, You Will Move In the Direction of Hope!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Beloved Radiant Ones---
Today I Breathe in the Precious Air and receive the gift of Oxygen and Clarity.
I clear my mind of all distractions.
Slowly and deeply I Breathe
In Gratitude, and Exhale Love.
Because there is no rush, I sit and Breathe 10 times.
In Gratitude. Out Love.
My heart fills with courage and determination
with each breath.
I Breathe Again.
To Move Forward, I must be willing to grow.
I Breathe Deeply. In Gratitude. Out Love.
Only I Can Make the Necessary Changes in Myself
to Move Forward with Courage and Determination.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
First Breathe!
Beloved Radiant Ones---
When you find yourself lost, Stop.
Breathe Deeply and take time to re-member
and honor your dreams.
Ask yourself good questions.
What have you Learned?
Breathe Deeply.
What have you Accomplished?
Breathe Deeply.
What have you Shared?
Breathe Deeply.
What mistakes have you made?
How Must You Change?
Listen deeply.
Allow your whole be-ing to absorb
the truthful answers.
Listen to your heart as it speaks of JOY.
Take all that you have discovered
in Truth and Offer Gratitude
for the Gift of Wisdom in your Life.
Now, with courage, integrity and tenacity,
begin with JOY to Re-route Your Journey!
When you find yourself lost, Stop.
Breathe Deeply and take time to re-member
and honor your dreams.
Ask yourself good questions.
What have you Learned?
Breathe Deeply.
What have you Accomplished?
Breathe Deeply.
What have you Shared?
Breathe Deeply.
What mistakes have you made?
How Must You Change?
Listen deeply.
Allow your whole be-ing to absorb
the truthful answers.
Listen to your heart as it speaks of JOY.
Take all that you have discovered
in Truth and Offer Gratitude
for the Gift of Wisdom in your Life.
Now, with courage, integrity and tenacity,
begin with JOY to Re-route Your Journey!

Monday, July 15, 2013
Vessel of Peace
Beloved Radiant Ones---
In a world that sometimes appears dismal with lack of values and respect, every act of integrity, kindness and valour still brings hope and nurtures the gardens of our hearts with good!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
With each breath, I allow my heart to open in kindness. I Breathe again, and again.
With clarity I commit to allow myself to be a vessel of Divine Peace so that my words and actions are able to be like the water of integrity and valour that flows, nurtures, and through Faith; brings Hope to Me, and All whose lives I touch!
Joyfully, I Breathe.
In a world that sometimes appears dismal with lack of values and respect, every act of integrity, kindness and valour still brings hope and nurtures the gardens of our hearts with good!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times.
With each breath, I allow my heart to open in kindness. I Breathe again, and again.
With clarity I commit to allow myself to be a vessel of Divine Peace so that my words and actions are able to be like the water of integrity and valour that flows, nurtures, and through Faith; brings Hope to Me, and All whose lives I touch!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
How Will Freedom Come---In Honor of Trayvon Martin and ALL Children...
In Honor of Trayvon Martin and ALL Children...
Beloveds---How Will Freedom Come?
Freedom Will Come Only When We ...
Let go of our selfish ways and
our pre-occupation of Fear.
We must be willing to put down our guns;
open our hearts and listen deeply to Truth.
Freedom Will Come Only When We…
Rise Up Together
and decide to fix the broken
Political, Economic, Educational
and Social Systems of Inequity.
Freedom Will Come!
In Our Hearts when we walk
across the Nation
with Hope and Strong Resolve in Silence;
we will learn the songs of the Wind
that mourns the loss
of Every Child of War and Racism and Poverty;
and call for Peace as it
whistles and sings of Love.
Freedom Will Come When We…
Desire Equity, Education
and Prosperity For ALL.
Freedom will come when we willingly
sit at the table together in Gratitude
and share our dreams, our food, our homes,
our education and our wealth.
Freedom Will Come Only When We…
Once again notice
that Trees bend in Reverence
as Spring, Summer and Autumn Leaves
dance joyfully and teach Children
that Humans and All Sentients
Deserve to be Cared for and Loved!
Freedom Will Come as we Re-Member
that for All Our Children we must
offer Hope for their Dreams
and be willing to share Our Love.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
In Hope. Out Love.
What Will You Do Today
so that Freedom Will Come
with Love and decide to Live in Our Hearts
and Our Nation?
First Breathe. In HOPE. Out Love!.
Beloveds---How Will Freedom Come?
Freedom Will Come Only When We ...
Let go of our selfish ways and
our pre-occupation of Fear.
We must be willing to put down our guns;
open our hearts and listen deeply to Truth.
Freedom Will Come Only When We…
Rise Up Together
and decide to fix the broken
Political, Economic, Educational
and Social Systems of Inequity.
Freedom Will Come!
In Our Hearts when we walk
across the Nation
with Hope and Strong Resolve in Silence;
we will learn the songs of the Wind
that mourns the loss
of Every Child of War and Racism and Poverty;
and call for Peace as it
whistles and sings of Love.
Freedom Will Come When We…
Desire Equity, Education
and Prosperity For ALL.
Freedom will come when we willingly
sit at the table together in Gratitude
and share our dreams, our food, our homes,
our education and our wealth.
Freedom Will Come Only When We…
Once again notice
that Trees bend in Reverence
as Spring, Summer and Autumn Leaves
dance joyfully and teach Children
that Humans and All Sentients
Deserve to be Cared for and Loved!
Freedom Will Come as we Re-Member
that for All Our Children we must
offer Hope for their Dreams
and be willing to share Our Love.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
In Hope. Out Love.
What Will You Do Today
so that Freedom Will Come
with Love and decide to Live in Our Hearts
and Our Nation?
First Breathe. In HOPE. Out Love!.
Not Guitly Verdict In Trayvon Martin Case
I am deeply saddened by the not guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin case.
It is a reminder that in the hearts of some people; Racism still exists in America.
The Media will portray this as Justice. It is systematic of a broken system and a Society of Fear.
I Will Pray and Ask You All to Join Me.
Never Again Should this Happen!
We Must Re-Commit To Civil Rights, Education, Equity and Opportunity For All!
I am deeply saddened by the not guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin case.
It is a reminder that in the hearts of some people; Racism still exists in America.
The Media will portray this as Justice. It is systematic of a broken system and a Society of Fear.
I Will Pray and Ask You All to Join Me.
Never Again Should this Happen!
We Must Re-Commit To Civil Rights, Education, Equity and Opportunity For All!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
I Feel, See And Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!
When life appears to be overwhelming still yourself and Breathe.
With each breath, let go of your frustration and replace it with Patience. Take a moment and feel all around you with a heart of Love. What does it feel like?
Now, Breathe In Hope. Breathe Out Compassion. Feel and see the beauty of your heart as you tenderly offer care for yourself and decide to extend that care and tenderness to all those around you.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times. Breathe In Patience. Breathe Out Compassion. Walk with patient thoughts, words and actions. Offer care and tenderness.
Breathe Deeply. Allow yourself to reflect your beautiful Heart of Love. BREATHE. With each step, re-member the Voice that says "I Feel, See and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!"
When life appears to be overwhelming still yourself and Breathe.
With each breath, let go of your frustration and replace it with Patience. Take a moment and feel all around you with a heart of Love. What does it feel like?
Now, Breathe In Hope. Breathe Out Compassion. Feel and see the beauty of your heart as you tenderly offer care for yourself and decide to extend that care and tenderness to all those around you.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times. Breathe In Patience. Breathe Out Compassion. Walk with patient thoughts, words and actions. Offer care and tenderness.
Breathe Deeply. Allow yourself to reflect your beautiful Heart of Love. BREATHE. With each step, re-member the Voice that says "I Feel, See and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!"
Friday, July 12, 2013
Truth Is A Call to Action!
Every word of Truth spoken is a Call to Action
and brings with it the energy to grow
and make Good Change!
With each breath I open my heart
and ask to live with Truth.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
I Breathe In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
With every breath, I accept Truth
as a Call to Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
I BREATHE and commit
to live with Truth.
Every word of Truth spoken is a Call to Action
and brings with it the energy to grow
and make Good Change!
With each breath I open my heart
and ask to live with Truth.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
I Breathe In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
With every breath, I accept Truth
as a Call to Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
I BREATHE and commit
to live with Truth.
I have the Energy to Grow
and Make Good Change.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The heart that learns stillness
breathes deeply, re-calbrates
and re-members divine will.
Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love. Out Understanding With Courage.
The deeper the breath,
the more rooted we become;
and with sure footing as our hearts open---
more oxygen travels into our brain.
This gift of the breath and oxygen
allows our minds and hearts
to connect in clear diamond consciousness.
It is through our breath that we are able
to re-calibrate and as we become more aware,
we move forward into our destiny with ease.
Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love. Out Understanding With Courage.
The heart that learns stillness
breathes deeply and re-calibrates often.
This is the gift of Divine Grace.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
You Are Amazing!
You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant, You Are Beautiful! What Powerful, Simple Statements! Believe It!
Breathe Deeply 10 Times. You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant, You Are Beautiful!
Please share this affirmation of encouragement with at least four people today.
Simply say to them, as I have said to YOU--
You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant! You Are Beautiful!
Share Some Joy. Show Your Appreciation!
You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant, You Are Beautiful! What Powerful, Simple Statements! Believe It!
Breathe Deeply 10 Times. You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant, You Are Beautiful!
Please share this affirmation of encouragement with at least four people today.
Simply say to them, as I have said to YOU--
You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant! You Are Beautiful!
Share Some Joy. Show Your Appreciation!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Keeper of the Flame
Beloveds Radiant Ones,
Today, Breathe Deeply Six Times so that you clear your mind of all the chaos and confusion around you. Allow the Winds of Eternity to awaken you with Courage, Compassion and Humility.
Continue to Breathe Deeply and you will feel the embers of Love move through your mind and your body.
With each breath you boldly take without fear, all the Hope in your heart will learn to light the fires of trust so that Spirit of Love may sing, and dance through you.
You Have Awakened In the Heart of Love! You are a Keeper of the Flame. Breathe Deeply.
Everywhere You Walk Tenderly; Use and Trust Your Wisdom to Gently Light the Fire of Love!
Today, Breathe Deeply Six Times so that you clear your mind of all the chaos and confusion around you. Allow the Winds of Eternity to awaken you with Courage, Compassion and Humility.
Continue to Breathe Deeply and you will feel the embers of Love move through your mind and your body.
With each breath you boldly take without fear, all the Hope in your heart will learn to light the fires of trust so that Spirit of Love may sing, and dance through you.
You Have Awakened In the Heart of Love! You are a Keeper of the Flame. Breathe Deeply.
Everywhere You Walk Tenderly; Use and Trust Your Wisdom to Gently Light the Fire of Love!

Monday, July 8, 2013
Dream A Big Dream
Never mind the chaos or confusion,
the disappointments or the naysayers.
Let's use our imaginations
and Dream a Big Dream!
Take a moment to still your mind. Relax.
Now prepare to Breathe Deeply
and Slowly Six Times.
With each breath, see Peace
and Prosperity growing
in the minds and hearts of All Humanity.
What does Peace
and Prosperity feel like?
What does it look like?
Hold your Vision and Breathe.
Again Breathe Deeply.
Today, commit to develop
and use your gifts for Good.
It is time to begin to work
consistently to believe,
share and walk with a peaceful,
prosperous heart.
Have Faith in the power of Love.
Let's Dream a Big Dream!
Relax and Breathe!
As you step into the new reality
living in your heart;
you will help create a Nurturing World
where Every Child on Earth,
and many Future Generations
can grow with Love,
Peace and Prosperity.
Today Let's Dream A Big Dream!
the disappointments or the naysayers.
Let's use our imaginations
and Dream a Big Dream!
Take a moment to still your mind. Relax.
Now prepare to Breathe Deeply
and Slowly Six Times.
With each breath, see Peace
and Prosperity growing
in the minds and hearts of All Humanity.
What does Peace
and Prosperity feel like?
What does it look like?
Hold your Vision and Breathe.
Again Breathe Deeply.
Today, commit to develop
and use your gifts for Good.
It is time to begin to work
consistently to believe,
share and walk with a peaceful,
prosperous heart.
Have Faith in the power of Love.
Let's Dream a Big Dream!
Relax and Breathe!
As you step into the new reality
living in your heart;
you will help create a Nurturing World
where Every Child on Earth,
and many Future Generations
can grow with Love,
Peace and Prosperity.
Today Let's Dream A Big Dream!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Every Memory
Beloved Radiant Ones---
I offer Gratitude for the memories of Love; worn,
weathered and etched into the stones of time.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and decide to Love
all the secret haters.
I honor every memory that has caused my heart
to be broken by offering forgiveness and Love.
Tears come easily and act to create a pathway
for new Love in my heart as I weep
and mourn every loss.
Solace comes through compassion as I express
my sorrow but decide to step into the New Day
and move Forward with Love.
I Breathe Deeply and again offer Gratitude
for the memories of Love.
Some are painful.
Others are Joyful.
Eventually all that happens in our lives
becomes like worn memories of Love;
weathered and etched into the stones of time
that comfort and teach us that for every problem;
Love is the worthy solution.
I Breathe Deeply In Awakening.
Love is the only way I can know Peace
and Live with Peace in my Heart!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
I Am The Frog
I Am the Frog resting on the Lilypad. I Breathe deeply 10 Times. As I prepare for my new journey, I ask myself, "What Will I Do?" I still my mind, open my heart and wait for the Answer...
I Am the Frog resting on the Lilypad. I decide that each day I will organize the details of my life so that my mind, body and heart are in alignment. With Courage, Fortitude and Patience, I will work vigorously to exceed my own expectations.
Because Balance is necessary, I will do at least two things I enjoy everyday; and share joyously.
I promise myself that when Divine Spirit speaks in My Heart or through Others, I will listen with compassion so that I may know; and act with gentle understanding.
I Am the Frog resting on the Lilypad. I Breathe Deeply many times as I prepare for my new journey. Though my exact destination is unknown, I Trust that as I am ready, All Will Be Revealed through Love!
I Am the Frog resting on the Lilypad. I Breathe deeply 10 Times. As I prepare for my new journey, I ask myself, "What Will I Do?" I still my mind, open my heart and wait for the Answer...
I Am the Frog resting on the Lilypad. I decide that each day I will organize the details of my life so that my mind, body and heart are in alignment. With Courage, Fortitude and Patience, I will work vigorously to exceed my own expectations.
Because Balance is necessary, I will do at least two things I enjoy everyday; and share joyously.
I promise myself that when Divine Spirit speaks in My Heart or through Others, I will listen with compassion so that I may know; and act with gentle understanding.
I Am the Frog resting on the Lilypad. I Breathe Deeply many times as I prepare for my new journey. Though my exact destination is unknown, I Trust that as I am ready, All Will Be Revealed through Love!
Friday, July 5, 2013
I Believe In YOU
Breathe Deeply Six Times and Listen to the Voice that Says "I Believe In You!".
I Believe In You is both a whisper and a roar that awakens and inspires us to live with Integrity. It is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in Unity and Love together with the dolphins and whales and all the magnificent fish in the Ocean.
"I Believe In You!". It is the Lullaby of Hope that Grandparents and Mothers and Fathers and Aunts and Uncles sing to Children.
I Believe In You!". It is GRACE singing the Love Song of the Uni-Verse.
Now Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Will you sing too? I Believe In YOU!
I Believe In YOU!
Breathe Deeply Six Times and Listen to the Voice that Says "I Believe In You!".
I Believe In You is both a whisper and a roar that awakens and inspires us to live with Integrity. It is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in Unity and Love together with the dolphins and whales and all the magnificent fish in the Ocean.
"I Believe In You!". It is the Lullaby of Hope that Grandparents and Mothers and Fathers and Aunts and Uncles sing to Children.
I Believe In You!". It is GRACE singing the Love Song of the Uni-Verse.
Now Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Will you sing too? I Believe In YOU!
I Believe In YOU!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Prune With Patience
You will never know how the Creator meant for you to blossom if you are not willing to dig deep into the dirt of the Earth. Till your heart's soil with delight. Learn from the weeds of disappointment. Create a strong, healthy foundation. Plant new dream seeds with hope. Prune with patience. Celebrate every bud and honor the roots with care. Share your flowers when they bloom and blossom.
Today, Breathe Deeply 8 Times and Honor Your Life! To enjoy the bountiful fruit of Love, Always Nurture Your Dream Garden!
You will never know how the Creator meant for you to blossom if you are not willing to dig deep into the dirt of the Earth. Till your heart's soil with delight. Learn from the weeds of disappointment. Create a strong, healthy foundation. Plant new dream seeds with hope. Prune with patience. Celebrate every bud and honor the roots with care. Share your flowers when they bloom and blossom.
Today, Breathe Deeply 8 Times and Honor Your Life! To enjoy the bountiful fruit of Love, Always Nurture Your Dream Garden!
My Beloved America
My Beloved America...
What Are You?
Where Is Our
Cherished Democracy?
Why have you allowed Deceitful Progress
to come and steal our Children's Future?
America, you have sent away our jobs,
robbed us of our life savings or homes
and taken away our Privacy,
our Right to Assemble,
our Free Speech
Access to Airwaves
Where Is Our
Cherished Democracy?
Why have you allowed Deceitful Progress
to come and steal our Children's Future?
America, you have sent away our jobs,
robbed us of our life savings or homes
and taken away our Privacy,
our Right to Assemble,
our Free Speech
Access to Airwaves
and Our Right to VOTE!
America, you and Deceitful Progress
have used the Nation's Courts
to create monopolies for Robber Barons
to steal and control our Nation.
America, you have turned neighbor
against neighbor and used technology
to bicker and create new wars
and prisons for profit
when you should be
Nurturing the Brilliance,
the Creativity and the
Hope of Our Children.
Stop Lying America.
Almost 50 percent of this Nation
is living in Poverty.
America, you and Deceitful Progress
have used the Nation's Courts
to create monopolies for Robber Barons
to steal and control our Nation.
America, you have turned neighbor
against neighbor and used technology
to bicker and create new wars
and prisons for profit
when you should be
Nurturing the Brilliance,
the Creativity and the
Hope of Our Children.
Stop Lying America.
Almost 50 percent of this Nation
is living in Poverty.
My Beloved America...
There will be No Real Progress
without Equity, Education,
Integrity, Good Jobs and Respect
for All the People of Our Nation!
There will be No Real Progress
without Equity, Education,
Integrity, Good Jobs and Respect
for All the People of Our Nation!
My Beloved America...
What Are You?
Where Is Our
Cherished Democracy?
Where Is Our
Cherished Democracy?
My Beloved America...
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
You Light the Earth/Heart
Beloved Radiant Ones---
Take a moment and Breathe Deeply Six Times. Please Re-Member. There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift. Other share their gifts too and All in Our World benefit from the Uniqueness and Individuality of Every Sentient Being.
All Gifts of brilliance, creativity, compassion, faith, mercy and Love bring Hope and Joy to the World! What is Your Gift? How do you bring Hope and Joy to the World?
Continue to Breathe Deeply and Re-Member. There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift!
Take a moment and Breathe Deeply Six Times. Please Re-Member. There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift. Other share their gifts too and All in Our World benefit from the Uniqueness and Individuality of Every Sentient Being.
All Gifts of brilliance, creativity, compassion, faith, mercy and Love bring Hope and Joy to the World! What is Your Gift? How do you bring Hope and Joy to the World?
Continue to Breathe Deeply and Re-Member. There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
If You Believe
The Wise One said to the Seeker...
"All is possible only if you believe! Try to awaken with peace in your heart. Breathe Deeply Four Times and say Thank You. Decide to take one step into good change with Joy! Always remember to work and offer your best throughout the day.
Breathe Deeply Four Times and say Thank You. Today take a Step into the Good Change You Believe Is Possible and Probable!"
The Wise One said to the Seeker...
"All is possible only if you believe! Try to awaken with peace in your heart. Breathe Deeply Four Times and say Thank You. Decide to take one step into good change with Joy! Always remember to work and offer your best throughout the day.
Breathe Deeply Four Times and say Thank You. Today take a Step into the Good Change You Believe Is Possible and Probable!"

Monday, July 1, 2013
Feel, Listen and Explore
Please take a few moments and allow your heart to tenderly speak with your brain. Your heart says "Love is in the Air". Give Thanks! When we will take time to Breathe, Feel, Listen and Explore, then we discover that Love Is Everywhere. Love has birthed Compassion, Kindness, Respect, Forgiveness, Mercy, Joy and many other Children of Grace. We Learn from them ALL---even in the difficult times!
Today, Breathe Deeply Six Times. Remember that Love is in the Air. Take time to Breathe, Feel, Listen and Explore. Discover Love Everywhere.
Please take a few moments and allow your heart to tenderly speak with your brain. Your heart says "Love is in the Air". Give Thanks! When we will take time to Breathe, Feel, Listen and Explore, then we discover that Love Is Everywhere. Love has birthed Compassion, Kindness, Respect, Forgiveness, Mercy, Joy and many other Children of Grace. We Learn from them ALL---even in the difficult times!
Today, Breathe Deeply Six Times. Remember that Love is in the Air. Take time to Breathe, Feel, Listen and Explore. Discover Love Everywhere.

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