I walk along the pathway of trees with green leaves of hope mixed with golden
and orange leaves celebrating the harvest;
the fog clears to reveal a morning
mist appearing like tears of joy on leaves that soon will fall to the ground in
adoration of the Master Creator.
Autumn's transformation calls for prayers of
gratitude with quiet compassion and humility!
Let Us Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Gratitude With Love.
Out Compassion and Hope.
We Pray for a Harvest Season
of Loving Peace!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Today, I Breathe gratefully as Song Birds in Flowered Trees sing "You are Loved". I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude and know that is the Soul Message.
I Breathe In Love and embrace the power of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Oceans, the Mountains and All Sentient Beings which help encourage and inspire us to dream of a Prosperous Peace; and believe in the Power of Love.
Today I embrace the Wisdom imprinted in the fruit and on the leaves of trees with Joy. I honor All Living Things as Gifts of the Creator. I allow the Grace of Nature to move through me as Kindness, Patience and Peace!
Again I Breathe Deeply,
that We Are LOVED.

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Evidence of a Holy Light
When we have no evidence
of an outcome
but believe in good anyway,
then we have Faith.
Faith is the light of Love
that opens the door
to the Uni-versal Heart.
Within the Uni-versal Heart
we can walk with compassion
and share our collective dream
of Love through kindness.
It is then that Grace moves
through us giving evidence
of a Holy Light
that magnifies and heals.
Through Faith, we become
the Loving outcome of Hope
and learn to live as beings
of Light and Love.
Today be kind and have Faith
in the benefit of
each Loving action!
Four Times Breathe In Love.
With each breath,
Slowly Exhale Love.
You Are the Evidence.
You Are a Holy Light of Hope!
When we have no evidence
of an outcome
but believe in good anyway,
then we have Faith.
Faith is the light of Love
that opens the door
to the Uni-versal Heart.
Within the Uni-versal Heart
we can walk with compassion
and share our collective dream
of Love through kindness.
It is then that Grace moves
through us giving evidence
of a Holy Light
that magnifies and heals.
Through Faith, we become
the Loving outcome of Hope
and learn to live as beings
of Light and Love.
Today be kind and have Faith
in the benefit of
each Loving action!
Four Times Breathe In Love.
With each breath,
Slowly Exhale Love.
You Are the Evidence.
You Are a Holy Light of Hope!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Remembering the Forgotten Familiar
When Genius and Compassion came to live among us, they did not ask to be billionaires; for they knew that greed and love of money was destroying the Earth. Genius and Compassion asked for a willingness to see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar.
In every sunrise and sunset; in every fruit, flower and tree; in every birth, death and re-birth; through every storm or violent unnecessary war, Hope has become the Forgotten Familiar that makes it possible to live and honor the power of Abiding Love.
Remembering that Genius and Compassion live within me, I Breathe Deeply Six Times. I open my heart and see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar. Hope lives in trees and flowers and mountains and oceans. Hope grows with trust and in every child offers its smiles of Love.
To even the unworthy among us, Hope, the Forgotten Familiar is the Master Creator's constant offering of Forgiveness so that we may learn to live, work and prosper together in peace with Abiding Love!
When Genius and Compassion came to live among us, they did not ask to be billionaires; for they knew that greed and love of money was destroying the Earth. Genius and Compassion asked for a willingness to see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar.
In every sunrise and sunset; in every fruit, flower and tree; in every birth, death and re-birth; through every storm or violent unnecessary war, Hope has become the Forgotten Familiar that makes it possible to live and honor the power of Abiding Love.
Remembering that Genius and Compassion live within me, I Breathe Deeply Six Times. I open my heart and see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar. Hope lives in trees and flowers and mountains and oceans. Hope grows with trust and in every child offers its smiles of Love.
To even the unworthy among us, Hope, the Forgotten Familiar is the Master Creator's constant offering of Forgiveness so that we may learn to live, work and prosper together in peace with Abiding Love!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
I Will Not Hate
I hate those who are selfish and hate, then I too become a selfish hater and
will bury myself and my dreams in a relentless cycle of fear and despair. I will not be selfish or hate anyone. Instead I will love the World we can create through mutual respect and care.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Love. With each Breath I Exhale Love.
is no way forward but to see the potential of goodness; to live with thoughts of
goodness; and to share the gift of compassionate actions that heal, inspire and
nurture our world.
believe and will always believe that when we offer our hearts with Love, we will
open the door to Good Change so that all families will prosper and our children
can live together in safety with JOY!
I Breathe Deeply. With Each Breath, Love Inspires My Good Actions of Mutual Respect and Care.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I Give Thanks
I Breathe Deeply Four Times and clear my mind and my heart of all my preconceived notions of how life and this day should be.
I Give Thanks to the Master Creator for allowing me to be on this Earth.
I Give Thanks for waking up today; for the storms that have turned me and my life upside down; for the rainbows of hope and kindness shared by children, family, friends and the strangers who become friends.
I Give Thanks for the shining Sun of Love that teaches me to embrace our cultural differences with Joy and honor Elders with Loving Respect.
Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the mistakes I have made which turned out to offer important lessons of humility and taught me to have Courage to live my dreams.
I Breathe and feel the Spirit of Hope come Alive in my body and my heart.
I Give Thanks to All Creations of Love and Purpose and honor Love and Purpose within Myself.
For all that is known and for the Eternal Mystery and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through Love, I Give Thanks!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times and clear my mind and my heart of all my preconceived notions of how life and this day should be.
I Give Thanks to the Master Creator for allowing me to be on this Earth.
I Give Thanks for waking up today; for the storms that have turned me and my life upside down; for the rainbows of hope and kindness shared by children, family, friends and the strangers who become friends.
I Give Thanks for the shining Sun of Love that teaches me to embrace our cultural differences with Joy and honor Elders with Loving Respect.
Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the mistakes I have made which turned out to offer important lessons of humility and taught me to have Courage to live my dreams.
I Breathe and feel the Spirit of Hope come Alive in my body and my heart.
I Give Thanks to All Creations of Love and Purpose and honor Love and Purpose within Myself.
For all that is known and for the Eternal Mystery and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through Love, I Give Thanks!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Prayer of Re-Membering
Today I pray for strength,
courage, and hope.
I Breathe Four Times.
In Love. Out Hope.
I release my fear.
I speak the truth.
I honor my hopeful ancestors.
I nurture my children and my entire family.
I believe in economic empowerment.
I walk as a leader,
a diplomat & a visionary.
I look at my brothers & sisters,
some lost,
and open my arms to show the way.
Together we stand
in the reflection pool
of our ancestors,
and join them in hope
and celebration of the
ongoing journey to re-membering LOVE…
With Gratitude, I Breathe!
In Love. Out Hope.
Today I pray for strength,
courage, and hope.
I Breathe Four Times.
In Love. Out Hope.
I release my fear.
I speak the truth.
I honor my hopeful ancestors.
I nurture my children and my entire family.
I believe in economic empowerment.
I walk as a leader,
a diplomat & a visionary.
I look at my brothers & sisters,
some lost,
and open my arms to show the way.
Together we stand
in the reflection pool
of our ancestors,
and join them in hope
and celebration of the
ongoing journey to re-membering LOVE…
With Gratitude, I Breathe!
In Love. Out Hope.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Peace Resolution
The United Nations is in session in NYC.
Today please join me offering Prayers for the World.
May our leaders listen to the voices of all people
who desire peaceful resolution of conflict;
a safe world for children to be nurtured
as they grow and learn;
economic prosperity, and hope
with respect for humanity and our Earth.
Let us open our hearts and pray that World Leaders
and Every Human Being commit to work sincerely
to build the bridges of understanding and compassion
which can lead us to Healing, Forgiveness, and Peace!
And So It Is!
The United Nations is in session in NYC.
Today please join me offering Prayers for the World.
May our leaders listen to the voices of all people
who desire peaceful resolution of conflict;
a safe world for children to be nurtured
as they grow and learn;
economic prosperity, and hope
with respect for humanity and our Earth.
Let us open our hearts and pray that World Leaders
and Every Human Being commit to work sincerely
to build the bridges of understanding and compassion
which can lead us to Healing, Forgiveness, and Peace!
And So It Is!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Deep Roots
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
In Love. Out Fear.
In the Eternal Garden of Life,
the deeper Love's roots,
the more often Love blossoms.
We must learn to transform
our greed, fear and envy
into Only Love.
For Love moves with us through
the Seasons of Eternity;
offering us new lessons of Hope
and Compassion.
The roots of our Relationships
grow stronger when nurtured
with Forgiveness,
Tolerance and Understanding.
Breathe Deeply In Love. Out Love.
Even through pain and disappointment,
feel Love become the Hope
that begins to blossom
in your heart.
Let your every breath
be a Prayer of Love.
Allow the Deep Roots of Love
to blossom with the
Fruit of Divine Grace.
In Love. Out Love!
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
In Love. Out Fear.
In the Eternal Garden of Life,
the deeper Love's roots,
the more often Love blossoms.
We must learn to transform
our greed, fear and envy
into Only Love.
For Love moves with us through
the Seasons of Eternity;
offering us new lessons of Hope
and Compassion.
The roots of our Relationships
grow stronger when nurtured
with Forgiveness,
Tolerance and Understanding.
Breathe Deeply In Love. Out Love.
Even through pain and disappointment,
feel Love become the Hope
that begins to blossom
in your heart.
Let your every breath
be a Prayer of Love.
Allow the Deep Roots of Love
to blossom with the
Fruit of Divine Grace.
In Love. Out Love!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Jackie Robinson, Baseball Legend #42 and Peace
Here's to You Jackie Robinson! Baseball Legend #42!
We have so much work to do if we are to Stand together in Peace and Honor Each Other. But even for the ones who have hate in their hearts, it is possible to change. It only takes You and Me to Stand together and Help the World Change. Let's put down our guns and messages of hate, Live In Peace and Play Ball! For Our Children---Give Peace A Chance and with Love We Will Prosper!
We have so much work to do if we are to Stand together in Peace and Honor Each Other. But even for the ones who have hate in their hearts, it is possible to change. It only takes You and Me to Stand together and Help the World Change. Let's put down our guns and messages of hate, Live In Peace and Play Ball! For Our Children---Give Peace A Chance and with Love We Will Prosper!
I Will Be the Peace
I Will Be The Peace...
When Patience and Gratitude saw eachother as ONE, so Compassion, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Joy, Mercy, Trust and Tolerance were born in every heart willing to awaken and accept Wisdom as the Eternal Gift of Spirit!
When we allow Patience and Gratitude to Guide Us; we forge the Path of Love and Nurture Truthful, Holy Relationships; that Like Flowers, Blossom Beautifully in Loving Peace with JOY!
I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Love Out Compassion.
I Am A Being Committed to Living With PEACE!
I Will Be the Peace!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Becoming Good Stewards
Please Offer a prayer of hope for your children's children,
and the seven generations of children who will come after them.
Even today, children sing the songs of Bob Marley
and call for a Loving Peace.
Breathe Deeply and open your Tender Hearts in Prayer.
For the Children---May we honor Our Earth
and forego our violent thoughts or selfish actions
as we work together in every community
to build new bridges of compassion and joy.
May the many generations of children to come be nurtured,
and able to live in a prosperous world where
love and respect bring total harmony to Earth.
Breathe and feel the hope for peace in every heart across the Uni-Verse.
For ever child we know and those yet to be born--- May we all work together and learn to become Good Stewards of Love!
Please Offer a prayer of hope for your children's children,
and the seven generations of children who will come after them.
Even today, children sing the songs of Bob Marley
and call for a Loving Peace.
Breathe Deeply and open your Tender Hearts in Prayer.
For the Children---May we honor Our Earth
and forego our violent thoughts or selfish actions
as we work together in every community
to build new bridges of compassion and joy.
May the many generations of children to come be nurtured,
and able to live in a prosperous world where
love and respect bring total harmony to Earth.
Breathe and feel the hope for peace in every heart across the Uni-Verse.
For ever child we know and those yet to be born--- May we all work together and learn to become Good Stewards of Love!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I Have the Courage to Be Myself
and Every Day through the Gift
of Unselfish Love,
Our Blessed
nurtures our Heart/Earth.
In the light of
Moon, we are offered
the opportunity of Spiritual health,
relationships and expanded peace
to grow and prosper.
Some will close
the blinds, shutters, doors
and their hearts on the Moon's
I will not ignore the LIGHT.
With Gratitude, I
Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Slowly I Exhale.
Breath become like the Full Moon
offering compassion; shining
a bright Light of Authentic Love.
I Breathe In Compassion. Out Love.
Feeling the Light of Eternity,
I accept the challenge to be Myself
and expand in Compassion
through the Light of Authentic Love.
I have the Courage to Be Myself!
Deeply I Breathe...
offering compassion; shining
a bright Light of Authentic Love.
I Breathe In Compassion. Out Love.
Feeling the Light of Eternity,
I accept the challenge to be Myself
and expand in Compassion
through the Light of Authentic Love.
I have the Courage to Be Myself!
Deeply I Breathe...
Compassion. Out Love!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Faith In Goodnes
These are times when
the light of Love
sometimes feels dim.
People are suffering.
How do we heal?
We heal through the Faith
in our own Goodness.
Each kind act makes
the light more vibrant.
We must open our hearts
so the light of compassion
shines with hope.
At every moment we have
the opportunity to be Good
and to offer our lives in service to Good.
The light of Love is the greatest
gift within you. Believe it.
When we act with generosity of spirit,
we make Kindness our practice
and help heal our wounded world.
I heal through my good acts and by sharing
the light of Love within me!
Kindness Is My Practice!
These are times when
the light of Love
sometimes feels dim.
People are suffering.
How do we heal?
We heal through the Faith
in our own Goodness.
Each kind act makes
the light more vibrant.
We must open our hearts
so the light of compassion
shines with hope.
At every moment we have
the opportunity to be Good
and to offer our lives in service to Good.
The light of Love is the greatest
gift within you. Believe it.
When we act with generosity of spirit,
we make Kindness our practice
and help heal our wounded world.
I heal through my good acts and by sharing
the light of Love within me!
Kindness Is My Practice!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
When the Glass has Broken
Have you ever broken a favorite glass and felt dismayed at its shattering? For many of us, our lives have been shattered in disappointment by economic disparity, lost hope and grief from violence and war.
Just as we step gingerly and pick up the pieces of glass to be discarded, so we must honor our grief and dis-appointment in ritual. Then let it go with forgiveness so that envy, greed and violence do not become the broken glass of your heart.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. In Love. Out Love.
Begin today by tenderly nurturing yourself and others. Re-capture in Gratitude,--- the hopes and dreams of your resilience, appreciating, peaceful, sharing, Loving Heart.
Have you ever broken a favorite glass and felt dismayed at its shattering? For many of us, our lives have been shattered in disappointment by economic disparity, lost hope and grief from violence and war.
Just as we step gingerly and pick up the pieces of glass to be discarded, so we must honor our grief and dis-appointment in ritual. Then let it go with forgiveness so that envy, greed and violence do not become the broken glass of your heart.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. In Love. Out Love.
Begin today by tenderly nurturing yourself and others. Re-capture in Gratitude,--- the hopes and dreams of your resilience, appreciating, peaceful, sharing, Loving Heart.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Friends Are the Fruit of Our Hearts and the Family We Choose
Our Friends are the delicious fruit of our hearts. Some fruit we experience often. Others are a rare delicacy that we seldom have the opportunity to savor. Some fruit like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi or mangoes, we must peel. Others friends are the apples, blueberries, and strawberries of our hearts. Sometimes our Friends may even be bananas!
Through Friendship we learn that just as no fruit tastes the same; no human has the ability or capacity to offer us exactly what we give them. Friends may agree or disagree. Sometimes Friends may hurt eachother and need to ask for forgiveness. Friends may live close or far away. They may speak often or not at all. Other Friends will forever be a mystery.
Most importantly, Friends Are the Family We Choose. When nurtured with space and care, our Friendships will always remain the delicious, cherished fruit of our hearts.
I Breathe Ten Times. I Inhale Deeply. I Exhale Joyfully. Today I Am Grateful for Every Friendship that has blossomed, shared and taught me to honor and value the Grace and Mystery of Unconditional Love through the Many Seasons of Our Lives.
Our Friends are the delicious fruit of our hearts. Some fruit we experience often. Others are a rare delicacy that we seldom have the opportunity to savor. Some fruit like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi or mangoes, we must peel. Others friends are the apples, blueberries, and strawberries of our hearts. Sometimes our Friends may even be bananas!
Through Friendship we learn that just as no fruit tastes the same; no human has the ability or capacity to offer us exactly what we give them. Friends may agree or disagree. Sometimes Friends may hurt eachother and need to ask for forgiveness. Friends may live close or far away. They may speak often or not at all. Other Friends will forever be a mystery.
Most importantly, Friends Are the Family We Choose. When nurtured with space and care, our Friendships will always remain the delicious, cherished fruit of our hearts.
I Breathe Ten Times. I Inhale Deeply. I Exhale Joyfully. Today I Am Grateful for Every Friendship that has blossomed, shared and taught me to honor and value the Grace and Mystery of Unconditional Love through the Many Seasons of Our Lives.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Last Stand of Tyrants
Let us thank each remarkable being that shares strength, courage, and joy or teaches us lessons that help us grow in Love. May we live this day, and every day growing in awareness and walking as beings of compassionate appreciation and understanding. There are many heroines and heroes among us!
Even as these times on Earth reveal a schism of selfishness, there is a mass awakening of sentient beings expressing their true Loving selves. Miracles lay strewn in every path we walk, bringing us new gifts.
Unfortunately this is a time of intense agony for those suffering in the mire of fear and dis-connected from Divine Spirit. Tyrants around the world will continue to try to assert their ungodly will as they take their last stand.
Still everywhere we can feel the ecstasy of Earth Angels awakening and soaring with the Spirit of compassion and Love.
Though many are experiencing the most dire of circumstances, our children will continue to act as beacons of light. Nurture and pay attention to the children. They bring us hope and Loving wonder. Through the innocence of our children, we are often inspired with new faith. Honor our elders with unconditional Love; for they have shown us the way and held the space for our awakening. They too are important teachers.
Every day, small seeds of wisdom are given to us through our willingness to accept Divine Grace. We have new opportunity every day to grow in awareness, respect, and love for eachother.
Today please re-member that Love is a verb---an action word. It can also be an adjective or a noun.
As each one of us becomes Love, we also become a heroine or hero. Together as we blossom, we will flourish and multiply in goodness.
And through Goodness, Heaven On Earth will be restored. This is the word of LOVE!
Let us thank each remarkable being that shares strength, courage, and joy or teaches us lessons that help us grow in Love. May we live this day, and every day growing in awareness and walking as beings of compassionate appreciation and understanding. There are many heroines and heroes among us!
Even as these times on Earth reveal a schism of selfishness, there is a mass awakening of sentient beings expressing their true Loving selves. Miracles lay strewn in every path we walk, bringing us new gifts.
Unfortunately this is a time of intense agony for those suffering in the mire of fear and dis-connected from Divine Spirit. Tyrants around the world will continue to try to assert their ungodly will as they take their last stand.
Still everywhere we can feel the ecstasy of Earth Angels awakening and soaring with the Spirit of compassion and Love.
Though many are experiencing the most dire of circumstances, our children will continue to act as beacons of light. Nurture and pay attention to the children. They bring us hope and Loving wonder. Through the innocence of our children, we are often inspired with new faith. Honor our elders with unconditional Love; for they have shown us the way and held the space for our awakening. They too are important teachers.
Every day, small seeds of wisdom are given to us through our willingness to accept Divine Grace. We have new opportunity every day to grow in awareness, respect, and love for eachother.
Today please re-member that Love is a verb---an action word. It can also be an adjective or a noun.
As each one of us becomes Love, we also become a heroine or hero. Together as we blossom, we will flourish and multiply in goodness.
And through Goodness, Heaven On Earth will be restored. This is the word of LOVE!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
On the Road to Redemption
There have been times when I have I failed, fallen or forgotten my own greatness and capacity for joy. Still, because my heart was fragile and broken open, I have faced what I feared and I live listening; hoping to grow wise!
On the Road to Redemption, every day I say Thank You for the difficult lessons.
Today I Breathe slowly and deeply; in and out! With each breath, I pray for the Redemption of Humanity. Ten Times I Breathe. In Love. Out Fear.
I ask to remember to step gently, and to offer my gifts tenderly. I ask for personal and Collective Redemption. I choose to open my heart and embrace Humanity, and Our Sentient Earth Family with Love!
Will You Join Me?
There have been times when I have I failed, fallen or forgotten my own greatness and capacity for joy. Still, because my heart was fragile and broken open, I have faced what I feared and I live listening; hoping to grow wise!
On the Road to Redemption, every day I say Thank You for the difficult lessons.
Today I Breathe slowly and deeply; in and out! With each breath, I pray for the Redemption of Humanity. Ten Times I Breathe. In Love. Out Fear.
I ask to remember to step gently, and to offer my gifts tenderly. I ask for personal and Collective Redemption. I choose to open my heart and embrace Humanity, and Our Sentient Earth Family with Love!
Will You Join Me?
Friday, September 13, 2013
The Very FIRST Civil Rights Foot Soldiers Memorial
Many of you know My Mom, Betty J. Tilman who lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She is one of those who has worked tireless for equality and civil rights for All Citizens here in the United States, and throughout the World. She instilled in me the value of Hope and Love for All People. She nurtured my Dream Spirit and with Betty J. Tilman, I attended the March on Washington on August 28th, 1963.
50 years later, in Annapolis Maryland, the Very FIRST Civil Rights Foot Soldiers Memorial has been erected. Mr. Carl Snowden and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee invited me to give the Invocation at the official unveiling. I was filled with humility and gratitude to be a part of this Beautiful Memorial honoring the 250,000 Dreamer Civil Rights Foot Soldiers.
I invite All of You to join me in Honoring the 250,000 Dreamer Civil Rights Foot Soldiers who participated in the March On Washington 50 years ago! $30,000 is needed to complete payment for the Civil Rights Foot Soldier Memorial unveiled in Annapolis, Maryland.
For Contributions Online: — in Annapolis, MD
For Contributions Online: — in Annapolis, MD
Financial Contributions by Check may be mailed to:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee, Inc.
P.O. Box 371
Annapolis, MD
Please contribute whatever you are able!
With Hope and Love For All Dreamers, Melony
Some Sing in A...
Some sing in A, others in B but we learn the base line melody in C. It is then that Harmony travels across the Oceans and Heart Seas. D, E and F bring You to Me! G-D makes it LOVE, a Universal Song.
LOVE comes in different tones and complementary rhythms where we all belong. Love helps me see the You in Me.
Love teaches me to hear, listen and feel every heart.
LOVE is the Creator's Song, a Love Song that Allows Us All to Joyfully Sing Our Part!
Some sing in A, others in B but we learn the base line melody in C. It is then that Harmony travels across the Oceans and Heart Seas. D, E and F bring You to Me! G-D makes it LOVE, a Universal Song.
LOVE comes in different tones and complementary rhythms where we all belong. Love helps me see the You in Me.
Love teaches me to hear, listen and feel every heart.
LOVE is the Creator's Song, a Love Song that Allows Us All to Joyfully Sing Our Part!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt
Sometimes it’s gentle…
embracing, all encompassing,
never smothering.
Other times love glows
like a star with a purple center
preparing to recreate and trek
throughout the galaxy.
Love is
the freedom to be,
to explore the YOU that nobody knows.
Love allows you to travel
back to old beginnings
opening your heart,
healing ancient wounds with forgiveness
for times when it seemed
like MotherFatherGod
just didn’t show up.
Love requires that you
live in the moment
finding joy in the twinkle of your eyes,
the boomboombaboom
of your heart
and the brilliance of your smile.
Love is
Sharing your joy…
Simply show up.
Always listen with open ears
& a pure heart.
Please accept your destiny with honor
And Love…
Always Love Like You’ve Never
Been Hurt.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Dawn of A New Day
The beauty of the day is evident
in the rainbow palette
of the sky as the Sun rises.
We call it the Dawn of a New Day.
And sometimes, with it comes
the memory of tragedy and
the despair we felt yesterday.
Still with hope, our hearts
begin to awaken, and re-membering
compassion; we begin again.
Let Us Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Love. Out Hope.
Today we offer a hand and speak
tenderly to our neighbors
even in dis-agreement.
Again Breathe.
In Love. Out Hope.
This is the Way of Diplomacy!
The beauty of the day is evident
in the rainbow palette
of the sky as the Sun rises.
We call it the Dawn of a New Day.
And sometimes, with it comes
the memory of tragedy and
the despair we felt yesterday.
Still with hope, our hearts
begin to awaken, and re-membering
compassion; we begin again.
Let Us Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Love. Out Hope.
Today we offer a hand and speak
tenderly to our neighbors
even in dis-agreement.
Again Breathe.
In Love. Out Hope.
This is the Way of Diplomacy!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Peace Visionary
Today is a Day for Diplomacy. I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Respect. Out Compassion. In every situation where it is possible, I think before I speak.
Even when I am uncomfortable, offended or angry, I Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion.
Today I walk as a Diplomat. I Am a Peacemaker. I Am A Peace Keeper. I Am A Community and World Peace Visionary.
I Walk and Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion
Today is a Day for Diplomacy. I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Respect. Out Compassion. In every situation where it is possible, I think before I speak.
Even when I am uncomfortable, offended or angry, I Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion.
Today I walk as a Diplomat. I Am a Peacemaker. I Am A Peace Keeper. I Am A Community and World Peace Visionary.
I Walk and Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion
Monday, September 9, 2013
Live the Questions
I Breathe Deeply and offer my gratitude and appreciation for the mystery of this New Day.
I am grateful for the courage to explore the questions tugging my heart; asking for attention.
Again, I Breathe Deeply, and ask for Strong Resolve to patiently live the questions.
I listen deeply to my heart, and the hearts of all those around me. I ask for humility and clear vision so that I listen and act only with respect.
Today, with a courageous strong resolve, I will live the questions with care and compassion.
Every answer I desire can be revealed through my Loving Actions. I Breathe Deeply, and Embracing the Mystery of the New Day--- I Say Thank You!
I Breathe Deeply and offer my gratitude and appreciation for the mystery of this New Day.
I am grateful for the courage to explore the questions tugging my heart; asking for attention.
Again, I Breathe Deeply, and ask for Strong Resolve to patiently live the questions.
I listen deeply to my heart, and the hearts of all those around me. I ask for humility and clear vision so that I listen and act only with respect.
Today, with a courageous strong resolve, I will live the questions with care and compassion.
Every answer I desire can be revealed through my Loving Actions. I Breathe Deeply, and Embracing the Mystery of the New Day--- I Say Thank You!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
I Say Many Prayers
I sit quietly in contemplation. I Breathe with Hope. With each breath I Exhale my desire to live in Peace.
Deeply I Breathe Six Times. In Hope and Respect for Humanity. Out Wisdom and a Desire to live in Peace.
My heart fills with good potential. Each breath becomes a prayer I offer.
May we find a way to put down our weapons and listen to each other with compassion.
May Love cause us to Awaken in Peace.
May we be wise enough to understand and nurture our children with peaceful hearts of Love.
I Breathe Deeply and Say Many Prayers.
I sit quietly in contemplation. I Breathe with Hope. With each breath I Exhale my desire to live in Peace.
Deeply I Breathe Six Times. In Hope and Respect for Humanity. Out Wisdom and a Desire to live in Peace.
My heart fills with good potential. Each breath becomes a prayer I offer.
May we find a way to put down our weapons and listen to each other with compassion.
May Love cause us to Awaken in Peace.
May we be wise enough to understand and nurture our children with peaceful hearts of Love.
I Breathe Deeply and Say Many Prayers.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
May Diplomacy Bring Hope
In Deep Reflection, I must face no one but Myself. I Breathe In Love Deeply Four Times. I Exhale Fear of the Other and Our Country's need for control. All violent thoughts and actions, envy and greed or guns and wars said to bring Peace are based in Evil.
I pray for All Lost in the mire of violence and war. I pray for the Innocent. I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Four Times.
May Diplomacy bring Hope. No matter what goes on in the World, I have a responsibility to live with humility in Truth Inspired by Love. Only then through the Creator's Blessings of Love am I able to see the Earth, the Sky, the Oceans, the Dolphins and Trees and Birds and Flowers and All Sentients as purposeful and interconnected in Love.
Only now as I Breathe Deeply In Love Four Times, in many intervals, do I feel Hopeful in a World where much of Humanity is struggling to restore itself though Love.
May we learn to always embrace the path of Diplomacy with Compassion, Patience and Love.
I Breathe Deeply and Pray!
Friday, September 6, 2013
For Our Children
becomes more poignant
and real each passing day.
so that all are safe
and free to make good choices.
of respect and tolerance.
healing foundations of hope for children
to explore and grow
and share their many gifts with love.
I can only hope that our enthusiasm
and desire for goodnessbecomes more poignant
and real each passing day.
May we learn to embody mercy
and compassion for All;so that all are safe
and free to make good choices.
May we live our lives as good neighbors
in loving, prosperous communitiesof respect and tolerance.
May we share our time together nurturing hearts
and building strong peaceful,healing foundations of hope for children
to explore and grow
and share their many gifts with love.
Call Me A Dreamer!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Melodies of Hope
When others have forgotten
the rhythm of Love,
it takes courage to live in Divine Truth.
All around us there are those
who fear embracing Oneness.
Still by being gentle, genuine and generous,
we are able to create the melodies of hope.
Today Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Breathe in Courage and Love.
Exhale Courage and Love.
Re-member that you
are supported and loved.
Follow the Universal Conductor
within your heart.
Let the melody of your life be gentle,
genuine and generous, and filled with grace.
Breathe in Courage and Love.
Exhale Courage and Love.
Have Courage and Live
the Divine Truth of Your Life
in the Rhythm of Love!
When others have forgotten
the rhythm of Love,
it takes courage to live in Divine Truth.
All around us there are those
who fear embracing Oneness.
Still by being gentle, genuine and generous,
we are able to create the melodies of hope.
Today Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Breathe in Courage and Love.
Exhale Courage and Love.
Re-member that you
are supported and loved.
Follow the Universal Conductor
within your heart.
Let the melody of your life be gentle,
genuine and generous, and filled with grace.
Breathe in Courage and Love.
Exhale Courage and Love.
Have Courage and Live
the Divine Truth of Your Life
in the Rhythm of Love!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Prayer Vibrations
Beloved Radiant Ones---
I Breathe Deeply Four Times as I sit, hear and feel the vibration of prayers of Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Moslems.
My heart opens even more as I Breathe In Love and Exhale Love, again and again.
Now I feel the Drum Beat calling All Indigenous People who honor Our Mother Earth in her Majesty and Her Waters that Sustain Us. So many people have forgotten The Mother.
I Breathe again with Appreciation and Understanding. I Re-Member to Honor Mother Earth-Heart!
Every time we choose patience or tolerance; every act of compassion or hope; every faithful word, and action offered with unselfish Love brings Joy to the Mother and Father Creator of the Uni-Verse.
Today as I walk to the rhythm of the drum, I will Breathe In Hope and Patience. I will Exhale Unselfish Love.
I Breathe Deeply Four Times as I sit, hear and feel the vibration of prayers of Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Moslems.
My heart opens even more as I Breathe In Love and Exhale Love, again and again.
Now I feel the Drum Beat calling All Indigenous People who honor Our Mother Earth in her Majesty and Her Waters that Sustain Us. So many people have forgotten The Mother.
I Breathe again with Appreciation and Understanding. I Re-Member to Honor Mother Earth-Heart!
Every time we choose patience or tolerance; every act of compassion or hope; every faithful word, and action offered with unselfish Love brings Joy to the Mother and Father Creator of the Uni-Verse.
Today as I walk to the rhythm of the drum, I will Breathe In Hope and Patience. I will Exhale Unselfish Love.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Longevity and Loyalty
Beloved Radiant Ones---
One of the most important lessons I have learned is that generosity, acceptance and Truth shared gently, provides a us with the gift of longevity and loyalty in our relationships with others.
I Breathe In Love, Deeply Four Times. I Exhale Love. Today I shall be accepting of others and generous with my Love. I will nurture Truth through honesty and loyalty.
I Breathe In Love, Deeply Four Times. I Exhale Love. Every Day I will work so that my relationships with others blossom with longevity and Love!
Monday, September 2, 2013
I Offer This Day
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
Breathing Deeply Eight Times,
I allow Gratitude to pour through my heart.
I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
I accept every opportunity to re-visit
ways that I can better communicate; ...
as well as to pay attention to the signs
and details asking me to step forward.
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
I will listen, be patience and watchful!
Four Times I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
In Each Breath,
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
Breathing Deeply Eight Times,
I allow Gratitude to pour through my heart.
I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
I accept every opportunity to re-visit
ways that I can better communicate; ...
as well as to pay attention to the signs
and details asking me to step forward.
I Offer This Day in Contemplation.
I will listen, be patience and watchful!
Four Times I Breathe In Gratitude with Patience.
In Each Breath,
I Exhale with an Openess to Listen and Receive.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
A Joyful Awakening
Beloved Radiant Ones---
Throughout Time in Every Society across Earth-Heart there has been a small minority who beguiled the Innocent and selfishly claimed power as they became seduced by evil.
Generation after generation, this minority has used hate and fear to control and subjugate humanity through conflict, wars and weapons of mass destruction. They have used Mother Earth's resources and created suffering and imbalance. They built fortresses so that they alone lived in luxury---
And Yet for The Majority, Good has prevailed and flourished like Sparkling Stars that light the Night Sky with Love.
Asking for clarity, I Breathe Deeply and Slowly Six Times.
In my Awakened State, I feel the Great Shift and see the Unlimited Potential of Good Shining Brightly through Broken Hearts of Love.
With humility I Honor the Master Creator of Every Uni-Verse! In Gratitude I find the strength to embrace and serve the Awakening Good that lives in my heart and the hearts of The Majority!
Compassion, gentle truth and right words of Peace will nurture and heal our broken societies through Love!
I Breathe Again, and finding Courage and Integrity within; I offer myself as a joyful instrument of Peace and Everlasting Love.
I Wish You All A Joyful Awakening in Love
Throughout Time in Every Society across Earth-Heart there has been a small minority who beguiled the Innocent and selfishly claimed power as they became seduced by evil.
Generation after generation, this minority has used hate and fear to control and subjugate humanity through conflict, wars and weapons of mass destruction. They have used Mother Earth's resources and created suffering and imbalance. They built fortresses so that they alone lived in luxury---
And Yet for The Majority, Good has prevailed and flourished like Sparkling Stars that light the Night Sky with Love.
Asking for clarity, I Breathe Deeply and Slowly Six Times.
In my Awakened State, I feel the Great Shift and see the Unlimited Potential of Good Shining Brightly through Broken Hearts of Love.
With humility I Honor the Master Creator of Every Uni-Verse! In Gratitude I find the strength to embrace and serve the Awakening Good that lives in my heart and the hearts of The Majority!
Compassion, gentle truth and right words of Peace will nurture and heal our broken societies through Love!
I Breathe Again, and finding Courage and Integrity within; I offer myself as a joyful instrument of Peace and Everlasting Love.
I Wish You All A Joyful Awakening in Love
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