B-- Be who you are, not who someone wants you to be.
C-- Care for yourself and care enough to care for others.
D-- Believe in the Divinity within you, and every other sentient being.
E--Experience the ecstasy of life!
F-- Forgive others but don’t forget to forgive Yourself.
G --Be gentle, genuine and generous with your love.
H-- Have an open heart.
I-- Be your own inspiration, and illuminate the heavens.
J -- Look for joy within you.
K-- Be kind to all kindred spirits.
L-- Like yourself, laugh often, and live life with leisure!
M-- It’s okay to be marvelous! Manifest your dreams and create loving memories.
N-- Be noble, and know that as you face the nemesis within, you will be victorious!
O-- Your heart has an ocean of melodies waiting to be sung.
P-- Preserve and paint your heart with precious positive memories.
Q-- Take time for quietude, and be open to quantum quality in your heart.
R-- Remember to receive love with appreciation, and joy.
S -- Search your soul, find the love within, and remember your greatness!
T-- Be tender with your thank yous.
U-- Be Universal. Know that MotherFatherGod is within you!
V-- Be vibrant, and know that you have value, and are worthy to love, and be loved!
W,X,Y,Z Wealth is the warmth, and giving spirit of your heart. Xanadu, a place of great beauty, and contentment is YOU! So be zany with your love, and zealous in living your life!