Living Through the Arguments!
No matter the Giant
Temper Tantrums
and Universal Arguments
of Disrespect and Greed,
we are living in a time
of bursting light
filled with Loving Grace.
Hold your Holy Ground
and have Patience.
No matter what it looks like
or what it feels like,
Good Will Ultimately Prevail!
Today walk with your head high
and know that your Courage
and Loving Actions
do make a difference.
And as we live through the arguments,
we must hold the space
for Equity and Peace
to manifest in our Own Good Actions!
First Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Breathe In Patience.
Breathe Out with Courage and Peace.
Now Commit Only to Loving Actions!
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Grace of Love!
Always, Melony
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Living Through the Arguments!

Thursday, February 2, 2017
Peace Visionaries
You Are Peace Visionaries! Melony' s Big News!
My Beloved Community,
Thank You for your advocacy, your compassion and commitment to be Engaged Citizens who respect and honor Humanity in this time of Chaos, Confusion, Injustice and Change.
Please Continue to Open Your Hearts and Build Bridges of Cooperation and Love for All.
Many of you know that I am an Interfaith Minister. My Big News is that I am embarking on an extended Spiritual Journey and will have limited access to technology. I Will Be Praying for All of You, America and the World.
I Ask that You Keep Me In Your Prayers!
No longer will I be posting Daily Messages but you have only to read those that I have been posting for several years throughout social media! I encourage you to refer back to the meditations that have touched your souls.
In a few months, I Will Be Back with Much to Share!
For these Challenging Times, In All that You Think, Say or Do, I Ask that You Live with Good Purpose and Gratitude As A Peace Visionary!
Always, Melony
A Peace Visionary Affirmation: I AM...
Today, and Every Day is a Day for Diplomacy, Patience and Cooperation. Let Us Speak A Peace Visionary Affirmation of I AM...
Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times. In Respect. Out Compassion.
In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion. In Respect. Out Compassion....
"In every situation where it is possible, I think before I speak.
Even when I am uncomfortable, offended or angry, I Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion.
Today I walk as a Diplomat. I Am A Believer In Truth. I Am A Believer of Justice.
No Matter Our Differences, Race or Religion, We Are All One In Love.
I Am Caring, Compassionate and Creative. I Am A Go-Giver.
I Am A Good Listener. I Am Forgiving. I Am Hopeful.
I Am A Being of Integrity. I Am A Keeper of Good Dreams.
I Walk and Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion and Love!
I Am Patient. I Am A Peacemaker. I Am A Peace Keeper.
I Am A Community and World Peace Visionary.
I Am Lighthouse and A Wayshower. I Am A Being Of Love!
I Walk and Breathe. In Respect. Out Compassion and Love!
I Am A Peacemaker. I Am A Peace Keeper.
I Am A Community and World Peace Visionary.
I Am Lighthouse and A Wayshower.
I Am A Being Of Love! YOU Are A Being of Love!
We Are ONE In Love!"
Remember, Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Good Purpose, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
Rev. Melony McGant

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