Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Loving You!

Savor the Promise!
Savor the Promise!
Day and Night promised to cherish eachother and honor the greatness of the Uni-Verse. They see eachother only at Dusk and at Dawn but the memory of their union grows and rests in the heart of the Sun and the Stars. All savor the promise and hope of each moment in time.
When we Lovingly keep our word, we too honor Love's Song. We savor the promise by offering our hearts and taking each breath in Love!
Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love. Out Love.
What promises have you have made in Love?
How do you cherish your promises and allow them to be fulfilled within the Heart and Hope of the Uni-Verse?
Again, Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love. Out Love.
Today Re-Member to Savor and Live Every Promise You Have Made in Love!
Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
Photo : Sunset in Senegal by Melony

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Josh Gibson Opera Initiative In Pittsburgh, PA
Please Mark Your Calendars and Plan to Be In Pittsburgh on May 5th, 2017 for the Josh Gibson Opera at the Benedum Center!
Betty J.Tilman, Coordinator of the Good Neighbor Projects Committee (GNPC in partnership with the POISE FOUNDATION) in Pittsburgh, PA and Ed Gainey, Pennsylvania Legislator/ Honorary Chair of the GNPC Opera Initiative...
Invite You to Join Members of GNPC at the Josh Gibson Opera and a Special Post Opera Reception in Celebration of Legendary Educator and KUNTU Repertory Theatre Founder, Dr. Vernell A. Lillie.
GNPC is supporting the Josh Gibson Foundation and encouraging Everyone to plan to attend Summer King: the Josh Gibson Opera at the Benedum Center in Pittsburgh, PA on May 5th, 2017.
Let's Fill the House!
To Get Your Tickets Today and Plan to Attend, Please Click the LINK BELOW. ..

Only ONE Special YOU!
Only ONE Special YOU! #ShareYourGifts
First Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times.
Say Thank You for the Earth/Heart which has traveled around the Sun to bring You a New Day.
Listen to the sound of the birds singing in Gratitude and Celebration.
Green leaves are spouting on trees and flowers are blossoming in Love.
All are Special.
Listen and Breathe Deeply.
Re-member, there is only One Special You.
Breathe. Say Thank You.
Listen to Your Heart.
Know that you are like a flower blossoming with Clear Intention and Love.
Breathe and Exhale with Compassion, Hope and JOY.
There Is Only ONE Special YOU!
There Is Only ONE Special YOU!
There Is Only ONE Special YOU!
Today, Share the Gift of YOU!
Always, Melony
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift Love!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
When People Are Unkind
When People Are Unkind
A Heart Song to Share Children!!!
If you listen carefully and sing this song, you will feel that only Love belongs....
When people, people are unkind, never you mind, never you mind!
They may say hurtful things, cause fear rules their hearts. Life for them may seem like it's been falling apart.
Love them anyway. Love them anyway. You can show them the way. Be your best in every way, everyday!
Just Believe...Believe in yourself, because with your good deeds and thoughts, there's no anger to be bought, no fear to be taught.
You are given joy and peace of mind, when no matter what,--- you remember to be kind!
When people, people are unkind, never you mind, never you mind!
You have the strength and courage to live this day in Grace.
Every word you say, every step you take, can one day benefit the Hue-Man Race.
When people, people are unkind, never you mind, never you mind!
Love them anyway, Love them anyway. Show them the way. Be your best every day, in every way!
You can help save the Hue-Man Race each time you take a step in Grace.
When people are unkind, never you mind, never you mind!
Cause you listened carefully, and you know this song. Now you know that only Love belongs!
You can help save the Hue-Man Race each time you take a step in Grace.
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
Always, Melony

Monday, March 27, 2017
Walk In Truth Anyway!
Walk In Truth Anyway! #Destiny
People may ignore you because of where you come from, your social status, your religious beliefs or your race. Even your birth family may choose to close their hearts to you when you have been baptized in Love. Walk In Truth Anyway.
Still yourself and open your heart. Breathe and Exhale Deeply, Many Times.
Let go of all the places in your heart where you have been hurt or disappointed, and where you have hurt or disappointed yourself, or others.
Offer Forgiveness to All, including yourself. Let Rainbows of Compassion and Humility begin to cleanse your soul.
Keep Breathing Deeply. Embrace the cloak of Courage and Integrity.
Every wound gives temporary pain but also is a lesson in acquiring Strength in times of adversity.
The fractured or broken bones, your muscles, your brain and your tender heart are always healing through your genuine ability to see the joy in overcoming whatever challenges we face. This is Life.
Your Destiny lies beyond the disappointments or failures. Your Destiny will not be marred by jealous thoughts or petty actions.
Your Destiny Resides In the Heart of Love. This Is Truth.
Truth is the only way to live as a Being of Love. Knowing, speaking and being the Truth is how we live Our Purpose.
No matter the obstacles, Everyone has a Purpose and a Contribution to make on this planet. It is something that only You can do, or say or write in the fabric of time.
Today Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.
Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose. Exhale Love and Forgiveness.
Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose. Exhale Love and Forgiveness.
Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose. Exhale Love and Forgiveness.
Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose. Exhale Love and Forgiveness.....
Even when you have taken wrong turn, think you are lost or it seems like all the familiar doors have closed... Please Don't Give Up. Never Give Up!
Continue to walk with Hope, Humility and Compassion.
You Have Been Baptized In the Waters of Love....
Grace Is the Voice Calling.... Yes, Grace Is the Voice Calling....
"Love Is the Answer. Your Destiny Is Great. Walk in Truth Anyway!"
Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity,Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Good Purpose, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
(c) Melony McGant

Circle of Life!
Circle of Life...
Today Beloveds,
Take a moment to visit Your Heart.
Breathe In Love Deeply Four Times.
With each Breathe, Exhale Love.
When we were given Eternal Breath,
we began to live moment by moment
using our gifts, mastering our talents,
and sharing our Love.
In the Circle of Life,
there is no ending---
Our ultimate Ascension
gives us a New Beginning.
As we travel on our Infinite Journey,
at each destination we leave
a Legacy of our Love,
our creative accomplishments
and our ability to inspire.
For it is through Love and Inspiration
that we are Re-Membered
and thrive in Eternity.
Breathe In Love Deeply Four Times.
With each Breathe,
Exhale Love.
Now with An Open Heart,
We Offer Gratitude for Life!
Always, Melony
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding, and the Gift of Love!

Sunday, March 26, 2017
A Prayer: May We Let Go of Winters of Doubt!
A Prayer: May We Let Go of Winters of Doubt!
First take a moment to still your mind and your heart.
Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.
May We Let Go of Winters of Doubt and Awaken in Love, knowing we are a part of the Infinite Uni-verse.
May we release our need to destroy, and desire only to Share and Heal.
May we share our harvest of Prosperity and let go of winters of doubt that have haunted us and caused us pain. May we heal our Earth & our Hearts.
May we look to our sentient brothers and sisters; the trees, the flowers, all plant life, sea life, the stars, insects, animals and all beings of MotherEarthHeart and our Infinite Uni-Verse as a Collective of Divine Grace.
May we educate ourselves and our children as beings of Love Inspired.
May we choose to live in Peace, share food and material riches with All and re-member that we are responsible for eachother.
May we lift ourselves up into the Understanding of the Heaven Realm and Nurture eachother as ONE in Love.
May we use our creative selves to explore, teach and learn from each other; as we embrace our ability to Believe in the Unseen, to Live in Truth and Do No Harm.
May we speak and dance the dance of a vivid Joyous Peace in our hearts and manifested from the womb of Our Mother Earth=Heart.
May we blossom as flowers in the springtime and lift our vision as we are given the Courage to learn from the maple, oak, evergreen, coconut, the jasmine or the baobab tree.
May we Listen to the fireflies in the silence of the night and embrace the Wisdom of the moon and the stars.
May we commit to climb the mountains of Faith & Hope that stand before us.
May we embrace our individual and collective Greatness as we honor our Ancestors and open our hearts to the Infinite Grace of Our Universal Spirit.
May We Awaken in Love, Knowing We Are a Part of the Infinite Uni-Verse.
And So It Is With Love!
Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Saturday, March 25, 2017
This Culture of War!
This Culture of War!
This Culture of War masked in hopes of freedom promotes the Death of Peaceful Dreams and makes victims not victors!
For no matter what side wins--- the broken hearts, the missing arms or legs, the sound of bombs, machine guns and mortar mixed with the screams of children, women, and men replay over and over in our brains years later, as Innocent Children Needing Nurturing offer us Love and Attention which in our woundedness we ignore!
When will Humanity learn that Compromise, Cooperation, Forgiveness, Truth, Reconciliation and Love for ourselves and our neighbors is the only pathway of a Good Future?
I Breathe Deeply. I Exhale and let go of my Fear.
I still my heart and allow Hope to Breathe. Together We Pray for the Continuing Awakening of the Human Collective.
May We Continue to Open Our Hearts to the Good Possibility of a Shared Future filled with Compromise, Cooperation, Equity, Forgiveness, Truth, Reconciliation, Peace and Love!
We will be more likely to Prosper Collectively when we decide that Compassion has meaning and is useful in Today's World!
Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Friday, March 24, 2017
Divine Whispers!
Divine Whispers...
LOVE Is Always the Answer!
The Seeker Dreamer Awoke to a Gentle Divine Whisper.
" Feel Me through your Tears. Know Me even in your Brokeness. Accept Me in Forgiveness.
I AM Mercy. I AM the Hope Blossoming in You!
Today and Every Day...
I AM the Answer!
I Live within YOU.
I Feel through YOU.
I Am the Tingling Strength and Integrity You Develop in Wisdom and Compassion.
Allow Me the Gift of Awakening within Your Heart and You Will See Me in every Tender Smile.
I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE!"
Ten Times Breathe and Exhale Deeply.
In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love! In Love. Out Love....
Re-Member. Re-Member. Re-Member...
LOVE Is Always the Answer!
Always, Melony
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Thursday, March 23, 2017
Heaven On Earth
Heaven On Earth!
Come walk with me into
this magnificent valley
filled with greatness.
Smell the magnolias
and cherry blossoms.
Walk with me through
the daffodils and daisies.
Feel free to pick a rose
and know that it’s thorns
represent ages and ages
of Divine Wisdom.
Stop a moment.
Tenderly touch the dirt
of Our Earth
and know that it is Mother
to fruits, vegetables,
trees and flowers.
Living things.
As we move on in our discovery
select a rock or two along the way.
Cherish these rocks and know
that their firmness truly represents
the Will of the Divine.
Do you hear the lilt of the wind
and the birds chirping
in delight of our presence?
Look what a glorious waterfall.
Imagine yourself as a frog
jumping from a lily pad
and splashing into a clear pond.
Now gaze intently into the pool of life.
Permit our reflections to show merely Love.
For Love is the only weapon we need
to conquer the fear in our hearts.
Will you allow me to take your hand?
May we always walk together
in Heaven on Earth---
Feeling Divine Love?
Always, Melony
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Song of a Sinner!
Song of a Sinner!
Love was all around me everyday...
in the smiles of the children
in the melody of a song
in the dance of the trees blowing in the wind
in the light of the moon and the sparkling stars
in the warmth of the sun and even the roar of the ocean.
Love was before me everywhere.
Love was constantly saying hello, and asking me to care, share and Love.
But my ego needed control,
and in control, I destroyed it all.
Then empty and alone, my heart became broken and scattered throughout the many crevices of Uni-verse.
And in the emptiness of Eons Beyond Time, I was filled with the Benevolent Mercy of Our Creator.
It was then, beyond the desire of my selfish ego that even I, the worst of sinners was forgiven and born again in Grace.
Having learned that lesson, now I am able Only to Dream, See, Share and Reflect Love!
This Is My Gift to You and the World!
Today Take a Moment to Open Your Hearts.
Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.
What Is Your Truth?
What Have You Learned?
What Is Your Offering to Yourself and Those Around You?
What Is Your Gift to the World?
Always, Melony

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Life Is Happening NOW!
Life Is Happening NOW!
Life Is Happening NOW!
We Are Not In Rehearsal.
There are no second,
third or fourth takes.
We Can't Do It Over!
Today we must pay attention
to the details.
Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times.
Gather Your Loving Energy.
Bring forth your courage,
your compassion, your integrity
and your willingness
to Do Your Best!
This is Not a Rehearsal.
Life Is Happening NOW!
Re-Member, Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
Always, Melony

You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant!
You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant! You Are Beautiful!
Clear Your Mind and Your Heart.
Now, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Six Times!
Did You Know that...
You Are Amazing!
You Are Brilliant!
You Are Beautiful!
Yes It's True!
You Are Amazing!
You Are Brilliant!
You Are Beautiful!
Believe It!
Please Share this Affirmation of Appreciation and Encouragement with at Least One Other Person Today.
Simply say to them, as I have said to YOU...
"You Are Amazing!
You Are Brilliant!
You Are Beautiful!"
Share Some Joy!
Show Your Appreciation!
Re-Member, Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
Always, Melony

Monday, March 20, 2017
A Spring Vision!
A Spring Vision..
Today I Pray. I Sit In Silence Asking for Guidance and Direction.
The question some of us may be asking in this time of Painful Transformation is...
"Will Hope Be Enough for All to Re-Connect to Our Divine Source of Love?".
The Truth Is that All Actions of Love Make this World Better!
I close my eyes, trust and allow time to pass.
I Breathe and Exhale Many Times.
In Hope. Out Love.
I follow the Light through the darkness. Each step I take into my heart fills me with Grace and gives me Hope.
I Vision Good Change on Earth.
Good Change is not always comfortable or easy.
Sometimes Change brings confusion and chaos.
I Breathe. The World Is Changing. I Am Changing.
I hold on to Faith and ask for more Courage.
I keep moving towards the Light.
I Breathe. In Hope. Out Love.
I Thank Our Blessed Creator. I Honor Our Ancestors and All Who Have Ascended.
It is Spring. As I step into Good Change, I imagine that I become the Light.
All around me are other Lights. We are those Spirits Awakening with Respect and Integrity.
Together We Are Breathing.
In Hope. Out Love.
My Vision Continues....
Collectively we honor our Elders and our Children.
We Vision a World of Loving Peace where there is equity, good education and housing; as well as a blossoming sustenance and Good Possibility for All.
We Share Lovingly. We Forgive.
We smile and decide to work together to help heal our broken hearts and our Earth/Heart.
Somewhere buttercups, tulips and magnolia trees are beginning to blossom.
Robins and hummingbirds sing.
The powerful voice of blue jays is heard even by dolphins and whales.
The oceans roar and the wind calls on us to Love.
And Love vibrates and spins new melodies.
Yes. It is Spring, and Change Is Here!
Hope, Love and New Possibility fill the air.
It is time to continue our individual and Collective Journeys with Courage, Integrity, Good Purpose and Respect for Eachother.
May Humanity Awaken with Integrity and Allow Love to Lead so that Our Children Thrive and Grow and Prosper with Good Dreams Everywhere throughout the World.
With Joy, Humility, Gratitude and Love...
Let Us All Breathe Deeply!
Always, Melony

Sunday, March 19, 2017
A Friend for Every Lifetime!
A Friend for Every Lifetime! #HonoringFriendship
Maybe it's the way you walk or how you make me feel wanted or needed when you listen.
Or Maybe it's your eyes that feel like they are looking into my soul with compassion.
I don't know what it is. It could even be your smile that lights the room or the way I am able to laugh at myself when I remember our many conversations, and the mistakes I've made!
When I think of you, I know I have a friend for every lifetime.
I Breathe and Exhale Love Six Times; and decide to Honor Friendship.
Today I will treat everyone as if they are a Friend.
I will look and listen with compassion. I will offer my smiles with appreciation and understanding.
I will extend my hand without judgment. I will laugh joyfully and tenderly at myself.
With Appreciation, Gratitude and Joy, I Breathe Deeply; knowing...
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativiry, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and--- The Grace of Love!
I Will Be a Friend and Have a Friend for Every Lifetime!

Saturday, March 18, 2017
Sitting In the Silence of Love!
Sitting In the Silence of Love!
Let us be Grateful for the opportunity to Stand With Our Loved Ones tenderly as they journey through all the Passages of Life.
Let us offer Our Hearts in Gratitude as we listen with compassion, and respond with kindness.
Let us hold their hands or offer our gentle hugs of forgiveness.
Let us show up when there is sickness or sorrow and allow our Loved Ones to rest in Dignity with our Love.
Throughout life, let us share our gentle smiles, our laughter, and joy.
And when there are no words---Look deeply into the eyes of Our Loved Ones with gratitude and say Thank You by sitting in the silence with ease and an illuminated Faith.
Then, let our hearts speak by offering only the Hope of Eternal, Everlasting Love.
And when Our Loved Ones journey beyond into the Oceans of the Divine Heart of Love...
Though we feel the loss and sorrow; let us try to re-member to allow the Flowers of Appreciation and Pearls of Grace with Wisdom to Live Forever In Our Hearts!
Always, Melony

Morning Song of Gratitude!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Melony In Morocco