Tuesday, April 30, 2019

INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY... Remembering Miss Katherine Dunham!


Remembering Miss Katherine Dunham!   Her Words Live in My Heart! 

Honoring Humanitarian and Dance Icon Miss Katherine Dunham #OPRAHLegend

Katherine Dunham Speaks Out on Dunham Technique, Today's World Violence Leaders, and Hope by Melony McGant

 Anthropologist, choreographer, writer and humanitarian Katherine Dunham has been called a visionary, a pioneer, and a living legend. She has been a major force in dance, and is best known for incorporating African American, Caribbean, African, and South American movement style themes into her ballets. She has appeared in more than 57 countries around globe, received recognition from UNESCO as well as heads of state, and is the recipient of hundreds of awards and honorary doctorates including the U.S. Presidential Award, Kennedy Center Honors, the Albert Schweitzer Award, Essence Magazine Awards, the National Black Theatre Festival Lifetime Achievement Award, and was one of Oprah's Legends.

 Originally recorded in 2002 at the Miss Katherine Dunham's residence in NYC, portions of this conversation have appeared in African Voices Magazine (a much longer version) and Tribes Magazine. In this interview with Melony McGant, Miss Dunham shares her heart, and hopes for a World of Peace, as she passes us the baton.

 Miss Katherine Dunham was born in Chicago on 22 June, 1909 and left this Earth Realm and Ascended to the heaven Realm on May 21, 2006. She Is Re-membered with Love!

 MM: It's been said that the Dunham Technique has strong implications and affiliations to the "other world." 

 KD: I feel that to know Dunham Technique you have to be willing to accept the holistic view of life. That is the body, mind and spirit work together. They don't work separately from each other. They grow together and unite. You have to be aware that these things do not operate alone, they operate together. So when you are deeply into Dunham Technique and are performing the choreography or are teaching, or learning, then all of those parts of your body begin to sing. And they begin to sing not in solo voices but in unison. It's like striking a wonderful chord and the response from the person who is receiving is so great that the teacher grows from it too. You can not be a teacher of Dunham Technique without receiving back from the pupil or the person that you teach.

MM: Sometimes the student could get lost out there in their own meditation and become ecstatic . How can a teacher know when to bring them back?

KD: By identification. By being able to identify with others. The good teacher is so sensitive, so willing to know and love, and be a part of ... The open minded student feels that. It's like the audience. The audience wouldn't be there if they didn't want to be there. The minute you step on to the stage you have to feel their awareness and willingness and gather it into your whole being. Every move that you make goes out with love and with an understanding of body, mind and spirit being united into one feeling, being, one "itness," so that you are a successful performer and your audience is able to receive with an open self.

 MM: How can a teacher help a student understand that?

 KD: I'd say don't talk about it. Just be it. Do it and be it. A lot of teachers try to explain. There's a little explanation, maybe. If you help your student eat the right thing, breath the right thing, feel the right thing, be aware of good things. It can help ... For instance, you might suggest that your student attend a concert that will immediately fit into their needs. Knowing the needs of other people is one of the hard things about BEING. I don't say to a student don't do this or don't do that. I just try to show them. You know what was so wonderful about Erich Fromm ... He'd ask me questions instead of telling me how to be over my malaise or unhappiness or whatever it was, he'd ask me questions that would lead me to the Balm and Gilead for me. And that I think is what a good friend or a true psychoanalyst, a truly worthy element in your life does ... It is to guide you through love.

MM: How do you feel about what's happening in the World"?

 KD: What's happening in the world today is very, very hard on me. It is so awful, so terrible, so painful and so many people suffering. It's a fact. It's here with us. It's ridiculous to think that your government is going to ease your pain. As I look at it I say ... For God's sake I say don't go and kill to compensate for killing.

 MM: This is a hard question for me to ask. Do you have any anger about anything?

 KD: Anger. Oh yes, that's a part of activism. If I do not approve of what you are doing, then I will do everything I can to stop it. I will bring all of my strength to stop it. I am not in agreement, I am not in accord ... I am angry at what is happening in this world today. I wouldn't be me if I tried to suppress that anger, I'd be false ... hypocritical. I don't have to put it on anyone else. You don't have to be angry with me if that's not the way you feel. But above all don't try to stop me from being angry.

 MM: If you were speaking to our world leaders, what would you say?

KD: Well to most of them I would say: "You do not belong in a position of leadership. You have not overcome self. You don't really love humanity, yourself included. You are not a leader. Stop and look at it and study it, realize it and change it. Change yourself or step aside and help someone else take the position that you feel you are fulfilling but you're not." And I'd say: "Stop and think and don't try to put aside, or shut your eyes to those things that are showing you where you've made mistakes. Open your heart to these things inside and help. Be sure that your every breath, every thought, every movement, every deed is being helpful to someone or something. Be sure that you are honest and true."

 MM: How do you feel about this violence?

KD: It should have no place in human living.

 MM: Are all religions the same? Not the dogma, but the spirit?

 KD: I think that intellectually they sound as though they are the same. Intellectually they all say we believe in our God. We want to do what that one God says do but we see errors that are committed because between God and action comes man. And man is by no means perfect creature.

 MM: And the United States?

 KD: The United States is a great big hypocrite bully. Our God has chosen to give us ... .a means of conquering ... but when you are power driven, you are bound to turn to destruction and violence.

MM: What do you want to tell my generation and the children ... those who come after. What should we be doing?

KD: You should be aware. And of course always be forgiving. You can judge but I don't feel that we have within us the right to hold forth any blessings. God does that. And I would say be aware and be giving. Know how to take, how to receive and how to give. Be sure that both are operating always in your life. If you feel strongly about a cause, don't push it on people but be willing to defend it when it is necessary. Just one word, that one word love is strongest. Know all the different phases of love and have them all in your life. And be able to live with them.

 MM: Could you give me a couple of examples of love that you were thinking of ?

 KD: Well, you certainly have to know self-love. Erich (Fromm) was probably the founder of that... belief in yourself and a love of yourself. Be kind and gentle with yourself and everything else. Try to avoid, and succeed in avoiding injury to others. Live life with kindness and live life with love.

 MM: Is there any hope?

 KD: I feel that this present civilization is just about over. I feel that there is a hope in some people, elements, I won't say remnants ... things that are still there, that they can manage to be together after a period of rest and growth. And choose to grow in the sunshine of hope and love. Yes then there is hope for another civilization on this earth. Of course there is always a chance that out in the universe there are some other earths that could come and smash this one into nothing. I see no reason why there shouldn't be another chance for man because he is a creature of God but I'm not counting on it. I'm counting on trying to help save and give hope to those whose eyes are open now and who are suffering.

MM: Is there anything that I can personally do for you? Or anything that I personally need to know ?

KD: I think that you are one of the people who has the fabric of knowledge and I think that you should develop it and continue on your mission of nurturing love and furthering love and that you must spend a little more time protecting yourself. You can't afford to be hyper-sensitive, put it that way. You have to find different ways to help you to be stronger everyday. And be stronger and wiser. You need strength and you need wisdom. And you've helped so much ... just the fact that you are there. And I know that you are there. And that I know you are an honest person working towards the same end, that's great.

 MM: Thank you, you honor me.

KD: And don't be embarrassed by tears ...

 MM: I gathered my things, thanked Ms. Dunham again, and gave her a big hug.

 Miss Katherine Dunham was born in Chicago on 22 June, 1909 and left this Earth Realm and Ascended to the heaven Realm on May 21, 2006. She Is Re-membered with Love!

(c) Melony McGant, 2002, Interview First Appeared in African Voices Magazine 

Photo May 1, 2006 by Tyrone Rasheed at La Boule Blanche produced by Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions at Riverside Church.

#KatherineDunham, #Dr.GloryVanScott, #WendyPerron, #CongressmanCharlesRangel, #TerryCarter, #MaryHinkson, #BlackDance, #LouisJohnson, #TyroneRasheedPhotographer
Schomburg Musings...

Last night I attended a very special event at the Schomburg Center.   Director Kevin Young was in conversation with the  14th Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden (who is the first woman and first African American to hold the prestigious post) and Pulitzer Prize winner, 22nd Poet Laureate of the United States and Princeton professor,  Tracy K. Smith.

The conversation focused on the importance of libraries, the gifts they offer communities and the librarians who offer hope and the jewels of history they share.  

I truly felt as if we were all sitting in the living room having an inter-generational family conversation about how the library digital age is making information, artifacts, film and music more accessible to all people.  

Perhaps that is one of the greatest gifts of the Schomburg Center, not only is it a National Historic Landmark and an historical repository, it is also a hub for community discussions,  exhibitions and networking.  If you don't already have your Schomburg Society membership, I hope you will consider taking out a membership! 

Spcial Kudos to all members of the NYPL and Schomburg Team including Kevin M., Novella, Brian, Rochelle, Khalilah, and all of the wonderful staff and volunteers!

Always, Melony 

Who's Who...

Kevin Young is the Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, newly named a National Historic Landmark, and Poetry Editor of the New Yorker.

Tracy K. Smith (born April 16, 1972) is an American poet and educator. She is currently serving as the 22nd Poet Laureate of the United States, an office she assumed in 2017. She has published four collections of poetry, winning the Pulitzer Prize for her 2011 volume Life on Mars. 

From Library of Congress Website...

Dr. Carla Hayden was sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress on September 14, 2016. Hayden, the first woman and the first African American to lead the national library, was nominated to the position by President Barack Obama on February 24, 2016, and her nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 13.

Prior to her latest post she served, since 1993, as CEO of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland. Hayden was nominated by President Obama to be a member of the National Museum and Library Services Board in January 2010 and was confirmed to that post by the Senate in June 2010. Prior to joining the Pratt Library, Hayden was deputy commissioner and chief librarian of the Chicago Public Library from 1991 to 1993. She was an assistant professor for Library and Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh from 1987 to 1991. Hayden was library services coordinator for the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago from 1982 to 1987. She began her career with the Chicago Public Library as the young adult services coordinator from 1979 to 1982 and as a library associate and children’s librarian from 1973 to 1979.

Hayden was president of the American Library Association from 2003 to 2004. In 1995, she was the first African American to receive Library Journal’s Librarian of the Year Award in recognition of her outreach services at the Pratt Library, which included an after-school center for Baltimore teens offering homework assistance and college and career counseling. Hayden received a B.A. from Roosevelt University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago.

Be A Witness!

Be A Witness!

Beautiful People, 

Breathe Deeply Six Times. With each breath, Breathe In the Joy of A New Day.  Breathe Out Love and Possibility.

Today Be A Witness. 

Every Seeker Dreamer will journey. You may never leave the town you were born in; yet you will climb mountains of fear and triumph in a valley of Hope. 

You will cross barren deserts of despair and find an Oasis of Understanding. You will swim through Lakes of Joy and sail the Oceans of Wisdom.

All this YOU, the Seeker Dreamer will do as you witness, learn, listen deeply, change, grow and become your true self in Love!

Breathe Deeply. Breathe In the Joy of A New Day. Breathe Out Love and Possibility.

Today, Be A Witness.  Know that You Are Changing, Growing and Becoming Your True Self In Love.  

With JOY, Offer Gratitude and Breathe! 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith,  Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

For Every Breath of Love,  Give Thanks!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony

#Breathe #BreathOfLove #Change #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #GiveThanks #Gratitude 
#Joy #Meditation #OasisOfUnderstanding

Melony's Wisdom Mondays:Why Are YOU Here?

Melony's Wisdom Mondays:Why Are YOU Here?

Beautiful People, 

Do You Know Your True Life Purpose?

Have You Ever Wondered Why YOU Are Here?

YOU Are Here Because You Light the Earth/Heart!  YOU Are a Miracle!

Take a moment to Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.  

Please Re-Member.  There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift. 

Other share their Gifts too and All in Our World benefit from the Uniqueness and Individuality of Every Sentient Being. 

All Gifts of Brilliance, Creativity, Compassion, Courage, Cooperation, Faith, Integrity, Mercy and Unselfish Love Bring New Possibilities of Hope and Joy to the World! 

What is Your Gift?  How Do YOU Bring Hope and Joy to the World?

Continue to Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly.

Re-Member Peace and Prosperity Are Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Gratitude, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!


There Is Only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift!  

Say Thank YOU; Because YOU Are a Miracle! 

This Is Why YOU Are Here!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony

#Breathe #Courage #DeepListening
 #Integrity #Joy 

Monday, April 29, 2019

The JAZZ GUZZLER:Special Free Family Event Sunday, June 9th, 2019 at 2:00 pm to Join Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre

For Immediate Release:                                                                                    Contact: Melony McGant (212) 502-0895

Please Mark Your Calendars For Sunday, June 9th, 2019 at 2:00 pm to Join Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre and The Riverside Theatre at Riverside Church for a Special Free Family Event...The World Premiere of the New Musical...
Dr. Glory Van Scott’s The JAZZ GUZZLER!

Written, Produced, Directed and Choreographed by Dr. Glory Van Scott.

Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre and the Urban Strings Columbus Youth Orchestra.
Urban Strings Columbus Youth Orchestra, founded by Catherine T. Willis, is a Central Ohio-based community youth orchestra of serious, talented, young musicians from various public, private, charter, and suburban schools throughout the metropolitan Columbus area. Urban Strings Columbus performs a multicultural repertoire of great music ranging from classical, jazz, and gospel to R&B and movie themes.

Please join us at Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER

Date: Sunday, June 9th, 2019
Time: 2 pm
Place: The Riverside Theater at Riverside Church
91 Claremont Avenue, Between 120th and 122nd Street, NYC

The JAZZ GUZZLER Synopsis by Dr. Glory Van Scott
"The Jazz Guzzler, is a teenage thief,-- who loves Jazz,-- but feels that he hasn’t any talent to play this incredible and exciting music. This fact upsets him so much,-- that he allows a negative, jealous feeling to guide him in the wrong direction.
He develops a quick-silvery Jazz thieving technique, which enables him to steal Jazz recordings, tapes, videos, and music sheets from the Jazz Loving People in his apartment building. He says, “If I can’t play this fabulous music, then I’ll keep others around me from playing and enjoying it, too.”
Fortunately, it is the Blue/Lady/Lady Sheriff, and his neighbors who intervene, and put him on the correct path,-- and teach him that:
Everyone is born with a talent for Something In This Life,-- and there is a Joyous treasure in searching and finding it,-- and sharing it with others, when you do!"

For More Information Contact:
Rev. Melony McGant 
Coordinating Director 
Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions 
(212) 502-0895
or email: drgloryvanscottproductions@yahoo.com

To Order Your Free Tickets for Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER, Please Click on the Eventbrite Link Below:

Please Mark Your Calendars to Join Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre and Riverside Church for a Special Free Family Event...The World Premiere of Dr. Glory Van Scott’s The JAZZ GUZZLER! Featuring... Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre and the Urban Strings Columbus Youth Orchestra. Urban Strings Columbus Youth Orch...

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Please ReMember to Honor Our EarthHeart!

Please ReMember to Honor Our EarthHeart! 

Beautiful People...

Please ReMember to Honor Our EarthHeart! 

The breath of Love is the oxygen in the air we breathe that also helps the flowers, plants, and trees grow; and birds sing. 

Love swims through every ocean, river and lake that helps sustain us as the ripples and waves sing the Love Song of the UniVerse.

Harmony teaches us to live and sing the Loving Song with compassion,  hope, integrity, joy and peace in our hearts! 

Being in Harmony means that we care for respect and support all sentient beings of the Creator's Heart.  

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 
In Love with Hope and Gratitude!  Out Love with Hope and Gratitude!  
In Love with Hope and Gratitude! Out Love with Hope and Gratitude.... 

Today Try to Be Positive, Optimistic and Determined to Live with Compassion, Good Purpose, Hope, Gratitude Integrity, Joy and Love!

Always, Melony 🌍🌄⭐💜🏝💚

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #BreathOfLove #Compassion #DeepListening #EarthIsOurHeart #EarthDay #GoodPurpose #Gratitude #Meditation #OxygenOfLove

Monday, April 22, 2019

Melony's Wisdom Mondays:Spirit Ramblings...

Melony's Wisdom Mondays:Spirit Ramblings...

Beautiful People, 

My heart dreams often…
looking into the eyes of strangers 
seeing Love, feeling Love.

For they are not strange to me.

Often it is a brother or sister, maybe even a mother, a father or a dear friend from a past life.

I wonder do they know me too or are my soul ramblings vivid only to myself?

My thoughts are so intense, viewing yesterdays and tomorrows as if they are today.

The concept of time escapes me.

But come let us travel around the galaxy and share joy.  Our hearts know no limitations for we can be One with the Divine through Love.

‘And what is Love?’  You ask.

Love is a rainbow or a smile glistening like a star at night.

Love is a storm readjusting & cleansing the Earth-Heart so that plants will grow and we may feel even the sizzle of an ant and know bliss.

Love is opening your heart and feeling the wisdom of an oak tree or the magical transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Love is walking along the shore; your feet gently nestled in the sand with ocean water caressing your legs and the smell of a salt breeze kissing your face as you watch the sun set or the moon rise, and ponder swimming with the dolphins.

Love is believing that ALL people are gifts from the Divine and knowing that each of us is related and interconnected with every other sentient being.

Love Is Everything, Everywhere.

Love is co-creating with the Divine.

‘How do we co-create?’  You ask.

Imagine that when your fingers tingle for no apparent reason that That is the Divine teaching you, helping you to understand what it is like
when a flower blooms.

Or perhaps when you experience unexplainable tears of joy, your heart is opening, expanding like a womb when a baby is being born.

And so on some level, you too understand the bliss of motherhood.

 You smile.  That is good.

My spirit ramblings have often brought me much laughter.

Laughter can release fear and helps us understand one another.

Laughter is for me a desire for Grace.  A desire to reconnect with other souls.

My heart feels many thoughts around me.

Some are asking…
‘How can we co-create the bliss of Love?’ ‘It is not possible.’  You say.

 Here Is a Question for You…
If it is possible to feel my heart beat
“boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom”,  is it because you remember Love or is it the fear that one you hold dear will leave again?

Do not answer, but muse in your heart.

Re-Member, it is time to Forgive. 
Time Only to Love.

 Now come, let us travel together on our Soul Journey Back to the Divine.

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Love Offering for the Holy Days: As Jesus Would Say...I Am ONE. We Are ONE!

A Love Offering for the Holy Days: As Jesus Would Say...I Am ONE. We Are ONE! 

Beautiful People,

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. Today Joy moves through me as I learn Compassion and Humility.   

As Jesus Would Say....I Am ONE. We Are ONE!

I Am ONE with all sentient beings…the sky, the clouds, the sun, the rain, the trees that sway and dance in the wind, and the birds that greet me in song.

I Am One with the Spirit of Sophia, Mother Theresa, Mohandis, Malcolm, Martin, John, and Edward, as well as  Ruth, Isaac, Joshua, Moses, Mary, Jesus, Khadeeja, Mohammed, Shams, Rumi, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth.   

I  Am ONE with ALL the Sandra Blands, Columbine Victims and Survivors, the Noura Husseins, Jamal Khashoggis, Farkhunda Malikzadas,  Nelson or Winnie Mandelas, Trayvon Martins and Liu Xiaobos of the World. 

I Am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer and the man suffering and dying from lung cancer and the women in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan or Yemen whose family was killed by a drone.

I Am ONE even with the lost souls; hostages and victims everywhere, as well as the brilliant, compassionate wounded veteran or the homeless woman pushing  the cart with all her worldly possessions and warning us of our greed though we don’t often listen.

I Am One with the Tibetan who was told by Chairman Mao that religion is poison and every Tibetan across the Earth unable to return to their homeland.

I Am One with the starving children everywhere and victims of gun violence in schools and on city streets.

I Am One with the American whom we won't call a terrorist as well as with Israeli or Palestinian with a gun in his or her hand.

I Am One with Children Saying Let's #MarchforOurLives and #SaveOurPlanet, who are asking for Better #GunControlLegislation, Safe Communities, Safe Schools and Equal Opportunity to Grow and Prosper with Peace!

I Am One with all those Ascended, every child born at  this moment, and the great-grandparents who are taking their last breath on this Earth Realm.

I Am ONE with the artist struggling to show us the way and the politician disgraced in shame.

I Am ONE with those who  have Awakened in Love and those filled with disappointment or fear.

Circumstances make no difference to me for I embrace the  journey and see the Divine in those who may not see the Divine in  themselves.

I Am One with All World Leaders who Need More Courage to say  Stop the Killing Everywhere and His Holiness, the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in Peace.

In my dreams the Buffalo Woman, the Morning Dove and the Golden Hawk guide me as my heart becomes filled with Ancient Prayers of All Traditions.

I Am One with the caterpillar and the butterfly.  

As Jesus Would Say....I Am ONE. We Are ONE!

I Am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew, the Moslem, the Bahai, the  Hindu, the Yoruba, the Janist, the Griot, the Naturalist, the One who doesn’t believe in G-d, and the One Lost in their material identity and always needing more….

Today Joy moves through me as Compassion, Humility and  Understanding Become a Way of Life...

For In You--- I see the Reflection of  Me and know that through Love... WE ARE ONE.

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Evidence of a Holy Light!

Evidence of a Holy Light!

Beautiful People, 

When we have no evidence 
of an outcome 
but believe in  good anyway, 
then we have Faith. 

Faith is the light of Love 
that  opens the door 
to the UniVersal Heart. 

Within the UniVersal Heart 
we can walk with compassion 
and share our collective dream 
of Love  through kindness. 

It is then that Grace moves 
through us giving Evidence 
of a Holy Light 
that Magnifies and Heals. 

Through  Faith, we become 
the Loving Outcome of Hope 
and learn to live as beings 
of Light and Love. 

Today Be Kind and Have Faith 
in the Benefit of 
Each Loving Action! 

Ten Times Breathe In Love.  
With Each Breath,
Slowly Exhale Love.

You Are the Evidence.

You Are a Holy Light of Hope!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #DeepListening #EmbraceTheMystery #ExudeJoy #Integrity #Inspiration #Joy #Love #Meditation #Motivation 
#YOUAreThe Evidence 