Friday, June 28, 2019

YOU Light the Earth/Heart!

YOU Light the Earth/Heart!

Beautiful People, 

Today We Are Reminded of a Universal Truth of Love and Peace! 

Take a moment to clear your mind and your hearts. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times.

Please Re-Member...  
There is Only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gifts. 

Others Share Their Gifts Too and All in Our World Benefit from the Uniqueness and  Individuality. 

We Also Have a Collective Responsibility for Every Sentient Being.

All Gifts of Brilliance, Compassion, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Genius, Good Purpose, Mercy, Patience, and Love bring Healing, Hope and JOY to the World! 

What is Your Gift?  How Do You Bring Hope and Joy to Your Family, Your Community and Our World? 

Continue to Breathe Deeply and Re-Member. 

There Is Only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gifts! 

We All Have a Collective Responsibility to Use Our Gifts and Our Genius to Create a Good Future of Equity and Equanimity with Peace on Earth/Heart!

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

#Breathe #CollectiveResponsibility #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage #Genius #Gifts #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #Love #PeaceIsPossible #ThereIsOnlyOneYOU

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I Believe In YOU! 🎼🎵🎶🎵💖

I Believe In YOU! 🎼🎵🎶🎵💖

Beautiful People, 

Breathe Deeply  and Exhale Slowly Six Times. 

Listen to the Voice that Says...
"I Believe In You!" 

“I Believe In You!” is both a whisper and a roar that awakens and inspires us to live with Integrity. 

“I Believe In You!”.  It is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in Unity and Love together with the dolphins and whales and all the magnificent fish in the Ocean.   

"I Believe In You!".   It is the Lullaby of Hope that Ancestors, Grandparents,  Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends and Community Should Sing to Children. 

I Believe In You!".   It is GRACE in Symphony singing the Love Song of the Multi-Verse. 

Now Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

Will You Sing Too? 
🎼🎵🎶🎵💖I Believe In YOU! I Believe In YOU! 
I Believe In YOU! I Believe In YOU! 

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💖
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Ancestors #Breathe #Courage #IBelieveInYOU #Grace
#LoveSong #Symphony

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Remembering #Cairo, #Egypt...

Remembering #Cairo, #Egypt...

Preserve and Paint Your Heart with Precious, Positive Memories... 

Believe that Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good  Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift  of Love!

Live & Love...
Always, Melony 💖

Miss Mellie Rainbow's Love Alphabet! 💖

Miss Mellie Rainbow's Love Alphabet! 💖

A-- Always Love YOU because when you Love yourself, you have more Love to share.

B-- Be who you are, not who someone wants you to be.

C-- Care for yourself and care enough to care for others.

D-- Breathe Deeply and Believe in the Divinity within you, and every other sentient being.

E--Experience the Ecstasy of life!

F-- Forgive others but don’t forget to forgive Yourself.

G --Always offer Gratitude.  Remember your genius and be gentle, genuine and generous with your Love.

H-- Hope will allow you to Have an Open Heart. 

I-- Be your own Inspiration.  Live with integrity and illuminate the heavens.

J -- Look for JOY within you.

K-- Be Kind to all kindred spirits.

L-- Like yourself, laugh often, and live life with leisure!

M-- It’s okay to be Marvelous! Manifest your dreams and create loving memories.

N-- Be Noble, and know that as you face the nemesis within, you will be victorious!

O-- Your heart has an Ocean of Melodies waiting to be sung.

P-- Preserve and paint your heart with precious positive memories. Believe that Peace is Possible through Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy and Love!

Q-- Take time for Quietude, and be open to quantum quality in your heart.

R-- Re-Member to receive Love with appreciation, and joy.

S -- Search your Soul, find the Love within, and remember your greatness!

T-- Be Tender with your thank yous.

U-- Be Universal.  Seek Understanding. Know that MotherFatherGod is within you!

V-- Be Vibrant, and know that you have value, and are worthy to Love, and be Loved!

W,X,Y,Z Wealth is the warmth, and giving spirit of your heart.  Xanadu, a place of great beauty, and contentment is YOU!  So be Zany with your Love, and zealous in living your life!

Always, Melony💖 

(c) Melony McGant

Monday, June 24, 2019

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: Though Duality Exists, Our Good Potential Will Prosper!

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: Though Duality Exists, Our Good Potential Will Prosper!

Beautiful People, 

In deep reflection, I must face no one but Myself.  All violent thoughts and actions, envy, greed, hate or guns and wars to said to bring Peace are based in evil. 

Duality Exists.  Evil exists but over time, though it may be Eons; ultimately Our Good Potential Will Prosper.

No matter what goes on in the World, I have a responsibility to live with humility in the Truth inspired by Love.

Only then through the Creator's Blessing of Love am I able to see the Earth, the Sky, the Oceans, the Dolphins and Trees, and Birds, and Flowers and All Sentients as purposeful and interconnected in Love.

As I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times in many intervals, I feel Hope in a World where much of Humanity is fearfully Awakening and struggling to restore itself through Love.

I Breathe in Gratitude for the Awakening of Truth Discovered when I face Myself by looking in the Mirror of all those around me.
Seeing the need for compassion, forgiveness, integrity, kindness, mutual cooperation, mercy and Love, I Look into the Heart of Eternity...  

We Are One In Love!

Let Us Breathe & Re-Member...
In the Circle of Our Eternal Existence, beyond current evil acts of envy, greed hate, mis-understanding, violence and war...


Yes, duality exists but ultimately Our Good Potential continues to prosper through Our Every Loving Action.

I commit to  walk with courage, fortitude, hope and patience.  I will do my best to live with Loving actions and thoughts of Peace and Prosperity for All.

In Deep Reflection and Prayer, I offer Gratitude, Embrace Eternity, and ReMember that Love Is the Most Powerful Energy of Every UniVerse! 

It is through our Collective Commitment to Live Beyond Duality as Beings of Love, that Our EarthHeart, and Seven Generations of Children yet unborn will Peacefully Prosper with Joy and Love!

I Breathe Deeply and Re-Member... 
I Am a Being of Love!  You Are a Being of Love!  We Are One In Love!

Always, Melony 💖

#Awakening #Breathe #BelieverInLove  #BeyondDuality #CollectiveCommitment #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #GoodPotentialWillProsper #GoodPurpose #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #LoveVisionary #Truth #WeAreOneInLove

Sunday, June 23, 2019

For Every Soul Spirit...

For Every Soul Spirit... 

Beautiful People, 

Today, clear your minds and open your hearts. Think and Feel Only Love.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times... In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love....

Though some of you 
try not to think of US
or feel our energy,
like an arrow the Very Thought 
of Potential Oneness
always creates a Bullseye of Love in Our OneHeart;

Much like thousands of eons ago when the MultiVerse was being created and All were Spirits of Light learning to Love. 

So many Spirits came separately to Earth and sometimes were seduced by the Power of Darkness. 

Some found each other as Warriors from different lands;
vowing to conquer;
forgetting memory of a Divine Purpose. 

Each time You partially Awakened throughout the Ages of Time;

from the Stars and Heavens, 
throughout every known or 
unknown Galaxy...

We Called for You.
We Sang and Danced for You.

We Prayed for You.

Was there ever a right time? 
You have lost Us; and found Us
again and again---lifetime after lifetime.

Still so many were caught up
in cycles of mire and material illusion. 

Some of you grew
to doubt our sincerity, 
and looked everywhere but Within for the purity of your hearts...

Which once you gave freely,
and now, Do NOT Admit to Re-Membering. 

We Are Forever ONE,
fully Awakened and Re-Born
in the Creator's Love. 

We Are Forever ONE,
bound only by Heaven.

We offer our courage, devotion,
humility, and compassion.

We imagine that ALL honor
the melody of Eternity
and dance the Soul's Dance. 

Do you know that the Memory
of Divine Essence lives in you still? 

One Day we will meet again,
with respect for All Loving Creations without the need for fear or greed; 

And in your Loving Innocence,
All Will Re-Member
the Creator's Song!

Until then, We Thank ALL
Who Have Awakened.

We Ask Each of You
to Have the Courage,
and to live always with 
Grace & Divine Purpose.

We will continue to send the 
Healing Vibrations of Lights 
filled with Compassion, Hope, 
Integrity, Faith and Love.

Re-Member, We Are ONE 
Only In LOVE!

Re-Member, Your Soul Purpose Is to Live & Love...

Ashe! Namaste! Ubuntu! 

Always, Melony🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

#Angels #Breathe #Courage #DeepListening #SoulPurpose

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Happy Birthday in Heaven #KatherineDunham, #OprahLegend

Happy Birthday in Heaven Katherine Dunham, #OprahLegend

Letter to Oprah and Gayle King: Remembering Katherine Dunham, May 1, 2006

Dear Oprah, Gayle and JJ...

I am writing this letter of Gratitude because I once told Katherine Dunham that it was never too late to say Thank You!  

Looking back into times long past, Miss Dunham's letter to you Oprah, opened a mystical pathway that gave us all the opportunity to honor an elder and exceed her dreams.  

Thank You, each of you...For your beautiful hearts and your generous spirits!

Oprah, when you named Miss Dunham one of your LEGENDS, it was one of the happiest days of my life.  Miss Dunham shared the elegant invitation with unmitigated joy and asked me to call Dr. Glory Van Scott.   She too was thrilled!  We both knew that if Miss Dunham had One Wish, it was to meet You face to face. 

Unfortunately due to unforseen complications, Miss Dunham was not permitted to make the journey to California.   She was very disappointed and lamented that she had been so close, but that a great opportunity had been thwarted.

And then Oprah, something shifted in the Universe.  Dr. Glory asked me to reach out to You and Gayle in 2006 and invite you to La Boule Blanche at Riverside Church in celebration of the publication of the collected writings of Katherine Dunham, KAISO! edited by Veve Clark and Sara E. Johnson. 

I personally delivered packages to O Magazine and followed up with you, JJ.  I will always remember your constant kindness and patience!

And when JJ let me know that Gayle would be attending La Boule Blanche on May 1st, 2006,  my heart sang with joy!  

But Gayle, you were unable to attend and sent a messenger with a personal note to give to Dr. Glory Van Scott.

It said that you were hoping to see Miss Dunham on May 11th.  Neither Dr. Glory or I knew anything about an invitation for Miss Dunham but there was JJ to the rescue to explain it was the private viewing of the LEGENDS Weekend.  

Dr. Glory was scheduled to travel with her beloved, George Wein and was unable to accompany Miss Dunham but she arranged for  Leonard Buggs to drive her.  In attendance were Madeline Preston and Eloise Anderson who both had been Dunham Company Members.

What a Miracle that Miss Dunham got her Wish before she Ascended on May 21st, 2006.  I remember that it was bittersweet watching the show on May 22nd.

Gayle, we reached out to to help us commemorate Miss Dunham 's 100 birthday celebration produced by Dr. Glory at Symphony Space in NYC,  and received a heartfelt quote for program booklet.  It is in the enclosed press kit.

Ladies, I have struggled with writing this letter of Gratitude for some time but, last Saturday, I attended the 45th Anniversary Concert of Sweet Honey In The Rock with Dr. Glory and I felt Miss Dunham somehow speaking to me from the Heavens.

When I got home I turned on the computer and looked for a photo of Oprah and Miss Dunham.  I had  searched unsuccessfully for years but now there it was before me!

The last photos before Miss Dunham Ascended! WOW!  What a Beautiful Blessing! What a Remarkable Memory!  

 Enclosed is a signed copy of GLORY: A Life Among Legends by Dr. Glory Van Scott.  I am so happy to have journeyed with her as she wrote this book.  Before he Ascended,  Gil Noble told Dr. Glory that it ought to be a movie.  I'm holding that vision too.

Sandra Bookman recently interviewed her on ABC7's Here and Now in NYC.  It is available online.

Like you, Oprah, Gayle and JJ...  

Dr. Glory Van Scott is a woman of compassion and integrity.  She wrote GLORY so that many would be acknowledged and remembered. It is a tapestry of her life. 

I am doing my best to share her story with many and am open to your suggestions!

With Gratitude and Respect, 

Melony McGant 
Coordinating Director 
Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions 

Photo Collage:
May 11, 2006
#Oprah and #KatheringDunham 

May 1, 2006, La Boule Blanche (produced by Dr. Glory Van Scott) Photo by Tyrone Rasheed 

Standing (L-R)
#CamilleYarbrough, #JeanLeonDestine


Friday, June 21, 2019

A Special Solstice Request from Melony! #AndrewGoodmanFoundation

A Special Solstice Request from Melony!

Beautiful People, 

"Today we stop to honor Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner, who lost their lives 54 years ago today because they believed every American should have the right to vote." #LiveTheLegacy

On this Solstice, Please Join Me By Standing with the families of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner whose lives are as a testament of Love and the best of America. 

Their violent murders by members of the Klu Klux Klan during Freedom Summer of 1964 and those of many others ultimately helped propel our nation to pass Civil Rights and Voting Rights Legislation. 

We  must never forget the many brave citizens of all races who have stood/stand for justice, equality, equity voting rights and peace. 

Please Help Preserve Democracy and Support the Andrew Goodman Foundation's VOTE EVERYWHERE Program. 

Join Me and Make Your Contribution Today!  If YOU Have Recently Made a Contribution,  Thank You!

Please mention my name ( Rev. Melony McGant) when you donate. 

Or send Your Generous Tax-Deductible Contribution Check to: The Andrew Goodman Foundation, PO Box 394, Mahwah, NJ 07430. 

Always, Melony

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Summer Solstice Meditation: Behold Many Miracles!

Summer Solstice Meditation: Behold Many Miracles! 

Beautiful People, 

Please take a moment to clear your mind and your heart. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

If you are brave enough to plant a garden within your heart; then you must make the commitment to nurture it throughout all the seasons of your life. 

In the garden of your lives, the sun will shine always through your smiles but there may be winters of doubt and loneliness.

The many clouds and heavy rains or snow storms will be your tears of disappointment, and dismay; mixed sometimes with the Joy of knowing Love. 

As new ideas, creative projects and your children are born, the air will bring you oxygen, ne6w Purpose, a desire to grow and whispers of Understanding. 

Spring buds and blossoming trees will be filled with your Humility, as you celebrate Being Born Again... 

There will be joyful summers of Compassion as your willingness to forgive allows for deep healing. 

People will come and People Will Go. Time and time again you will harvest the fruit of Love with Gratitude; and acquire a propensity of Faith that nurtures you and many others with Integrity. 

And throughout Eternity with Divine Grace, you will continue to Plant New Seeds of Hope. 

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Today, Behold and Live the Many Miracles in Your Life of Love!  

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 

 Peace is Possible through Compassion, Creativity, Courage, Cooperation, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BornAgain #BeingBrave #Breathe #Compassion #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Humility  #Integrity #Love #Meditation #Miracles #Motivation #NurturingHearts #SummerSolstice

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A Full Moon Prayer for Humanity: A Breathing Meditation to Share Across America and the World!

A Full Moon Prayer for Humanity:
A Breathing Meditation to Share Across America and  the World!

Beautiful People,

May the Blessings of Love be with All People and Our Sentient Family on EarthHeart.

May we as humans honor every living thing, and see the magnificent elements and creations of Our Blessed Divine ONE  working together for Good.

May We All Awaken from the nightmare of envy, greed, hate and disdain for eachother.

May we no longer live in fear, or desire power to control and subjugate those who are different.

May we work to create bridges of understanding and equity with Peace in our hearts, our communities, our nations and our EarthHeart.

May we be models of Love for Our Children so that they feel at ease walking as Beings of Light.

Let Us Breathe and Exhale 10 Times.

Now Allowing Our Heart Chakra to Expand,We Say:

I Am a Lighted Being of Love.  I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me.  We Are Lighted Beings of Love.  We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

Today We Pray that Grace will move through us so that our hearts are filled with compassion and kindness.

If I or you have offended anyone, let us ask to be forgiven. And let us offer forgiveness for those painful memories caused to us by others.

Because We Are ONE In Love; Integrity and Patience become a Singular Thought.

Because I Am, and You Are Lighted Beings of Love, We See, Reflect and Share Love with All Around Us.

We Walk the Path of Hope and discover Joy in every moment as we breathe.

I Am, and You Are Human.  We are learning and becoming; opening to Divine Understanding and Honoring the Good Potential of All.

We Believe that Peace and Prosperity Are Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience,  Respect, Understanding and--- The Grace of Love!

I Am a Lighted Being of Love.  I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me.  We Are Lighted Beings of Love.  We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

This is Our Prayer, Our Hope, Our Dream and Our Reality Throughout Every Uni-Verse.

Always, Melony🙏🏾💖🙏🏼