Sunday, August 25, 2019

Giving Up Control!

Giving Up Control!

Beautiful People, 

Beyond knowledge is the hope that my Faith is strong enough to face the feared and unknown. 

"How will I walk?",  I ask myself.  

I clear my mind, sit in the quiet and Breathe Deeply Ten Times. 

The answer comes from the whispers of my heart.  "First you must have the Strength and Courage to Trust.

Then as Truth is revealed, you must face your fears and offer Kindness even to the one you perceive as your enemy.  When you are able to transform your fears, uncaring or hate into Love with Forgiveness and Hope, then you will Grow in Understanding. 

Every change or answer you seek can be found in your ability to give up control, both consistent in your Good Efforts and walk the Path of the Unknowing.

It is always through the Journey of Faith that we come to know Everlasting LOVE!" 

As I step into this Beautiful Day, I Breathe Deeply.  

I Believe and Know that within me is the Courage and Strength to Walk the P of Unknowing; I Choose to Walk with Faith and to Trust that Divine Spirit Will Guide Me In Right Actions of Love!

Live & Love...

Melony 💖

Photo Credit: Thanks to the @commongroundfdn

P. S. Beautiful People, Thank You for All Your Loving Support.  

I have retreated somewhat from social media because I am writing.  Late Fall I will be releasing a revised 20th Anniversary edition of my first young adult fiction book, Sunshine & Olivier.  I have also begun working on "FINDING the TRUTH in the LIE", the second book in the S & O series which will be released in May of 2020.

In the meantime, I will try to post once a week.

Sending You All Rainbows of Loving Appreciation, Compassion and Courage with Integrity for Your Journeys. 

Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Thursday, August 22, 2019

I Give Thanks!

I Give Thanks!

Beautiful People, 

I ponder the rock of my heart that has broken a million times over, and yet still grows stronger. Every broken piece floats through the UniVerse and MultiVerse  as Love's lesson and  jewels of Undying Faith.

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

I Give Thanks. I Give Thanks for each breath and for this journey of Life.

I Give Thanks to the Elders and Ancestors who have Loved us, nurtured us, and Ascended into the Heart of G-d, often too soon for us with broken hearts.

I Give Thanks for the Undying Faith and Courage of those who whose lives were cut short because of illness or violence and war. 

I honor their lives and pray that through Love, they have been able to find their place in Heaven Realm.

I Give Thanks for Our Continuing Collective Intention to Love, even when our hearts break in the midst of Chaos on Our Earth/Heart.

I Give Thanks for the Gifts of Mercy and Forgiveness offered through Divine Spirit that allows us to believe that the only Good Answer to Earth's Crisis is to Learn to Love One Another.

I Give Thanks for Good Possibility.  No matter how difficult, through Love we are given the Faith to extend a hand, to open our hearts, to heal, and Begin Again.

In my acceptance, even my tears become the honey of Hope, offered humbly with Good Intention and Actions of Love.

I Breathe and Honor this New Day of Grace with Undying Faith!

I Give Thanks! 

 Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage,  Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Patience, Mercy, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Faith #GiveThanks #GoodPossibility #Gratitude #Hope

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Full Moon Meditation: A Vision of Humanity Awakening with Integrity!

Full Moon Meditation: A Vision of Humanity Awakening with Integrity! 

 Beautiful People, 

Today I Pray.  I Sit In Silence Asking for Guidance and Direction.  

The question some of us may be asking in this time of Painful Transformation is...

"Will Hope Be Enough for All to Re-Connect to Our Divine Source of Love?".

The Truth Is that All Actions of Love Make this World Better! 

I close my eyes, trust and allow time to pass.  

I Breathe and Exhale Many Times.  In Hope.  Out Love.  

I follow the Light through the darkness.  Each step I take into my heart fills me with Grace and gives me Hope.  

I Vision Good Change on Earth.  

Good Change is not always comfortable or easy.  Sometimes Change brings confusion and chaos.  

I Breathe.  The World Is Changing.  I Am Changing.

I hold on to Faith and ask for more Courage.  I keep moving towards the Light.  

I Breathe.  In Hope.  Out Love.  

I Thank Our Blessed Creator.  I Honor Our Ancestors and All Who Have Ascended.

As I step into Good Change, I imagine that I become the Light.  

All around me are other Lights.  We are those Spirits Awakening with Respect and Integrity. 

Together We Are Breathing.  In Hope. Out Love.

My Vision Continues.... 

Collectively we honor our Elders and our Children. 

We Vision a World of Loving Peace where there is equity, good education and housing; as well as a blossoming sustenance and Good Possibility for All.  

We Share Lovingly.  We Forgive.  We smile and decide to work together to help heal our broken hearts and our EarthHeart.

Somewhere buttercups, tulips and magnolia trees are beginning to blossom. Robins and hummingbirds sing.  

The powerful voice of blue jays is heard even by dolphins and whales.  

The oceans roar and the wind calls on us to Love.  

And Love vibrates and spins new melodies.  Yes.  Change Is Here!  

Hope, Love and New Possibility Fill the Air.  

It is time to continue our individual and Collective Journeys with Courage, Integrity, Good Purpose and Respect for Eachother.  

May Humanity Awaken with Integrity and Allow Love to Lead so that Our Children Thrive and Grow and Prosper with Good Dreams Everywhere throughout the World.

With Joy, Humility, Gratitude and Love...Let Us All Breathe Deeply!

Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

1440 Minutes! Give Thanks!

1440 Minutes!  Give Thanks!

Beautiful People, 

Please, Give Thanks!   

Now Breathe Deeply Seven Times. 

With Each Breath, Inhale the Oxygen of the New Day.  

Exhale Deeply and feel the Aliveness of Your Mind, Body and Spirit.  

Everyday we have 1,440 minutes to work, sleep, sing, laugh, cry, smile, make new friends, reconnect with Hope, play, and dance with Joy or even fall in Love with Life!

We can start a war or Help Heal a Heart. 

We can Save a Life, Be the Peace and Live in Peace.

We can also Share Love through our Compassionate Actions and Work to Change the World for Good!

Again Breathe and Exhale Deeply Seven Times.  

Re-Member, Each Day Only Has 1,440 Minutes!

How Will You Choose to Live Your Truth Today?

Please, Choose Carefully. 

Give Thanks!   Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💖

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

We Are Grateful!

We Are Grateful!

Beautiful People,

A Prayer of Love...

We Are Grateful for the Oxygen in the Air We Breathe.

We Are Grateful for the Land on which we build, we farm and we live.

We Are Grateful for the oceans, the rains and the water we drink.

We Are Grateful for All plant life, animal, birds and fish.

We Are Grateful for the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets, and Every Galaxy Known or Unknown to Us.

All Who Have Awakened In Love, Let Us Give Thanks!

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Re-Member that each breath clears the Four Chambers of your heart and energizes the entire being.

Breathe in Gratitude for the Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

Be Grateful for the four elements that guide your journey.

Earth, Our Mother, teaches us to feel the miraculous songs in the Air as we breathe; songs that travel through the Water of our bodies and Ignite Fire of our hearts.

As you allow the Songs of Love into Your Hearts... 

Re-member, You Will Become Rooted in Gratitude...

Flexible in Every Challenge and Expansive in Hope on Your Journey of Life!

Today As We Give Thanks…

We Will Walk with Compassion, Sing with Hope, Dance Our Joys and Sorrows, Share Our Love, and Pray For Equity with Peace On EarthHeart! 

We Offer Our Hearts and Prayers of Love!

Always, Melony🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith,  Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: Being Thankful...

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: Being Thankful... 

Beautiful People, 

What do we have to be Thankful for?

When we are Alive,
we learn to be Thankful 
for every experience
that offers us a moment
to Awaken within our hearts.

I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

I Say Thank You...

Thank You for each moment
of Loving Grace.

Thank You for each
learning opportunity which
calls for me to expand
and develop in deeper understanding.

Thank You for each mistake
which has given me new wisdom.

Thank You for showing me true
compassion in the hearts of others, 
as I learn to meet them heart to heart.

Thank You for my tears
which show me the unlimited
depth of my heart, much like
the vastness of Your Infinite MultiVerse.

Thank You for the disappointment and hard lessons that allow me to learn to release judgment and discover new gifts because I am able to let go of my expectations.

Thank You for allowing me
Deep Listening, as well as 
an incomprehensible space 
that leaves me with Joy to Share.

Thank You for the Breath of
your Loving Grace, and your
constant Divine Whisperings 
that resides within me
and All Others.

Thank You for every argument
and World Tantrum that calls
for All of Humanity
to let go of our hate,
selfishness and greed.

Today I let go of my attachment
to what I think I know.

As I Awaken Within the Heart of Love...

I Embrace the Unknown with Hope, Integrity, Infinite Faith and Appreciation for Each Miracle of Life!

For All that Is Known and Unknown,  I GIVE THANKS!

Always, Melony 💖

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and, the Gift of Love!

#Awakening #Breathe #BeingThankful #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #DivineWhisperings #EmbraceTheMystery #ExudeJoy #Grace #Healing  #Integrity #Joy #Love #Miracles 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Last Stand of Tyrants!

The Last Stand of Tyrants! 

Beautiful People, 

For all that we are, have, hope to be or hope to achieve, let us Give Thanks to Our Blessed Creator of Every UniVerse.  For it Is through Our Blessed Creator that we are given Good Potential and Love for All!

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  
In Love.  Out Good Potential with Actions of Unselfish Love...   

May we live this day, and every day learning the lessons of Love, growing in Awareness; and walking as Beings with Compassionate Appreciation, Integrity and Understanding of Peace.   

May We Honor Our Good Elders and All Who Have Ascended with Unconditional Love.  Many have shown us the way, and held the space for our Awakening. They are our important Teachers. 

Let us also thank each remarkable being that shares their genius, strength, courage, and joy or teaches us lessons that help us grow in Love. There are many heroines and heroes among us!

These times on EarthHeart have revealed a schism of fear, greed, hate and selfishness but there is also a Mass Awakening of sentient beings expressing their True Loving Selves.  

Yes! YOU Are Awakening! Please Don't Go Back to Sleep! 

Miracles lay strewn in every path we walk; bringing us new gifts as we learn the lessons of Love!  

Unfortunately this is also a time of intense agony for those suffering in the mire of ego, fear, hate, or greed for those dis-connected from Divine Spirit. 

Please Pay Attention.  DO NOT ALLOW the INSANITY of these Tyrants to KILL OUR GOOD DREAMS!

Tyrants in the United States, and around the World will continue to try to assert their ungodly will and dangerous egos as they attempt to manipulate the masses into hate, terrorism and unnecessary war as they take their Last Stands. 

Hold Eqanimity and Peace in Your Hearts! RESIST All Forms of Violence.

Feel the Ecstasy of Earth Angels Awakening and  Soaring with the Spirit of Compassion and Love.

Though many are experiencing the most dire of circumstances, Our CHILDREN will continue to act as Beacons of Light.  

Nurture and Pay Attention to the Children. They Bring Us Hope Call for Equality and Share Loving Wonder. 

Through the Innocence of Our Children, We Are often Inspired  to Live with Good Purpose. 

Every day, small seeds of wisdom are given to us through our  willingness to accept Divine Grace. We have new opportunity every day to Grow in Awareness, Integrity  Respect, and Love for eachother.

Today please re-member that  Love is a verb---an action word.  It can also be an adjective or a noun. 

As each one of us becomes Love, we also become a heroine or hero.  Together as we blossom, we will flourish and multiply in Goodness. 

And Through YOUR Goodness, Heaven On Earth Will Be Revealed!

This is the Lesson and Word of LOVE!

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Wishing All Members of Our Muslim Earth Family Eid Al Adha!

#GivePraiseToAllah #EidAlAdha

Wishing All Members of Our Muslim Earth Family Eid Al Adha!

Beautiful People, 

Today As We Breathe, Pray and Honor the Many Lessons of Sacrifice in Our Lives...

Let Us Take the Beautiful Opportunity to Also Reflect on the Value of True Compassion,  Service and Offering Kindness and Respect to Neighbors Worldwide!

May Many Blessings of Compassion, Courage, Hope and Peace Manifest for All!

Live and Love! 

Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Photo: A Mosque on the Way to the Holy City of Touba in Senegal!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Your Ever Vigilant Heart!

Your Ever Vigilant Heart!

Beautiful People, 

I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Today I cannot find that space of empty in my mind. Instead, I embrace every thought.

I Breathe....For All those who have lost their lives due to violence on city streets or country roads and unnecessary wars or illness and suffering, I Offer Prayer of Love and Healing for their Families and Communities.

I Breathe... In my heart are Awakening cries of anger, despair and disappointment mixed with Compassion, Hope, Integrity, Mercy and Love. These are the emotions vibrating throughout the World.

Humanity is Awakening but our addiction to fear, greed and hate has taken center stage. 

We must remember that Hate Breeds Hate.  Hate is never a Cure. 

No matter how difficult or how long it may take...

Only Love, Respect and Understanding with Compassion and Mercy Offer Us Any Opportunity to Live Together In Peace with Equity.

Across the United States and the World, We Are Moving In Violent Directions and Causing Despair to Many. 

The Schisms of Class, Fear, Greed, Hate, Power, Race, and Religion are at the Forefront of the Regional and Global Conversations. 

I Remember that hate, violence and war only break hearts and create More Cycles of Violence and War.

Again, I Breathe Deeply Ten Times. 

In Courage, Patience and Love.  Out Courage, Patience, and Love....

It will take Many Strong Voices and Vigilant Hearts to Choose to Empower Our World through Good Actions of Kindness and Love. 

No Matter Our Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Social or Economic Status...

Our Collective Responsibility Is to Keep Raising Our Voices In Truth, VOTE and Love!

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Live and Love...
Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Friday, August 9, 2019

Spirit Ramblings...

Spirit Ramblings...

Beautiful People, 

Let Us Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Many Times. 

My heart dreams often…
looking into the eyes of strangers seeing Love, feeling Love.

For they are not strange to me.

Often it is a brother or sister, maybe even a mother, a father or a dear friend from a past life.

I wonder do they know me too or are my soul ramblings vivid only to myself?

My thoughts are so intense, viewing yesterdays and tomorrows as if they are today.

The concept of time escapes me.

But come let us travel around the galaxy and share joy.  Our hearts know no limitations for we can be One with the Divine through Love.

‘And what is Love?’  You ask.

Love is a rainbow or a smile glistening like a star at night.

Love is a storm readjusting & cleansing the Earth-Heart so that plants will grow and we may feel even the sizzle of an ant and know bliss.

Love is opening your heart and feeling the wisdom of an oak tree or the magical transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Love is walking along the shore; your feet gently nestled in the sand with ocean water caressing your legs and the smell of a salt breeze kissing your face as you watch the sun set or the moon rise, and ponder swimming with the dolphins.

Love is believing that ALL people are gifts from the Divine and knowing that each of us is related and interconnected with every other sentient being.

Love Is Everything, Everywhere.

Love is co-creating with the Divine.

‘How do we co-create?’  You ask.

Imagine that when your fingers tingle for no apparent reason that That is the Divine teaching you, helping you to understand what it is like when a flower blooms.

Or perhaps when you experience unexplainable tears of joy, your heart is opening, expanding like a womb when a baby is being born.

And so on some level, you too understand the bliss of motherhood.

 You smile.  That is good.

My Spirit Ramblings have often brought me much laughter.

Laughter can release fear and helps us understand one another.

Laughter is for me a desire for Grace.  A desire to reconnect with other Souls.

My heart feels many thoughts around me.  Some are asking…

‘How can we co-create the bliss of Love?’ ‘It is not possible.’  You say.

 Here Is a Question for You…

If it is possible to feel my heart beat “boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom”;  is it because you remember Love or is it the fear that one you hold dear will leave again?

Do not answer, but muse in your heart.

Re-Member, it is time to Forgive. 

Time Only to Love.

 Now come, let us travel together on our Soul Journey Back to the Divine.

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Beautiful Photo Credit: Unknown

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Earth Is Our Heart! A Visionary Meditation for the Peacemaker

Earth Is Our Heart!  A Visionary Meditation for the Peacemaker! 

Beautiful People, 

Many Blessings To Each Of YOU. 

Please take a moment to clear your mind and your heart of any distractions. 

Now, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

In Gratitude, Love and Patience. 
Out Gratitude, Love & Patience ....

Please join me today and embody the Peacemaker.

Know that Earth Is OUR Heart.

As the birds create new medleys of awareness, let us walk with acceptance, healing and understanding.

Now we call on the resources of the trees, and water, and the sun, and the insects, and elephants and dolphins, rocks and mountains, and the wind, and the sky and All Sentient Beings.

We all are partners and together right now, we are given a renewed appreciation of Divine Patience and Understanding. 

Allow your bodies to relax as we merge with Nature around us.


As a Peacemaker, you are learning to walk with the right questions that allow for honest negotiation and conversation.

Look to the oceans, the rivers, the ponds and the streams.  Become a tiny pebble that creates a ripple of awareness as you toss yourself into a body of water.

Ask that others with like hearts create pebbles of cooperation, honesty, humility, integrity, wisdom, mercy, patience, respect, understanding and Love throughout EARTH as Our Living HEART. 

You Have Awakened and ReMembered.  Now as you walk across the Rainbow Bridge of JOY; let the song of LOVE pierce our planet as we join together to create a New World of Equanimity and Peace.

Right NOW, as we merge with the DivineONE...

We vision and see ourselves existing in a World where all children are nurtured and educated and Loved. 

Our Ancestors are Re-Membered. Our Seniors and Children are cared for, honored and Loved.

It is a World of #Compassion #Acceptance #Integrity #Humility #Mercy and #Peace

Know that as You Believe in Love, then the Air You Breathe Will Be Love.

You Are a Peacemaker, Dedicated to Helping Heal Our EarthHeart.

Today As You Honor Our Blessed Divine Creator, Allow Grace to Move Through You.

All that You Think, Do and Share.... Can and Should Be Done with UnSelfish Love. 

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

#Awakening #Breathe  
#EarthHeart #Love #Peacemaker #VisioningMeditation