Thursday, April 28, 2022

Melony's Thursday Wisdom! Never Burn a Bridge of Hope or Slap the Hand of GOOD Extended!

Melony's Thursday Wisdom!
Never Burn a Bridge of Hope or Slap the Hand of GOOD Extended!

Beautiful People, 

There are times when we are unable to embrace compassion, kindness and joy. 

Why?  Because unfortunately the miraculous is simply unbelievable. 

We don't trust it could be real. Our minds question what the heart already knows. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Never Burn a Bridge of Hope
or Slap the Hand of GOOD Extended!

Today try to walk with courage, deep listening and integrity. 

And when your heart feels the Miraculous Manifesting...

Simply Say Thank You!

Believe. Breathe.  Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

#BridgeOfLove #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening 
#HandOfGood #Hope #Integrity 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

#EarthDay2022: A Spring Vision...

#EarthDay2022: A Spring Vision...

 Beautiful People,

Today I Pray.  I Sit In Silence Asking for Guidance and Direction. 

The question some of us may be asking in this time of Painful Transformation is...

"Will Hope Be Enough for All to Re-Connect to Our Divine Source of Love?". 

The Truth Is that All Actions of Love Make this World Better! 

I close my eyes, trust and allow time to pass. 

I Breathe and Exhale Many Times.  In Hope.  Out Love. 

I follow the Light through the darkness.  Each step I take into my heart fills me with Grace and gives me Hope. 

I Vision Good Change on Earth. Good Change is not always comfortable or easy. 

Sometimes Change brings confusion and chaos. 

I Breathe.  The World Is Changing. 
I Am Changing.

I hold on to Faith and ask for more Courage.  I keep moving towards the Light. 

I Thank Our Blessed Creator.  
I Honor Our Ancestors and All Who Have Ascended.

It is Spring.  As I step into Good Change, I imagine that I become the Light.  All around me are other Lights.  We are those Spirits Awakening with Respect and Integrity. 

Together We Are Breathing. 
In Hope. Out Love.

My Vision Continues.... 

Collectively we honor our Elders and our Children. 

We Vision a World of Loving Peace where there is equity, good education and housing; as well as safe communities with true blossoming sustenance and Good Possibility with Opportunity for All. 

We Share Lovingly.  We Forgive. 

We smile and decide to work together to help heal our broken hearts and our Earth/Heart.

Somewhere buttercups, tulips and magnolia trees are beginning to blossom. 

Robins and hummingbirds sing. 

The powerful voice of blue jays is heard even by dolphins and whales. 

The oceans roar and the wind calls on us to Love.  And Love vibrates and spins new melodies.

Yes.  It is Spring, and Change Is Here!  Hope, Love and New Possibility fill the air. 

It is time to continue our individual and Collective Journeys with  Courage, Integrity, Good Purpose and Respect for Eachother. 

May Humanity Awaken with Integrity and Allow Love to Lead so that Our Children Thrive and Grow and Prosper with Good Dreams Everywhere throughout the World.

Always, Melony 💫💚💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


Friday, April 22, 2022

You Are Wonderful and Worthy!

You Are Wonderful and Worthy!

Beautiful People, 

If we want to solve problems, meet new challenges and see good results, we've got to Believe that Good Things Will Happen. 

We've got to do more, graciously with humility, integrity, patience and Love. 

Sometimes we have to do more and more, so that others too are inspired to believe and Do More Good. 

And when we think we've done all the good we can, there are days that we simply have to Believe and Embrace our good hopes/dreams and do one more good thing with Love! 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.  In Love. Out Love...

You Are Wonderful and Worthy. 

Believe and Embrace the Power of Compassion, Cooperation, Deep Listening, Graciousness, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Patience and Love! 

Thank You for Your Beautiful Hearts and All the Good That You Do!

Believe.  Breathe. Pray. 
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage #DeepListening #DoMoreGood #Healing #Hope #Humility #Integrity  #Joy #Love #Tenacity #Patience #Understanding #YouAreWonderfulAndWorthy

Monday, April 18, 2022

#Harmonics As A Gift of Love!(Inspired by the teachings of Elizabeth A. Hin)

#Harmonics As A Gift of Love!
(Inspired by the teachings of Elizabeth A. Hin) 

Beautiful People, 

Please Still Your Mind and Your Heart. Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Many Times.

NOW, Imagine that an Ancestor, Angel, Spirit Guide or Master Teacher Is Speaking Directly to YOU...

First there is a gentle touch, then an embrace, next a re-membering, and another, and another, and another re-membering until we fully Awaken into compassion, humility, hope, integrity, patience, and understanding, embraced by Divine Grace and Love.

This is the dance, the song, and the Gift of Love that each being has to share.

Perhaps then, for each of us, the true miracle lies in our willingness to allow, appreciate, and honor the uniqueness, and freedom of each sentient being to sing the song of their heart.

And these songs, so glorious, simple, and profound create a new Harmonic Rhythm of Divine Grace which gives us a pathway HOME.

Home is Heaven On Mother Earth.

Home allows us the gift of respecting the gardens of others, admiring ALL soul vibrations; and creating our own melodies which complement all others.

Listen to the pitter-patter of raindrops falling, the whistling leaves as the wind flows through; the bubbling brooks and birds singing.

Have you heard dolphins, whales and sea lions calling, dogs barking; cats, cheetahs, and cougars mewling or wolves howling? 

Do you listen to the bears, camels, giraffes and horses chuffing, huffing and neighing or the frogs croaking, and fish swishing.

Every sentient being has a sound that contributes to the Harmonics of Love into Infinity.

Silence too is a sound.

The beats of the Sun, the Moon and the Ocean create the Symphonic Movements of Time.

The wind speaks through a gentle breeze that calms and soothes, as well as through tornadoes, and hurricanes that join with rain to announce Mother Earth’s hurt and anger at our disregard for our Oneness.

Is it possible that we desire to journey into the pathway of the UniVerse?

When will we collectively Awaken into attention, with a willingness to heal, to dance, to sing, to receive, and share the Gift of LOVE?

The Conductor Is Waiting; the Time Is NOW.

Melony 🙏🏾👑💜👑🙏🏾

Saturday, April 16, 2022

A Holy Meditation: What Would Jesus Say Today?

A Holy Meditation: What Would Jesus Say Today?

Beautiful People,

Please, clear your mind and open your hearts.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

We remember Jesus, his disciples, the Last Supper and the betrayal of Judas.

Let us imagine What Jesus Would Say Today....

Perhaps Jesus Might Say....

I Am ONE with all sentient beings…the sky, the clouds, the sun, the rain, the trees that sway and dance in the wind, and the birds that greet me in song.

I Am ONE with the Spirit of Sophia, Mother Theresa, Mohandis, Malcolm, Martin, John, and Edward, as well as Ruth, Isaac, Joshua, Moses, Mary, Khadeeja, Mohamed, Shams, Rumi, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Sojourner Truth, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

I Am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer or Covid 19 and the man suffering and dying from lung cancer and the women in Afghanistan or Ukraine whose family was killed by a drone.

I Am ONE with hostages and victims everywhere, as well as the homeless woman pushing  the cart with all her worldly possessions and warning of greed, hate & war though most don’t often listen.

I Am ONE with the starving children everywhere, as well as  the Israeli or Palestinian mistakenly with a gun in his or her hand.

I Am ONE with the artist or musician struggling to bring joy, illustrate, or speak the Truth and the politician disgraced in betrayal and shame.

I Am ONE with those who have Awakened in Love and those filled with disappointment or fear.

I see the Potential of Love even in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.

I Am ONE with the caterpillar and the butterfly. 

For those of you who have been seduced by evil, your time is ending. You Are in the MINORITY.  Judgement stands before you and waits. 

For the rest of Humanity...
You Have the Power to Restore Goodness and Justice.  Use Your Power to Create True Equality, Equity and Shared Prosperity and Sustainability on Earth/Heart. 

Together Stand Up. Speak the Truth. Take Action and Stand Strong In Love. 

YES. Perhaps This Is Jesus What  Would Say Today!

Believe.Breathe.Pray. Live.Love. 

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Christians #Jews #Muslims #Jesus #RestoreGoodness

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Divine Whispers: "I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE."

Divine Whispers: "I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE."

Beautiful People, 

Please, clear your mind and tenderly Open Your Heart.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.. .

Now, Listen to the Divine Whispers... 


 I AM Every Soul Created and Ascended In Love.

I AM Your Beloved Ancestors.  

I AM the Friend You Didn't Know You Had.

I AM the Bee, the Bird, the Dolphin, the Elephant, The Lion, the Wolf, the Cat and All Sentient Life Everywhere.

I AM The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Planets and Galaxies that Soar throughout the MultiVerse.  

I AM Your MotherEARTH and FatherSKY, the Wind, the Rain, the Oceans, the Trees, Flowers, the Vegetables You Eat, All Plant Life and the OXYGEN in the AIR YOU BREATHE. 

I AM Your Cries for Equality, Equity and Justice.   I AM Your Good Dreams of Peace.

"I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE."

Feel Me through your Tears. 

Know Me even in your Brokenness. Accept Me in Forgiveness. 

I AM Compassion and Mercy.

I AM the Good Purpose, Hope, Healing, Integrity and Joy Blossoming in You!

I AM Kindness.  

I AM Every Right Choice You Make, and Tender Smiles You Offer.

I AM the Tingling Patience, Respect and Strength YOU Develop As You Walk in Grace and Embrace Wisdom with Understanding.

Today and Every Day...

I AM the Answer.  

I Live Within YOU. 

I Feel Through YOU.

Allow Me the Gift of Awakening Within Your Heart and You Will See Me Everywhere, In All Creations On Earth and Throughout Every UniVerse.


Always, Melony 🙏🏾💜🙏🏾
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Patience, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Awakening #Breathe #GentleDivineWhispers #IAMTheAnswer #IAMKindness 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Joy Is Contagious!

Joy Is Contagious!

Beautiful People. . . 

Joy Is Contagious!  

The tender smile that you offer to yourself and others is like a flower blossoming in the Garden of  Hearts. 

Your laughter is like the Holy Bell of Joy ringing through the ethers with hope; traveling across oceans, mountains, valleys and cities through the wind.  

Your smiles and laughter are a catalyst that awakens the leaves on every tree of life and causes them to offer oxygen of joy so that we breathe in love and harmony.  

Today Offer Your Tender Smiles and Laughter.  

Breathe Deeply in Love and with JOY... 

YOU will become like a flower;  helping to heal many hearts!

JOY Is Contagious! 
JOY Is Contagious! 
JOY Is Contagious! 

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, JOY, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of LOVE!

#JoyIsContagious #Laughter #TenderSmiles

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Last Stand of Tyrants...

The Last Stand of Tyrants...

Beautiful People, 

Let us thank each remarkable being that shares strength, courage, and joy or teaches us lessons that help us grow in Love. 

May we live this day, and every day growing in awareness and walking as beings of compassionate appreciation and understanding.

There are many heroines and heroes among us!

Even as these times on Earth reveal a schism of hate, violence, war and selfishness, there is a mass awakening of sentient beings expressing their true Loving selves.

Miracles lay strewn in every path we walk, bringing us new gifts. 

Unfortunately this is a time of intense agony for those suffering in the mire of fear and dis-connected from Divine Spirit. 

Tyrants around the world will continue to try to assert their ungodly will as they take their last stand. 

Still everywhere we can feel the ecstasy of Earth Angels awakening and soaring with the Spirit of compassion and Love.

Though many are experiencing the most dire of circumstances, our children will continue to act as beacons of light. 

Nurture and pay attention to the children. They bring us hope and Loving wonder. 

Through the innocence of our children, we are often inspired with new faith. 

Honor our elders with unconditional Love; for they have shown us the way and held the space for our awakening. They too are important teachers.

Every day, small seeds of wisdom are given to us through our willingness to accept Divine Grace. 

We have new opportunity every day to grow in awareness, respect, and Love for eachother.

Today please re-member that Love is a Verb---an action word. It can also be an adjective or a noun. 

As each one of us becomes Love, we also become a heroine or hero. 

Together as we blossom, we will flourish and multiply in goodness. 

And through Goodness, Heaven On Earth will be restored. 

This is the Word of LOVE!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💫💥💚💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


"Welcome HOME!" A Message from the Great Spirit!

"Welcome HOME!"  A Message from the Great Spirit!

Beautiful People, 

"Welcome to the Home of My Heart. 

Come as you are, for I already know of your secret disappointments. 

I have been disappointed too, but many meals of Humility Have Given Me New Hope for the Good of Your Heart.

Truth lives here.  All Fear will be transformed into Courage.

Stay as long as you like. There are many mansions and rooms of different cultures and pathways of faith to explore.  All Are Filled with Everlasting Love!

Compassion, Integrity and Patience will prepare a daily feast of Forgiveness so that you may let go of your pain, and Heal.

Mercy will visit in your dreams, and you will learn to look forward and walk humbly into All the Pathways of Good.

Every Day, Joy will Awaken You, so that your heart is filled with Integrity and the Truth of My Heart.

Welcome Home.  I Am LOVE!  

You Are Forever Welcomed in My Heart of Eternity!"

Today Please... 

Breathe and Exhale Many Times.

Now, Feel, Listen and Live the Words of LOVE!

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion 
#Courage #DeepListening #EmbraceTheMystery #Gratitude #Healing #Hope  #IAmLOVE

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Dance Icon MissKatherineDunham #OPRAHLegend

Dance Icon Miss Katherine Dunham #OPRAHLegend

Katherine Dunham Speaks Out on Dunham Technique, Today's World Violence Leaders, and Hope by Melony McGant .

 Anthropologist, choreographer, writer and humanitarian Katherine Dunham has been called a visionary, a pioneer, and a living legend. She has been a major force in dance, and is best known for incorporating African American, Caribbean, African, and South American movement style themes into her ballets. She has appeared in more than 57 countries around globe, received recognition from UNESCO as well as heads of state, and is the recipient of hundreds of awards and honorary doctorates including the U.S. Presidential Award, Kennedy Center Honors, the Albert Schweitzer Award, Essence Magazine Awards, the National Black Theatre Festival Lifetime Achievement Award, and was one of Oprah's Legends.

 Originally recorded in 2002 at the Miss Katherine Dunham's residence in NYC, portions of this conversation have appeared in African Voices Magazine (a much longer version) Tribes Magazine and Citizens Chicago Weekend. In this interview with Melony McGant, Miss Dunham shares her heart, and hopes for a World of Peace, as she passes us the baton.

 Miss Katherine Dunham was born in Chicago on 22 June, 1909 and left this Earth Realm and Ascended to the heaven Realm on May 21, 2006. She Is Re-membered with Love!

 MM: It's been said that the Dunham Technique has strong implications and affiliations to the "other world." 

 KD: I feel that to know Dunham Technique you have to be willing to accept the holistic view of life. That is the body, mind and spirit work together. They don't work separately from each other. They grow together and unite. You have to be aware that these things do not operate alone, they operate together. So when you are deeply into Dunham Technique and are performing the choreography or are teaching, or learning, then all of those parts of your body begin to sing. And they begin to sing not in solo voices but in unison. It's like striking a wonderful chord and the response from the person who is receiving is so great that the teacher grows from it too. You can not be a teacher of Dunham Technique without receiving back from the pupil or the person that you teach.

MM: Sometimes the student could get lost out there in their own meditation and become ecstatic . How can a teacher know when to bring them back?

KD: By identification. By being able to identify with others. The good teacher is so sensitive, so willing to know and love, and be a part of ... The open minded student feels that. It's like the audience. The audience wouldn't be there if they didn't want to be there. The minute you step on to the stage you have to feel their awareness and willingness and gather it into your whole being. Every move that you make goes out with love and with an understanding of body, mind and spirit being united into one feeling, being, one "itness," so that you are a successful performer and your audience is able to receive with an open self.

 MM: How can a teacher help a student understand that?

 KD: I'd say don't talk about it. Just be it. Do it and be it. A lot of teachers try to explain. There's a little explanation, maybe. If you help your student eat the right thing, breath the right thing, feel the right thing, be aware of good things. It can help ... For instance, you might suggest that your student attend a concert that will immediately fit into their needs. Knowing the needs of other people is one of the hard things about BEING. I don't say to a student don't do this or don't do that. I just try to show them. You know what was so wonderful about Erich Fromm ... He'd ask me questions instead of telling me how to be over my malaise or unhappiness or whatever it was, he'd ask me questions that would lead me to the Balm and Gilead for me. And that I think is what a good friend or a true psychoanalyst, a truly worthy element in your life does ... It is to guide you through love.

MM: How do you feel about what's happening in the World"?

 KD: What's happening in the world today is very, very hard on me. It is so awful, so terrible, so painful and so many people suffering. It's a fact. It's here with us. It's ridiculous to think that your government is going to ease your pain. As I look at it I say ... For God's sake I say don't go and kill to compensate for killing.

 MM: This is a hard question for me to ask. Do you have any anger about anything?

 KD: Anger. Oh yes, that's a part of activism. If I do not approve of what you are doing, then I will do everything I can to stop it. I will bring all of my strength to stop it. I am not in agreement, I am not in accord ... I am angry at what is happening in this world today. I wouldn't be me if I tried to suppress that anger, I'd be false ... hypocritical. I don't have to put it on anyone else. You don't have to be angry with me if that's not the way you feel. But above all don't try to stop me from being angry.

 MM: If you were speaking to our world leaders, what would you say?

KD: Well to most of them I would say: "You do not belong in a position of leadership. You have not overcome self. You don't really love humanity, yourself included. You are not a leader. Stop and look at it and study it, realize it and change it. Change yourself or step aside and help someone else take the position that you feel you are fulfilling but you're not." And I'd say: "Stop and think and don't try to put aside, or shut your eyes to those things that are showing you where you've made mistakes. Open your heart to these things inside and help. Be sure that your every breath, every thought, every movement, every deed is being helpful to someone or something. Be sure that you are honest and true."

 MM: How do you feel about this violence?

KD: It should have no place in human living.

 MM: Are all religions the same? Not the dogma, but the spirit?

 KD: I think that intellectually they sound as though they are the same. Intellectually they all say we believe in our God. We want to do what that one God says do but we see errors that are committed because between God and action comes man. And man is by no means perfect creature.

 MM: And the United States?

 KD: The United States is a great big hypocrite bully. Our God has chosen to give us ... .a means of conquering ... but when you are power driven, you are bound to turn to destruction and violence.

MM: What do you want to tell my generation and the children ... those who come after. What should we be doing?

KD: You should be aware. And of course always be forgiving. You can judge but I don't feel that we have within us the right to hold forth any blessings. God does that. And I would say be aware and be giving. Know how to take, how to receive and how to give. Be sure that both are operating always in your life. If you feel strongly about a cause, don't push it on people but be willing to defend it when it is necessary. Just one word, that one word love is strongest. Know all the different phases of love and have them all in your life. And be able to live with them.

 MM: Could you give me a couple of examples of love that you were thinking of ?

 KD: Well, you certainly have to know self-love. Erich (Fromm) was probably the founder of that... belief in yourself and a love of yourself. Be kind and gentle with yourself and everything else. Try to avoid, and succeed in avoiding injury to others. Live life with kindness and live life with love.

 MM: Is there any hope?

 KD: I feel that this present civilization is just about over. I feel that there is a hope in some people, elements, I won't say remnants ... things that are still there, that they can manage to be together after a period of rest and growth. And choose to grow in the sunshine of hope and love. Yes then there is hope for another civilization on this earth. Of course there is always a chance that out in the universe there are some other earths that could come and smash this one into nothing. I see no reason why there shouldn't be another chance for man because he is a creature of God but I'm not counting on it. I'm counting on trying to help save and give hope to those whose eyes are open now and who are suffering.

MM: Is there anything that I can personally do for you? Or anything that I personally need to know ?

KD: I think that you are one of the people who has the fabric of knowledge and I think that you should develop it and continue on your mission of nurturing love and furthering love and that you must spend a little more time protecting yourself. You can't afford to be hyper-sensitive, put it that way. You have to find different ways to help you to be stronger everyday. And be stronger and wiser. You need strength and you need wisdom. And you've helped so much ... just the fact that you are there. And I know that you are there. And that I know you are an honest person working towards the same end, that's great.

 MM: Thank you, you honor me.

KD: And don't be embarrassed by tears ...

 MM: I gathered my things, thanked Ms. Dunham again,and gave her a big hug.

 Miss Katherine Dunham was born in Chicago on 22 June, 1909 and left this Earth Realm and Ascended to the Heaven Realm on May 21, 2006. She Is Re-membered with Love!

(c) Melony McGant, 2002,  Photo May 1, 2006 by Tyrone Rasheed