The Only Constant in Life Is Change!
Beautiful People,
So Many Great Ones Are Leaving this Earth Plane. It is a reminder that like the weather and the seasons, the Only Constant in Life Is Change.
There will sunshine, wind and rain. Earthquakes, hurricanes and storms will come. There will be sorrow. We will say bye for now and mourn our losses. And after; Rainbows of Hope will appear through our Loving, compassionate actions.
Change Is Constant. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Through it all, we learn more about ourselves, the Infinite Creator and UniVerse of Our Hearts.
We also learn the importance of honoring our Elders and Loved Ones with compassion, cooperation, forgiveness, humility, kindness, mercy and accepting Divine Grace.
Change Is Constant. People die, or as I like to say Ascend to the Heaven Realm and Join the Ancestors.
If We Allow Them, these Precious Loved Ones Can Live Forever in Our Hearts and the Hearts of the Children Many Generations to Come.
With Love, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Many Times.
Remember We Can Honor All Those Ascended by Saying Their Names, and creating tributes or songs. We can dance our sorrow and share the Joy that their lives have given us.
Do you know that All Those who have Ascended become Ancestors and Live In Us Still!
Some of us will find ourselves nurturing dreams that we think are are own but are really the Seeds of the Great Ones Planted in us that become our own. Do Not Forget!
Change Is Constant. But Do Not Forget. With Gratitude, Say Their Names.
Remember their Genius, their Gifts and the Sacrifices they made for You! Compose music for them. Be Inspired and Dance for them.
With Gratitude, Say Their Names. Keep their stories, memories and work alive through your creative ventures.
Be Your Best for Them. With Commitment, Gratitude and Love, Carry On the Work of the Great Ones Still on Earth or Ascended.
Be it a Child, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin or Friend...
Be it someone you knew from a distance or never met, but knew about; who has Inspired Your Life and Your Good Purpose...
Whether Elders Still on this Earth or Ascend Spirits...
Take a Moment and Say Their Names Out Loud.
For Them, Be Your Best. Live with Integrity. With Gratitude, Allow the Great Ones to Continue to Be Present in Your Lives!
The Only Constant in Life Is Change!
Believe. Breathe. PRAY. Live. Love.
Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊
#AscendedSpirits #Change #Death #DoNotForget #Gratitude #LiveWithIntegrity #SayTheirNames #TellTheirStories #TheOnlyConstantIsChange
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!