Monday, June 27, 2022

May I Be A Humble, Truthful Friend!

May I Be A Humble, Truthful Friend!

Beautiful People, 

In the beauty of this Day, I Stand in Awe and give Gratitude to the Earth Angels that serve as Friends near and far. 

I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Six Times.

I offer the Master Creator Appreciation and Gratitude for the gifts of Friends that have stood by me throughout time and helped me see the radiance of Love within myself.

I Breathe Deeply and Exhale 
Slowly Four Times.

With JOY, I ask for guidance so that I too may always be a humble, truthful friend with integrity that mirrors compassion, loyalty, patience, strength with lustre and Love throughout Eternity!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

 Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #Compassion #DeepListening #EarthAngels 
#Friends #Gratitude #Humble #Integrity #Joy #Kindness  #Loyalty #Patience #Strength  #RadianceOfLove

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Impossible Becomes Probable Only through Love!

The Impossible Becomes Probable Only through Love!

Beautiful People, 

I'm convinced that Love Is the Greatest Gift and the Most Powerful Energy of Every Galaxy throughout the MultiVerse.

The Impossible Becomes Probable Only through Love.

Miracles manifest with nurturing, patience and Love.

Love Never Gives Up.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

I Am willing to walk with integrity and offer my best self with compassion, creativity, kindness and a Loving Heart.

Without doubt, I know that the Impossible Becomes Probable through Love.

Love Never Gives Up.

Today, with Gratitude, I Ask to Be Love Manifesting In All I Say and Do. This Is My Prayer. 

Will You Join Me?

Believe. Breathe. Pray.
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑💖👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Peace Is Possible through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, hope, integrity, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, tenacity, understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeLove #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #Gratitude #Healing #Hope  #LoveNeverGivesUp

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Breathe. Smile. Sing.(Inspired by Ben Vereen)

Breathe. Smile. Sing.
(Inspired by Ben Vereen)

Beautiful People, 

Take a moment to still your mind and open your heart. 

Now,  Breathe Deeply 10 Times.

Inhale Love. Exhale Love. Inhale Love. Exhale Love. Inhale Love. Exhale Love....

With each breath re-member...

Love is the way to Heal. 

When we offer a smile, or a hand in friendship, and understanding; we lift the vibration of our hearts and the planet into Love. 

Our good actions of care, deep listening and diplomacy are living songs of kindness, compassion and hope that can bring grace and healing to our world. 

The more we listen, deepening our understanding; share our resources and sing with hope, the greater the Vibration of Love. 

Today, Practice Lifting the Vibration.  

Breathe. Smile. Sing.

Love Is the Way to Heal Our Broken Hearts and Our World!

Breathe. Smile. Sing.

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

TBT Photo: Melony with Ben Vereen Bonnie Weaver Andre Wayne Maloy 

#BreatheSmileSing #BenVereen #Care #Compassion #DeepListening #Heal #LiftTheVibration

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Evidence of a Holy Light!

Evidence of a Holy Light!

Beautiful People, 

Today Clear Your Mind. Tenderly Open Your Heart. 

Just For NOW,  Let Go Of Anything Troubling You.   

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Faith, Integrity and Love. 
Out Faith, Integrity and Love....

When we have no Evidence
of an outcome
but believe in Good anyway,
then we have Faith.

Faith is the light of Love
that opens the door
to the UniVersal Heart.

Within the UniVersal Heart
we can listen deeply, walk with compassion and share our collective dream
of Love through kindness.

It is then that Grace moves
through us giving evidence
of a Holy Light
that magnifies and heals.

Through Faith, we become
the Loving Outcome of Hope
and learn to live as Beings
of Integrity, Light and Love.

Today Be Kind and Have Faith in the Benefit of Each Loving Action!

ReMember to BREATHE...
In Faith, Integrity and Love. 
Out Faith, Integrity and Love....

YOU Are the Evidence.

YOU Are a Holy Light of Faith, Hope, Integrity and Love! 

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humilty, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Grace of Love!

#BeKind #Breathe #Compassion #Faith #Hope #Healing #Integrity #ListenDeeply #LovingActions #YOUAreAHolyLight 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

#SummerSolsticeMessage... #DeeperUnderstanding: #HappinessIsLookingforYou

#DeeperUnderstanding: #HappinessIsLookingforYou!

Beautiful People,

In the Time of material greed, corruption, evil, hate, systemic racism and religious wars, there was a Woman who had traveled far and faced many demons. 

Along the way she had made some good decisions; and some bad decisions that offered good lessons. 

She had helped many people but when she thought she needed help, no one was there. She felt disappointed and terribly alone. She prayed for Deeper Understanding. 

One day a few Wise Ones came to her in a dream.  They held her hand and wiped her tears.  They sat quietly with her and watched the Stars as they glistened in the darkness.  

In Unison The Wise Ones said to the Woman...

 "Trust in the Light - Trust in the Spirit - Know that you will always be a part of who I AM and a part of ME." 

The Woman awakened  from her dream with New Understanding; feeling safe, nurtured and Loved.  

She felt that the Wise Ones were the GOD Living and traveling within Her.  

So often the Strong Ones feel that they journey alone, trying to offer others compassion, hope and understanding.   It is important to remember that We Are Never Alone. 

Please, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

Remember These Words in Your Heart....  

"Trust in the Light - Trust in the Spirit - Know that you will always be a part of who I AM and a part of ME." 

Try to Live and Walk with Courage, Compassion, Faith, Hope, Integrity, Mercy and a Deeper Understanding.  

And during the difficult times, when in doubt, never forget the words of the great poet and wisdom teacher HAFIZ...

"Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you!"

Lastly, Remember, Divine Spirit Is Living and Traveling Within YOU! 

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeeperUnderstanding #Hafiz #Healing  #Hope #Integrity #SummerSolstice  #WisdomTeachings

Monday, June 20, 2022

Beautiful Queen Jean Miller Happy Solstice! Happy Birthday!

Beautiful Queen Jean Miller  Happy Solstice!  Happy New B'Earth Year of Continuing Grace and Love with Joy! May Many New Blessings and Miracles Beyond Measure Continue to Light Your Path!

 Dr. Glory Van Scott Describes You Best...
In her book, GLORY: A Life Among Legends, Dr. Glory Van Scott honors Jean Miller  Administrative Director of Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre and a member of the Harlem Honey and Bears Senior Synchronized Swim Team which has won many, many medals in the Senior Olympics. 

"There is no ending to this book. 

When you were born, you didn’t remember anything beforehand. 

Where were you? 

When you appeared, you were simply “in life.” 

How many galaxies, How many heavens, How many other places Will you move through After Earth? 

You do not even know. 

Nobody does, so don’t worry about it! Just meet life, spirit on, like Jean Miller, the wonderful administrative director of Dr. Glory’s Youth Theatre, who swims in senior competitions for her team, the Harlem Honeys and Bears, and wins first place medals. 

I want everyone to swim and win trophies in whatever field of endeavor they’ve chosen, and to remember deeply, as though you are a multi-generational sage— 

There is no ending to your book either!" ---Dr. Glory Van Scott 
author of GLORY: A Life Among Legends  

#JeanMiller #HappySolstice #HappyBirthday

Summen Solstice: Behold Many Miracles!

ReMember #SummerSolstice is Tues. June 21, 2022. 5:14am ET.

Behold Many Miracles!

Beautiful People, 

If you are brave enough to plant a garden within your heart; then you must make the commitment to nurture it throughout all the seasons of your life.

In the garden of your lives, the sun will shine always through your smiles but there may be winters of doubt and loneliness.

The many clouds and rainstorms will be your tears of disappointment, and dismay mixed with rainbows and the joy of knowing Love.

As new ideas, creative projects and your children are born, the air will bring you oxygen, new purpose, a desire to grow and whispers of understanding.

Spring buds and blossoming trees will be filled with hummingbirds and your humility, as you celebrate Being Born Again.

There will be joyful summers of Compassion as your willingness to forgive allows for deep healing.

Time and time again in the fall and season after season;  you will harvest the fruit of Love and acquire a propensity of Faith that nurtures you and many others with Integrity.

And throughout Eternity with Divine Grace, you will continue to Plant New Seeds of Hope.

With Love, Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times.

Today, and Every Day...
Behold and Live the Many Miracles in Your Life of Love!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY.
Breathe. Live. LOVE.

 Always, Melony 💫💜💫 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeholdManyMiracles #Breathe #DeepHealing #DivineGrace #Faith #Forgiveness #FruitsOfLove #Inspiration #Integrity #Patience #PlantSeedsOfHope #SummerSolstice2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

My Every Breath Is A Prayer!

My Every Breath Is A Prayer.  THANK YOU! 

Beautiful People, 

Please Join Me in a Prayer of Hope...

Thank You Blessed Mother Father Creator of Light, Love, Goodness, Creativity and Hope.  

I Honor You In All That Is and All That Is Not and All That Will Ever Be.

My Every Breath Is A Prayer of Healing, Humility and Gratitude for the Grace Manifesting. 

I Am Hopeful For the Voices of Truth.  

We as humans have become emmersed In a cycle of violence.

We are destroying our World.  And I am saddened by our inability to Change.

We Have Lost Many. The #CoronavirusPandemic has made us PAUSE.   Our water and food are contaminated with toxins and  bombs have anahilated whole cities.  

And yet there are some who still walk in a fog of ego, greed and hate.

My Every Breath Is a Prayer of Awakening.  Be-Coming Aware, I Thank Angels, Ancestors and All Those Who Have Ascended In Grace.

Though my heart is broken In a million pieces, I am working to live only with forgiveness, mercy, compassion, courage, good purpose and hope with Healing and Integrity!

I Sit In the Stillness and See Our Good Potential. 

Help Me and All of Humanity to Live With Compassion, Love and Peace. Allow Me to Sing Your Melodies of Hope in These Times of Despair. 

I Believe In Goodness. I  Am Inspired By Love.

Allow Me to Join with the Billions of Like Minded Spirits So That Balance, Creativity,  Healing, Hope and Love Prosper with Integrity and Grace! 

It Is Time Only For Love!

My Every Breath Is A Prayer!  

Thank YOU! 

Believe.  Breathe.  PRAY. 
Breathe.  Live. Love.

Always, Melony 🌍
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage #Creativity #DeepListening #Faith #Forgiveness #GoodPurpose #Healing #Hope #Humility #Integrity #Joy #Kindness #Mercy #Patience #Respect #Tenacity #Understanding  #GiftOfLove !

Photo: Master Percussionist, Michael Mustafa Ulmer

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Offering Gratitude for Fathers! Happy Father's Day Weekend!

Offering Gratitude for Fathers!  Happy Father's Day Weekend!

Beautiful People, 

Let Us Breathe Deeply Six Times.  

In Appreciation, Love, Respect and Joy.  Out Appreciation, Love, Respect and Joy! 

Today,  and Every Day...

Let us offer our Gratitude to all the men who act as Fathers and live as vessels for Grace in celebration of children, and universal families.

These are the men committed to strengthening their own awareness of Our Blessed Creator by building strong, compassionate, noble and nurturing relationships that honor our Collective Dream and Vision of Equity, Sustainability and Peace!   

 Honoring the Spirit of All Fathers;  Again We Breathe Deeply Six Times.  

 In Appreciation, Love, Respect and Joy.  Out Appreciation, Love, Respect and Joy! 

Today and Every Day, We Offer Our Gratitude to All the Men Who Act As Fathers and Live as Vessels for Grace in Celebration of Children, and Universal Families!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow💫 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and Love!

#Breathe #Courage 
#FathersDay #GratitudeForFathers

Friday, June 17, 2022

Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Beautiful People,

Right Here, Now... 

Beyond the questioning or knowing as you watch the Sun set or the Waning Cresent or Full Moon rise and kiss the Stars... 

In the twilight or early morning dawn as the Sun awakens you...

Let Us Give Thanks to Our Blessed Creator who Lives in Our Hearts and everywhere throughout the MultiVerse.

Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Love is the Creator's Gift to all who believe, embrace the Mystery and see beauty in the Soul Journey of every heart.

Love is the place of Healing and Integrity where yesterday and tomorrow merge into Now.

Love is letting go of notions of false superiority, envy, greed, jealousy and hate.

Love is walking in Peace and sharing compassion, offering hope and tender words to yourself and others so that you let go of old fears and heal hearts with Forgiveness, including your own heart.

Only when we believe that Love does not harm, is not selfish and does not envy will we experience the bliss of life.

Then we will feel Love in our hearts, taste it in our food, see it in the skies, the oceans, and the blossoming flowers and trees as they bloom and awaken in the New Day.

The moment we are willing to live our destiny as Beings of Love, and know that Love is the Creator's most Precious Gift; then we will be able to genuinely Love Our Neighbors and Offer Our Best so that together we Prosper with Joy.

In this moment, Right Now is the opportunity to Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love....

Today, How Will You Live and Honor the Creator in this Moment of Eternity?

Please ReMember to Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #GiveThanks #ListenToLove #OfferOurBest

Thursday, June 16, 2022

This Is Earth School!

This Is Earth School! 

Beautiful People,

No matter the challenges and struggles, we must find peace within our hearts and walk with Loving tenderness.

This is Earth School.

Some come to learn, others to teach. Some are warriors. Others are peacemakers.

Some walk with great Faith. Some embrace the Genius within and become personifications of Loving Hope.

Others are learning about the material world and mistakenly embrace greed and power. They have forgotten Love.

No matter who we are, our time here is finite but our Spiritual existence is Infinite and Eternal.

While we are here we must honor and celebrate each other, Love each other and cherish each other as beings connected in Love.

Today honor family, friends and strangers. Share compassion. Forgive with humility.

Make Peace with All.

Our time to be here may be short but in leaving we are never alone.

Those who return before us to Heaven, our Angel Ancestors await us---just as they live always in our hearts and soar through the MultiVerse unlimited or restricted by physical bodies assisting us. 

Let Us Honor the Lives of ALL those whom we admired, respected or Loved who have left the Earth Realm.

Grace lives through them and through us. There is nothing but Love. Love is Grace in action. 

This is Earth School. 

Please ReMember Love...

Ten Times Breathe In Love. 
Exhale Love. In Love. Out Love.  In Love. Out Love. In Love....

Be Love...and Live Only with Love in Your Hearts Today!

Always, Melony 👑💖👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeLove #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #EarthSchool #Gratitude #HonorAngelAncestors

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Full Moon Meditation:YOU Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light and Love!💫❤️💫

Full Moon Meditation:
YOU Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light and Love!💫❤️💫

Beautiful People, 

Please Clear Your Minds and Open Your Hearts. 

Breathe Deeply Five Times.   
Inhale Love, Humility and Joy.  Exhale the Goodness and Grace of Love.   

YOU Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light and Love! 

As Hierophants we are all students and teachers.We  are living, learning, sharing, and Loving. 

This Is Our Path; a Return to LOVE. 

Again, Breathe Deeply Five Times.  Inhale Love, Humility and Joy.  Exhale the Goodness and Grace of Love.  

People would have us believe that we should not focus on the heart.

The Truth Is we can NOT develop and travel into the new realms purely in our minds. 

The heart always has the right answers.  And Truth is all there is.  For In Truth we experience Divine LOVE. 

Right now let us feel Joy's embrace as particles of LOVE run through the very cells of our body! 

Breathe.  Inhale Love, Humility and Joy.  Exhale with the Goodness and Grace of Love!

YOU Are a Hierophant, Here to Heal and Offer the Honey of Hope. 

YOU Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light and Love!

Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks. 

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #DivineFeminine #FullMoon #Goodness #Healing #HoneyOfHope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #Kindness #LightAndLove #Truth #YOUAreAHierophant

Monday, June 13, 2022

While I'm Here...

While I'm Here...

Beautiful People, 

While I'm Here... 

I want to live just in this moment with Good Purpose and Smiles of Love.

And if pain and sorrow come; I want to embrace my tears and let my heart heal of all the wounds I will have only just discovered. 

Even then, I want to share gifts filled with the honey of healing, hope and Love that forever fill my heart. 

While I'm Here... 

I want to Breathe Deeply, Often and Regularly with Love.

I want to keep Imagining us living with Goodness.

I want to say and see that #BlackLivesMatter so that #AllLivesMatter. 

I want All People to live in safe, beautiful communities with nourishing food and good healthcare, in homes of Loving Families. 

I want us to care for and honor our Elders; as we live the good dreams of our Ancestors. 

I want equality, justice, respect and an end to systemic racism, classism, and poverty of mind or Spirit. 

I want the children of the next seven generations (and beyond) to be able to have fresh air to Breathe Deeply and oceans or lakes to swim in, without pollution.

I want everyone to have quality education to develop their genius and gifts; and to live without fear; so they can achieve their big dreams.

I want to Imagine more of us feeling connected to trees and flowers, birds, dolphins and all sentient life so we recommit to solve the problems of Global Warming. 

I want to read books, listen to music, support the arts and continue to be inspired by living with compassion, courage, healing, humilty, patience, mercy, and forgiveness; as I Dream and Imagine a World of Integrity, with Peaceful Prosperity for All. 

And I know that in the Twilight of my life, one day I will bid you Bye for Now...

Perhaps then I will be able to dance across the ocean waves before I fly and walk on clouds; and join the many gone before me whose Spirits now sing and dance with a Heavenly Glow! 

While I'm Here...

I Want to Breathe with Hope; Live with Compassion, Courage, Healing, Hope, Integrity and Love with JOY!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

#Compassion  #Courage #HoneyOfHealingAndHope #Imagine, #Integrity #Love #Patience #WhileImHere

Monday, June 6, 2022

You Are a Miracle!

You Are a Miracle!
(Needs to be Illustrated for a Children's Book)

Beautiful People, 

Today, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

Breathe In Love with Compassion and Joy. 

Breathe Out Love with Compassion and Joy. 

Remember Why You Are Here!  

YOU Are a Miracle; here to experience the beauty of Our Mother Earth; to sing with the birds, and learn from the trees as they share oxygen so you can  breathe. 

You are here like a caterpillar in order to grow, and have the  courage to transform into a beautiful butterfly that soars in gratitude. 

You are here to offer your talent and gifts of compassion; just as the bee offers honey for healing. 

You are here to befriend your World neighbors and to learn to live in Peace, as you honor the oceans and rivers so  that there is clean water to drink and nurture our UniVersal Sentient Family for Future Generations. 

There are so very many good reasons why you are here! 

Llisten to and honor the whispers and wisdom of Ancestors. They Say...

"YOU Are a Miracle! YOU Are Here to Grow and Prosper with a Loving Heart!"

Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Ancestors #Breathe #Courage #GiveThanks #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #LiveInPeace  #Transformation

Sunday, June 5, 2022

#ThankfulSunday. Naima, Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart and This Wonderful Review of SUNSHINE & OLIVIER on Amazon!


Naima, Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart and This Wonderful Review of SUNSHINE & OLIVIER on Amazon! 

By Melony McGant 
5.0 out of 5 stars
Format: Paperback

Timeless Book! 

"Powerfully written tale of love, friendship, and endurance. Reading it a second time yielded twice as many lessons as it did the first. 

It is a book that just keeps on giving and giving, you'll feel full after reading. Thank you for this beautiful gem!"  Naima

#blackauthors #blackgirlmagic #blackbooks 
#nativeamericans #santefe #harlem #newyork 
#youngadultfiction #spirituality #pastlife #mystical
#writers #authors #books #blackchurches #goodreads #bookclubofinstagram #readersofinstagram #blackbookclubs #amazon #writerslife #bookclub #blackentrepreneur #blackwriters #writersofinstagram

Friday, June 3, 2022

The Only Constant in Life Is Change!

The Only Constant in Life Is Change!

Beautiful People, 

So Many Great Ones Are Leaving this Earth Plane. It is a reminder that like the weather and the seasons, the Only Constant in Life Is Change. 

There will sunshine, wind and rain.  Earthquakes, hurricanes and storms will come. There will be sorrow. We will say bye for now and mourn our losses. And after; Rainbows of Hope will appear through our Loving, compassionate actions. 

Change Is Constant. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Through it all, we learn more about ourselves, the Infinite Creator and UniVerse of Our Hearts.  

We also learn the importance of honoring our Elders and Loved Ones with compassion, cooperation, forgiveness, humility, kindness, mercy and accepting Divine Grace. 

Change Is Constant.  People die, or as I like to say Ascend to the Heaven Realm and Join the Ancestors. 

If We Allow Them, these Precious Loved Ones Can Live Forever in Our Hearts and the Hearts of the Children Many Generations to Come. 

With Love, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Many Times. 

Remember We Can Honor All Those Ascended by Saying Their Names, and creating tributes or songs.  We can dance our sorrow and share the Joy that their lives have given us. 

Do you know that All Those who have Ascended become Ancestors and Live In Us Still!

Some of us will find ourselves nurturing dreams that we think are are own but are really the Seeds of the Great Ones Planted in us that become our own. Do Not Forget!  

Change Is Constant. But Do Not Forget. With Gratitude, Say Their Names.  

Remember their Genius, their Gifts and the Sacrifices they made for You! Compose music for them. Be Inspired and Dance for them. 

With Gratitude, Say Their Names.  Keep their stories, memories and work alive through your creative ventures.

Be Your Best for Them. With Commitment, Gratitude and Love, Carry On the Work of the Great Ones Still on Earth or Ascended.

Be it a Child, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin or Friend...

Be it someone you knew from a distance or never met, but knew about; who has Inspired Your Life and Your Good Purpose...

Whether Elders Still on this Earth or Ascend Spirits... 

Take a Moment and Say Their Names Out Loud. 

For Them, Be Your Best.  Live with Integrity.  With Gratitude, Allow the Great Ones to Continue to Be Present in Your Lives!  

The Only Constant in Life Is Change!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#AscendedSpirits #Change #Death #DoNotForget #Gratitude #LiveWithIntegrity  #SayTheirNames #TellTheirStories #TheOnlyConstantIsChange

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!