Spirit Ramblings...
Beautiful People,
Let Us Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Many Times.
My heart dreams often…
looking into the eyes of strangers seeing Love, feeling Love.
For they are not strange to me. Often it is a brother or sister, maybe even a mother, a father or a dear friend from a past life.
I wonder do they know me too or are my soul ramblings vivid only to myself?
My thoughts are so intense, viewing yesterdays and tomorrows as if they are today.
The concept of time escapes me.
But come let us travel around the galaxy and share joy. Our hearts know no limitations for we can be One with the Divine through Love.
‘And what is Love?’ You ask.
Love is a rainbow or a smile glistening like a star at night.
Love is a storm readjusting and cleansing the EarthHeart so that plants will grow and we may feel even the sizzle of an ant and know bliss.
Love is opening your heart and feeling the wisdom of an oak tree or the magical transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Love is walking along the shore; your feet gently nestled in the sand with ocean water caressing your legs and the smell of a salt breeze kissing your face as you watch the sun set or the moon rise, and ponder swimming with the dolphins.
Love is believing that ALL people are gifts from the Divine and knowing that each of us is related and interconnected with every other sentient being.
Love Is Everything, Everywhere. Love is co-creating with the Divine.
‘How do we co-create?’ You ask.
Imagine that when your fingers tingle for no apparent reason that That is the Divine teaching you, helping you to understand what it is like when a flower blooms.
Or perhaps when you experience unexplainable tears of joy, your heart is opening, expanding like a womb when a baby is being born.
And so on some level, you too understand the bliss of motherhood.
You smile. That is good.
My Spirit Ramblings have often brought me much laughter.
Laughter can release fear and helps us understand one another.
Laughter is for me a desire for Grace. A desire to reconnect with other Souls.
My heart feels many thoughts around me. Some are asking…
‘How can we co-create the bliss of Love?’ ‘It is not possible.’ You say.
Here Is a Question for You…
If it is possible to feel my heart beat “boom ba ba ba boom ba boom ba ba ba boom”; is it because you remember Love or is it the fear that one you hold dear will leave again?
Do not answer, but muse in your heart.
Re-Member, it is time to Forgive.
Time Only to Love.
Now come, let us travel together on our Soul Journey Back to the Divine.
Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.
Always, Melony 👑💚👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!
#Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Love #SoulJourney #SpiritRambling