Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year 2023! A New Year Visioning: Clearing Sacred Space

Happy New Year 2023! A New Year Visioning: Clearing Sacred Space

Beautiful People, 

The broken teapot of old hurts, the worn coats of disappointment, and the shoes of fear are all items that clutter my heart that I no longer need. 

I Am Letting Go! Sweeping, Cleaning, Clearing and Forgiving. PLEASE Join Me.

Feel the Angels, Doves and Shining Stars All Around Us ❤️🕊

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love and Gratitude. Out Love and Gratitude... Now SAY...

"The Sacred Space of my home and my heart is a safe place of LOVE and PEACE where the splendor of Healing, Hope, Integrity and Faith reside with Comfort.

We are preparing for Special Guests. Grace, Blessings, Mercy and New Miracles have promised to visit soon!"

Again, Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love, Gratitude and JOY.  
Out Love with Gratitude and JOY....

Happy New Year 2023! May Many New Blessings and Miracles Beyond Measure Light Your Heart and Your Path! 🌈❤️🕊🎹🎻🥁🌈

Believe. Breathe. Pray. Live. Love.

Always, Melony ❤️🕊
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈
P.S. Thanks to to My Angel Queen MOMBetty J Tilman 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect,Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#AngelDoves #Believe #Breathe #Blessings#ClearingSacredSpace #Faith #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #JOY #LettingGo #Love 
#Mercy #NewMiracles #NewYear2023 #PeaceOnEarth

Friday, December 30, 2022

Celebrating Kwanzaa-Day 5. Balance and Good Purpose/The Kwanzaa Principle of NIA.

Celebrating Kwanzaa-Day 5. Balance and Good Purpose/The Kwanzaa Principle of NIA.

Beautiful People, 

Some say there will be sorrow if you borrow tomorrow. That is why I look always into the Heart of Today. 

I Breathe In and Out Deeply Ten Times. 

With each breath I ask for balance and total awareness of Love in this moment, Right Now. 

For me, this is My Good Purpose. In Swahili, NIA means Purpose. 

My Good Purpose is to move forward into time's loop of Eternity; knowing that the imprint of Eternal Love can heal every moment of yesterday's sorrow Now. 

Through our Forgiveness and a willingness to Love More, we pave the way for More Joy Today and Tomorrow. 

 #NIA...My Good Purpose is to Love More!

🎉What Is Your Good Purpose?

#Ubuntu! I AM Because You Are! 

#Umoja! Unity!

#Kujichagulia! Self-Determination!

#Ujima! Collective Work and Responsibility!

#Ujamaa! Cooperative Economics!

#NIA! Balance and Good Purpose.

Always, Melony 💫❤️ 💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

About Kwanzaa...

 Kwanzaa is an unique celebration founded in 1966 that takes place December 26th through January 1st every year. It encourages people around the World of African descent to restore a Universal Family Tradition and to strengthen bonds within the family and community.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Seven Vows for a New Quest of Peace in 2023!

Seven Vows for a New Quest of Peace in 2023!  

Beautiful People, 

A Peace Affirmation...

Because I Know that Peace is Possible through Compassionate Actions, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Equality, Equity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding, Wisdom and LOVE....

Today I Will Make New Vows for Peace.

Deeply I Breathe and Exhale In Peace Ten Times.

1. Each day I will organize the details of my life so that my mind, body and heart are in an alignment of Peace.

2. I will work vigorously to exceed my own expectations of Peace.

3. I will do something I enjoy everyday; and share joyously, with a Peaceful heart.

4. When Divine Spirit speaks through others, even when there is conflict, I will listen Peacefully, search for understanding and respond with compassion.

5. With each breath of Peace, I will trust that as I am ready, all will be revealed with Love!

6. I Vow to ReMember that Peace is Possible through Compassionate Actions, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Equality, Equity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding, Wisdom and Love!

7. I will honor the Peace, walk in courage with Peace, live with integrity in Peace, be the Peace, call for equity with Peace, teach Peace and Vision a Loving Peace Everywhere; In Every Heart!  

Wishing You All Many New Blessings and Miracles with Grace, Hope, Integrity and a Loving Peace in 2023! MOM Betty J Tilman Thank You ❤️🕊❤️

Believe. Breathe. Pray. 
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony❤️🕊❤️
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

#Breathe #Courage #Gratitude #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Meditation #NewYear2023

#AffirmationOfPeace #BeThePeace #LiveInPeace #TeachPeace #VisionALovingPeace

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 4. Principle of "UJAMAA", a Swahili word for Cooperative Economics!

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 4
Principle of "UJAMAA", a Swahili word for Cooperative Economics! 

That Which We Desire....

Beautiful People, 

How will we navigate and learn to swim if we are fearful of eachother and the water? 

Learning to swim is like trusting that Love can help us let go of our fear of all the other Fish navigating the Waters of Hope. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times with Patience and Love.

In Love. Out Patience with Love. In Love. Out Patience with Love...

Listen to the whispers of Love as they beckon us to imagine ourselves as dolphins-- joyful, playful; kind and Loving. 

Now, with gratitude, commitment and trust... 

Step into the Waters of Hope. 

Today, Honoring UJAMAA, the Swahili word for Cooperative Economics... 

We Open Our Hearts with Gratitude and Trust. 

Let us make a commitment to work for the Good of Our Collective and to Share Resources with the many fish swimming, as We All learn to Navigate the Waters of Hope! 

Cooperative Economics! 
That which We Desire of Love, We Must Give in Love.

For Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Families and Every Child We Know and Those Yet to Be Born...

May We All Work Together and Learn to Do Business Together So that We Create Strong Educational, Economic Foundations and Become Good Responsible Stewards of Love and Prosperity To Share!

#Ubuntu I AM Because You Are! 

#Umoja Unity! 

#Kujichagulia Self-Determination! 

#Ujima Collective Work and Responsibility! 

#UJAMAA Cooperative Economics! 

Believe. Breathe Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💜🕊💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Please ReMember...

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love with JOY!

About #Kwanzaa

 Kwanzaa is an unique celebration founded in 1966 that takes place December 26th through January 1st every year. It encourages people around the World of African descent to restore a Universal Family Tradition and to strengthen bonds within the family and community.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

On Unity...

On Unity...

Beautiful People, 

The Moon and the Stars light the night sky with hope so that even in darkness we find our way. 

At daybreak the Sun rises and awakens the world. Ocean tides shift as fish journey. 

Slumbering trees feel the gentle breeze of the Wind and birds greet us with a morning song. 

All Creations have a purpose and work together in Loving Unity. 

As humans, we to must do our part and live our good purpose so that our communities, nations and the World can Prosper in Peace.

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony ❤️🕊❤️
Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 3, the Principle of "UJIMA", a Swahili word for Collective Work and Responsibility!

Celebrating Kwanzaa Day 3, the principle of "UJIMA", a Swahili word for Collective Work and Responsibility! 

Beautiful People,

You Ask Habari Gani?
or What's the News?

Well...the Moon and the Stars Light the Night Sky with Hope so that even in darkness we find our way.

At daybreak the Sun rises and Awakens the World. Ocean tides shift as fish journey.

Slumbering trees feel the gentle breeze of the Wind and birds greet us with a Morning Song. 

All Creations have a purpose and work together in Loving Unity.

As humans, we to must do our part and live our Good Purpose so that our communities, nations and the World can Prosper in Peace.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. Feel the four chambers of your heart open with Love.

Today, let us honor the Kwanzaa Principle of "UJIMA", a Swahili word for Collective Work and Responsibility! 

We have a Responsibility and an obligation to educate and nurture our children in Safe Communities of Love in a World of Peace and Prosperity! 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply. Say Together...

"I am willing to take Responsibility for the well-being of Our Earth and Our World by using my gifts to help others so that we can All actively work, prosper, and live together in Unity through Love." 

Again Breathe Deeply. Feel the Commitment and Hope for Compassion, Collective Cooperation and and Responsibility with Peace in Every Heart Across Every Galaxy and UniVerse.

For Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Families and Every Child We Know and Those Yet to Be Born--- May We All Work Together and Learn to Become Good Responsible Stewards of Love and Prosperity To Share! 

#Ubuntu! I AM Because You Are! #Umoja! #Unity! 


#UJIMA! Collective Work and Responsibility! 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💜🕊💜
Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

About Kwanzaa...

Kwanzaa is an unique celebration founded in 1966 that takes place December 26th through January 1st every year. It encourages people around the World of African Descent to restore a Universal Family Tradition and to strengthen bonds within the family and community. #DrMaulanaKarenga is the founder of #Kwanzaa.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Celebrating Kwanzaa--Day Two "KUJICHAGULIA" a Swahili word for Self-Determination, Awareness and Purpose!

Celebrating Kwanzaa--Day Two "KUJICHAGULIA" a Swahili word for Self-Determination, Awareness and Purpose!

Beautiful People, 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. Feel the four chambers of your heart open with Love.

It is said that through awareness and good purpose with integrity, Gratitude will fill Our Hearts.

Again, Let Us Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times as we honor the song of the consistent Good Efforts singing in our hearts. 

Now, Breathe In Gratitude to Ancestors, Elders, Community and Our Blessed Creator of Every UniVerse. 

It is helpful to pay close attention to the details of life that need to be addressed or handled.

The only good way to move is Forward. 

Today, We Honor the Kwanzaa Principle of "Kujichagulia", a Swahili word for Self-Determination!

Say to Yourself ...

"I must have courage and be consistent In my Good Efforts to live a life of Integrity.  

Moving forward, I will walk with Determination and allow my thoughts, words, and actions to Be Kind, Loving and Truthful."

Ubuntu! I AM Because You Are! 

Umoja Means Unity!

Kujichagulia Means Self Determination, Awareness and Purpose!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 🕊❤️🕊 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

About Kwanzaa...

Kwanzaa is an unique celebration founded in 1966 by #DrMaulanaKarenga that takes place December 26th through January 1st every year. It encourages people around the World of African descent to restore a universal family tradition and to strengthen bonds within the family and community.

Through seven principles represented by the candles lit on the Kinara each day during the celebration of Kwanzaa, we honor our heritage as people of African descent who lost a great deal of our heritage through enslavement. 

#Breathe #Compassion 
#Courage #GoodEfforts
#Integrity #Ubuntu

I Am ONE. We Are ONE! A Holy Days Love Offering ReMembering MOMBetty J. Tilman!

I Am ONE. We Are ONE! A Holy Days Love Offering ReMembering MOMBetty J. Tilman!

Beautiful People,

Today Hope and Integrity move through me as I release my fear and open my heart to learn true Compassion and Humility.  

Slowly, I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 
I Am ONE. We Are ONE!

I Am ONE with all sentient beings…the sky, the clouds, the sun, the rain, the trees that sway and dance in the wind, the animals that walk the Earth, all plant life and ocean life and the birds that greet me in song.

I Am One with the Spirit of Sophia, Moira, Mother Theresa, Mohandis, Malcolm, Martin, John and Edward, as well as Ruth, Isaac, Joshua, Moses, Mary, Jesus, Khadeeja, Mohammed, Shams, Rumi, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and MOMBetty.   

I Am One with #FamiliesEverywhere mourning mass shootings and killings on city streets & country roads.

 I Am ONE with all People on EarthHeart who have lost someone they Love and those people suffering with any illness.  

I Am One with healthcare professionals, essential workers, peace officers, transportation workers, artists and all helpers and nurturers across the World.

I Am ONE with ALL the Sandra Blands, Columbine Victims and Survivors, the Noura Husseins, Jamal Khashoggis, Farkhunda Malikzadas, Nelson or Winnie Mandelas, Trayvon Martins, George Floyds and Liu Xiaobos of the World. 

I Am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer and the man suffering and dying from lung cancer and the women in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Ukraine or Yemen whose family was killed by a drone.

I Am ONE even with the lost souls; hostages and victims everywhere, as well as the brilliant, compassionate wounded veteran and the homeless wise woman pushing the cart with all her worldly possessions and warning us of our greed and hatred; though we don’t often listen!

I Am One with the Tibetan who was told by Chairman Mao that religion is poison and every Tibetan across the Earth unable to return to their homeland.

I Am One with the starving children everywhere and victims of gun violence in schools and on city streets. 

I Am One with the American whom we won't call a terrorist as well as with Israeli or Palestinian with a gun in his or her hand.

I Am One with Children Saying Let's #MarchforOurLives and #SaveOurPlanet, who are asking for Better #GunControlLegislation, Safe Communities, Safe Schools and Equal Opportunity to Grow and Prosper with Peace!

I Am One with Ancestors, all those Ascended, every child born at this moment, and the great grand parents who are taking their last breath on this Earth Realm.

I Am ONE with the artist struggling to show us the way and the politician disgraced in shame.

I Am ONE with those who have Awakened in Love and those filled with disappointment or fear.

Circumstances make no difference to me for I embrace the journey and see the Divine in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.

I Am One with All World Leaders who Need More Courage to say "Let's Work Together" or "Stop the Killing Everywhere" and His Holiness, the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in Peace.

In my dreams the Buffalo Woman, Yemanya, the Morning Dove and the Golden Hawk guide me as my heart becomes filled with Ancient Prayers of All Traditions.

I Am One with the Caterpillar and the Butterfly.  

As Jesus Would Say....
I Am ONE. We Are ONE!

I Am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew, the Moslem, the Bahai, the Hindu, the Yoruba, the Janist, the Griot, the Naturalist, the One who doesn’t believe in G-d, and the One Lost in their material identity and always needing more….

Today Hope moves through me as Compassion, Humility and Understanding Become a Way of Life...

For In YOU, I see the Reflection of Me and know that through Love... 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love..

Always, Melony ❤️🕊❤️
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing Hope, Integrity, Joy, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

MOM Betty J Tilman Illustration by Bran Que aka Brandon Jennings 

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Faith #Forgiveness #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #LetsWorkTogether #SaveOurPlanet #StopKillingEverywhere

Monday, December 26, 2022

Celebrating Kwanzaa: Day 1, Umoja Means Unity! MOM Betty J Tilman We Celebrate YOU ❤️🕊

Celebrating Kwanzaa: Day 1, Umoja Means Unity! MOM Betty J Tilman We Celebrate YOU ❤️🕊

Becoming Good Stewards... 

Beautiful People, 

Please Offer a Prayer of Hope for your children's children, and the seven generations of children and beyond who will come after them.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times as you open your tender hearts in prayer.

For the Children...

May we honor Our EarthHeart and forego our fear, our violent thoughts or selfish actions as we work together in every community to build new bridges of compassion and joy. 

May Honor Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Families who have served and tried to live with compassion, integrity, hope and Love.

May we use our gifts and dedicate our lives to the many generations of children that come to EarthHeart to be nurtured; and able to live in a prosperous world where Love and Respect bring total Harmony to Earth.

UBUNTU! I Am Because You Are! Umoja Means Unity!

Breathe Deeply and Feel the Commitment and Hope for Cooperation and Compassion with Peace in Every Heart Across Every Galaxy and UniVerse.

For Ancients, Angels, Ancestors, Elders, Our Families and Every Child We Know and Those Yet to Be Born...

May We All Work Together and Learn to Become Good Stewards of Love! 


Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 🕊❤️🕊
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

About KWANZAA...

Kwanzaa is an unique celebration founded in 1966 that takes place December 26th through January1st every year.  

It encourages people around the World of African descent to restore a Universal Family Tradition and to strengthen bonds within the family and community.

Dr. Maulana Karenga is the founder of Kwanzaa. 

Through seven principles represented by the candles lit on the Kinara each day during the celebration of Kwanzaa, we honor our heritage as people of African descent who lost a great deal of our heritage through enslavement.  

#Breathe #Compassion #Cooperation #GoodStewards #Hope #Healing #Integrity #LetGoOfFear #Kinara #SevenPrinciplesOfKWANZAA

Friday, December 23, 2022

Humble Beginnings!

Humble Beginnings!

Beautiful People, 

As we honor the season of a Child Born of Humble Beginnings, we can remember the simplicity of hope and the power of Faith. 

This child was born in Love, grew in Love, walked only in Love and was Resurrected in Love. 

Love is the greatest of all gifts that we can share.  

Love forgives, offers compassion, grows in understanding and patience, gives us courage and fortifies our strength in good. 

Breathe Deeply in Love and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

Please Re-Member that We Too Are Born to Love!

Knowing this, during this Holiday season and for the rest of Your Lives... 

Actively vision and work to create a Vivid Peace with Prosperity for All on EarthHeart for the Children of the Next Seven Generations and Beyond into Eternity.

Try to Always Listen Deeply.  
Act with Compassion, and Courage. 

Build Bridges of Cooperation and Equity.  

Embrace Goodness and Use Integrity in All Interactions.

Offer Hope and Healing.  

Shine Your Light with Faith. 

Speak Only with Truth.  

Share Your Love with Joy. 

ReMember, We All Come From Humble Beginnings. 

Believe. Breathe. Pray. 
Breathe. Live. Love. 

Wishing You All ... Happy Holy Days of Grace and Love with Joy!

Always, Melony ❤️🕊
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

*Artist Unknown 


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Christmas Past and Present!

Christmas Past and Present!

Beautiful People, 

Within Me Lives All the times of Christmas Past; times filled with a questioning wonder and Joy. 

I remember celebrating the birth of the Christ Child by singing, making gifts and cards with snowflakes.

We would decorate the tree with lights, glass bulbs, paper snowflake angels, popcorn, stars and tinsel.

I loved helping My MOMBetty J. Tilman bake cookies and attending Mass. 

I also loved visiting my Grandparents and Great-Grandparents and playing with the cousins. 

No matter how little or much we had, My MOMBetty always taught me to be kind and share with Others; Be Joyful and to Pray for a World of Peace with Love! 

Today I Breathe and Exhale Deeply with Love Ten Times. 

As I remember Every Christmas Past, I promise that I will be kind and share with Others. 

I Will Walk with Wonder and Joy and Pray for a World of Peace and Love! 

Please Join Me!

MOMBetty in Heaven, All the Other Ascended Angels and I Wish YOU a Very, Very, Very Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. 
Breathe. Live. LOVE. 

Always, Melony ❤️🕊
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

#AscendedAngels #BeKind #BirthOfJesus #BreatheDeeply #HappyKwanzaa #LoveHelping #MerryChristmas

To Be Young Gifted and Black!

To Be Young Gifted and Black!

Beautiful People, 

When I look at this photo from my senior year (1972) at Our Lady of Mercy Academy, I am reminded that I have always been unique, rebellious and followed my own drummer.

Muthoni was a name given to me by a family friend from Kenya. He told me it meant kind, comforting woman. I think that is what he thought I would become, not who I was at the time.  

To my younger self I would say...

You Are Amazing, Brilliant and Compassionate. Develop in Goodness. Listen Deeply, Live with Joy and ReMember to Breathe!

This Holiday Season, I Am Grateful for every experience (good or bad) that has made Me Who I Am today!

What Are You Grateful For? What Would You Say to Your Younger Self?

Happy Holidays of Grace! 💫💥💫

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Compassionate #JoySpirit #ListenDeeply #Memories #YoungGiftedAndBlack

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Winter Solstice Prayer for Humanity: A Breathing Meditation to Share Across America and the World!

A Winter Solstice Prayer for Humanity: A Breathing Meditation to Share Across America and the World!

Beautiful People,

May the Blessings of Love be with All People and Our Sentient Family on Earth/Heart.

May we as humans honor every living thing, and see the magnificent elements and creations of Our Blessed Divine ONE working together for Good.

May We All Awaken from the nightmare of envy, greed, hate and disdain for eachother.

May we no longer live in fear, or desire power to control and subjugate those who are different.

May we work to create bridges of understanding and equity with Peace in our hearts, our communities, our nations and our Earth/Heart.

May we be models of Love for Our Children so that they feel at ease walking as Beings of Light.

Let Us Breathe and Exhale 10 Times.

Now Allowing Our Heart Chakra to Expand,We Say:

I Am a Lighted Being of Love. I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me. We Are Lighted Beings of Love. We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

Today We Pray that Grace will move through us so that our hearts are filled with compassion and kindness.

If I or you have offended anyone, let us ask to be forgiven. And let us offer forgiveness for those painful memories caused to us by others.

Because We Are ONE In Love; Integrity and Patience become a Singular Thought.

Because I Am, and You Are Lighted Beings of Love, We See, Reflect and Share Love with All Around Us.

We Walk the Path of Hope and discover Joy in every moment as we breathe.

I Am, and You Are Human. We are learning and becoming; opening to Divine Understanding and Honoring the Good Potential of All.

We Believe that Peace and Prosperity Are Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Good Effort, Forgiveness, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Sincerity, Strong Purpose, Respect, Understanding and--- The Grace of Love!

I Am a Lighted Being of Love. I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me. We Are Lighted Beings of Love. We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

This is Our Prayer, Our Hope, Our Dream and Our Reality Throughout Every UniVerse.

Always, Melony ❤️🕊
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


When the Great Mother Cried!

When the Great Mother Cried!  

Beautiful People, 

When Ego did not trust the Creator's Love, he found himself lost in perpetual storms of wrong words, actions of envy, greed and hate. 

It seemed like for eons and eons, Ego forbade the Heart from experiencing joy and joined with Misery to create dis-order and hate throughout the World.  

Some humans enslaved and murdered others who looked differently. They stole the precious resources and treasured legacies, fought religious wars to maintain control, as well as created and promoted an unequal justice system and societies steeped in the practices of #SystemicRacism. 

For a long time it appeared that this was to become the sad destiny of Earth.   

And the Great Mother Cried. Her tears moved hearts of a few who then felt the undercurrent of the Creator's Love. 

And the Few Awakened from the horrible nightmare created by Ego and Misery.  

These #EarthAngels began to Breathe Deeply and see Beauty in the Stars, in the Moon, Sun and the Many Galaxies Throughout the MultiVerse. 

They began to marvel at the birds song, the lives of animals and fish, and the rhythm of the winds and oceans.  

They learned the history of EarthHeart through the rocks and stones.  

They discovered the oxygen of Love and studied the wisdom of trees. Plant life offered food and healing.  

With Each Breathe they took in Love, they grew Braver.

And Many More #EarthAngels ReMembered the Great Mother and Awakened In Love.  

YOU are one of the many born to honor the Creator and Rise in compassion and integrity through the Great Mother. 

Breathe Deeply 10 Times.  

Breathe In Truth. Know there is only Love. Exhale the Nightmare Created by Ego and Misery.  

Now that You Have Awakened, Allow Divine Grace to Lead Your Heart. Listen to Song of Your Soul. It is the Creator's Song of Love.   

Again, Ten Times... 
Breathe In Love. Exhale Love.  

There Is No Turning Back.  

The only way to heal and live and prosper on EarthHeart is to stay awake, build bridges of compassion and cooperation, Create World that Works for All People and Trust Only Love!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. 
Breathe. Live. LOVE. 

Always, Melony ❤️🕊
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #WinterSolstice2022