Tuesday, February 28, 2023

WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!
(CHALLENGE: Help Deliver this Message of Love! Please Perform & SHARE Across the World)

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Friends and Good Neighbors…

You Listen Deeply, Share Your Hearts with Compassion and Inspire Us with Your Kindness and Love that Never Ends.

We Are Born and Live On Earth Because of YOU!

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

You Are Activists, Accountants, Actors, Advocates for Justice, Artists, Architects, Astronauts, Aviators, Business CEOs and Leaders, Business Owners, Caretakers, Change Agents, Carpenters, Constructions Workers, Clergy, Diplomats, Engineers, Dreamers, Writers, Dancers, Musicians, Spirit Journeyers, and Matriarchs of Hope.

You Teach Us Patience. Build Bridges of Possibility. Create Skyscrapers of Integrity, Lift Us Up with Good Purpose. Share Our Dreams. Wipe Our Tears. Show Us Joy. And Remind Us that Education, Equity and Peace Can and Should Be Our Reality.

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

You Are Bus Drivers and Train Conductors, Beauticians, Chefs and Cooks, Doctors, Educators, Historians, Librarians, Gardeners, Nurses, Nurturers of Children and Families, Scientific Researchers, Freedom Speakers, Inventors, Leaders of Countries, Hospitals, Foundations and Universities, Judges, Governments Employees, Legislators, Congressional Representatives, Senators, Members of the Military, Police Officers, and Veterans.

You Birth Us. You Nurture Us. You Defend Us. You Help Heal Us. You Support Us. You Represent Us. You Pray With Us. You Guide Us.

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

Across the 7 Continents of the World in Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. We Join Hands and Hearts As We Celebrate and Salute Women of All Cultures and Faith Traditions.

Women … Community Builders. Givers. Helpers. Servant Leaders. Peacemakers. Entrepreneurs. Homemakers. And Visionaries!


WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! 

We Salute YOU!

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈 


In 2016 My MOMBetty J Tilman (now Ascended to the Heavens and Loved Into ETERNITY) asked me to write a piece on Women. Then she said "Send It Around the World". 

Please Help Deliver this Message of Love! 

Together Let's Affirm and Honor Women Across the Earth/Heart.

Here Is A Challenge Offer to YOU...

I've written this poem called "WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!", and would like to see/ hear it performed on Youtube, Shared All Over FB, Tweeted, Social Media, etc., including television and the radio in honor of Women's Month the entire month of March. 

Translate the poem into Your Language. Choreograph It. Put Music To It. Recite It. Make your videos solo, with a group, with children, with senior citizens. 

What Would Happen If We Honored Women All Over the World? Please Let's Find Out Together! 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

Friday, February 24, 2023

Only One Special YOU!

Only One Special YOU! 

Beautiful People, 

First Breathe and Exhale Deeply Many Times.

Say Thank You for the Sun which has traveled around Earth/Heart to bring YOU a New Day. 

Listen to the sound of Melodious Birds Singing in Gratitude and Celebration.

Green leaves are spouting on trees and flowers are blossoming in Love.

The Truth Is....All Are Special. 

Listen and Breathe Deeply. 

Walk with Love. Re-Member and Trust Your Heart.

There Is Only One Special YOU!

Breathe. Say Thank You. 

Listen to Your Heart of Truth.  

Know that you are like a flower blossoming with Clear Intention and Love. 

On Your Journey, the Most Important Corner to Discover Is the One Where Love Intersects with Truth. 

Know, Believe and Trust that...

There is Only One Special YOU! 

Today, Listen Deeply. 

Speak with Compassion, Courage, Cooperation and Integrity. Offer Hope, Patience and Understanding.  

Live with Good Purpose, Gratitude, Love and JOY...

Remember YOU Each Have a Responsibility to Listen Deeply.

Continue to Develop Your Genius and Share the Gift of YOU with Tender Integrity and Trust Your Heart!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Gratitude, Healing, Hope, Integrity, JOY, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo by #BrianBagley 

#Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #JOY #ListenDeeply #LiveWithLove #OfferHope #OnlyOneSpecialYOU #ParisFrance #Respect #SAYThankYOU #TenderIntegrity #TravelTheWorld #TrustYourHeart

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Deeper Understanding!

Deeper Understanding!

Beautiful People,

In the Time of material greed, corruption, evil, hate, systemic racism and religious wars...

There was a Woman who had traveled far and faced many demons. 

Along the way, she had made some good decisions, and some bad decisions that offered good lessons. 

She had helped many people but when she thought she needed help, no one was there. She felt disappointed and terribly alone. 

She PRAYED for Deeper Understanding. 

One day, a few Angel Wise Ones came to her in a dream. They held her hand and wiped her tears. They sat quietly with her and watched the Moon and the Stars as they glistened in the darkness.  

In Unison the Angel Wise Ones said to the Woman...

"Trust in the Light - Trust in the Spirit - Know that you will always be a part of who I AM and a part of ME." 

The Woman awakened from her dream with New, Deeper Understanding; feeling safe, nurtured and Loved.  

She felt that the Angel Whisperings were the GOD/GOOD Living and traveling within Her.  

So often the Strong Ones feel that they journey alone, trying to offer others compassion, hope and understanding. It is important to remember that We Are Never Alone. 

Please, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

Remember These Words in Your Heart....  

"Trust in the Light - Trust in the Spirit - Know that you will always be a part of who I AM and a part of ME." 

Try to walk with Courage, Compassion, Faith, Hope, Integrity, Mercy and a Deeper Understanding.  

Always Remember, Divine Spirit Is Living and Traveling Within YOU! 

Believe. Breathe. PRAY.
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#AngelWiseOnes #AngelWhisperings
#Breathe #Compassion 
#Courage #DivineSpirit #DeeperUnderstanding 
#Healing #Hope #Integrity 

Friday, February 17, 2023

COMING October 2023! A NEW BOOK: GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE written and collected by Melony McGant Foreword by Ben Vereen

COMING October 2023! A NEW BOOK: GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE written and collected by Melony McGant Foreword by Ben Vereen 

Says author, celebrity dialect coach and The Juilliard School alum, #DeniseWoods, "My Darling Sister/Friend Melony McGant invited me to contribute to a very important endeavor. Have a look… I’m among a select group of contributors and I couldn’t be more honored… Thank you, Sis!" ❤️

(Contributor Listing)

Mashaiel AlNifay, Rosario Jorge Do Amaral, JRome Andre, ChiChi Anyanwu, Donna Baxter Porcher, Bruce Blakey, Dr. Stephanie Boddie, Donna Chernoff, Regina Chow McPhie, Andrea Christofferson, Mary Christopher, Martha Richards Conley Esq., Rev. Cheryl Cotton, Ajack M. Dau, Luna Diagne, Naima Renee Dobbs, Ger Duany, Dr. Lucinia Dunn,  JaRon Eames, Vincent Esoldi, Lawrence Evans, Tawnya Farris-Redwood, Dale Fielder, Sunya Williams Folayan, Huling Foster, Mayor Ed Gainey (City of Pittsburgh Proclamation), Rev. Dr. Sedrick Gardner, James Gillard, Sylvia Golbin Goodman, Donald Muldrow Griffith, Marieta Harper, Ludwick "Luddy" Hayden, Grandmother Marian Hartsfield, Femi Sarah Heggie, Dr. Donald Henderson(d), Gerald Henderson, Victoria Horne, Joseph James, Jr., Brandon Jennings, QueenAlena Jones Smith, M. Katie Jordan, Dr. Martha Llanos-Zuloaga, Carol Maillard, Ellyn Long Marshall, Carrie and Steven McCray, Stanley Wayne Mathis, Nasser Sundiata Metcalfe, Dale Miller, Jean Miller, Dr. Buba Misawa, Joyce Morrow-Jones ( Orisanmi Kehinde Odesanya), Imam H. Daniel Mujahid, Dr. Sandra Murray, Lewis Nash, Evelyn Nelson, Rachael Ngethe (Malkiah), Yamin and Olivia Majdi-Panella, Jeremy John Parker (Layout and Design), Rev. Dr. Ronald Peters, Louise Robinson, Muhammed (Mo) Rum, Carlton Scott, Rev. Dr. Ingrid Leslene Scott, Arthur W. Seabury, Robert Shockey (Dino Viper), John Alan Slocum, Delores Southers, Joy Delores Southers, Yoro Sow, Mario Sprouse, Dr. Thupten Tendhar, George Teroy, Sebastian Teroy, Dr. William Tiga Tita, Charles E Timbers Jr., Michael Vann, Benjamin Vereen, Bonnie Weaver, Nita Wiggins, Denise Woods, Dr. Robert Woods and Andrew Zaeh. 

National creative treasure and performer #BenVereen has created a touching Foreword for GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.  

He says ".... In the winter of 2017, I stopped in a small shop on West 48th Street called Scent Elate in NYC. This store is known for crystals, incense, Lamp Berger, fine soaps, scented candles and a beautiful assortment of items that can be given as gifts. There is something about the energy of this shop owed by Muhmmed Rum that is inviting, warm and nurturing. It is here that I first met Melony McGant.
Over the years, I have learned more about Melony and her remarkable Mother, Ms. Betty J. Tilman(d), who was Founder of the Good Neighbor Project Committee (GNPC in partnership with the Poise Foundation in Pittsburgh, PA). She also worked at the University of Pittsburgh in international affairs for many years and was one of the founding members of the University of Pittsburgh's African Heritage Room/Nationality Rooms in the Cathedral of Learning. In honor of her dedication, there is a yearly scholarship that supports travel to Africa for undergraduate students in the name Ms. Betty J. Tilman. Her legacy is that of a beloved friend, humanitarian, international bridgebuilder and community activist. 

GOOD IS POWERUL BEYOND MEASURE is a tribute to the humanitarian work of Ms. Betty J Tilman, as well as a wonderful collection of Sacred Re-Memberings; where people of all nationalities on four continents who know and respect Rev. Melony McGant speak from their hearts.

They have many titles ranging from actor, ambassador, artist, attorney, business owner, chef, civil servant, dancer, educator, filmmaker, grandfather, grandmother, healer, mentee and mentor to minister, musician, peace officer, photographer, publisher, psychologist, social worker, spiritual leader, student and writer. Their messages are united in healing, hope and light. In poetry and prose, more than fifty people share diverse perspectives highlighting their life lessons and personal truths. 
GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE reminds us that no matter how difficult our lives may be, there is always a bright light coming from within, if we allow it. There is a sweet voice heard in us that wants to guide us to the top of the hill to look out over the possibilities of any day. All we have to do is choose goodness. The good that we choose can and will blossom over time. Most of all remember that as we wrap ourselves in the light of GOOD we become the light and shine through and above all the darkness. I invite you to read the many reflections in this anthology of GOODNESS." 
--- Ben Vereen

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

PAUSE: Prayer of Love Affirmation...

PAUSE: Prayer of Love Affirmation...

Beautiful People, 

First Breathe Deeply 10 Times.
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love.
In Love. Out Love.....

Please Join me in a Prayer of Love Affirmation...

I Am a Lighted Being of Love. 

Created and inspired by 
Our Blessed Divine Creator 
to Reflect Love, 
Share Love and Be Love. 

All that I dream and hope for 
comes through the Divine Flow
of Love. 

My thoughts and feelings are Love.

 The Air I Breathe is Love.

 YOU Are Love. 

 I Am Love. 

 WE Are Love. 

Today, All the Good that I Do 
Is Nurtured and Inspired By Love. 

I Am a Lighted Being of Love.

And So It Is With Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie 🌈

#Breathe #LoveAffirmation

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Drink Often from the JOY Oasis!

Drink Often from the JOY Oasis! 

Beautiful People, 

First Stretch Your Arms to the Sky In Gratitude and Say Thank You!

Open Your Heart and Clear Your Mind. Let Go of Any Distractions. 

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Gratitude and Love.  Out Gratitude and Love. 

In Gratitude and Love.  Out Gratitude and Love...

When We Awaken and Say Thank You for the Miracle of the New Day...

We Are Re-Membering and Honoring Grace by Drinking from the Joy Oasis. 

Each Thank You we offer in Pure Gratitude comes from our Joy Oasis. 

What is the JOY Oasis? 

It is the place in our hearts where Compassion, Goodness, Hope, Integrity and Love reside. 

Drink Often from Your JOY Oasis and Simple Miracles of Hope will become more evident throughout your day!

Let Us SayThank You often throughout the day & night as we believe, breathe, live & Love!

Always, Melony💕🦋💕 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity. Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Goodness #Gratitude #Inspiration #Integrity #JOYOasis #Meditation #MiraclesOfHope #SayThankYou

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Embrace Every Blessing!

Embrace Every Blessing!

Beautiful People, 

"Rev. Melony McGant, author of Sunshine and Olivier ( her recent best seller on Amazon ) has also written Seeker Dreamer: my go to book at the end of the day when I need inspiration and encouragement" JEAN MILLER 

I want to remind you that we must Embrace Every Blessing As a Miracle. Today I was scrolling through Facebook and saw this Beautiful Picture and Words of Encouragement from Mrs. Jean Miller. I Breathed Deeply with Appreciation, Love and Joy. What a Blessing! WOW! 

Mrs. Jean Miller, Is a Proud Wife, Mother and Grandmother. She is also a member of the award winning swim team Harlem Honeys and Bears, a Senior Olympics Swimming Gold Medalist and the Administrative Director of Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre. 

Thank You Mrs. Miller for Your Beautiful Heart and Generous Support! What a Wonderful Suprise!

May Many New Blessings and Miracles Continue to Manifest for You and Your Beautiful Family! Prayers Up with Loving Appreciation!

Melony 💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


#Blessings #Breathe #Encouragement #Gratitude #MiraclesOfHope #MelonyMcGantAuthor #HEALINGADAGIOBook #SEEKERDREAMERBook #SUNSHINEANDOLIVIERBook #AMAZON

Friday, February 10, 2023

Happy New B'Earth Year of Continuing Grace and Love Ms.Roberta Flack!

Happy New B'Earth Year of Continuing Grace and Love 
Ms. Roberta Flack!

Beautiful Queen #RobertaFlack, this photo holds special memories of Your Exquisite Grace. Sherry Bronfmanand I Thank You for that magical moment where you stopped to greet us with beaming joy! 

Our Prayers and Good Wishes Are With You Always!

With Loving Appreciation and Respect for Your Greatness!

Melony and Sherry!

From #Wikipedia 
Roberta Cleopatra Flack (born February 10, 1937)[2][3] is an American singer who topped the Billboard charts with the No. 1 singles "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face", "Killing Me Softly with His Song", "Feel Like Makin' Love", "Where Is the Love" and "The Closer I Get to You", the latter two duets with Donny Hathaway. Flack influenced the subgenre of contemporary R&B called quiet storm, and interpreted songs by songwriters such as Leonard Cohen and members of the Beatles.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

On Becoming a Love Visionary...

On Becoming a Love Visionary...

Beautiful People,

A Love Visionary is one who decides to forego greed and live with Compassion and Integrity. 

YOU look for ways to serve humanity and make decisions that allow you to use your talents and resources to benefit and help heal those in distress; so that seven generations of children will come to know, and live in Peace with Prosperity and Love.  

A Love Visionary may be called a fool or considered naïve.  

In Truth, a Love Visionary Walks with Good Intention, Faith and Patience.

YOU pave the path of compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, equity, forgiveness, hope, integrity, kindness, healing, peace, respect, tenacity, understanding and Good Possibility for Future Generations!

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

YOU Are Not Alone. You Are Not Crazy, a Fool or Naive.

Even in confusion, corruption, greed, hate and violence in Our World... 

It Is Said that Love Can Move Mountains! 

As a Love Visionary, YOU Make Good Efforts to Live In Peace.  

YOU Speak the Peace. 

Through Your Goodness, YOU Become the Peace! 

Thank YOU for Sharing Your Generous Hearts.

Today ReMember YOU Are a Love Visionary Forever Becoming!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

TBT Photo: From the Vault of Beautiful Memories 

#GerDuany #Actor #Author #Immigrant #Model
#GlobalCitizen #WalkTowardsTheRisingSun 
#LoveVisionary #SouthSudan

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

I Feel, See, Honor and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!

I Feel, See, Honor and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!

Beautiful People, 

When Life Appears to Be Overwhelming, Still Yourself and Breathe.

With each breath, let go of your frustration and replace it with Patience.

Take a moment and feel all around you with a heart of Love. What does Love feel like?

Now, Breathe In Compassion, Healing and Hope. Breathe Out Compassion, Healing and Hope.

 Feel and see the beauty of your heart as you tenderly offer care for yourself and decide to extend that care and tenderness to all those around you.

Breathe Deeply Ten Times. 

In Patience, Compassion and Love.
Out Patience, Compassion and Love.

In Patience, Compassion and Love. Out Patience, Compassion and Love....

Throughout the day, walk with patient thoughts, words and actions. 

Offer Care and Tenderness.

Breathe Deeply. Allow yourself to reflect your beautiful Heart of Love.

With each step, re-member and honor the Voice that says...

"I Feel, See, Honor and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!"

 Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Education, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Putpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Appreciation #Breathe 
#Care #CompassionateYOU #HeartOfLove #Tenderness

Friday, February 3, 2023

Live in the NOW!

Live in the NOW!

Beautiful People, 

We are given no choice but to Live in the NOW! 

The challenges at any moment may seem overwhelming but when we PAUSE and BREATHE DEEPLY we are able to re-connect to our Divine Selves.

 An Affirmation...

"Today I remember to breathe and exhale deeply.  

I will speak gently in a way that will allow me to be heard.  

I will do what I can do, rest when I need to rest and through my breath, I will allow and receive the Grace of Love!"

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Melony 🦋
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Blessed Be YOU!

Blessed Be YOU!

Beautiful People, 

Take a Moment to Still Your Mind and Your Heart. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

In Care, Compassion, Patience, Tenacity and Love.

Out Care, Compassion, Patience, Tenacity and Love... 

Blessed Be YOU Who Breathes with Appreciation for the New Day.

Blessed Be YOU who offers care and concern for others with the same Compassion and Integrity you offer yourself. 

Blessed Be YOU who shares encouraging words; walks with an open heart and lives with the Gifts of Patience and Tenacity. 

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply. 

Listen to the Voice in Your Heart that Comforts, Knows Truth and Offers Only Love. 

"Blessed Be YOU. Blessed Be YOU!" 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BlessedBeYOU #Breathe #Care #Compassion #EncouragingWords #Integrity #OfferOnlyLove #Patience #SpeakTheTruth #Tenacity

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Honoring Black History: Dance Icon Miss Katherine Dunham #OPRAHLegend

Honoring Black History: Dance Icon Miss Katherine Dunham #OPRAHLegend

Katherine Dunham Speaks Out on Dunham Technique, Today's World Violence, Leaders, and Hope by Melony McGant .

 Anthropologist, choreographer, writer and humanitarian Katherine Dunham has been called a visionary, a pioneer, and a living legend. She has been a major force in dance, and is best known for incorporating African American, Caribbean, African, and South American movement style themes into her ballets. She has appeared in more than 57 countries around globe, received recognition from UNESCO as well as heads of state, and is the recipient of hundreds of awards and honorary doctorates including the U.S. Presidential Award, Kennedy Center Honors, the Albert Schweitzer Award, Essence Magazine Awards, the National Black Theatre Festival Lifetime Achievement Award, and was one of Oprah's Legends.

 Originally recorded in 2002 at the Miss Katherine Dunham's residence in NYC, portions of this conversation have appeared in African Voices Magazine (a much longer version) and Tribes Magazine. In this interview with Melony McGant, Miss Dunham shares her heart, and hopes for a World of Peace, as she passes us the baton.

 Miss Katherine Dunham was born in Chicago on 22 June, 1909 and left this Earth Realm and Ascended to the Heaven Realm on May 21, 2006. She Is Re-membered with Love!

 MM: It's been said that the Dunham Technique has strong implications and affiliations to the "other world." 

 KD: I feel that to know Dunham Technique you have to be willing to accept the holistic view of life. That is the body, mind and spirit work together. They don't work separately from each other. They grow together and unite. You have to be aware that these things do not operate alone, they operate together. So when you are deeply into Dunham Technique and are performing the choreography or are teaching, or learning, then all of those parts of your body begin to sing. And they begin to sing not in solo voices but in unison. It's like striking a wonderful chord and the response from the person who is receiving is so great that the teacher grows from it too. You can not be a teacher of Dunham Technique without receiving back from the pupil or the person that you teach.

MM: Sometimes the student could get lost out there in their own meditation and become ecstatic . How can a teacher know when to bring them back?

KD: By identification. By being able to identify with others. The good teacher is so sensitive, so willing to know and love, and be a part of ... The open minded student feels that. It's like the audience. The audience wouldn't be there if they didn't want to be there. The minute you step on to the stage you have to feel their awareness and willingness and gather it into your whole being. Every move that you make goes out with love and with an understanding of body, mind and spirit being united into one feeling, being, one "itness," so that you are a successful performer and your audience is able to receive with an open self.

 MM: How can a teacher help a student understand that?

 KD: I'd say don't talk about it. Just be it. Do it and be it. A lot of teachers try to explain. There's a little explanation, maybe. If you help your student eat the right thing, breath the right thing, feel the right thing, be aware of good things. It can help ... For instance, you might suggest that your student attend a concert that will immediately fit into their needs. Knowing the needs of other people is one of the hard things about BEING. I don't say to a student don't do this or don't do that. I just try to show them. You know what was so wonderful about Erich Fromm ... He'd ask me questions instead of telling me how to be over my malaise or unhappiness or whatever it was, he'd ask me questions that would lead me to the Balm and Gilead for me. And that I think is what a good friend or a true psychoanalyst, a truly worthy element in your life does ... It is to guide you through love.

MM: How do you feel about what's happening in the World"?

 KD: What's happening in the world today is very, very hard on me. It is so awful, so terrible, so painful and so many people suffering. It's a fact. It's here with us. It's ridiculous to think that your government is going to ease your pain. As I look at it I say ... For God's sake I say don't go and kill to compensate for killing.

 MM: This is a hard question for me to ask. Do you have any anger about anything?

 KD: Anger. Oh yes, that's a part of activism. If I do not approve of what you are doing, then I will do everything I can to stop it. I will bring all of my strength to stop it. I am not in agreement, I am not in accord ... I am angry at what is happening in this world today. I wouldn't be me if I tried to suppress that anger, I'd be false ... hypocritical. I don't have to put it on anyone else. You don't have to be angry with me if that's not the way you feel. But above all don't try to stop me from being angry.

 MM: If you were speaking to our world leaders, what would you say?

KD: Well to most of them I would say: "You do not belong in a position of leadership. You have not overcome self. You don't really love humanity, yourself included. You are not a leader. Stop and look at it and study it, realize it and change it. Change yourself or step aside and help someone else take the position that you feel you are fulfilling but you're not." And I'd say: "Stop and think and don't try to put aside, or shut your eyes to those things that are showing you where you've made mistakes. Open your heart to these things inside and help. Be sure that your every breath, every thought, every movement, every deed is being helpful to someone or something. Be sure that you are honest and true."

 MM: How do you feel about this violence?

KD: It should have no place in human living.

 MM: Are all religions the same? Not the dogma, but the spirit?

 KD: I think that intellectually they sound as though they are the same. Intellectually they all say we believe in our God. We want to do what that one God says do but we see errors that are committed because between God and action comes man. And man is by no means perfect creature.

 MM: And the United States?

 KD: The United States is a great big hypocrite bully. Our God has chosen to give us ... .a means of conquering ... but when you are power driven, you are bound to turn to destruction and violence.

MM: What do you want to tell my generation and the children ... those who come after. What should we be doing?

KD: You should be aware. And of course always be forgiving. You can judge but I don't feel that we have within us the right to hold forth any blessings. God does that. And I would say be aware and be giving. Know how to take, how to receive and how to give. Be sure that both are operating always in your life. If you feel strongly about a cause, don't push it on people but be willing to defend it when it is necessary. Just one word, that one word love is strongest. Know all the different phases of love and have them all in your life. And be able to live with them.

 MM: Could you give me a couple of examples of love that you were thinking of ?

 KD: Well, you certainly have to know self-love. Erich (Fromm) was probably the founder of that... belief in yourself and a love of yourself. Be kind and gentle with yourself and everything else. Try to avoid, and succeed in avoiding injury to others. Live life with kindness and live life with love.

 MM: Is there any hope?

 KD: I feel that this present civilization is just about over. I feel that there is a hope in some people, elements, I won't say remnants ... things that are still there, that they can manage to be together after a period of rest and growth. And choose to grow in the sunshine of hope and love. Yes then there is hope for another civilization on this earth. Of course there is always a chance that out in the universe there are some other earths that could come and smash this one into nothing. I see no reason why there shouldn't be another chance for man because he is a creature of God but I'm not counting on it. I'm counting on trying to help save and give hope to those whose eyes are open now and who are suffering.

MM: Is there anything that I can personally do for you? Or anything that I personally need to know ?

KD: I think that you are one of the people who has the fabric of knowledge and I think that you should develop it and continue on your mission of nurturing love and furthering love and that you must spend a little more time protecting yourself. You can't afford to be hyper-sensitive, put it that way. You have to find different ways to help you to be stronger everyday. And be stronger and wiser. You need strength and you need wisdom. And you've helped so much ... just the fact that you are there. And I know that you are there. And that I know you are an honest person working towards the same end, that's great.

 MM: Thank you, you honor me.

KD: And don't be embarrassed by tears ...

 MM: I gathered my things, thanked Ms. Dunham again,and gave her a big hug.

 Miss Katherine Dunham was born in Chicago on 22 June, 1909 and left this Earth Realm and Ascended to the Heaven Realm on May 21, 2006. She Is Re-membered with Love!

(c) Melony McGant, 2002, Photo May 1, 2006 by Tyrone Rasheed