Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Friend for Every Lifetime!

A Friend for Every Lifetime!

Maybe it's the way you walk or how you make me feel wanted or needed when you listen. 

Maybe it's your eyes that feel like they are looking into my soul with compassion. 

I don't what it is.  It could even be your smile that lights the room or the way I am able to laugh at myself when I remember our many conversations, and the mistakes I've made! 

When I think of you, I know I have a friend for every lifetime. 

I Breathe and Exhale Love Ten Times; and decide to Honor Friendship. 

Today I will treat everyone as if they are a Friend.

I will look and listen with compassion. 

I will offer my smiles with appreciation and understanding. 

I will extend my hand without judgment. 

I will laugh joyfully and tenderly at myself. 

With Appreciation, Gratitude and Joy, I Breathe Deeply;


I Will Be a Friend for Every Lifetime!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, DeepListening, Faith, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#AFriendForEveryLifetime #BeTender #Compassion #DeepListening #Gratitude 
#LaughJoyfully #OfferYourSmile

Thursday, April 27, 2023

#SingHisSong, a Celebration of Life for #MrHarryBelafonteat Lincoln Center's Revsons Fountain (63rd & Broadway, NYC)

#SingHisSong, a Celebration of Life for #MrHarryBelafonte
at Lincoln Center's Revsons Fountain (63rd & Broadway, NYC)

Beautiful People, 

First, please join me in offering Prayers of Compassion for the Belafonte Family, Friends & All of Us Who Loved Him. 

May the Integrity, Sense of Justice and Love of King #HarryBelafonte Live in Our Hearts As His Spirit Soars.

Now...#SingHisSong a Celebration of Life for #MrHarryBelafonte was a magnificent, multigenerational Love offering with people of all backgrounds honoring Mr. B. with tears, laughter and song.

The community event was spearheaded by the Belafonte Family Foundation, the Gathering for Justice,
@gather4justice IMPACT Repertory Theatre and Lincoln Center for the Arts.

It was a perfect way to begin to process the physical departure of Mr. B., and yet honor him and his work in our hearts. 

From Lincoln Center's Victoria Benitez who grew up with Gina Belafonte, international photographer Jane Feldman (whom you see holding a picture she took with Mr. Belafonte,  Nelson Mandela and the Honorable Charles Rangel) and musical director Chapman Roberts to Muslim activist Linda Sarsour, esteemed actress Joyce Walker Joseph with husband Jamal Joseph, reknown producer playwright and founder of IMPACT Repertory Theatre and Shayoni Mitra...
People of all gathered and mingled around the Fountain and the Square discussing the impact that Mr. Harry Belafonte had had on theirs lives. 

When the official program began, Carmen Perez-Jordan the courageous President and CEO of The Gathering for Justice spoke elegantly from her heart. 

Jamal Joseph reminded us to lift our hearts & voices in celebration of the Life and Legacy of #MrHarryBelafonte. 

Through our grief, we felt joy and clapped, danced & joined the dynamic youth of IMPACT Repertory Theatre in singing "We Are the World" and "DAYO"!

It was a beautiful way to say to Bye for Now & you are forever in our hearts to #MrHarryBelafonte, a National and International Treasure whose Legacy will continue to positively impact and inspire many generations to come!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Earth Is Our Heart! A Visionary Meditation for the Peacemaker!

Earth Is Our Heart!  A Visionary Meditation for the Peacemaker! 

Beautiful People, 

Many Blessings To Each Of YOU. 

Please take a moment to clear your mind and your heart of any distractions. 

Now, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

In Gratitude, Love and Patience. 
Out Gratitude, Love and Patience .... 

Now, join me today and embody the Peacemaker.

Know that Earth Is OUR Heart.

As the birds create new medleys of awareness, let us walk with acceptance, healing and understanding.

Now we call on the resources of the trees, and water, and the sun, and the insects, and elephants and dolphins, rocks and mountains, and the wind, and the sky and All Sentient Beings.

We all are partners and together right now, we are given a renewed appreciation of Divine Patience and Understanding. 

Allow your bodies to relax as we merge with Nature around us.


As a Peacemaker, you are learning to walk with the right questions that allow for honest negotiation and conversation.

Look to the oceans, the rivers, the ponds and the streams.  Become a tiny pebble that creates a ripple of awareness as you toss yourself into a body of water.

Ask that others with like hearts create pebbles of cooperation, equality, deep listening, honesty, humility, integrity, wisdom, mercy, patience, respect, understanding and Love throughout EARTH as Our Living HEART. 

You Have Awakened & ReMembered.  Now as you walk across the Rainbow Bridge of JOY; let the song of LOVE pierce our planet as we join together to create a New World of Equality, Equanimity and Peace.

Right NOW, as we merge with the DivineONE... 

We vision and see ourselves existing in a World where all children are nurtured and educated and Loved. 

Our Ancestors are ReMembered and Honored with Love. 

Our Seniors & Children are cared for, honored and Loved.

It is a World of Compassion, Acceptance, Integrity, Humility, Mercy & Peace.

Know that as You Believe in Love, then the Air You Breathe Will Be Love.

You Are a Peacemaker, Dedicated to Helping Heal Our EarthHeart.

Always, Melony💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

#BreatheLovePray #EarthIsOurHeart

Saturday, April 22, 2023

#EarthDay2023: A Spring Vision...

#EarthDay2023: A Spring Vision...

 Beautiful People,

Today I Pray.  I Sit In Silence Asking for Guidance and Direction. 

The question some of us may be asking in this time of Painful Transformation is...

"Will Hope Be Enough for All to Re-Connect to Our Divine Source of Love?". 

The Truth Is that All Actions of Love Make this World Better! 

I close my eyes, trust and allow time to pass. 

I Breathe and Exhale Many Times.  In Hope.  Out Love. 

I follow the Light through the darkness.  Each step I take into my heart fills me with Grace and gives me Hope. 

I Vision Good Change on Earth. Good Change is not always comfortable or easy. 

Sometimes Change brings confusion and chaos. 

I Breathe.  The World Is Changing. 
I Am Changing.

I hold on to Faith and ask for more Courage.  I keep moving towards the Light. 

I Thank Our Blessed Creator.  
I Honor Our Ancestors and All Who Have Ascended.

It is Spring.  As I step into Good Change, I imagine that I become the Light.  All around me are other Lights.  We are those Spirits Awakening with Respect and Integrity. 

Together We Are Breathing. 
In Hope. Out Love.

My Vision Continues.... 

Collectively we honor our Elders and our Children. 

We Vision a World of Loving Peace where there is equity, good education and housing; as well as safe communities with true blossoming sustenance and Good Possibility with Opportunity for All. 

We Share Lovingly.  We Forgive. 

We smile and decide to work together to help heal our broken hearts and our Earth/Heart.

Somewhere buttercups, tulips and magnolia trees are beginning to blossom. 

Robins and hummingbirds sing. 

The powerful voice of blue jays is heard even by dolphins and whales. 

The oceans roar and the wind calls on us to Love.  And Love vibrates and spins new melodies.

Yes.  It is Spring, and Change Is Here!  Hope, Love and New Possibility fill the air. 

It is time to continue our individual and Collective Journeys with  Courage, Integrity, Good Purpose and Respect for Eachother. 

May Humanity Awaken with Integrity and Allow Love to Lead so that Our Children Thrive and Grow and Prosper with Good Dreams Everywhere throughout the World.

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


A Remarkable Eid Ul Fitr! ☪️

A Remarkable Eid Ul Fitr! ☪️ 

Beautiful People, 

I was so very Blessed to be invited by my GodDaughter Kewe and her husband Max for a beautiful Eid Celebration. 

Their apartment was full with many of Senegalese heritage.  Kewe had planned for 10 adults and 8 children ages 3- 14.  But another 5 teenagers showed up and were received lovingly with open arms.   

It was truly a Feast. There was baked lamb and chicken,  an exquisite rice with shrimp (made by Kewe's Sister Sattou), vermicelli with onions and olives, red onion salad, potato salad, egg salad and a beautiful green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers & olives. 

To drink, we had our choice of sorrel, fresh mango juice or water.

For desert there was a platter of succulent fruit.

We laughed and talked of Senegal, Dakar, Theis, the Pink Lake,  the magnificent Mosque in Diourbel and the Holy City of Touba.   

Younger children ran back and forth and the teenagers hovered independently in their own world, wherever they found space. 

What I learned was that Eid Ul Fitr gave us an opportunity to gather for Good. 

And when we mobilize for Good, hope and courage will help us embrace a Clear Vision. 

Compassion and Purpose will guide us through Kindness. 

Patience will teach how to build a strong foundation.  

Love will teach us to endure and help us climb the Mountain of Everlasting Faith. 

Truth will inspire us with the  understanding that every day gives us an opportunity to share and Mobilize for Good!

Eid Mubarak Karim! ☪️ 

Always, Melony 🦋
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Beautiful People,

Right Here Now... 

Beyond the questioning or knowing, as you watch the sun set or the moon rise and kiss the stars... 

In the twilight or early morning dawn as the sun awakens you... 

Let Us Give Thanks to Our Blessed Creator who Lives in Our Hearts and everywhere throughout the MultiVerse.

Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Love is the Creator's Gift to all who Believe, Embrace the Mystery and See Beauty in the Soul Journey of Every Heart.

Love is the place of Integrity where yesterday and tomorrow merge into Now.

Love is letting go of notions of false superiority, envy, greed, jealousy and hate.

Love is walking in Peace and sharing compassion, offering hope and tender words to yourself and others so that you let go of old fears and heal hearts with Forgiveness, including your own heart.

Only when we believe that Love does not harm, is not selfish and does not envy will we experience the bliss of life.

Then we will feel Love in our hearts, taste it in our food, see it in the skies, the oceans, and the blossoming flowers and trees as they bloom and awaken in the New Day.

The moment we are willing to live our destiny as beings of Love, and know that Love is the Creator's most Precious Gift, then we will be able to genuinely Love Our Neighbors and Offer Our Best so that together we Prosper with Joy.

In this moment, Right Now is the opportunity to Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.... 

Today, How Will You Live and Honor the Creator in this Moment of Eternity?

Please Re-Member to Breathe, Feel, Smell, Look, Touch, Taste and Listen to Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion 
#Courage #DeepListening #EmbraceTheMystery 

I See, Feel and Honor the Loving, Radiant Sparkling YOU!

I See, Feel and Honor the Loving, Radiant Sparkling YOU! 

Beautiful People, 

First Clear Your Mind and Open Your Hearts. RELAX.

Now Breathe in Gratitude Exhale Gratitude Deeply Ten Times. 
I See YOU, struggling each day to Do More Good.  

Wherever you go, you plant seeds of kindness and offer your hope with integrity. 

Beyond the history of hurt, like every Child of Love you are learning to extend your hand and your heart with Forgiveness & Mercy.  

I See and Feel Within You a Light that Radiates and Heals through Patience and Compassion. 

I See, Feel and Honor the Loving, Radiant Sparkling YOU! 


Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

#AhmadJamal #IllNeverStopLovingYou

#Breathe #Compassion #ChildOfLove #DoMoreGood #Forgiveness #HistoryOfHurt #Mercy #Patience #PlantSeeds #RadiantSparklingYOU

Monday, April 17, 2023

Life's Romance!

Life's Romance!

Beautiful People,

Today I Am Grateful... 

For all the times I've Loved and all the people I've Loved it's never been the same!

I am in Love with children, butterflies, birds, flowers, trees, stones, seashells, dolphins and Our EarthHeart.

I Love people who Love and people trying to Love.

I love the sun, the rain, the moon, the stars, galaxies and the Omnipotent MultiVerse!

I even Love people who have forgotten how to Love, because They Teach Me to Keep My Heart Open.

For Me, Love Is Like Honey.  Love Heals.

I Love Being Alive...

Honoring the Great Spirit in ALL...

And Seeing Life As An Everlasting Spiritual Romance!

Today Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Take Some Time to Connect with Your Heart and Reflect...

What Are You Grateful For?
Who and What Do You Love?

Believe.  Breathe.  Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie  Rainbow 🌈 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #IAmGrateful #Hope #Kindness #LifesRomance #LoveHeals #LoveIsLikeHoney #LoveWins

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Join Me in a Prayer of Hope...

Join Me in a Prayer of Hope...

 Thank You Blessed MotherFather Creator of Light, Love, Goodness, Creativity, and Hope. 

I Honor You In All That Is and All That Is Not and All That Will Ever Be.

My Every Breath Is a Prayer of Humility and Gratitude for the Grace Manifesting. 

I Am Hopeful For the Voices of Truth. 

All around us is inequality, lack of equity, overt classism, and systemic racism.

We as humans have become immersed in a cycle of violence.  It Destroying Our World.  

And I am saddened by our inability to make Good Change Rapidly.

Bombs annahilate whole cities.  Our water and food are contaminated with toxins. 

And yet many still walk in a fog of Ego, Greed and Hate.

My Every Breath Is a Prayer of Awakening. 

Be-Coming Aware, I Thank Angels, Ancestors, and All Those Who Have Ascended In Grace.

Though my heart is broken in a million pieces, I am working to live only with Forgiveness and Compassion. 

I Sit In the Stillness and See Our Good Potential. 

Help Me and All of Humanity to Live With Compassion, Love and Peace. 

Allow Me to Sing Your Melodies of Hope in These Times of Despair. 

I Believe In Goodness. I  Am Inspired By Love.

Allow Me to Join with the Billions of Like Minded Spirits So That Balance, Creativity,  Healing, Hope, and Love Prosper with Integrity and Grace! 

It Is Time Only For Love!

My Every Breath Is a Prayer! 
Thank YOU! 

Believe. Breathe. Pray.
Breeathe. Live. Love.

 Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo: Master Percussionist #MichaelMustafaUlmer

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #Cooperation #EqualJustice #Equity #GoodChange  #EveryBreatheIsAPrayer

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant! You Are Beautiful! 💕🎶💕

You Are Amazing! You Are Brilliant!  You Are Beautiful! 💕🎶💕

Beautiful People, 

You Are Amazing!  You Are Brilliant!  You Are Beautiful! 

What Powerful, Simple Statements! 

Believe It! 

With Gratitude and Joy...Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times. 

You Are Amazing!  You Are Brilliant!  You Are Beautiful!

Please share this Affirmation of Encouragement with at least Four People today. 

Simply say to them, as I have said to YOU-- 

"You Are Amazing!  You Are Brilliant!  You Are Beautiful!  And Compassionate Too!"

Share Some Joy.  Show Your Appreciation!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Photo: My GrandGodDaughter Naima Dobbs who truly is Amazing, Brilliant, Beautiful and Compassionate Too! 

#Affirmations #Believe 
#Breathe #Compassionate #Love
#YouAreAmazing #YouAreBrilliant

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Just Listen. I Love You.

Just Listen. I Love You.

Beautiful People,

Take A Moment To Still Yourself.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

Now listen to the Voice of Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

"I believe in you and value you. I saw you as Stardust. I know your goodness. I know your fear of Light and of Love. I know of your selfish ways for they have long saddened me. I Forgive You.

Peace Is Possible! 

Just Listen. I Love You. 

Hear me through the birds chirping, the wind whistling through trees and the ocean's roar.

Breathe deeply and smell me in the honey suckle and cherry blossoms. 

Taste me in the avocado, the apple, the blueberry, the carrot, the ginger and turnips. Look at me in the Sky.

Remember it is I who share the magnificent moon, the glistening stars and the ebullient sun with you. 

The Land is not yours to fight over. 

It is Mine!  All Is Mine.  I share it with you in Love.

Find your way back to Love. 

Just Listen.  I Forgive You. 
I Love You!"

Again, Breathe Slowly in and out Ten Times. 

Listen to the Voice of Voice of the Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

"Peace Is Possible!  Just Listen. 
Stop Fighting. I Love You. 

Feel me in your hearts through your acts of Compassion, Cooperation, Humility and Integrity.

Find Your Way Back to Me.

Find Your Way Back to Love.

Re-Member...Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Peace Is Possible!  Just Listen. 
Stop Fighting. 

I Forgive You. I Love YOU!" 

Says the Voice of Voice of Great Spirit Moving Throughout the Cosmos.

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. 
Breathe. Live. Love. 

Say Thank You. 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Love Is Relentless!

Love Is Relentless!

Beautiful People, 

Because We All Need to Be Loved...

Love is relentless and determined.  It can be felt across the oceans of time and existence; or through a flower that brings a sweet fragrance of joy.

Love lives in the tears of loss and suffering; and in every smile that opens a heart and offer moments of hopeful understanding.

Love lives in the minuscule and the grande; it can be heard and felt even through the roar of confusion and bring harmony and balance to any day.

Love is intuitive; travels with fluidity and answers every question; including the ones you were afraid to ask.

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.

In Love. Out Love. 
In Love. Out Love....

Only Love Offers a Good Answer. 

Walk throughout the day with Love.

Walk and Breathe with patient, relentless hope and offer Loving Respect to All!

In Love. Out Love. 
In Love. Out Love...

Because every thought, deed and action are aligned...

Love, Determined and Relentless Love will bring the Gift of Balance and Harmony into the Day!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Balance #Breathe #Courage #Gratitude #Harmomy #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #LoveIsRelentless #Meditation #MelonyMcGantAuthor

Friday, April 7, 2023

Your Destiny Is Great!

Your Destiny Is Great! 

Beautiful People, 

Some people may ignore you because of where you come from, your social status, your religious beliefs or your race.  

Even your birth family may choose to close their hearts to you when you have been baptized in Love. 

Walk In Truth Anyway. 

Still yourself and open your heart.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply. Let go of all the places in your heart where you have been hurt or disappointed, and where you have hurt or disappointed yourself, or others. 

Offer Forgiveness to All, including Yourself.  

Let Rainbows of Compassion, Care and Humility begin to cleanse your soul.

Keep Breathing Deeply. 

Embrace the cloak of Courage and Integrity. 

Nuture and Honor the Genius Living in You!

Every wound gives temporary pain but also is a lesson in acquiring Strength in times of adversity. 

The fractured or broken bones, your muscles, your brain and your tender heart are always healing through your genuine ability to see the joy in overcoming whatever challenges we face.  This is Life.

Your Destiny lies beyond the disappointments or failures.  

Your Destiny will not be marred by jealous thoughts or petty actions.

Your Destiny Resides In the Heart of Love. This Is Truth.

Truth is the only way to live as a Being of Love. Knowing, speaking and being the Truth is how we live Our Purpose. 

No matter the obstacles, Everyone has a Purpose and a Contribution to make on Earth/Heart. It is something that only You can do, or say or write in the Fabric of Time. That Is Your Genius! 

Today Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Inhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose with Love.

Exhale Courage, Integrity and Good Purpose with Love...

Even when you  have taken wrong turn, think you are lost or it seems like all the familiar doors have closed... 

Please Don't Give Up.  Never Give Up! 

You Have Been Baptized In the Waters of Love.... 

Know that Your Destiny Is Great!

Believe. Breathe. Pray.
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

#PeaceIsPossible #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Forgiveness #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Integrity #NeverGiveUp #YourDestinyIsGreat 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Small Acts...Big Love!

Small Acts...Big Love! 

Beautiful People, 

Some of you have asked "How Can Small Acts Make a Difference?"

Today, please clear your mind and open your hearts.

Now, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

In Courage, Patience and Big Love.  Out Courage, Patience and Big Love.

When we are kind through our words, thoughts and actions, 
we bring more joy to ourselves and those around us.

When we walk with courage, offer our patience and our smiles, 
we are impacting the lives of others in many memorable ways.

We Are Shifting Energy, Healing Ourselves and Creating Big Love!

Every day we have the opportunity to offer ourselves and others Small Acts of Kindness. 

It is one connecting to many with integrity within our hearts. 

It Is Big Love!  And Love Can Heal and Transform the World! 

Again, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly. 

ReMember, Peace Is Possible through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, gratitude, good purpose, healing, hope, integrity, JOY, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, tenacity, understanding and the Gift of Love! 

Today, YOU Can Help Heal and Transform the World.

Offer Your Small Acts of Kindness with Big Love!

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

#ActsOfKindness #BigLove #Courage #Integrity #Joy 
#Patience #TransformTheWorld