Monday, July 31, 2023

Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments...

Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments...

Beautiful People,  

Please take a moment and still yourself as you open your heart and clear your mind of all distractions.

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Let Us Offer Prayers of Compassion, Intimacy, Hope, Joy and Love. 

We sometimes  learn intimacy not always in words but more often by a tender touch in the Silence of the moment. 

It is a Sacred Gift to sit with another and experience Not Knowing--Not Having the Answer but feeling Loved.   

Sometimes we may feel intense suffering, sorrow or joy. 

We may cry and discover that our tears become like rivers of compassion and forgiveness with the honey of Hope. 

It is here that we learn to Trust, to have Faith, and to Love Unconditionally. 

When we trust, we are able to embrace the many joys and sorrows of our of lives.

We also learn that Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow Are Sacred Gifts.

We may find that we are ill and there is no cure. A tender touch will give us comfort for the difficult journey. 

We may embrace the sorrow of saying goodbye to a Loved One returning to the Infinite Heaven Realm, while at the same time feel joy that they have made a Loving impact on our lives.

Throughout life, Sorrow and Joy will always travel deeply into our hearts. They are intimate friends that teach us Gratitude.

Today, Let Us Honor the Tender Moments of Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow As Sacred Gifts of Divine Grace; and Expressions of Exquisite, Infinite, Eternal Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

#Breathe #DivineGrace 
#Gratitude #Intimacy #Joy #LoveUnconditionally #SacredGifts #Sorrow #TenderMoments

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

We Are the Children of Divine Love!

We Are the Children of Divine Love!

Beautiful People, 

Take a Moment to Breathe Deeply.

We are the Children of Divine Love.  Each one of us has a gift of Light that needs to be nurtured and shared. Like a Rainbow, we are diverse in colors, cultures, perspectives and traditions.

Allow Our MotherEarthHeart to Feel Our Loving Resolve to Accept, Understand, Nurture and Share with Each Other.

Breathe In Love.  Breath Out Love.  Breathe In Love. Breath Out Love... 

Let Love be felt throughout every organ of your body, and let us open our total beings so that we become Love’s essence.

Now, let us honor the beauty of our entire sentient family including the birds, the dolphins, the horses, the lions, the elephants and all sentients across the planet.

Let us rejoice as the clouds burst with rain, and we feel the impact of monumental oceans, rivers and mountains.

Right now feel MotherEarth’s Love through flowers, fruits, vegetables, plants, trees, the sparkling sun, the glistening moon, twinkling stars, and the magical, rainbow sky.

 Let us each take time to embrace Goodness, then let us share Goodness with each other. 

We Commit to Become Responsible Stewards of the Environment of Our EarthHeart.

Right now let us forgive ourselves, and each other as we learn to release any vestiges of pain, ego, hate and fear we have of one another. 

We Are Awakening! BeComing!

Let us work to cure dis-ease, as well as to promote education, harmony, prosperity and wellbeing for All.

We acknowledge ALL as beings of Love, and strive for the best compassionate outcome in every situation.

We understand that we must always reject all violence as an option; and move to embrace the potential and joy of a Loving, Prosperous Peace on our Mother EarthHeart.

Let us open the doors to our hearts, our homes and our countries to those in need; for ALL are brothers and sisters. 

We Are Awakening. BeComing!

Today we walk with Integrity, Truth and commitment to a Loving Reconciliation.

We Embrace and Honor Our Ancestors, Our Elders, Our Children & Our Families.

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

#BeComing #BreatheLove  #Goodness #Integrity

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Earth Is Our Heart! A Visionary Meditation for the Peacemaker!

Earth Is Our Heart!  A Visionary Meditation for the Peacemaker! 

Beautiful People, 

Many Blessings To Each Of YOU. 

Please take a moment to clear your mind and your heart of any distractions. 

Now, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

In Gratitude, Love and Patience.  Out Gratitude, Love and Patience ....

Please join me today and embody the Peacemaker.

Know that Earth Is OUR Heart.

As the birds create new medleys of awareness, let us walk with acceptance, healing and understanding.

Now we call on the resources of the trees, and water, and the sun, and the insects, and camels, elephants and dolphins, rocks and mountains, and the wind, and the sky and All Sentient Beings.

We all are partners and together right now, we are given a renewed appreciation of Divine Patience and Understanding. 

Allow your bodies to relax as we merge with Nature around us.


As a Peacemaker, you are learning to walk with the right questions that allow for honest negotiation and conversation.

Look to the oceans, the rivers, the oasis, the ponds and the streams.  Become a tiny pebble that creates a ripple of awareness as you toss yourself into a body of water.

Ask that others with like hearts create pebbles of cooperation, honesty, humility, integrity, wisdom, mercy, patience, respect, understanding and Love throughout EARTH as Our Living HEART. 

You Have Awakened and Re-Membered.  Now as you walk across the Rainbow Bridge of JOY; let the song of LOVE pierce our planet as we join together to create a New World of Equanimity and Peace.

Right NOW, as we merge with the DivineONE...

We vision and see ourselves existing in a World where all children are nurtured and educated and Loved. 

Our Ancestors are Re-Membered. Our Seniors and Children are cared for, honored and Loved.

It is a World of Compassion, Acceptance,  Equality, Integrity, Humility, Mercy & Peace.

Know that as You Believe in Love, then the Air You Breathe Will Be Love.

You Are a Peacemaker, Dedicated to Helping Heal Our EarthHeart.

Today As You Honor Our Blessed Divine Creator, Allow Grace to Move Through You.

All that You Think, Do and Share.... Can and Should Be Done with UnSelfish Love. 

Always, Melony 💕 🦋 💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy,  Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 

#Awakened #Believe #Breathe #Compassion  #Courage  #DeepListening #EarthIsOurHeart
#Equality #GOODISPOWER #Healing #Hope #Integrity  #Joy  #Peacemaker #UnselfishLove

Friday, July 14, 2023

Embrace Your Tools of Grace!

Embrace Your Tools of Grace!

Beautiful People, 

Still Your Mind.  Take Ten Deep Breaths. With Each Breath, Exhale Slowly.

Allow your heart to Awaken with Courage and Goodness. 

Congratulate yourself on All that you have accomplished.  The list is long.

Breathe Again and offer your Sincere Gratitude for the Grace that has Inspired you and allowed you to blossom into the beautiful person you are today. 

YOU Are Kind and Loving!

Smile Joyfully.

Continue to Breathe Deeply. 

Feel any remnants of fear lurking in the pathways of your heart.  Gently allow fear to be embraced by nurturing rains of Love. 

Now, feel the Breeze of Hope move through the cells of your body. 

You Are Never Alone. Take the Joyful Hand of Faith. 

Courage, Compassion, Creativity, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Tenacity and Strength are the Precious Gifts, and Tools of Grace that live in Garden of Your Heart. 

Again Breathe Deeply.  Know that You Are Supported and Loved. 

Today Decide to Embrace and Live the Miracle of YOU! 

YOU Are Kind and Loving!

Now,  Smile Joyfully.  It Is Time to Move Forward with Integrity, Enthusiasm, Tenacity and Love! 

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #BreezeOfHope
#Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Goodness #Healing #Integrity  #JoyfulHandOfFaith #KindAndLoving #LiveTheMiracleOfYOU #SincereGratitude

Thursday, July 13, 2023

It Is Your Time to Bloom!

It Is Your Time to Bloom!

Beautiful People,

Please take a moment to still your  mind and your heart.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.  

In Hope, Integrity and Love. Out Hope, Integrity and Love...

There are times when life will ask us to Let Go and Move On!  

Sometimes it is difficult but what awaits us in Love is better than our minds or egos can anticipate. 

Every step we take, every lesson learned is special. 

Cherish the difficult moments, the everyday moments, the great moments and even the moments you wish you could forget.   

Say Thank You. 

Always tenderly hone your skills of caring, compassion and deep listening.  Re-Member to keep your heart open.

What do you need to Let Go of Today so that you can Prepare to move on with Your Soul's Purpose?   

Now, are you ready to take your next Good Steps with Joy?

If so then, Now is the time to Let Go of what does not serve Your Good!  

Step gently but firmly.  Decide to walk the Divine Path of Faith, Focus and Forgiveness. 

It Is Your Time to Bloom!

Allow clarity, creativity, consistent good efforts, integrity, patience and Love to Open New Doors of Grace!

Believe. Breathe. Pray.
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Clarity #Courage #Creativity #Focus #Gratitude #Hope #Healing #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #LetGo #Love #Meditation #Motivation #Patience #YourTimeToBloom

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Clearing Sacred Space

Clearing Sacred Space! 

Beautiful People, 

The broken teapot of old hurts, the worn coats of disappointment, and the shoes of fear are all items that clutter my heart that I no longer need. 

I Am Letting Go!  Sweeping, Cleaning, Clearing and Forgiving.

I Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love and Gratitude.  Out Love and Gratitude....

The Sacred Space of my home and my heart is a safe place of LOVE where the splendor of Healing, Hope, Integrity and Faith reside with Comfort.

We are preparing for Special Guests.  Grace, Blessings, Mercy and New Miracles have promised to visit soon!

Again, I Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love, Gratitude and JOY.  
Out Love with Gratitude and JOY....

Believe. Breathe. Pray. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity,  Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect,Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Believe #Breathe #Blessings #ClearingSacredSpace #Faith #Gratitude #Healing #Hope 
#JOY #LettingGo #Love 
#Mercy #NewMiracles

Friday, July 7, 2023

Only One Special YOU!

Only One Special YOU! 

Beautiful People, 

First Breathe and Exhale Deeply Many Times.

Say Thank You for the Sun which has traveled around Earth/Heart to bring YOU a New Day. 

Listen to the sound of the Birds Singing in Gratitude and Celebration.

Green leaves are spouting on trees and flowers are blossoming in Love.

The Truth Is....All Are Special. 

Listen and Breathe Deeply. 

Walk with Love.  ReMember and Trust...

There Is Only One Special YOU!

Breathe.  Say Thank You. 

Listen to Your Heart of Truth.  
Know that you are like a flower blossoming with Clear Intention and Love. 

On Your Journey, the Most Important Corner to Discover Is the One Where Love Intersects with Truth. 

Know,  Believe and Trust that...
There is Only One Special YOU! 

Today, Listen Deeply. 

Speak with Compassion, Courage, Cooperation and Integrity.  Offer  Hope, Patience, Respect and Understanding.  

Live with Good Purpose, Gratitude, Love and Joy....

Remember YOU Have a Responsibility to Listen Deeply,  Continue to Develop Your Genius and Share the Gift of YOU with Tender Integrity!

Believe.  Breathe.  Live.  Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose,  Gratitude, Healing, Hope, Integrity, JOY, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Believe #Breathe #Compassion #Courage  #ListenDeeply #LiveWithLove #OfferHope #OnlyOneSpecialYOU 
#Respect #TenderIntegrity 
#Trust #Tobago

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Prune with Patience!

Prune with Patience!

Beautiful People,

Today, PAUSE.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Honor Your Life!

You will never know how the Creator meant for You to Blossom if you are not willing to dig deep into the Dirt of the Earth.

Till your heart's soil with delight.

Learn from the weeds of disappointment.

Create a strong, healthy foundation.

Plant New Dream Seeds with Hope.

Prune with Patience.

Celebrate every bud and honor the roots with Tender Care.

Share your flowers with Integrity when they Bloom and Blossom.

To Enjoy the Bountiful Flowers and Fruit of Love, Always Nurture Your Dream Garden!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
Aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo: Flower in Tobago
by Melony McGant

#Celebrate #DigDeep
#TenderCare #Tobago

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

4th of July Musings: I Am Angry and Crying! (Originally written in July 2020) by Melony McGant.

4th of July Musings: I Am Angry and Crying! (Originally written in July 2020) by Melony McGant.

Beautiful People, 

Take a moment to Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 
Will you listen to me with your heart?   Please don't try to intellectualize my pain.  All of My Ancestors Live In Me.  I Am Angry and Crying America.  

In the United States you celebrate the 4th of July,  Independence Day.  Have you forgotten that you are living on a land stolen from Native Americans benefited by enslaved labor? 

You called this a Land of Opportunity.  Yes it was an opportunity for you to steal the land of the Cherokee, Hopi, Navajo, Pequot and all the Indigenous Tribes that were already here.  

They offered you hospitality and food.  You shared liquor and smallpox blankets, raped their women, tried to enslave them but that didn't work so you fought wars with your guns, pillaged their villages, and killed their men.

Feeling that your whiteness was superior you created laws and reservations for containment. 

Just as you had done in Africa and other parts of the World, you brought your christian missionaries and tried to convert them as you stole their children, created boarding schools and tried to strip them of their culture and language. 

At the same time you had been exploring Africa and used your trinkets and guns to buy a labor force for your New Land of Opportunity.  My holocaust is the the memory of the Middle Passage.

For hundreds of years you enslaved me for economic gain. You forbade me from using my language.  I plowed your fields, nursed your children, cooked your meals, cleaned, built and managed your opulent homes, your roads and cities.

In return you beat and whipped me, raped me, lynched me and sold my family.  Miscegenation became your fancy. "If you white you right.  If you yellow you mellow, if you brown stick around. If you black, git back."  Divide and Conquer Was Your Way.  

In your United States Constitution you wrote #FreedomAndJusticeforAll but you used colonialization, exploitation, subjugation and wrote that Black People were only 3/5ths of a man. 

Though we have had many White Allies, and some progress was made; there were never enough of these good people to make you change.

Your separate and unequal Jim Crow laws were designed with malice, hatred and fear.  

And when we excelled and prospered through our genius; you rioted, murdered us and destroyed our communities.  Tulsa, Oklahoma and Rosewood, Florida  to name just two.  

Though I have fought your wars, you still disavow and discriminate against me.  Greed and hatred permeates modern society through #SystemicRacism. 

Some of you believe your #WhitePrivilege affords you the right to disregard the many contributions of my ancestors.  Your #slavepatrols are hidden in some of today's police officers and an #unequaljusticesystem.

Many still say Reparations or Official Apologies Are Not Needed. Yet the sins and trauma live in the DNA of today's citizens.  

America, do the lives of Medgar Evers, James Merideth, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner and the countless others murdered by the KKK and white supremists mean nothing? 

In this age of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the #PlagueOfRacism is being revisited and has become even more exposed.  You Are Still Killing Us.  

We watched #GeorgeFloyd cry out for his Mother in Heaven as a white police officer held his knee on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.  Also murdered #AmaudArbry #BreonnaTaylor and So Many, Many Others.  I cry tears of despair and say #BlackLivesMatter.  

Some of you say you mourn with me but will say only all lives matter; when if that were true, I would be living in a just society. 

Dr. Martin Luther King,  Jr. said... 

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy." 

#SystemicRacism flourishes as immigrant children and their parents are being separated and locked in over crowded cages reminicent of slavery and internment camps.

America, you have sent away our jobs, robbed us of our life savings or homes and taken away our privacy, our right to assemble, our free speech, our healthcare, our access to airwaves....

And through suppression, Our Right to VOTE!  

America, YOU and Deceitful Progress have used the Nation's Courts to discriminate against Citizens, to create monopolies for Robber Barons, to Steal and Control OUR Nation.

And Stop Lying America. 

Almost 50 percent of this nation is living in poverty with no opportunity to grow and prosper.

Yes, you have turned neighbor against neighbor and used technology to bicker and create new wars and #PrisonsForProfit when you SHOULD  BE Nurturing the Brilliance, the Creativity, the Genius and the Hope of ALL of Our Children.

These horrific actions are sanctioned by a president who lost by a majority vote but won by the Electoral College established in the days of slavery when I was not considered as fully human. Your president #45 appears to promote hate, constantly lies and instills fear.

 Yes.  All of My Ancestors Live In Me.  I Am Angry but No Longer Crying America...because today many of your elders and children of all races have #Awakened and are Allies. 

Now WE Are Angry. We choose not to perpetuate your sins, your gluttony and hatred. Together we hold the dream of a cherished democracy that We Will Build. 

We know that #BlackLivesMatter is a rallying cry for All People Who Want Good Change and believe that #AllLivesMatter. 

We are determined to have a country with equal opportunity, true justice, quality education, integrity, good jobs, healthcare, safe loving communities, environments that nurture our children, healing, freedom and respect for All the People. 

It Is a New Day America. We Are Many.  No Longer Will We Accept Your Racism, Classism, Xenophobia or Your Redlining, Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression.  

Together We Will Register and Vote in Every Election.  We Will Challenge Injustice Everywhere.  We Will Change the Landscape of Inequity and Protect Our Fragile Environment with Consistent Good Efforts, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity and Love. 

And We the Citizens Will WIN! 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈

Photo Credit: (c) Time Magazine 2020 Painting (c) by Charly Palmer  (Photograph by Travis Grissom)

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Black Butterfly: The Me I Long to Become!

Black Butterfly: The Me I Long to Become!

Beautiful People, 

I honor the Master Creator's Gift of the Wind that clears my mind and opens my heart to the door of the me I long to be. 

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times.

All that I hope to become is found not externally but internally deep in the crevices of my heart. 

The Wind beckons me  to have Courage, Integrity and Strength as it clears the path of obstacles and its breeze sings the song of Love to my soul. 

Like the lover who stands beside me holding my hand, the Wind propels me into the depth and radiance of Peace and unconditional Love.

Again I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times. 

I allow Healing, Hope and Understanding to pour into my heart.  

The Truth of my Good Life Purpose lives within me.

I Stand In Truth with Peace and Love for Humanity.  

Always, I Will Sing the Love Songs of Equality, Equity, Freedom, Justice and Opportunity for All People! 

Love, in its Radiance provides me with Good Judgment and the Courage to Move Forward with the Integrity and Strength to Honor Our Human Collective and All Sentients.

No Matter the Conflict or Challenges On Earth, Each Second that I Breathe In Love and Exhale Love....

With Dignity, I Become More of the Me I Long to Be!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, healing, hope, integrity, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, tenacity, understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BlackButterfly #Breathe #Courage #DeepListening #Dignity #GoodIsPowerfulBeyondMeasure #Integrity #Inspiration #LoveForHumanity #StandInTruth