Love is traveling through unknown pathways.
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Re-Membering Ancient Grandmothers
Love is traveling through unknown pathways.

My Birthday Reflection
There have, and continue to be ego, and financial challenges. Ultimately though, everyday I ask to show up for myself, and others,--- to offer my understanding, compassion, my hope and my faith in just BE-ING.
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What I am discovering is that though I don’t always show up completely----every day, I show up more!

Harmonics as the Gift of Love
First there is a gentle touch, then an embrace,
next a re-membering, and another, and another,
and another re-membering
until we fully awaken into compassion,
humility, hope, joy, patience,
and understanding,
embraced by Divine Grace & Love.
This is the dance, the song,
and the gift of love that each being has to share.
Perhaps then, for each of us, the true miracle lies in our willingness
to allow, appreciate, and honor the uniqueness, and freedom
of each sentient being to sing the song of their heart.
And these songs, so glorious, simple, and profound
create a new Harmonic Rhythm of Divine Grace
which gives us a pathway HOME.
Home is Heaven On Mother Earth.
Home allows us the gift of respecting the gardens of others,
admiring ALL soul vibrations; and creating our own melodies
which complement all others including
the pitter-patter of raindrops falling,
the whistling leaves as the wind flows through,
the bubbling brooks, birds singing
dolphins, whales and sea lions calling
dogs barking; cats, cheetahs, and cougars mewling; wolves howling
bears, camels, giraffes and horses chuffing, huffing and neighing.
frogs croaking, fish swishing.
Every sentient being has a sound
that contributes to the Harmonics of Love into Infinity.
Silence too is a sound.
The beats of the Sun, the Moon and the Ocean
create the symphonic movements of Time.
The wind speaks through a gentle breeze that calms and soothes,
as well as through tornadoes, and hurricanes that join with rain
to announce Mother Earth’s hurt and anger at our disregard for our Oneness.
Is it possible that we desire to journey into the pathway of the Uni-Verse?
When will we collectively awaken into attention
with a willingness to heal, to dance, to sing,
to receive, and give the gift of LOVE?
My Beloveds, the Conductor is waiting, the time to join
the Uni-Versal Orchestra is NOW.
Joyfully written by Miss Mellie Rainbow
aka Melony McGant on 2 October 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Live With GRACE
My Dear Friends And Earth=Heart Family,
Thank you for your unique contributions to healing our planet.
In these transitional times, it is important to feel connected to all that is,
and to re-member that we are not alone.
The trees and other plant life that give us oxygen to breathe love, share joy.
Birds and other animals bring us Divine messages and support.
It is now that we too must find joy within our hearts and share it with others.
I know from personal experience
Still as we give, GRACE moves through us,
and gives us courage to give again, and again with more LOVE.
For many of us, the day to day concerns of life are very challenging.
Collectively, shadows of fear have gained an unusual strength,
and are creating havoc on our glorious Earth=Heart.
Conflict, confusion, unnatural violence,
have many of us, even global leaders living in a state of anxiety.
Some are wearing fear as a second skin and causing irreparable harm.
Others of us are carrying the pain and hurt of rejection.
It is time to release our mental swords of fear.
I ask each of you to release your personal
As we are able to do this, JOY and innocence
Whether or not we are aware, there is a tiny doorway
It is here, in this small opening of eternal light
that we can rediscover hope and align ourselves
It is time for us to organize our lives with humility,
compassion, loving kindness and creativity.
Right now, we each have the opportunity to re-member our inherent wisdom.
We can use our intuition by magnifying the mustard seeds of LOVE.
This will allow us to share our hope and courage
so that we are able to have right words,
and right actions for each personal, community or global situation.
Let us each re-commit to creating a world of equity, sustainability and peace.
Let our individual joy and cooperation act as beacons of light
to assist others in regaining hope and experiencing healing.
Let us each believe in our own inherent goodness without a shadow of a doubt!
For as we believe it--- so it shall be.
It is within the miracle of LOVE that crystals reflect rainbows of JOY!
Let us live in the moment with appreciation, faith and hope.
Let us sing songs of compassion, walk with kindness, understanding,
and a dedicated spirit of LOVE.

Monday, May 14, 2007
transmitted through
trumpets and trombones
while vibrations of rainbow bridges
cross from heart to heart.
Spirits rejoice
as deep melodies
rise within the bass.
Piano keys fly
into the universe.
Out of nowhere
a grounding cloud appears.
Congas call us
to attention
as the light touch
of drums and cymbals
return us to
the spirit of the caravan.

Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Magnificent Garden Of Love----A Children's Story
Once upon a time there was a special garden filled with trees and flowers. During the spring and summer ALL creations blossomed and blossomed. During the fall they tired and began to rest. By winter they slept soundly and together awaited their awakening in the spring.
There is no way to describe this garden other than to say that with each passing of ALL the seasons, this garden became more beautiful and more magnificent.
A sunflower replied, "Yes, but I am yellow with a brown center and my petals are pristine."
Then a pear tree spoke, "I am tall with green leaves and I bear sweet fruit!"
Not to be outdone, the cherry tree whistled in the wind, "How can you be sweeter than me? I have thousands of beautiful cherries that can be eaten!"
Sometimes this joy feels like the warmth of the sun together with a gentle wind that caresses our bodies. And when this sun and wind are nurtured with water, this seed grows and blossoms. Many different people are created. We call this nurturing LOVE. Over time we have felt this LOVE and learned that it was safe. So safe that like the flowers and trees, we have grown and grown, and blossomed and blossomed.

with ample opportunity
to overcome obstacles
and rediscover JOY.
Along the way
there are beings
who open their hearts
and reflect powerful,
sparkling glimmers
of Hope, Faith & LOVE.

Love Like You've Never Been Hurt
Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt
Sometimes it’s gentle…
embracing, all encompassing,
never smothering.
Other times love glows
like a star with a purple center
preparing to recreate and trek
throughout the galaxy.
Love is
the freedom to be,
to explore the YOU that nobody knows.
Love allows you to travel
back to old beginnings
opening your heart,
healing ancient wounds with forgiveness
for times when it seemed
like MotherFatherGod
just didn’t show up.
Love requires that you
live in the moment
finding joy in the twinkle of your eyes,
the boomboombaboom
of your heart
and the brilliance of your smile.
Love is
Sharing your joy…
Simply show up.
Always listen with open ears
& a pure heart.
Please accept your destiny with honor
And love…
Always Love like you’ve never been hurt!

Oh Me, Oh My...
Oh Me, Oh My…
Oh me, Oh my…
too many have died
without touching the soul of another.
Our minds were set.
Our hearts were closed.
There was too much to remember.
We chose to forget.
And so it was just yesterday.
But times have changed
because our own children
forgave us our shame.
These children…
born with open hearts.
They come to learn,
they come to teach.
These children
are born knowing Love is Divine.
Love is something we owe them
not something they must earn.
Oh me, oh my,
today I know I will not die
without touching the soul of another!

An Autumn Day In Santa Fe
It was an autumn day.
The blue sky
embraced me.
The sun sat on my left
with its multi-colored rays
star-like in their ability
to share warmth and wisdom.
On my right
a crescent moon
stood waiting
attaching itself to a dragon cloud
beckoning me on a voyage…

Hierophant=Bringer of Light
As Hierophants,
we are all teachers, and students.
Living, learning, sharing, and loving.
This is our path, a return to LOVE.
Some people would have us believe
that we should not focus on the heart.
The truth is we can NOT develop
and travel into the new realms
purely in our minds.
The heart always has the right answers.
And truth is all there is.
For In Truth
we experience Divine LOVE.
Right now let us feel Joy's embrace
as particles of LOVE
run through the very cells of our body!
And So it Is With LOVE!

When Love Smiles
When Love Smiles
Once upon a time,
LOVE smiled
and one by one,
all over the earth
people felt LOVE’s happiness.
People began to remember
all the things they had forgotten
to care about.
They remembered the beauty
of the glistening sun
that made them warm.
And the bursting clouds
that brought rain
so that everyone and everything
had water to drink.
It took a long time to remember
but they did.
People remembered the beauty
of all the flowers,
the plants and trees,
the insects,
birds in the sky
and animals who walked on earth.
People remembered
the magnificent fish in the ocean,
and they understood the mysteries of whales
and the dolphins that hold earth’s memories.
They began to appreciate
the exquisite moon
and the sparkling stars
in the sky at night.
Many people decided to become one with nature.
They began to remember to care about everything.
LOVE smiled.
One by one people felt LOVE’s happiness.
The people were happy that LOVE was happy.
Then they began to remember more and more.
People remembered that it was good
to sometimes be silent.
And in their silence
they listened to God
and felt joy in their hearts.
Then people remembered their ancestors.
Some people were afraid and angry
about bad things that had happened long ago.
But LOVE kept smiling
and one by one
people decided to forget their fear.
Then they decided to forget their anger.
It took a long time
but these people remembered to have courage.
They worked harder for peace on earth.
Finally, people of all cultures
decided to have the courage
to remember the love in their hearts.
They remembered to listen to eachother.
All people began to share more.
They shared their food,
their knowledge and their technology.
People of all cultures began to fall in LOVE,
to marry and have children.
Other children who needed parents
were adopted.
So many children looked different
from their mothers and fathers.
But it didn’t matter
because people decided
that the most important thing
was to have LOVE in their hearts!
LOVE smiled and smiled.
The people felt LOVE smiling
and joined together in the spirit of unity.
And then one by one,
all the people from different cultures and religions,
all the artists, musicians, scientists, teachers and leaders,
all the people in governments and corporations
began to build a rainbow bridge
across the earth.
LOVE was sooooo happy
And the people felt LOVE’s joy!
Now grandparents and parents
teach children
that we are all one in LOVE’s heart.
And through your eyes,
as you learn,
you teach grown-ups
to remember everything beautiful on the earth.
And together as we continue
to build our Global Family,
each day,
one by one
we decide to remember,
to feel more and more of LOVE’s LOVE.
And LOVE smiles and smiles and smiles.
LOVE just keep smiling more everyday!

Our children are born
with open hearts.
They explore difference
with curiosity not judgement.
We must work to learn from our children
and guard against teaching them
our own prejudice.
Our children must not inherit
our fear!

Love On A Rainy Day
Love On A Rainy Day
When the stars twinkle
and fade away the moon sets,
the sun rises and sometimes it rains.
Throughout the day
the clouds splash with color…
orange, purple, green, blue, yellow, pink
creating rainbows across the sky…
Always then my heart beats
bringing me home to my soul.
I become one with nature,
with the Divine
and in the innermost
recesses of my heart,
I feel infinite joy, infinite Love!

Miss Mellie Rainbow's Love Alphabet
The Love Alphabet
A Always Love You because when you love yourself, you have more love to share.
B Be who you are, not who someone wants you to be.
C Care for yourself and care enough to care for others.
D Believe in the Divinity within you, and every other sentient being.
E Experience the ecstasy of life!
F Forgive others but don’t forget to forgive Yourself.
G Be gentle, genuine and generous with your love.
H Have an open heart.
I Be your own inspiration, and illuminate the heavens.
J Look for joy within you.
K Be kind to all kindred spirits.
L Like yourself, laugh often, and live life with leisure!
M It’s okay to be marvelous! Manifest your dreams and create loving memories.
N Be noble, and know that as you face the nemesis within, you will be victorious!
O Your heart has an ocean of melodies waiting to be sung.
P Preserve and paint your heart with precious positive memories.
Q Take time for quietude, and be open to quantum quality in your heart.
R Remember to receive love with appreciation, and joy.
S Search your soul, find the love within, and remember your greatness!
T Be tender with your thank yous.
U Be universal. Know that MotherFatherGod is within you!
V Be vibrant, and know that you have value, and are worthy to love, and be loved!
W,X,Y,Z Wealth is the warmth, and giving spirit of your heart. Xanadu, a place of great beauty, and contentment is YOU! So be zany with your love, and zealous in living your life!

You are a peacemaker mandated
to create a montage of LOVE all around the earth.
What will you do?
What if right now you are asked
to become a vessel of the Divine Heart…
Will you set aside your hidden fears?
Can you have the courage,
integrity and propensity to share your LOVE?
If you meet someone different than you,
suffering from xenophobia
and they are extremely unkind
because all they know is fear and hatred…
will you show them how to be
mellifluous with LOVE for ALL people?
You Have Awakened.
You are Re-Membering your dreams of LOVE.
Intrinsic in you is the desire
to create overtures of LOVE
for our children…
and all people through education, business, government,
art, music, dance, theatre and all art forms.
What Will You Do?
Every sentient being is an incarnation of LOVE.
LOVE is another name for
an Exalted Spirit with a palatial heart.
How Do You Feel?
Now, imagine yourself as a Lodestar
kindling the flame of LOVE.
Your best friend is Morning Star,
also know as Venus, the planet of LOVE.
You were born with the awareness of angels?
Together How Do You Feel And What Will You Do???
September 9, 2001

Heaven On Earth
Heaven On Earth
Come walk with me
into this magnificent valley
filled with greatness…
Smell the magnolias & cherry blossoms.
Walk with me
through the daffodils and daisies…
Feel free to pick a rose
and know that it’s thorns
represent ages and ages of Divine wisdom.
Stop a moment.
Tenderly touch the dirt of our earth
and know that it is Mother
to fruits, vegetables, trees and flowers…
Living things.
As we move on in our discovery
select a rock or two along the way…
Cherish these rocks and know
that their firmness
truly represents the will of the Divine.
Do you hear the lilt of the wind
and the birds chirping
in delight of our presence?
Look what a glorious waterfall…
imagine yourself as a frog
jumping from a lily pad
and splashing into a clear pond.
Now gaze intently into the pool of life…
Permit our reflections to show merely Love…
For Love is the only weapon we need
to conquer the fear in our hearts.
Will you allow me to take your hand?
May we always walk together
in Heaven on Earth--- feeling Divine Love?

of our hearts
materialize ONLY
when we walk with
patience, grace & love?
What if we are given
the wisdom of the Ancients
through our dreams
and must believe it
to live them?
What if peace lies
within the framework
of the dream?
Wake Up Dreamer,
and live the dream.

Eternal Harvest

A May Love Note