Monday, August 23, 2010

how do you live?

as sure as I dance through the rainbows of life, today I honor you. I appreciate your compassion and your willingness to share. I know today you will offer your best! thank you! thank you!

only in fear do we hate. love more! love more!

how do you live? how do you love? what is your legacy? breathe deeply. ask yourself the questions. now breathe deeplyfour times, feel rainbows of loving grace pour through you. begin your glorious day living the questions, being the answers!

now it is time to take a chance on you. believe that you are gifted and worthy. after all, you are a divine spirit blessed as a being of infinite love. now share it with others and our world will grow and heal in peace!

is your heart big enough to love ALL or do you have lots of conditions? today use your big compassionate heart to share a smile often, accept and appreciate those who are different or think differently and love all always!

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