Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trayvon Martin


I worry that as adults we do not see that it is US
that have looked the other way and allowed hate and guns
and violence to become mainstream inOur Society.

We have been intoxicated by the pursuit of material gain
while Boys and Girls---Our Children become lost in fear or violence,
and learned embrace the Cool Bully for love!

There Are Millions of Trayvons.

Each Trayvon is special and needs our attention
and unconditional love.

Our children must be taught our history
so that they understand the great sacrifices
and contributions our ancestors made
just so we could vote and live without shackles.

Our children need a good loving education.
Their gifts need to be nurtured and celebrated!

Together As One Nation/One Heart,
We Must Give ALL Our Children Hope and Love!

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