There is a common expression that says "It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It!".
People will have disagreements and some will raise their voices, point their fingers in your face, or even call you a liar.
These are the bullies of the World. They are looking for Love. Forgive them and continue to listen deeply, be kind, firm and respectful. Life allows for disagreement.
Breathe Deeply Four Times. Commit to live your practice of Kindness. Breathe and remember "It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It!". Breathe Deeply. Listen Carefully. Speak Gently. Be the Peace!
Breathe Love--- Even on a Rainy Day! Musings about the Potential of Humanity As We Explore the Ordinary, and Discover the Extraordinary!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Be the Peace!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Truth Is A Call to Action!
Every word of Truth spoken is a call to action
and brings with it the energy to grow
and make good change!
With each breath I open my heart
and ask to live with Truth.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
I Breathe In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
With every breath, I accept Truth
as a Call to Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
I BREATHE and commit
to live with Truth.
I have the Energy to Grow
and Make Good Change.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action!
Every word of Truth spoken is a call to action
and brings with it the energy to grow
and make good change!
With each breath I open my heart
and ask to live with Truth.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
I Breathe In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
With every breath, I accept Truth
as a Call to Action.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action.
I BREATHE and commit
to live with Truth.
I have the Energy to Grow
and Make Good Change.
In Courage and Out Hope
with Loving Action!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013
I Breathe With Surrender
With each breath I open my heart
with Gratitude for the Day.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times
and allow myself to become
an empty vessel molded by Love.
I Breathe In JOY and Out Love.
In JOY and Out Love.
With every breath,
I Surrender into the Mystery
of the New Day.
In JOY and Out Love.
I BREATHE with Surrender.
In JOY and Out Love!
With each breath I open my heart
with Gratitude for the Day.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times
and allow myself to become
an empty vessel molded by Love.
I Breathe In JOY and Out Love.
In JOY and Out Love.
With every breath,
I Surrender into the Mystery
of the New Day.
In JOY and Out Love.
I BREATHE with Surrender.
In JOY and Out Love!

Monday, January 28, 2013
We Make Plans And---
They say "We make plans and G-d laughs!" I miss the plane, train or bus. The line at the Post Office is long and to get my important package I must wait. Today I may be late! Everything is different than what I thought.
I Breathe, smile and pay attention to all around me. Here comes Joy and Flexibility to remind me to honor Patience.
I Breathe deeply six times. In Flexibility and Out Patience.
I Breathe and Breathe. In Flexibility and Out Patience. My heart laughs and I joyfully I say hello to every new, unanticipated opportunity.
The Day is Best when I allow myself the gift of Patience, Flexibility and Joy! I Breathe and Breathe. In Flexibility and Out Patience. Now I say hello to JOY!
They say "We make plans and G-d laughs!" I miss the plane, train or bus. The line at the Post Office is long and to get my important package I must wait. Today I may be late! Everything is different than what I thought.
I Breathe, smile and pay attention to all around me. Here comes Joy and Flexibility to remind me to honor Patience.
I Breathe deeply six times. In Flexibility and Out Patience.
I Breathe and Breathe. In Flexibility and Out Patience. My heart laughs and I joyfully I say hello to every new, unanticipated opportunity.
The Day is Best when I allow myself the gift of Patience, Flexibility and Joy! I Breathe and Breathe. In Flexibility and Out Patience. Now I say hello to JOY!

Sunday, January 27, 2013
I Have the Couragee to Be Myself!
Each and Every Day through the Gift
of Unselfish Love,
Our Blessed MotherFatherMasterCreator
nurtures our Heart/Earth.
In the light of Moon, we are offered
the opportunity of Spiritual health,
honorable relationships and expanded peace
to grow and prosper.
Some will close the blinds, shutters, doors
and their hearts on the Moon's brilliance.
I will not ignore the LIGHT.
With Gratitude, I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Each Breath become like the Full Moon
offering compassion; shining
a bright Light of Authentic Love.
I Breathe and Breathe and Breathe.
Feeling the Light of Eternity,
I accept the challenge to be Myself
and expand in Compassion
through the Light of Authentic Love.
I have the Courage to Be Myself!
Deeply I Breathe and Breathe and Breathe!
Each and Every Day through the Gift
of Unselfish Love,
Our Blessed MotherFatherMasterCreator
nurtures our Heart/Earth.
In the light of Moon, we are offered
the opportunity of Spiritual health,
honorable relationships and expanded peace
to grow and prosper.
Some will close the blinds, shutters, doors
and their hearts on the Moon's brilliance.
I will not ignore the LIGHT.
With Gratitude, I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
Each Breath become like the Full Moon
offering compassion; shining
a bright Light of Authentic Love.
I Breathe and Breathe and Breathe.
Feeling the Light of Eternity,
I accept the challenge to be Myself
and expand in Compassion
through the Light of Authentic Love.
I have the Courage to Be Myself!
Deeply I Breathe and Breathe and Breathe!

Saturday, January 26, 2013
Love Is Relentless!
Love is relentless and determined.
It can be felt across the oceans of time and existence;
or through a flower that brings a sweet fragrance of joy.
Love lives in the tears of loss and suffering;
and in every smile that opens a heart
and offer moments of hopeful understanding.
Love lives in the minuscule and the grande;
it can be heard and felt even through the roar
of confusion and bring harmony
and balance to any day.
Love is intuitive; travels with fluidity
and answers every question;
including the ones you were afraid to ask.
I Breathe Deeply Ten Times
and empty my heart of judgment.
Only Love offers a good answer.
I walk throughout the day with Love.
I walk and Breathe with patient, relentless hope
and offer Loving Respect to all!
I walk and Breathe.
Because my every thought,
deed and action are aligned;
Love, determined and relentless Love
brings the gift of balance and harmony into the day!
Love is relentless and determined.
It can be felt across the oceans of time and existence;
or through a flower that brings a sweet fragrance of joy.
Love lives in the tears of loss and suffering;
and in every smile that opens a heart
and offer moments of hopeful understanding.
Love lives in the minuscule and the grande;
it can be heard and felt even through the roar
of confusion and bring harmony
and balance to any day.
Love is intuitive; travels with fluidity
and answers every question;
including the ones you were afraid to ask.
I Breathe Deeply Ten Times
and empty my heart of judgment.
Only Love offers a good answer.
I walk throughout the day with Love.
I walk and Breathe with patient, relentless hope
and offer Loving Respect to all!
I walk and Breathe.
Because my every thought,
deed and action are aligned;
Love, determined and relentless Love
brings the gift of balance and harmony into the day!

Friday, January 25, 2013
Why Am I Here?
Yes, I have been disappointed and frustrated by all that was wrong in the World. I have been discouraged by evil and for a time lived like a prisoner on Earth. I have asked "What is my Purpose? Why Am I Here?"
We are here to do good and stop the devil from over riding our Precious Earth-Heart. I am here to develop and share my gifts and talents; and to learn to live and prosper in peace through Love.
I Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Discipline and Courage to grow in Love. Out Generosity and Wisdom with Love.
The devil will Never Win! I take slow deep, penetrating breaths.
In Discipline and Courage to grow in Love. Out Generosity and Wisdom with Love!
Yes, I have been disappointed and frustrated by all that was wrong in the World. I have been discouraged by evil and for a time lived like a prisoner on Earth. I have asked "What is my Purpose? Why Am I Here?"
We are here to do good and stop the devil from over riding our Precious Earth-Heart. I am here to develop and share my gifts and talents; and to learn to live and prosper in peace through Love.
I Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Discipline and Courage to grow in Love. Out Generosity and Wisdom with Love.
The devil will Never Win! I take slow deep, penetrating breaths.
In Discipline and Courage to grow in Love. Out Generosity and Wisdom with Love!

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Space in Be-ing
So often when I rush, I have missed or don't remember the important moments.
Breathing Deeply Ten Times, I clear my mind of busyness. I Breathe In Patience, and Out Gratitude. I am here in this moment, Now!
Listening to the sounds around me I discover that peace calls for Space in Be-ing. I have nothing else to do but be me. I Breathe In Patience, and Out Gratitude. With each breath the gift of space is offered for listening, receiving, living and loving each moment.
I Breathe and allow myself to embrace the beauty of the moment. A gentle peace moves within me.
I Breathe. In Patience. Out Gratitude.
So often when I rush, I have missed or don't remember the important moments.
Breathing Deeply Ten Times, I clear my mind of busyness. I Breathe In Patience, and Out Gratitude. I am here in this moment, Now!
Listening to the sounds around me I discover that peace calls for Space in Be-ing. I have nothing else to do but be me. I Breathe In Patience, and Out Gratitude. With each breath the gift of space is offered for listening, receiving, living and loving each moment.
I Breathe and allow myself to embrace the beauty of the moment. A gentle peace moves within me.
I Breathe. In Patience. Out Gratitude.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Joy of Compromise
Too often, we refuse to compromise.
Just when something great might happen,
our ego takes control and we walk away
with the few precious marbles we have left.
I still my thoughts and let go
of my egoic need for control.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
With each breath I feel a
willingness to compromise.
With kindness, I share
my marbles with all who are present.
I Breathe Deeply and offer my sincere humility.
Life then opens a door I hadn't seen.
I Breathe as it opens.
The room is filled with
marble like pearls of Wisdom and Love
that we all can share with JOY!
First I Breathe.
Too often, we refuse to compromise.
Just when something great might happen,
our ego takes control and we walk away
with the few precious marbles we have left.
I still my thoughts and let go
of my egoic need for control.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
With each breath I feel a
willingness to compromise.
With kindness, I share
my marbles with all who are present.
I Breathe Deeply and offer my sincere humility.
Life then opens a door I hadn't seen.
I Breathe as it opens.
The room is filled with
marble like pearls of Wisdom and Love
that we all can share with JOY!
First I Breathe.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Gifts of Wisdom and Faith
Greeting the still dark morning, with stars hidden behind the clouds; my heart opens to receive the gift of Wisdom and Faith.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and allow myself to feel the Creator's Love Song.
With Each deep breath I embrace the Present and step deeper into the beautiful possibility of Hope that resides in the Now.
I Breathe and smile as I offer Gratitude to Our Blessed Master Creator for the Sunshine of Hope; and the gift of Wisdom and Faith that forever grow and live in my heart.
Deeply I Breathe.
Greeting the still dark morning, with stars hidden behind the clouds; my heart opens to receive the gift of Wisdom and Faith.
I Breathe Deeply Six Times and allow myself to feel the Creator's Love Song.
With Each deep breath I embrace the Present and step deeper into the beautiful possibility of Hope that resides in the Now.
I Breathe and smile as I offer Gratitude to Our Blessed Master Creator for the Sunshine of Hope; and the gift of Wisdom and Faith that forever grow and live in my heart.
Deeply I Breathe.

Monday, January 21, 2013
In Celebration of the Believers and Peacemakers:
In Celebration of the Believers and Peacemakers:
My 2013 Inaugural Prayer for the World
I Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
With each breath my mind and heart
become aligned with thoughts of peace.
I stand with the Believers, and Peacemakers.
Some are known and celebrated,
others have been forgotten in Time.
Nobel Prize Winners
Frank B. Kellogg (1929)
Ralphe Bunche (1950), Dag Hammarskjold (1961),
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1964),
Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho (1973),
Mohamed Anwar Al Sadat and Menachem Begin (1978),
Mother Teresa (1979),
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama (1989),
Aung San Suu Kyi (1991),
Rigoberta Menchu (1992),
Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk (1993),
Jimmy Carter (2002),
Shirin Ebadi (2003), Wangari Muta Maathai (2004)
Al Gore (2007), Martti Ahtisaari (2008),
and the list goes on until today
with great women and men working
for economic and educational equity,
human rights and peace.
I Breathe deeply and remembering the names,
I pray that President Barack Obama will stand
with All his Nobel Prize brothers and sisters
and use his influence as a strong voice
to help ignite the Heart of Peace
so that there may be less suffering
in the United States and the world.
I Breathe.
Honoring every unsung hero throughout time,
I pray that Every Child may dream a Good dream,
and have it realized in Love.
The way forward for the United States
lies the difficulty of facing economic,
educational and the social inequality
perpetuated by racism.
We must support President Barack Obama.
Today we ALL must heed the Call
for strong environmental and social justice programs
designed to promote economic stability
and educational excellence
and honor religious freedom and the diversity of cultures
as well as to eleviate poverty, violence and war world-wide.
I Breathe Deeply.
Today, I open my heart to support
with my thoughts, words and actions
the Dream of a Peaceful, Loving World
where All walk with dignity and are respected
as Children who prosper in the Knowingness
of LOVE!
(c) Rev. Melony McGant
21 January, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013
For President Obama---Let Us Pray, Sing and Dance
For President Obama,
Let Us Pray, Sing and Dance!
I have awakened with the Creator's
Love Song in my heart.
Filled with Gratitude, my Awakening Soul
is embodied by Trust.
Feeling the safety and appreciation
of Divine Love we joyfully
begin to dance with Eternity.
With humility I answer the Urgent
Freedom Call of the Angelic Ancestors.
I breathe deeply as I dance the dance
of Harmony and Peace.
Each breath taken in gratitude
results in my healing hope for the courage
needed to Share Love.
Ten Times I Breathe.
In Gratitude and Love,
Out Harmony and Peace.
I pray for our 44th President Barack Obama
and ask that he move forward with
Our Collective Loving Support
so that we re-birth, be remembered
and help realize for our Children's,
Children's, Children--- a World Beyond
Violence and War.
A world of Creativity, Harmony
and a Vivid, Flourishing Peace.
I breathe deeply and with humility,
I dance honoring the Urgent Freedom Call
of Our Angelic Ancestors.
I pray, sing and dance with healing hope
to the rhythm of the Creator's Love Song!
For President Obama,
Let Us Pray, Sing and Dance!
(c) Rev. Melony McGant, 20 January 2013
For President Obama,
Let Us Pray, Sing and Dance!
I have awakened with the Creator's
Love Song in my heart.
Filled with Gratitude, my Awakening Soul
is embodied by Trust.
Feeling the safety and appreciation
of Divine Love we joyfully
begin to dance with Eternity.
With humility I answer the Urgent
Freedom Call of the Angelic Ancestors.
I breathe deeply as I dance the dance
of Harmony and Peace.
Each breath taken in gratitude
results in my healing hope for the courage
needed to Share Love.
Ten Times I Breathe.
In Gratitude and Love,
Out Harmony and Peace.
I pray for our 44th President Barack Obama
and ask that he move forward with
Our Collective Loving Support
so that we re-birth, be remembered
and help realize for our Children's,
Children's, Children--- a World Beyond
Violence and War.
A world of Creativity, Harmony
and a Vivid, Flourishing Peace.
I breathe deeply and with humility,
I dance honoring the Urgent Freedom Call
of Our Angelic Ancestors.
I pray, sing and dance with healing hope
to the rhythm of the Creator's Love Song!
For President Obama,
Let Us Pray, Sing and Dance!
(c) Rev. Melony McGant, 20 January 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013
Truth Is Rarely Popular
People who scorn Integrity and Truth are often Not willing to become less selfish and change the way they live so that All Children of All Faiths on Earth/Heart will benefit.
Truth is rarely popular except when seen through the lens of the catastrophic.
I still myself in Gratitude. I ask to have the Courage and Fortitude to step into the New Day with Integrity and Truth as my constant companions.
I Breathe Deeply 8 times. I Breathe In Integrity and Truth. I Breathe Out Love and Forgiveness.
Through Love, I have the Courage and Fortitude to live with Integrity and Truth so that Hope can exist; and All the Children of the Earth/Heart can be safe.
When we open our hearts to compassionate conversation, we will say No to bullies, guns and violence.
Then Our Children will learn and grow and live the dream of a vivid peace with a Love that prospers and can benefit All on Earth/Heart.
I Breathe In Integrity and Truth. I Breathe Out Love and Forgiveness.

Friday, January 18, 2013
In the Forgotten Familiar--- HOPE
When Genius and Compassion came to live among us,
they did not ask to be billionaires;
for they knew that greed and love of money
was destroying the Earth.
Genius and Compassion asked for a willingness
to see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar.
In every sunrise and sunset; in every fruit,
flower and tree; in every birth, death and re-birth;
through every storm or violent unnecessary war,
Hope has become the Forgotten Familiar that makes
it possible to live and honor the power of Abiding Love.
Remembering that Genius and Compassion live within me,
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
I open my heart and see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar.
Hope lives in trees and flowers and mountains and oceans.
Hope grows with trust and in every child offers
its smiles of Love.
To even the unworthy among us,
Hope, the Forgotten Familiar
is the Master Creator's
constant offering of Forgiveness
so that we may learn to live, work and prosper
together in peace with Abiding Love!
When Genius and Compassion came to live among us,
they did not ask to be billionaires;
for they knew that greed and love of money
was destroying the Earth.
Genius and Compassion asked for a willingness
to see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar.
In every sunrise and sunset; in every fruit,
flower and tree; in every birth, death and re-birth;
through every storm or violent unnecessary war,
Hope has become the Forgotten Familiar that makes
it possible to live and honor the power of Abiding Love.
Remembering that Genius and Compassion live within me,
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.
I open my heart and see the beauty in the Forgotten Familiar.
Hope lives in trees and flowers and mountains and oceans.
Hope grows with trust and in every child offers
its smiles of Love.
To even the unworthy among us,
Hope, the Forgotten Familiar
is the Master Creator's
constant offering of Forgiveness
so that we may learn to live, work and prosper
together in peace with Abiding Love!

Thursday, January 17, 2013
In Chaos, BREATHE!
When the Seas are rough and rocky and sand structures of ego and time fall, Breathe. Be patient and flexible. The tides will soon change again and reveal that which is Eternal Truth. Meanwhile, Breathe Deeply. Stay grounded in the goodness of your heart. Peace is Within YOU. Be Patient. Walk gently with Compassion. In Chaos Breathe. Look beyond the confusion. Breathe Deeply. Offer Only Love.
When the Seas are rough and rocky and sand structures of ego and time fall, Breathe. Be patient and flexible. The tides will soon change again and reveal that which is Eternal Truth. Meanwhile, Breathe Deeply. Stay grounded in the goodness of your heart. Peace is Within YOU. Be Patient. Walk gently with Compassion. In Chaos Breathe. Look beyond the confusion. Breathe Deeply. Offer Only Love.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Dreams Still Deferred
How many Children like Imani, Jacob, Khalid, Sarita, Tenzin or Xiou Min, live in the shadow of freedom with the dreams of Gwendolyn Brooks or Langston Hughes, still deferred?
How many Children of all Faiths and Cultures will arrive at Martin's mountaintop to discover only the soot left by guns, drones and chemical warfare because of our selfishness and greed; and somewhere in our hearts we did not believe that right would win?
Today, I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In each breathe I say "Right Will Win!"
I ask that with the help of the Blessed Creator; we All do what we can to live our Best.
May We Share our Best with Others so that Right Will Win; and Our Children's, Children's, Children inherit a Loving Earth with No More Good Dreams Deferred.
I Breathe!
How many Children like Imani, Jacob, Khalid, Sarita, Tenzin or Xiou Min, live in the shadow of freedom with the dreams of Gwendolyn Brooks or Langston Hughes, still deferred?
How many Children of all Faiths and Cultures will arrive at Martin's mountaintop to discover only the soot left by guns, drones and chemical warfare because of our selfishness and greed; and somewhere in our hearts we did not believe that right would win?
Today, I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In each breathe I say "Right Will Win!"
I ask that with the help of the Blessed Creator; we All do what we can to live our Best.
May We Share our Best with Others so that Right Will Win; and Our Children's, Children's, Children inherit a Loving Earth with No More Good Dreams Deferred.
I Breathe!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
I Am Good Intent
Today, I Breathe Deeply Four Times and ask only that I be used as a vessel of good intent and sincere actions.
I give thanks for every Ascended Ancestor and all sentient beings on this Earth-Heart Realm.
I open my heart in awe of the Master Creator and join others in the Universal Breath of Hope.
I Breathe In Love and Out Compassion.
Today as I am a vessel filled with good intent and sincere actions.
I Breathe In Love and Out Compassion.
In Love, Out Compassion!
Today, I Breathe Deeply Four Times and ask only that I be used as a vessel of good intent and sincere actions.
I give thanks for every Ascended Ancestor and all sentient beings on this Earth-Heart Realm.
I open my heart in awe of the Master Creator and join others in the Universal Breath of Hope.
I Breathe In Love and Out Compassion.
Today as I am a vessel filled with good intent and sincere actions.
I Breathe In Love and Out Compassion.
In Love, Out Compassion!

Monday, January 14, 2013
Breathe, Smile, Believe!
You have awakened in Grace. Say Thank You. Breathe, Smile, Believe! Every cell become alive as protons of Love flow through You. Breathe. Oxygen brings Clarity. Breathe! Believe! Now Slowly Take Four Deep Breaths. Honor every thought that connects to the Heart, that leads to a memory, and offers a smile. You have awakened in Grace. Say Thank You. Breathe, Smile, Believe!
You have awakened in Grace. Say Thank You. Breathe, Smile, Believe! Every cell become alive as protons of Love flow through You. Breathe. Oxygen brings Clarity. Breathe! Believe! Now Slowly Take Four Deep Breaths. Honor every thought that connects to the Heart, that leads to a memory, and offers a smile. You have awakened in Grace. Say Thank You. Breathe, Smile, Believe!

Sunday, January 13, 2013
Meditation and Self-Reflection
Beloved Radiant Ones---
When I shared all of the good intentions of my heart, a Wise Voice answered.
"These are all wonderful things that you are putting in your life's course. They will require tons of time and energy. I only ask that you not over task yourself and you include lots of time for meditation and self reflection."
Today I Breathe deeply Ten Times, In Patience, Out Love. Each breath connecting me to the Creator's Heart.
With Gratitude, I carefully heed the words of the Wise One. I commit to take more time for meditation and self-reflection!
I Breathe In Patience and Out Love, I breathe again and again. I reflect on this, and every moment of stillness that allows the Wise One's Grace to penetrate my heart!
When I shared all of the good intentions of my heart, a Wise Voice answered.
"These are all wonderful things that you are putting in your life's course. They will require tons of time and energy. I only ask that you not over task yourself and you include lots of time for meditation and self reflection."
Today I Breathe deeply Ten Times, In Patience, Out Love. Each breath connecting me to the Creator's Heart.
With Gratitude, I carefully heed the words of the Wise One. I commit to take more time for meditation and self-reflection!
I Breathe In Patience and Out Love, I breathe again and again. I reflect on this, and every moment of stillness that allows the Wise One's Grace to penetrate my heart!

Saturday, January 12, 2013
On Laughter
Beloved Radiant Ones---
Children often teach us that laughter allows us to honor the landscape and canvass of the Creator's Heart.
They constantly remind us that even when we know sorrow, we still must have the courage to put down our guns, and let go of thoughts of war in our hearts.
Today I slowly Breathe In Love and Out Forgiveness Eight Times.
I honor the canvass and landscape of the Magnificent, Master Creator.
With a childhood zest, I laugh and step into the rainbow with a joyful, peaceful heart.
Children often teach us that laughter allows us to honor the landscape and canvass of the Creator's Heart.
They constantly remind us that even when we know sorrow, we still must have the courage to put down our guns, and let go of thoughts of war in our hearts.
Today I slowly Breathe In Love and Out Forgiveness Eight Times.
I honor the canvass and landscape of the Magnificent, Master Creator.
With a childhood zest, I laugh and step into the rainbow with a joyful, peaceful heart.

Friday, January 11, 2013
Trust the Melody
Beloved Radiant Ones---
The most difficult choice I face daily is to trust that time will heal, inspire and offer the gift of Love. I Breathe Deeply Four Times and ask myself to trust the unknown mysteries and notes of the Creator's Song. I will practice singing the melody of Kindness so that the portal of compassion and truth will open each time I smile and offer my best to others with loving heart!
I Breathe Deeply with Trust and commit to walk and dance with only the melody of Kindness in my heart!
The most difficult choice I face daily is to trust that time will heal, inspire and offer the gift of Love. I Breathe Deeply Four Times and ask myself to trust the unknown mysteries and notes of the Creator's Song. I will practice singing the melody of Kindness so that the portal of compassion and truth will open each time I smile and offer my best to others with loving heart!
I Breathe Deeply with Trust and commit to walk and dance with only the melody of Kindness in my heart!

Thursday, January 10, 2013
If You Don't Ask...
Beloved Radiant Ones---
There is an old expression "if you don't ask, you won't get!"
Today I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the good changes I desire in my life. I align my mind with my heart and Breathe In Courage and Exhale old remnants of fear. I Breathe Deeply again. I ask for Divine Assistance so that I may have the fortitude and tenacity I need to grow. I Breathe again, and step into this New Day with a willingness to make consistent efforts which allow me to make good changes in my life; and grow in Love!
There is an old expression "if you don't ask, you won't get!"
Today I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the good changes I desire in my life. I align my mind with my heart and Breathe In Courage and Exhale old remnants of fear. I Breathe Deeply again. I ask for Divine Assistance so that I may have the fortitude and tenacity I need to grow. I Breathe again, and step into this New Day with a willingness to make consistent efforts which allow me to make good changes in my life; and grow in Love!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Bring Hope
Beloved Radiant Ones---
In a world that sometimes appears dismal with lack of values and respect, every act of integrity kindness and valour still brings hope and nurtures the gardens of our hearts with good!
I Breathe Deeply Four times, with each breath, I allow my heart to open in kindness.
I Breathe again, and again.
With clarity I commit to allow myself to be a vessel of Divine Peace so that my words and actions are able to be like the water of integrity and valour that flows, nurtures, and through Faith; brings hope to Me, and All whose lives I touch!
In a world that sometimes appears dismal with lack of values and respect, every act of integrity kindness and valour still brings hope and nurtures the gardens of our hearts with good!
I Breathe Deeply Four times, with each breath, I allow my heart to open in kindness.
I Breathe again, and again.
With clarity I commit to allow myself to be a vessel of Divine Peace so that my words and actions are able to be like the water of integrity and valour that flows, nurtures, and through Faith; brings hope to Me, and All whose lives I touch!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Growing Opportunity
Beloved Radiant Ones---
I still my heart and Breathe Four Times. In each breath I say Thank You. I Breathe in the new day of potential peace and listen deeply. I offer appreciation for each growing opportunity.
To have balance, I myself must use good judgment and make choices in peace that will allow good change to prosper in my life.
I Breathe In Gratitude and ask for the patience to make good changes so that I am able to radiant peace!
I still my heart and Breathe Four Times. In each breath I say Thank You. I Breathe in the new day of potential peace and listen deeply. I offer appreciation for each growing opportunity.
To have balance, I myself must use good judgment and make choices in peace that will allow good change to prosper in my life.
I Breathe In Gratitude and ask for the patience to make good changes so that I am able to radiant peace!

Monday, January 7, 2013
May I Be A Humble, Truthful Friend
Beloved Radiant Ones--
In the beauty of this day, I stand in awe and give gratitude to the Earth Angels that serve as Friends near and far. I Breathe Deeply Six Times and offer the Master Creator appreciation and gratitude for the gifts of Friends that have stood by me throughout time and helped me see the radiance of love within myself.
I Breathe slowly and deeply. With JOY, I ask for guidance so that I may always be a humble, truthful friend with integrity that mirrors compassion, loyalty, patience, strength with lustre and Love throughout Eternity!
In the beauty of this day, I stand in awe and give gratitude to the Earth Angels that serve as Friends near and far. I Breathe Deeply Six Times and offer the Master Creator appreciation and gratitude for the gifts of Friends that have stood by me throughout time and helped me see the radiance of love within myself.
I Breathe slowly and deeply. With JOY, I ask for guidance so that I may always be a humble, truthful friend with integrity that mirrors compassion, loyalty, patience, strength with lustre and Love throughout Eternity!

Sunday, January 6, 2013
Beloved Radiant Ones---
When you find yourself lost, Stop.
Breathe and take time to re-member
and honor your dreams.
Ask yourself good questions.
What have you Learned?
What have you Accomplished?
What have you Shared?
What mistakes have you made?
How Must You Change?
Listen deeply.
Allow your whole be-ing to absorb
the truthful answers.
Listen to your heart as it speaks of JOY.
Take all that you have discovered
in Truth and Offer Gratitude
for the Gift of Wisdom in your Life.
Now, with courage, integrity and tenacity,
begin with JOY to Re-route Your Journey!
First, Breathe!
When you find yourself lost, Stop.
Breathe and take time to re-member
and honor your dreams.
Ask yourself good questions.
What have you Learned?
What have you Accomplished?
What have you Shared?
What mistakes have you made?
How Must You Change?
Listen deeply.
Allow your whole be-ing to absorb
the truthful answers.
Listen to your heart as it speaks of JOY.
Take all that you have discovered
in Truth and Offer Gratitude
for the Gift of Wisdom in your Life.
Now, with courage, integrity and tenacity,
begin with JOY to Re-route Your Journey!
First, Breathe!

Saturday, January 5, 2013
Beloved Radiant Ones---
Today I Breathe in the precious air from the Master Creator.
I clear my mind of all distractions.
Slowly and deeply I Breathe
In Gratitude, and Exhale Love.
Because there is no rush, I sit and Breathe 10 times.
In Gratitude. Out Love.
My heart fills with courage and determination
with each breath.
I Breathe Again.
To Move Forward, I must be willing to grow.
I Breathe Deeply. In Gratitude. Out Love.
Only I Can Make the Necessary Changes in Myself
to Move Forward with Courage and Determination.
I Breathe!
Today I Breathe in the precious air from the Master Creator.
I clear my mind of all distractions.
Slowly and deeply I Breathe
In Gratitude, and Exhale Love.
Because there is no rush, I sit and Breathe 10 times.
In Gratitude. Out Love.
My heart fills with courage and determination
with each breath.
I Breathe Again.
To Move Forward, I must be willing to grow.
I Breathe Deeply. In Gratitude. Out Love.
Only I Can Make the Necessary Changes in Myself
to Move Forward with Courage and Determination.
I Breathe!

Friday, January 4, 2013
Humble Fortitude
Beloved Radiant ONES---
Every difficult moment or situation calls for good listening, patience, sincere effort, fortitude, and trust.
Today I Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Because I am patient with myself and all others, my sincere efforts to listen deeply are rewarded with humble fortitude. I treat all situations as learning opportunities.
I Breathe deeply with new understanding.
Because I trust myself, I am able to move forward with kindness and Love!
Every difficult moment or situation calls for good listening, patience, sincere effort, fortitude, and trust.
Today I Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Because I am patient with myself and all others, my sincere efforts to listen deeply are rewarded with humble fortitude. I treat all situations as learning opportunities.
I Breathe deeply with new understanding.
Because I trust myself, I am able to move forward with kindness and Love!

Thursday, January 3, 2013
Beloved Radiant Ones--
Just as I am able to honor others and their priorities, I am also able to honor myself. I Am Alive. I Give Thanks for this Day. Today I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I clear my heart of unworthy thoughts. With clarity, I inhale Love and exhale peace. Because I am a gracious giver and a gracious receiver, I offer myself compassion and care so that I am clear on my priorities and able to move forward with good intent and patience!
Just as I am able to honor others and their priorities, I am also able to honor myself. I Am Alive. I Give Thanks for this Day. Today I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I clear my heart of unworthy thoughts. With clarity, I inhale Love and exhale peace. Because I am a gracious giver and a gracious receiver, I offer myself compassion and care so that I am clear on my priorities and able to move forward with good intent and patience!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Choose Practicality---New Year; New Era!
Beloved Radiant Ones--
I Breathe Deeply Four Times and express my Gratitude for all that I have, and Do Not Use.
What should I let go of? I Breathe deeply in Gratitude and decide that I can choose to be more practical and share that which would benefit another.
In this New Year, many examples of practicality will soon become the New Miracles of Truth which are wrapped like gifts for Us All in a New Era of Awakening and Love!
I Breathe Deeply Four Times and express my Gratitude for all that I have, and Do Not Use.
What should I let go of? I Breathe deeply in Gratitude and decide that I can choose to be more practical and share that which would benefit another.
In this New Year, many examples of practicality will soon become the New Miracles of Truth which are wrapped like gifts for Us All in a New Era of Awakening and Love!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Completing the Kwanzaa Circle Honoring Faith/ Imani.
Beloved Radiant ONES---
I Breathe Deeply Five Times. With each slow breath I look to the four directions, East, West, North, south and bow in Appreciation and Gratitude for Our Mother Earth-Heart and All Her Creations.
On the Fifth Breath, I Raise my hands above my head and then bringing them out beside me, I turn slowly in a complete circle.
It is said that Love with Wisdom allows complete loyalty, transformation and trust.
I Breathe Deeply Five More times and turn until Only Faith envelops my Heart.
Now I step into the New Year with Love and Wisdom.
Patience holds my hand as birds of Intuition guide me through the winds of change.
I learn to Fly and become One With the Master Creator through Love.
Faith Sustains Me.

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