Thursday, June 15, 2017

Golden Stardust Homonyms and the Reign of Peace!

Golden Stardust Homonyms and the Reign of Peace!

Beautiful People, 

My Heart... 

Broken in pieces 
and pounded
like flour
by the sores of disagreement, 
violence, and poverty of Spirit

Has become like golden stardust 
grains that soar throughout
the Multi-Verse 
and return reconstructed 
as heart shaped seeds of Love 
that forever are destined
to plant fields 
of Cooperative Hope with Integrity. 

Even in the drought of reason and Respect ...

Rains of Faith
nurture the fruit of Patience. 

Everyday I am learning 
to offer blossoming flowers 
of kindness, mercy, understanding, 
forgiveness and compassion. 

In this way, the desire 
for the Reign of Peace
and Spiritual Prosperity 
begins to live as
Golden Stardust 
Homonyms in My Heart! 

I Breathe and Exhale Ten Times.

Beyond the confusion,
deception, egotism 
and the evil reality of hate

My Spirit Calls Me...
to focus on Goodness
with Love.

I  listen deeply
dress my words and actions
with discernment, 
and become a Vessel of Hope.

Divine Spirit 
easily orders my steps and
provides the protection needed
to Hold the Vision 
of Equanimity, 
Infinite Genius
and Good Possibility
with a vivid Opportunity
of Grace for the Children 
of Many Future Generations! 

I Breathe and Re-member! 

And So It Is With Love! 

Always, Melony 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and,the Gift of Love!

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