Monday, July 17, 2017

Melonys Wisdom Mondays

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: I Will Not Hate!

Beautiful People,

If I hate those who are selfish and hate, then I too become a selfish hater and  will bury myself and my dreams in a relentless cycle of fear and despair.

I will  not be selfish or hate anyone.

Instead I will Love the World we can create through Integrity, Mutual Respect and Care.

I Breathe Deeply Six Times.  In Love.  With each Breath I Exhale Love.

There  Is No Way Forward but to see the potential of Goodness; to live with thoughts of  goodness; and to share the Gift of Our Individual and Collective Genius with Compassionate Actions that Heal, Inspire and  Nurture Our Earth-Heart.

I  believe and will always believe that when we offer our hearts with Love, we will  open the door to Good Change so that All Sentients, People and Families Will Prosper; and Our Children Can Live Together in Safety with JOY!

I Breathe Deeply.  With Each Breath, Love Inspires My Good Actions of Mutual Respect and Care.

For Every Breath of Love, I Give Thanks!

Always, Melony

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity,Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!


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