Saturday, June 30, 2018

Sitting In the Silence of Love: A Tender ReMinder!

Sitting In the Silence of Love: A Tender ReMinder!

Beautiful People, 
Let us be Grateful for the opportunity to Stand With Our Loved Ones tenderly as they journey through all the Passages of Life. 

Let us offer Our Hearts in Gratitude as we listen with compassion, and respond with kindness.  

Let us hold their hands, ask for,  or offer gentle hugs of forgiveness and Love.  

Let us show up when there is sickness or sorrow and allow our Loved Ones to rest in Dignity with our Love. 

Throughout life,  let us share our gentle smiles, our laughter, and joy.  

And when there are no words...

Look deeply into the eyes of Our Loved Ones with gratitude and say Thank You by sitting in the silence with ease and an illuminated Faith. 

Then, let our hearts speak by offering only the Hope of Eternal, Everlasting Love.

And when Our Loved Ones journey beyond into the Oceans of the Divine Heart of Love...

Though we feel the loss and sorrow... 

Let us try to ReMember to Allow the Flowers of Appreciation and Pearls of Grace with Wisdom to Live Forever In Our Hearts!

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

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