Wednesday, September 4, 2019

New Book Coming October 2019: SunshineAndOlivier by Melony McGant


“Millennia ago a ravenous star set into motion a series of karmic events that would cause a secret to transform a family forever”

"A reincarnated cat named MOIRA (whose name translates to destiny, fate) is repaying her karmic debt from many millennia ago. 

She devoured nearby stars in her solar system so that she could shine brighter than all others.

The Beings of SIRIUS (brightest star in our galaxy located behind the Sun) sent her to Earth where she’s been stuck ever since. 

Many times over MOIRA reincarnated in various forms throughout the centuries repaying her karmic debt.  

In this lifetime, the debt will finally be paid as MOIRA reincarnates one last time with a powerful secret that unravels and threatens to tear apart a family and two loving souls at the center of it all, named SUNSHINE(16) and OLIVIER (16)." --Joy Southers


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