Thursday, October 31, 2019

TBT 1971

TBT 1971

My PreciousQueenMom, Betty J. Tilman let me select my own dress to go to the Junior/Senior Prom while I was attending Our Lady of Mercy Academy.  

20 years later I saw this dress on a model in a magazine with the caption "Come to Jamaica."

I am So Very Grateful to My PreciousQueenMom Betty for teaching me to Walk with Integrity, to Use My Voice for Positive Change, to Write, to Love and to Support Others on Their Life Journeys.

And it is my hope that you will read the Revised 20th Anniversary Edition of SUNSHINE & OLIVIER (Book One).  

This Coming of Age Young Adult Novel Is a Story of Past Life, Family Secrets, Forgiveness, Healing and the Soul Awakening  of Two Teenagers Bound Together By Love.

The Revised 20th Anniversary Edition of SUNSHINE & OLIVIER (Book One) is Available Now online on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Shakespeare & Company, etc.  Or stop by Scent  Elate at 313 West 48th Street in NYC and pick up a copy!

#Forgiveness #Healing #PastLives


Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Say YES! 

Beautiful People,

Joy is often hidden in YES.

It is part of the story of our lives that too often we ignore.

We are too busy to listen, to  write and mail a note; too busy to offer a hug or hold a hand of a person in pain.

We often miss the miraculous moments because we are pre-occupied with work or self or fear.

Today please pay attention to what is going on around you.

Smile and connect to others.

Call an old friend.
Visit a sick friend.

Say "I Love You" to someone you cherish everyday.

Play a game and read a book with your child everyday.

Draw a picture, sing a song, create a dance, blow some bubbles, or Work for Good Change and Freedom.

Say Thank You at least Ten Times a Day.

Say YES to Being Alive, Living Your Dream and Helping Someone Else Live Their Dream.

Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
In Gratitude and Joy. 
Out Gratitude and Joy.... 

The Time Is NOW!

Let's come together, work together, sing, and walk together.

Let's listen to each other, be kind to each other, have mercy and support each other.

Let's Love one another and remember to cherish and forgive each other as we live and honor Each Day with a willingness to Say YES!  

Live & Love...
Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeKind #Breathe #Courage #Gratitude #Joy #ListenToEachother
#SayThankYou #Smile
#SayYES #TheTimeIsNOW

Friday, October 25, 2019

One Kind Word!

One Kind Word!

Beautiful People, 

Take a moment to clear your mind and your heart.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

In Compassion, Courage and Love. Out Compassion, Courage and Love... 

Today, Tomorrow and Always... 

Please Re-Member that acts of courage, hope and Joy, compassionate listening, forgiveness, patience, 
one kind word, a smile, a handshake or a hug... 

Are All Tools of Divine Spirit!

Knowing that We Inspire Others through Our Simple Acts of Kindness... 

Who Will You Inspire Today?

Live & Love... 

Always, Melony💜
ake Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Children  #Gratitude  #Healing #Hope #Inspiration 
#Joy #Mindfulness #Peace 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Common - Let Love Have The First Listen (from the YouTube Space)

Melony Turning 65! My New B’Earth Year Reflection!

Melony Turning 65! My New B’Earth Year Reflection!

Beautiful People,

Let Us All Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.  

In Gratitude and Love!  Out Gratitude and Love.  In Gratitude and Love. Out Gratitude and Love... 

In this Lifetime, I came to the Earth section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 4:28am on October 22nd in the year of 1954. Though I come from Eternity and will return to Eternity, in Earth time, I will soon be 65 years old.

Today, and Every Day---I Thank the Creator for the opportunity to learn, grow and serve. I dedicate every day to My Precious Mother who birthed me, guided me, nurtured and Loves me.  I invite you in joining me in Celebrating My Queen Mother, Betty J. Tilman.

Here are the feelings and words of my Heart for My Mother.  Maybe you will share your memories with your Mother or with others who have Inspired YOU!

Dear Mom,

Thank You for inspiring me to Complete the New 20th Anniversary  Edition of my book, SUNSHINE & OLIVIER and for All the many, many gifts you have sent me to Celebrate my 65th birthday. 

I feel so privileged to have you as a Mother and to have journeyed with you in this lifetime. Looking back on this almost 65 years on EarthHeart, my life has been one of learning, adventure and more Joy than I thought imaginable. 

From the Dr. Seuss days of “Green Eggs and Ham” and the rhyming poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar, ---to my rebellious teenage years where I sought solace in everything "Black"... 

From Ebony and Jet Magazine, Basil Davison, Franz Fanon, Franklin Frazier, Mary McCleod Buthune, James Baldwin and J. A. Rodgers---to the poetry of Langston Hughes, Sojourner Truth, Sonia Sanchez and Gwendolyn Brooks, as well as the writing and film making of Gordon Parks, the music of Mary Caldwell Dawson, Jessye Norman, Roberta Flack, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Ashford and Simpson, and so many and much more--- to my rocky mistakes and disillusionment of young adulthood...

You Exposed Me to the Best! 

Sometimes I was fearful.  You pushed and pushed and told me that I had a right to walk any path I choose in the World.  So often I felt that I was not good enough and unworthy of these great gifts. 

People whispered behind your back and made fun of me when I articulated with my extensive vocabulary.  They said I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

Looking back, it was funny how some of the relatives and community associates or so called friends looked for ways to undermine your authority and convince me to go right when I should have gone left. At the time, what I thought I wanted was to be "normal".  I didn't understand that Being Different and Unique Was a Great Gift. 

Though I tried to run away from all you had taught me, it was so imprinted in my mind and my heart and my Soul that the further I ran; the closer I came to understanding Your Brilliant Wisdom, Grace and Love... 

In 1970 you sent me to Ghana in West Africa by way of Europe for a few months. Today travel is like eating chocolate. I Love it!  Travel has helped me become a person who respects, and learns from people of all different cultures and religions. I honor All Faith traditions and continue to explore the Divine Essence of MotherFatherG-D through Love.

I look at myself now and know that I am a product of Your Marvelous Efforts!   Thank You for All You have done for me. Your Goodness Inspires Me. 

Your Toughness has helped me learn how to survive in a World that would say "Who do you think You Are?",  instead of "How Can I Help??". 

Thank You for teaching me to say "YES I Can" from the time I was a child--- long before the campaign days of President Barack Obama. 

Thank You for the swimming classes at the YWCA, dance and drama at the Pittsburgh Playhouse, camp in Maine at Blueberry Cove, studying musical instruments like the violin and recorder.  I never did master either but at least I Love Music! 

Thank You introducing me to Khalil Gibran, Shirley Chisholm, Harry Belafonte, Katherine Dunham, Maya Angelou, Barbara Jordan, Jomo Kenyatta, W. E. B DuBois, Kwame Nkrumah, members of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and so many Heroines and Heroes who have walked this Earth, un-named here, but never forgotten.

Thank You for teaching me to walk with Integrity, to use my voice for positive change, and to Love and Support others on their life journeys.

My Magnificent Queen Betty J. Tilman, I feel so privileged to have YOU as MY Mother and to have journeyed with you in this lifetime. 

Looking back on this almost 65 years on EarthHeart, my life has been one of learning, adventure and more Joy than I thought imaginable.   

Like YOU, I have so much left to do.  There are many creative projects to complete.  And So Much to SHARE.  

For the journey, I Carry Your Wisdom and Love in My Heart As I Move Forward.

I Am Humbled with Love; Grateful and Happy to Be Your Daughter! 

I Am Praying for New Blessings and Miracles For YOU!

I Love YOU for All Eternity,  

#AMothersLove, #LetterToMyMother #TravelTheWorld #LetLove, #SunshineAndOlivier, #AfricanAmericanStories #YoungAdultBooks #Amazon, 

#Common Rocked MyWorld

@Common Rocked My World with His Book LET LOVE HAVE THE LAST WORD and I Am Celebrating My 65th Birthday with the Publication of the SUNSHINE & OLIVIER, Book One,  Revised 20th Anniversary Edition by Melony McGant 

Beautiful People, 

When #Common celebrated the release of his new book #LETLOVEHATHELASTWORD, at Riverside Church, I was in the audience and was blessed by #Common to be selected to come on stage and engage in a conversation around Forgiveness.  I left with a signed copy of #LETLOVE which said, "To Melony,  Love Queen.  Ms. Rainbow Thank You for Your Love & Light."  

I Felt Seen, Seen and Appreciated.   That was the opening of several Miracles of Grace that Rocked My World!  Thank You #Common and Team.

As a compassionate communications practitioner, interfaith minister and writer, for many years I have observed as 
Common emerged as one of the many Awakened Spirits committed to Live with Good Purpose, Integrity and Truth.  

As a Spiritual Elder, I see Common as a bridge to many others like #MaimounaYoussef aka #MumuFresh who recently toured with him, #IndiaArie my Godson Chaz Dobbs, Jr. and his beautiful wife Piper,  Mohamed Rum (owner of Scent Elate), #AishaJackson (cast of #FROZEN on #Broadway) my cousin Zachariah McGant aka SlimKat and countless others.  

Like all of these younger artists, Common has the courage to speak the truth as well as to focus on Healing, Forgiveness and Love. 

I Am Steeped In Gratitude for the Generousity of These Earth Angels  Mentioned and Many Others Who Are Reflecting Courage, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope, Integrity, and Love Around the Earth. 

#SUNSHINEANDOLIVIER is an urban story of Past Life Awakening, Family Skeletons, Forgivness, Healing and Love. May It Trigger Your Hearts! 

My 65th Birthday Wish Is That You Purchase Your Copy of #SUNSHINEANDOLIVIER and Share Your Reviews! 
Live & Love...
Rev. Melony McGant 💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊 

#Common #MaimounaYoussef #MumuFresh #IndiaArie #AishaJackson #MelonyMcGant 
#Amazon #BarnesAndNoble
#NewBooks #YoungAdultBooks
#Spirituality #ScentElate #HealingShop #HolyPlacesNYC #GoodEnergy

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Affirmation of Gratitude. ..

An Affirmation of Gratitude... 

Beautiful People, 

Thank You All for Your Beautiful Birthday Blessings!

Please Join Me in  An Affirmation of Gratitude ...

First Breathe and Exhale Ten Times.  

In Gratitude, Awareness and Love.
Out Gratitude Awareness and Love. 

In Gratitude, Awareness and Love. Out Gratitude, Awareness and Love....

Affirm and Say to Yourself...

"I Begin this Day in Gratitude with Awareness and Love. 

I have the curiosity and hope of a child with the ability to grow and transform like a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Within me is the flexibility of a monkey, the courage of an elephant
the  fearlessness of a lion and the gentleness of a dove and a giraffe. 

I Listen Deeply. 

I draw on the wisdom of trees, rocks, dolphins, oceans, all Sentients and Elders.

Patience Fills My Heart. 

I honor the luminosity of our Mother EarthHeart, Stars and Galaxies. 

Most importantly through my thoughts and actions, I Cherish and Honor Our Blessed Creator of ALL That Is, and All That Is Not. 

Today, I walk simply with compassion, courage, determination, healing, hope, integrity, respect and appreciation of myself and all others. 

I Am a Vessel Open; Ready to Share and Receive Love. 

Because I honor Life's Mystery...
I Am Learning to Allow Love's Symphony of Greatness, Healing, Hope and Harmony to Pour through Me and Out Into the World." 

And So It Is With Love! 

Always, Melony💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith,  Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Sunday, October 20, 2019


I AM A Magnet For Miracles...

Beautiful People, 

Blessings of Light, Love, Healing, Hope and Joy!  

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times. 

In Gratitude with Love. 
Out Gratitude with Love... 

In Gratitude with Love.   
Out Gratitude with Love...
Keep Breathing...

Today, Remember to Honor Our Good Friends: 
Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, and Respect In All that YOU Say or Do.

Now, once again, Breathe Deeply and Exhale  Slowly.

 Say several times to yourself. .. 
" I AM A Magnet for Miracles !"

Today Walk with Love Knowing. . .
YOU Are a Magnet for Miracles! 

Live & Love...

Always, Melony💜
aka Miss  Mellie Rainbow🎊 

#Africa #Cairo #Egypt #PyramidsofGiza 

#Breathe #Courage #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #LoveVisionary #Meditation  #IAmAMagnetForMiracles

Saturday, October 19, 2019

On Any Ordinary Day. ..

On Any Ordinary Day! 

Beautiful People, 

Let Us Be Grateful for the birds offering hellos and the trees which teach us to stand rooted in Love as we travel into the depths of Hope, and discover Joy in the Ordinary Day.

Slowly Breathe and Exhale Deeply Eight Times.

In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love. In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love.

In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love. In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love.

 Keep Breathing.

In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love. In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love.

 Ask to be guided by Good Purpose.

In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love. In Gratitude and Hope. Out Good Purpose and Love.

Now we are ready to use the Discernment of Integrity as we offer our hands, our minds and our hearts with Love.

The Promise of Any Ordinary Day Is Growing Awareness of the Extraordinary that Appears In Us and All Around Us When We Are Flexible and Rooted In Love!

Today Re-Member, Having Joy In the Ordinary Allows the Extraordinary to Blossom In YOU!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo: Melony Visiting the Great Sphinx at the Pyramids in Giza, Cairo/Egypt. 2018

#Africa #GreatSphinx #Giza 
#Cairo #Egypt #Breathe #Gratitude #Inspiration #Meditation

Friday, October 18, 2019

Common in Paris Was Magical!

#Common in Paris Was Magical!

Beautiful People, 

I Am Still Glowing and Feeling Grateful to @common  #LETLOVETour  @vickers_larry @brianscottbagley @sadecjoseph @svipere 

Got to do research for the SUNSHINE & OLIVIER Book Two of the Series! 

SUNSHINE & OLIVIER BOOK ONE is Now Available on Amazon!

Thank You for All Your Inspiration and Support! 


Live & Love...
Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊