Amazon Customer, November 23, 2019, 5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase Format: Paperback
Sunshine & Olivier by Melony McGant
"Clever, spiritual, funny, psychological, heartbreaking, and at times, simply mind blowing. Melony’s poignant collection poses a simple, yet obviously not-simple, question: What does it mean to be truly loved… what makes a family?
Melony’s meta-fictional prose oriented around questions of: MotherFatherGod, Forgiveness, Love, Friendship, Kindness, Compassion, Redemption, Heritage, and Blackness, joins a particular cadre of Black female fiction writers who offer creative and intellectual brilliance - and grants us a gift of word painting displays and inspiration.
Beautifully written! This feel-good tale, with its collection of uniquely diverse characters, surreptitiously weave themselves into our consciousness; leaping off the pages to reshape our hearts and minds.
Sunshine is a uniquely beautiful, precocious, hypersensitive child, with a heart of gold. Bubbling with stupendous compassion and kindness… an old soul; starkly reminds me of myself when I was her age.
Moira, the cat, beguiles us with amusing past life journeys. Bestows wisdom upon us and gives us hope for the future.
A passionate peace warrior, Olivier is a highly artistic young man with strong convictions, and a tender heart; yet remains beset with deep inner turmoil and a longing for wholeness.
I was particularly taken by the heavy emotional strains captured in each character, but the prose also cackles with puckering humor and a heart-centered engagement in the idiosyncratic pulses of consciousness and feeling as it relates to the plight of being Black in America.
The experience of reading this piece links up inextricably with our own hearts and minds - offering a course in self-awareness and introspection.
Melony quietly breaks the wall between fiction and realism, as you may easily find within the multifarious cast of characters, that some hidden truth lay bare within your own soul.
The dialogue is humbling and awe-inspiring, with a dramatic, eyebrow raising, twist… and the script strides us into the deepness of each moment (attended by an ironic sense of what has come before and what shall be), and a tender, patient probe into the unruly terrain of flawed, eclectic, characters.
Every once in a while a book comes around that fills a need — that communicates ideas so poignantly, and its spiritual value leaps off the pages. Sunshine & Olivier is such a book ... Melony thoughtfully reveals contemporary racial dynamics and family conflicts, letting authenticity lead the way. She poses dilemmas, and we observe them play out as if she’s plucked scenes directly from our day-to-day...
Her writing style raises you to a higher plane, carving out space for transformation and healing. I came away, inspired, uplifted, and blessed. I eagerly await the soon to be published sequel, FINDING the TRUTH in the LIE!
Many thanks to this author for an emphatically outstanding piece of artistry!" ~Sage Crystal
Sage Crystal, I Am Overwhelmed with Appreciation, Gratitude and Love! Your Review Inspires Me! Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart and Generous Support!
Much Love, Melony💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊