Saturday, November 30, 2019

Behold Many Miracles!

Behold Many Miracles!

Beautiful People, 

If you are brave enough to plant a garden within your heart; then you must make the commitment to nurture it throughout all the seasons of your life.

In the garden of your lives, the sun will shine always through your smiles but there may be winters of doubt and loneliness.

The many clouds and rainstorms will be your tears of disappointment, and dismay mixed with rainbows and the joy of knowing Love.

As new ideas, creative projects and your children are born, the air will bring you oxygen, new purpose, a desire to grow and whispers of understanding.

Spring buds and blossoming trees will be filled with hummingbirds and your humility, as you celebrate Being Born Again.

There will be joyful summers of Compassion as your willingness to forgive allows for deep healing.

Time and time again you will harvest the fruit of Love and acquire a propensity of Faith that nurtures you and many others with Integrity.

And throughout Eternity with Divine Grace, you will continue to Plant New Seeds of Hope.

With Love, Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times.

Today, Behold and Live the Many Miracles in Your Life of Love!

 Always, Melony💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeholdManyMiracles #Breathe #DeepHealing #DivineGrace #Faith #Forgiveness #FruitsOfLove #Inspiration #Integrity #Patience #PlantSeedsOfHope

Friday, November 29, 2019

ChiChiAnyanwu #Agent #BlackTheaterGuru HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Beautiful #Agent #BlackTheaterGuru and #Producer ChiChi Anyanwu 


Thank You for Offering Your Creative Brilliance and Support to So Many Through NYC Black Theater Network and In Your Life!
We Appreciate Your Goodness!

Happy New B'Earth Year of Compassion, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity and Love. 

May Many New Blessings and Miracles Manifest for YOU!

With Loving Appreciation, 
Melony 🎊🙏🏾💜😇🙏🏾🎊

New Beginnings: Melony McGant Remembering Nov 29th 2016

Remembering Nov 29, 2016 #RetirementDay and

Beautiful People, 

Three Years Ago Today I Retired from the New York State Department of Labor.  

I'd like to Thank All of You for Your Support of My Compassionate Writing and Spiritual Work.  Time flies and I have been fortunate enough to be living with Joy. 

These past Three Years Has Been Incredible and I Thank You for Journeying the World with Me!

Beautiful Blessings of Light and Love with Joy!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Friends are the Fruit of Our Hearts and Family We Choose!

Friends are the Fruit of Our Hearts and Family We Choose! 

Beautiful People, 

Our Friends are the delicious fruit of our hearts.  Some fruit we experience often. 

Others are a rare delicacy that we seldom have the opportunity to savor. 

Some fruit like avacados, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi or mangoes, we must peel.  

Others Friends are the apples, blueberries, grapes, pears, and strawberries of our hearts. 

Sometimes our Friends may even be bananas, coconuts or watermelons!

Through Friendship we learn that just as no fruit tastes the same;  no human has the ability or capacity to offer us exactly what we give them.  

Friends may agree or disagree. Sometimes Friends may hurt eachother and need to ask for  Forgiveness.  

Friends may live close or far away.  They may speak often or not  at all.  Other Friends will forever be a Mystery.

Most importantly, Friends are the Family We Choose.  

When nurtured with space and care, our Friendships will always remain the delicious, cherished fruit of our hearts.

Breathe Ten Times. 
Inhale Deeply.  Exhale Joyfully. 


"Today I Am Grateful for Every Friendship that Has Blossomed, Shared and Taught Me to Honor and Value the Grace and Mystery of Unconditional Love throughout the Many Seasons of Our Lives." 


Live & Love!

Always, Melony💜
aka Miss  Mellie Rainbow🎊 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo: Melony in Giza, Cairo at an AirBNB overlooking the Pyramids by Eisa Elnady

#Africa #Breathe #Courage #Cairo #Egypt #Giza #EmbraceTheMystery #FriendsAreTheFruitOfOurHearts #Gratitude #Hope #Inspiration #Love #Meditation #Motivation  #Pyramids #Travel

Thank You! #EarthAngelsRising💖⭐😇⭐ SUNSHINE & OLIVIER by Melony McGant

@tonigripper Thank You for Your Beautiful Support and Amazon Review!.🎊🎊🎊 @common @commongroundfnd@indiaarie @prolificpapalovemore @grandmultipiper @andrewgoodmanfoundation @scentelate In Special Ways You May Not Even Know You All inspired and Contributed to this New 20th Anniversary Edition of #SUNSHINEANDOLIVIERBOOK. Thank You! 

Toni Gripper Reviews 
SUNSHINE & OLIVIER Revised 20th Anniversary Edition "The story begins with a quote. "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." James Baldwin. Yes, you've got my attention.  Next? "A reincarnated cat named MOIRA (whose name translates to destiny, fate) is repaying her karmic debt from many millennia ago." What? I didn't know what was coming next, but it turned out to be an unexpected and enticing surprise.

I liked this parable, and agree with one of the characters, that it's horrible being in a family with secrets. There's a secret in this family, and as my people always say, "What is done in the dark will come to light." I related to the innocence, optimism, and frustrations of the high schoolers (Sunshine, Olivier) as much as I resonated with the confidence, life experiences, and fears of the adults (Alexia, Imani, Sky). Sunshine and Olivier is beautifully written, and I experienced a range of emotions throughout. There is love, questions, fear, lessons, disappointments, and forgiveness. As I read the book and was moved to reflect on my past and present relationships. Yes, there is love, and Moira, the cat, is there for it all.
I'm looking forward to reading Book  Two of the #SunshineAndOlivierSeries"


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Happy ThanksGiving: Let Us Give Thanks!

Happy ThanksGiving: Let Us Give Thanks! 

Beautiful People, 

First, Make Yourself Comfortable. 

Take a moment to clear your mind of all distractions.

Now, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times

Open Your Heart with Tender Compassion.  

Today, Decide to Embrace the Mystery of Hope and Love...

Let Us Give Thanks to the Great Spirit for allowing us to be on this EarthHeart. 

We Give Thanks...

For Waking Up Today...

For the storms that have turned our lives upside down, and...

For the Rainbows of Hope and Kindness shared by children, family, friends and the strangers who one day may become friends.  

We Give Thanks for the Shining Sun and Brilliant Moon, with Stars and Galaxies of Love that teach us to embrace our cultural differences with Joy.

We Give Thanks and Honor Ancestors and Elders with Loving Appreciation and Respect. 

We Give Thanks for the mistakes we have made, which turned out to offer important lessons of humility and taught us to have Courage to Live Our Dreams. 

Now Again Breathe and Exhale Deeply. 

Feel the Spirit of Hope come Alive in your body and your heart....

We Give Thanks to All Creations of Love, and Honor Love and Good Purpose within Ourselves.  

For All That Is Known or Unknown and,  for the Eternal Mysteries and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through Love...  

We Give Thanks!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #EmbraceTheMystery

#Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Meditation #Motivation #WeGiveThanks

NYC Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER! Free December 5th,2019 at Riverside Theatre!

Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER!
Just 5 Days Until the Show! Have you Ordered your Free Tickets Through Eventbrite? Don't Miss Out, Please Join Us at a Special Free Family Musical Event... The Return Performance of...

Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER!

Date: Sunday, December 1st, 2019
Time: 2 pm
Place: The Riverside Theater at Riverside Church
91 Claremont Avenue, Between 120th and 122nd Street, NYC

Dr. Glory's Youth Theatre with special guests The Urban Strings Columbus Youth Orchestra.
The JAZZ GUZZLER Synopsis:

"The Jazz Guzzler, is a teenage thief,-- who loves Jazz,-- but feels that he hasn’t any talent to play this incredible and exciting music. This fact upsets him so much,-- that he allows a negative, jealous feeling to guide him in the wrong direction.

He develops a quick-silvery Jazz thieving technique, which enables him to steal Jazz recordings, tapes, videos, and music sheets from the Jazz Loving People in his apartment building. He says, “If I can’t play this fabulous music, then I’ll keep others around me from playing and enjoying it, too.”

Fortunately, it is the Blue/Lady/Lady Sheriff, and his neighbors who intervene, and put him on the correct path,-- and teach him that:

Everyone is born with a talent for Something In This Life,-- and there is a Joyous treasure in searching and finding it,-- and sharing it with others, when you do!"

Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER is written, produced, directed and choreographed by Dr. Glory Van Scott.

For More Information:
email Dr. Glory Van Scott Productions at:
or call: (212) 502-0895

Photos by Richard Conde from the World Premiere Performance of Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER, June 9th, 2019 at The Riverside Theatre!

To order Your Free Tickets for Dr. Glory Van Scott's The JAZZ GUZZLER, Please Click on the Eventbrite Link Below:

Monday, November 25, 2019


Amazon Customer, November 23, 2019, 5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase Format: Paperback

Sunshine & Olivier by Melony McGant 

"Clever, spiritual, funny, psychological, heartbreaking, and at times, simply mind blowing. Melony’s poignant collection poses a simple, yet obviously not-simple, question: What does it mean to be truly loved… what makes a family?

Melony’s meta-fictional prose oriented around questions of: MotherFatherGod, Forgiveness, Love, Friendship, Kindness, Compassion, Redemption, Heritage, and Blackness, joins a particular cadre of Black female fiction writers who offer creative and intellectual brilliance - and grants us a gift of word painting displays and inspiration.

Beautifully written! This feel-good tale, with its collection of uniquely diverse characters, surreptitiously weave themselves into our consciousness; leaping off the pages to reshape our hearts and minds.

Sunshine is a uniquely beautiful, precocious, hypersensitive child, with a heart of gold. Bubbling with stupendous compassion and kindness… an old soul; starkly reminds me of myself when I was her age.

Moira, the cat, beguiles us with amusing past life journeys. Bestows wisdom upon us and gives us hope for the future.

A passionate peace warrior, Olivier is a highly artistic young man with strong convictions, and a tender heart; yet remains beset with deep inner turmoil and a longing for wholeness.

I was particularly taken by the heavy emotional strains captured in each character, but the prose also cackles with puckering humor and a heart-centered engagement in the idiosyncratic pulses of consciousness and feeling as it relates to the plight of being Black in America.

The experience of reading this piece links up inextricably with our own hearts and minds - offering a course in self-awareness and introspection.

Melony quietly breaks the wall between fiction and realism, as you may easily find within the multifarious cast of characters, that some hidden truth lay bare within your own soul.

The dialogue is humbling and awe-inspiring, with a dramatic, eyebrow raising, twist… and the script strides us into the deepness of each moment (attended by an ironic sense of what has come before and what shall be), and a tender, patient probe into the unruly terrain of flawed, eclectic, characters.

Every once in a while a book comes around that fills a need — that communicates ideas so poignantly, and its spiritual value leaps off the pages. Sunshine & Olivier is such a book ... Melony thoughtfully reveals contemporary racial dynamics and family conflicts, letting authenticity lead the way. She poses dilemmas, and we observe them play out as if she’s plucked scenes directly from our day-to-day...

Her writing style raises you to a higher plane, carving out space for transformation and healing. I came away, inspired, uplifted, and blessed. I eagerly await the soon to be published sequel, FINDING the TRUTH in the LIE!

Many thanks to this author for an emphatically outstanding piece of artistry!" ~Sage Crystal
Sage Crystal,  I Am Overwhelmed with Appreciation, Gratitude and Love! Your Review Inspires Me! Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart and Generous Support! 

Much Love, Melony💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Letting Go of the Day's Challenges...

Letting Go of the Day's Challenges!

Beautiful People,

Today, Take a Moment to Clear Your Mind and Your Heart. 

Breathe Deeply Ten Times... 
In Love. Out Love! 
In Love. Out Love...

When we sit quietly, letting go of the days challenges, we learn to have compassion and Love for ourselves. 

In this way as we let go of our fears; we also honor our frailties and allow our courage, our strength and our hope to return. 

This is Divine Spirit in Action. 

We begin to heal with unconditional Love, and discover that we have more Love and compassion to share with others. 

Today, Please Take Time to Be Quiet and Relax.

Breathe Deeply.  Imagine that Angels Are All Around You. Please Know That These Angels Are Guiding YOU and All Others for Your Highest Good. 

Allow Divine Spirit to move through you with Compassion, Courage, Hope, Healing, and Unconditional Love. 

As you accept this nurturing; 
YOU can become more aware and energized to feel Loving Support and Trust that All of Your Concerns Will Be Resolved In a Good Way.  

Be At Peace.  All Is Well. 

Live & Love... 

Always, Melony💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊 

Peace Is Possible Through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#AllIsWell #BeAtPeace #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Healing #Hope #Love #Meditation #NurturingHearts

Giving Tuesday: Please Support the Andrew Goodman Foundation and the Vote Everywhere Program!

Giving Tuesday: Please Support the Andrew Goodman Foundation and the Vote Everywhere Program!

A Special Request from Melony!

Beautiful People, 

Please Join Me and Many Wonderful People By Standing with the families of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner whose lives are a Testament of Love and the best of America. 

Their violent deaths during Freedom Summer of 1964 helped propel our nation to pass Civil Rights and Voting Rights Legislation. 

We must never forget the many brave citizens of all races who have stood/stand for justice, equality, equity voting rights and peace. 

Please Help Preserve Democracy and Support the Andrew Goodman Foundation's VOTE EVERYWHERE Program.  

Join Me and Make Your Contribution Today!  If YOU Have Recently Made a Contribution,  Thank You!

Please mention my name ( Rev. Melony McGant) when you donate online at
or send Your Generous Tax-Deductible Contribution Check to: The Andrew Goodman Foundation, PO Box 394, Mahwah, NJ 07430. 

Always, Melony

#AndrewGoodmanFoundation #VoteEverywhere 

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Amazon Customer, November 23, 2019, 5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase Format: Paperback

Sunshine & Olivier by Melony McGant 

"Clever, spiritual, funny, psychological, heartbreaking, and at times, simply mind blowing. Melony’s poignant collection poses a simple, yet obviously not-simple, question: What does it mean to be truly loved… what makes a family?

Melony’s meta-fictional prose oriented around questions of: MotherFatherGod, Forgiveness, Love, Friendship, Kindness, Compassion, Redemption, Heritage, and Blackness, joins a particular cadre of Black female fiction writers who offer creative and intellectual brilliance - and grants us a gift of word painting displays and inspiration.

Beautifully written! This feel-good tale, with its collection of uniquely diverse characters, surreptitiously weave themselves into our consciousness; leaping off the pages to reshape our hearts and minds.

Sunshine is a uniquely beautiful, precocious, hypersensitive child, with a heart of gold. Bubbling with stupendous compassion and kindness… an old soul; starkly reminds me of myself when I was her age.

Moira, the cat, beguiles us with amusing past life journeys. Bestows wisdom upon us and gives us hope for the future.

A passionate peace warrior, Olivier is a highly artistic young man with strong convictions, and a tender heart; yet remains beset with deep inner turmoil and a longing for wholeness.

I was particularly taken by the heavy emotional strains captured in each character, but the prose also cackles with puckering humor and a heart-centered engagement in the idiosyncratic pulses of consciousness and feeling as it relates to the plight of being Black in America.

The experience of reading this piece links up inextricably with our own hearts and minds - offering a course in self-awareness and introspection.

Melony quietly breaks the wall between fiction and realism, as you may easily find within the multifarious cast of characters, that some hidden truth lay bare within your own soul.

The dialogue is humbling and awe-inspiring, with a dramatic, eyebrow raising, twist… and the script strides us into the deepness of each moment (attended by an ironic sense of what has come before and what shall be), and a tender, patient probe into the unruly terrain of flawed, eclectic, characters.

Every once in a while a book comes around that fills a need — that communicates ideas so poignantly, and its spiritual value leaps off the pages. Sunshine & Olivier is such a book ... Melony thoughtfully reveals contemporary racial dynamics and family conflicts, letting authenticity lead the way. She poses dilemmas, and we observe them play out as if she’s plucked scenes directly from our day-to-day...

Her writing style raises you to a higher plane, carving out space for transformation and healing. I came away, inspired, uplifted, and blessed. I eagerly await the soon to be published sequel, FINDING the TRUTH in the LIE!

Many thanks to this author for an emphatically outstanding piece of artistry!" ~Sage Crystal
Sage Crystal,  I Am Overwhelmed with Appreciation, Gratitude and Love! Your Review Inspires Me! Thank You for Your Beautiful Heart and Generous Support! 

Much Love, Melony💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Monday, November 4, 2019

SUNSHINE & OLIVIER Book by Melony McGant Free Digital Copies Available

FREE Digital Review Copies Available for a New #YoungAdultNovel

“Millennia ago a ravenous star set into motion a series of karmic events that would cause a secret to transform a family forever” A reincarnated cat named MOIRA (whose name translates to destiny, fate) is repaying her karmic debt from many millennia ago. 

She devoured nearby stars in her solar system so that she could shine brighter than all others. The Beings of SIRIUS (brightest star in our galaxy located behind the Sun) sent her to Earth where she’s been stuck ever since. Many times over MOIRA reincarnated in various forms throughout the centuries repaying her karmic debt. 

Fast forward  to a summer in NYC. In this lifetime, the debt will finally be paid as MOIRA reincarnates one last time with a powerful secret that unravels and threatens to tear apart a family and two loving souls at the center of it all, named SUNSHINE(16) and OLIVIER (16).

For Your FREE Review Copy, Email 

About the Author

Melony McGant, aka Miss Mellie Rainbow loves to travel, explore cultures, connect with people, and dreams of a compassionate World with safe, loving communities, equal opportunity with justice and peace for the next seven generations (and beyond) of All the Earth's children.

Melony truly believes that "peace is possible through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, healing, hope, humility, integrity, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, understanding and the gift of Love!", and uses social media platforms to inspire others.

#PastLives #YoungAdultFiction #Spirituality #MelonyMcGant

Educators Free Digital Review Copies of SUNSHINE & OLIVIER BOOK

Please Share...
FREE Digital Review Copies Available for a New #YoungAdultNovel


About the Book
“Millennia ago a ravenous star set into motion a series of karmic events that would cause a secret to transform a family forever” A reincarnated cat named MOIRA (whose name translates to destiny, fate) is repaying her karmic debt from many millennia ago. She devoured nearby stars in her solar system so that she could shine brighter than all others. 

The Beings of SIRIUS (brightest star in our galaxy located behind the Sun) sent her to Earth where she’s been stuck ever since. Many times over MOIRA reincarnated in various forms throughout the centuries repaying her karmic debt. 

Fast forward  to a summer in NYC. In this lifetime, the debt will finally be paid as MOIRA reincarnates one last time with a powerful secret that unravels and threatens to tear apart a family and two loving souls at the center of it all, named SUNSHINE(16) and OLIVIER (16).

For Your FREE Review Copy Email 

About the Author

Melony McGant, aka Miss Mellie Rainbow loves to travel, explore cultures, connect with people, and dreams of a compassionate World with safe, loving communities, equal opportunity with justice and peace for the next seven generations (and beyond) of All the Earth's children.

Melony truly believes that "peace is possible through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, healing, hope, humility, integrity, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, understanding and the gift of Love!", and uses social media platforms to inspire others.

#PastLives #YoungAdultFiction #Spirituality #MelonyMcGant

Me Beloved America!

My Beloved America...

My Beloved America...
What Are You? 

Where Is Our Cherished Democracy? 

Why have you allowed Deceitful Progress to come and steal our Children's Future?

America, you have sent away our jobs, robbed us of our life savings or homes and taken away our Privacy, our Right to Assemble, our Free Speech, our Healthcare, our Access to Airwaves....

And Our Right to VOTE!

America, YOU and Deceitful Progress have used the Nation's Courts to discriminate against Citizens, to create monopolies for Robber Barons, to Steal and Control OUR Nation.

America, you have turned neighbor against neighbor and used technology to bicker and create new wars and prisons for profit when you SHOULD  BE..

Nurturing the Brilliance, the Creativity, the Genius and the Hope of ALL of Our Children.

Stop Lying America. 
Almost 50 percent of this Nation is living in Poverty with No Opportunity to Grow and Prosper. 

Know This...
We Will Continue to Organize, RESIST and VOTE!

My Beloved America...
There will be No Real Progress without Equity, Education, Integrity, Good Jobs, Healthcare and Respect for All the People, and a Real Pathway to Citizenship for Immigrants in Our Nation!

My Beloved America...
What Are You? 

Where Is Our Cherished Democracy? 

My Beloved America...
My Beloved America...
My Beloved America...

Know This...
We Will Continue to Challenge and RESIST. 

We Will Challenge and Resist with Consistent Good Efforts, Good Purpose, Hope and Integrity. 

And, We the Citizens Will WIN! 

Always, Melony 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Photo Credit Unknown 
