Wednesday, January 13, 2021

What Would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Do and Say Today?

What Would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Do and Say Today?

Beautiful People, 

Are you concerned about the Future and Dream of Our Collective Humanity? 

Where is our compassion, our commitment to democracy, diplomacy, our dream & understanding of living together in Peace; caring for our brothers and sisters and helping all who are in need? 

Are YOU willing to work to end the diseases of classism, racism and religious subjugation?  

What Would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Do and Say Today?  

Certainly Our UniVersal Purpose is to have a Collective Heart of Compassion that Allows Us to Create a World of Equanimity and Peace with Shared Prosperity for All People, Regardless of Race or Religious Affiliation.  

Are we willing to Move Beyond Violence propagated by the media and those addicted to fear, control, guns and power so that We Become a Nation that Embraces Creativity, Education, Sustainability, Peace and Prosperity? 

What lessons of the past can we share so that through our promises of peace, hope and healing in our communities, We Create a Better and New Reality? 

When will we empower and support courageous leaders who believe, hope and work for a Collective Love that Nurtures and Heals?  

Do we still find value in the Golden Rule----“Honor thy Mother and Father, Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself…. and… Thou Shalt Not Kill….” 

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "A true test of a man is not where he stands in a time of comfort and convenience but where he stands during a time of conflict and controversy."  

Many of the choices we are making and allowing our leaders to make are morally wrong.  Each life taken in violence, every continued obstacle to ensure voting rights or universal healthcare, every cut to education for our children, every dollar spent to make war barons wealthier, or every thought of the “Other” moves us away from Love. For the Other is YOU!  

Is this the World You Desire?   Is this the World we think is good enough for our Children’s Future?   

Breath Deeply and Exhale  Slowly Ten Times.  

In Love. Out Hope and Cooperation with Love.   In Love.  Out Hope and Cooperation with Love .... 

Today, and Every Day as we honor the DREAM of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Many other Courageous Civil Rights Foot Soldiers, let us acknowledge Truth.  

Yes, many of us do have broken hearts, and spirits, but we must embrace a dialogue of Hope with Good Actions of Bridge Building and Cooperation, Integrity and Patience. 

Our Uni-Versal Purpose Is to Have a Collective Heart of Compassion that Allows Us to Create a World of Equanimity and Peace with Shared Prosperity for All People; Regardless of Race or Religious Affiliation.

And Yes, We Must Have the Courage to Speak, and Act With Good Purpose to Right the Wrongs of Our Society.  

Re-member that Peace Is Possible through Compassionate Actions, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith,  Forgiveness, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Understanding, Wisdom and the Gift of  Love.

This New Year 2021 We Must Collectively Work with the Administration  of #PresidentJoeBiden and  #VicePresidentKamalaHarris, #Congress and the #Senate to Assure Quality Education, Equity and Equanimity with Justice and Opportunity for ALL!  

Believe. Breathe. Pray. Live. Love. 

Greatest Love!  

Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


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