We Are Grateful…
Beautiful People,
Let Us Offer Prayers of Love!
We Honor..
the OmnipotentCreator, MotherFather of Every UniVerse Who Has Given Us This New Day.
We Are Grateful for the Oxygen in the Air We Breathe.
We Are Grateful for the Land on which we build, we farm and we live.
We Are Grateful for the oceans, the rains and the water we drink.
We Are Grateful for All plant life, animals, birds and fish.
We Are Grateful for the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets, and Every Galaxy Known or Unknown to Us.
All Who Have Awaken In Love, Let Us Give Thanks!
Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.
ReMember that each breath clears the four chambers of your heart and energizes the entire being.
Breathe in Gratitude for the Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
Be Grateful for the four elements that guide your journey.
Earth, Our Mother, teaches us to feel the miraculous songs in the air as we breathe; songs that travel through the water of our bodies and ignite fire of our hearts.
As you allow the Songs of Love into Your Hearts, ReMember, you will become Rooted in Gratitude, Flexible in Every Challenge and Expansive in Hope on Your Journey of Life!
Today As We Give Thanks to the OmnipotentCreator, MotherFather of the MultiVerse.
We ReMember....
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Faith, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Grace of Love!
We Will Walk with Compassion, Live with Good Purpose, Sing with Hope, Share Our Love, Pray, and Continue to Vision and Work Towards Creating a True Equitable, Fair and Just Society that will Bring Peace and Prosperity with Sustainability On Earth/Heart!
With Humility, We Offer Our Prayers of Love!
Breathe. Breathe. Live. Love.
Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊