Wednesday, March 30, 2022


We Are Grateful…

Beautiful People, 

Let Us Offer Prayers of Love!    

We Honor..  
the OmnipotentCreator, MotherFather of Every UniVerse Who Has Given Us This New Day. 

We Are Grateful for the Oxygen in the Air We Breathe.

We Are Grateful for the Land on which we build, we farm and we live. 

We Are Grateful for the oceans, the rains and the water we drink.

We Are Grateful for All plant life, animals, birds and fish. 

We Are Grateful for the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets, and Every Galaxy Known or Unknown to Us.

All Who Have Awaken In Love, Let Us Give Thanks! 

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.  

ReMember that each breath clears the four chambers of your heart and energizes the entire being. 

Breathe in Gratitude for the Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. 

Be Grateful for the four elements that guide your journey.

Earth, Our Mother, teaches us to feel the miraculous songs in the air as we breathe; songs that travel through the water of our bodies and ignite fire of our hearts.

As you allow the Songs of Love into Your Hearts, ReMember, you will become Rooted in Gratitude, Flexible in Every Challenge and Expansive in Hope on Your Journey of Life!

Today As We Give Thanks to the OmnipotentCreator, MotherFather of the MultiVerse.

We ReMember....
Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Faith, Forgiveness, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Grace of Love!

We Will Walk with Compassion, Live with Good Purpose, Sing with Hope, Share Our Love, Pray, and Continue to Vision  and Work Towards Creating a True Equitable, Fair and Just Society that will Bring  Peace and Prosperity with Sustainability On Earth/Heart! 

With Humility, We Offer Our Prayers of Love!

Breathe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

 Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


Monday, March 28, 2022

Speaking As a Navy Veteran...

Speaking As a Navy Veteran...

Beautiful People, 

Please Join Me in taking Ten Deep Breaths. In Love and Respect.  Out Love and Respect....

I spent 4 years in the U.S. Navy and have been called #GIJane many times.  I've learned to laugh when someone said it because serving my country was a good thing.
Thats Why I Invite You to Join Me and Surround #ChrisRock with Love.

Years ago, in the 80s #ChrisRock called me out at Caroline's Comedy Club.  Everybody at my table howled.  He Read Me to a T... 

Yes, my feelings might have been hurt but, I Had to Laugh Because Every Word He Said About Me Was True! 

Comedians make us laugh.  Sometimes we don't like their jokes. But Laughing at Ourselves is Medicine for the Soul.  

Thanks to Chris for taking the hight road after he was slapped. Obviously #AscendedAngels #DickGregory, #MomsMabley #BettyWhite #RichardPryor and #RobinWilliams were with him and helping him keep his composure...

Like @therealdickgregory I'm Gonna Stand with #ChrisRock and Send Him Compassion, the Honey of Healing and Love.  And I'm Gonna Offer Prayers for the Highest Good All Involved. 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#ChrisRock #ClassAct #HighestGood #HumanitysClassroom
#LaughterIsMedicine  #TakeTheHighRoad

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Share Kindness!

Share Kindness!

Beautiful People, 

Today, Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.  

Define yourself by the Compassion that you share with yourself and the World.  

Honor the EarthHeart and Remember that You Are Royalty Birthed By Integrity and Love.

Allow Creativity, Goodness and Grace to Pour through You and JOY, Laughter and Peace Will Help Open and Heal Many Hearts.

Today Is A Beautiful Day To Share Kindness and Love!

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Photo TBT 2000

#Breathe #Compassion #Creativity  #Goodness #Kindness #Love

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Full Moon Meanderings: Beyond Duality!

Full Moon Meanderings: Beyond Duality!

Beautiful People, 

For thousands of years all violent thoughts & actions, ego, envy, hate & greed or guns & wars said to bring Peace have been based in evil & misunderstanding.

Duality Exists.  Evil exists but over time, though it may be eons; Ultimately, Our Good Potential Will Prosper.

No matter what goes on in the World, WE have a responsibility to live with compassion, humility & integrity with Truth inspired by Love. 

Only then through the Creator's Blessing of Love will we be able to truly see and appreciate the magnificence of Our EarthHeart.   

Let us embrace the full moon in the sky, the fish, dolphins & whales in the oceans, trees, flowers, vegetables, birds, bears, giraffes, lions and all sentient beings as purposeful and interconnected in Love. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Many Times. 

Feel the Goodness in a World where much of Humanity is fearfully Awakening and struggling to restore itself through Love. 

Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the Awakening of Truth discovered when we face ourselves by looking in the mirror of all those around us.  

Now, seeing the need for compassion, forgiveness, healing, hope, kindness, mutual cooperation, mercy and Love...

Imagine you are looking into the Beloved Divine Heart.

In the Circle of our Eternal Existence, beyond current evil acts of ego, envy, greed, hate and mis-understanding...
Love Exists Into Eternity. 

Yes, duality exists but ultimately Our Good Potential continues to prosper through our every Loving Action.

Please commit to walk with courage, fortitude, actions of integrity and patience.  Let us do our best to live with Loving actions and thoughts of Peace and Prosperity for All.

In Deep Reflection and Prayer...
Offer Gratitude, Embrace Eternity, and Re-Member that Love is the most powerful energy of the MultiVerse!

It is through our collective courage & commitment to live beyond duality as Beings of Love, that our magnificent Earth/Heart, and seven generations of Children yet unborn will peacefully prosper with Joy and Love!

Breathe Deeply & ReMember. . .  
We Are Spiritual Beings of Light and Love.  

Always, Melony  💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeyondDuality #Compassion #Courage #FullMoon #Healing #Hope #Light #Love #SpiritualBeings

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Who ReMembers walking along 125th in 1988 or 89?

Who ReMembers walking along 125th in 1988 or 89?  

Beautiful People, 

Who ReMembers walking along 125th in 1988 or 89?  

There would be #StreetPhotographers close to the #Apollo with wonderful backdrops ( a forerunner of red carpet photos today. 

Happiness Is a Positive Cash Flow!"

ReMembering a 30 Something Melony and a Salute to #StreetPhotographers!

Blessings of Light!

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫

#LivingInHarlem #StreetPhotographers 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments...

Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments...

Beautiful People,  

Please take a moment and still yourself as you open your heart and clear your mind of all distractions.

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Let Us Offer Prayers of Compassion, Intimacy, Hope, Joy and Love. 

We sometimes  learn intimacy not always in words but more often by a tender touch in the Silence of the moment. 

It is a Sacred Gift to sit with another and experience Not Knowing--Not Having the Answer but feeling Loved.   

Sometimes we may feel intense suffering, sorrow or joy. 

We may cry and discover that our tears become like rivers of compassion and forgiveness with the honey of Hope. 

It is here that we learn to Trust, to have Faith, and to Love Unconditionally. 

When we trust, we are able to embrace the many joys and sorrows of our of lives.

We also learn that Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow Are Sacred Gifts.

We may find that we are ill and there is no cure. A tender touch will give us comfort for the difficult journey. 

We may embrace the sorrow of saying goodbye to a Loved One returning to the Infinite Heaven Realm, while at the same time feel joy that they have made a Loving impact on our lives.

Throughout life, Sorrow and Joy will always travel deeply into our hearts. They are intimate friends that teach us Gratitude.

Today, Let Us Honor the Tender Moments of Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow As Sacred Gifts of Divine Grace; and Expressions of Exquisite, Infinite, Eternal Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #DivineGrace 
#Gratitude #Intimacy #Joy #LoveUnconditionally #SacredGifts #Sorrow #TenderMoments

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Living Through the Arguments!

Living Through the Arguments!

Beautiful People, 

No matter the Giant Temper Tantrums and Universal Arguments of Disrespect, Greed and Hate...

We are living in a Time
of Bursting Light
filled with Loving Grace.

Hold Your Holy Ground
and Have Patience.

No matter what it looks like
or what it feels like...

Good Will Ultimately Prevail!

Today Walk with Your Heart Open and Head High.

Know that your Compassion, Courage, Hope, Integrity and Loving Actions do make a difference.

And as we live through the arguments... 

We must hold the space for Equity, Hope and Hearts of Peace to manifest in our Own Good Actions!

First Breathe Deeply Ten Times.

Breathe In Patience.  Breathe Out with Courage and Peace...

Feel Your Heart Bursting with Compassion, Courage, Integrity, Light and Love.

Now Commit Only to Loving Actions!

And Please Re-Member... Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Gratitude, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Today, Hold Your Holy Ground!

Believe. Breathe. Pray. 
Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💥❤️💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #Courage #GoodWillWin #Gratitude #HoldYourHolyGround #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #LovingGrace #Meditation #Motivation #Patience #Peace #Strength

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Happy Birthday to Two Special Men! #LETLOVE💖⭐😇⭐💖

Happy Birthday to Two Special Men!  #LETLOVE💖⭐😇⭐💖

Common and Husn Dobbs ... Thinking of Two of My Favorite #EarthAngelsKings and Sending Rainbows of Loving Appreciation and Joy.  

Husn, As My Precious GodSon, You Make My Heart Sing Alwaysand Forever. 

Common,  You Awakened a HeartSong of Eternal Friendship. 

Please Know That I So Admire and Appreciate You Both. 

Happy New B'Earth Year of Compassion, Courage, Deep Listening, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Continuing Grace and Love with Joy. 

May God's Grace Be Upon You and Many New Blessings and Miracles Continue to Manifest for You and Your Families!

Believe.  Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💖
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Believe #Breathe #Common #EarthAngelKings #LETLOVE

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Divine Whispers: "I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE."

Divine Whispers: "I AM the Answer.  I AM LOVE."

Beautiful People, 

Please, clear your mind and tenderly Open Your Heart.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.. .

Now, Listen to the Divine Whispers... 


 I AM Every Soul Created and Ascended In Love.

I AM Your Beloved Ancestors.  

I AM the Friend You Didn't Know You Had.

I AM the Bee, the Bird, the Dolphin, the Elephant, The Lion, the Wolf, the Cat and All Sentient Life Everywhere.

I AM The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Planets and Galaxies that Soar throughout the MultiVerse.  

I AM Your MotherEARTH and FatherSKY, the Wind, the Rain, the Oceans, the Trees, Flowers, the Vegetables You Eat, All Plant Life and the OXYGEN in the AIR YOU BREATHE. 

I AM Your Cries for Equality, Equity and Justice.   I AM Your Good Dreams of Peace.

"I AM the Answer. I AM LOVE."

Feel Me through your Tears. 

Know Me even in your Brokenness. Accept Me in Forgiveness. 

I AM Compassion and Mercy.

I AM the Good Purpose, Hope, Healing, Integrity and Joy Blossoming in You!

I AM Kindness.  

I AM Every Right Choice You Make, and Tender Smiles You Offer.

I AM the Tingling Patience, Respect and Strength YOU Develop As You Walk in Grace and Embrace Wisdom with Understanding.

Today and Every Day...

I AM the Answer.  

I Live Within YOU. 

I Feel Through YOU.

Allow Me the Gift of Awakening Within Your Heart and You Will See Me Everywhere, In All Creations On Earth and Throughout Every UniVerse.


Always, Melony 🙏🏾💜🙏🏾
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Respect, Patience, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#AscendedSpirits #Awakening #Breathe #GentleDivineWhispers #IAMTheAnswer #IAMKindness 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Just Listen. I Love You.

Just Listen. I Love You.

Beautiful People,

Take A Moment To Still Yourself.

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

Now listen to the Voice of Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

"I believe in you and value you. I saw you as Stardust. I know your goodness. I know your fear of Light and of Love. I know of your selfish ways for they have long saddened me.

I Forgive You.  Peace Is Possible! 

Just Listen. I Love You. 

Hear me through the birds chirping, the wind whistling through trees and the ocean's roar.

Breathe deeply and smell me in the honey suckle and cherry blossoms. 

Taste me in the avocado, the apple, the blueberry, the carrot, the ginger and turnips. Look at me in the Sky.

Remember it is I who share the magnificent moon, the glistening stars and the ebullient sun with you. 

The Land is not yours to fight over. 

It is Mine!  All Is Mine.  I share it with you in Love.

Find your way back to Love. 

Just Listen.  I Forgive You.  I Love You!"

Again, Breathe Slowly in and out Ten Times. 

Listen to the Voice of Voice of the Great Spirit moving throughout the Cosmos.

"Peace Is Possible!  Just Listen. 
Stop Fighting. I Love You. 

Feel me in your hearts through your acts of Compassion, Cooperation, Humility and Integrity.

Find Your Way Back to Me.

Find Your Way Back to Love.

Re-Member...Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Peace Is Possible!  Just Listen.  Stop Fighting. 
I Forgive You. I Love YOU!" 

Says the Voice of Voice of Great Spirit Moving Throughout the Cosmos.

Believe. Breathe. PRAY. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Say Thank You. 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Please, Just Be The Wonderful, Incredible YOU!

Please, Just Be The Wonderful, Incredible YOU!

Beautiful People,

Please, Just Be The Wonderful, Incredible YOU! 

The next time we meet along the way, Promise Me This: 

Please, Just Be Yourself.

Just Be The Wonderful, Incredible YOU!

Write your own song. Do your own dance. 

Let each chapter of your life be the story you choose to share.  

And when it ends, embrace each New Beginning with Courage, Hope and Integrity with Love.

Allow me the Gift of discovering and accepting the Mystery of You. 

Within that mystery, Grace will move. 

Then with ease, I will sing and dance too! 

Remember, I only know how to Be Me!

So Please, Just Be The Wonderful, Incredible YOU!!!!!

Belive. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊 

Photo by @brianscottbagley 
Brian Scott Bagley was one of my guides introduced to me by legend @vickerslarry in Paris who took me on a private tour of Josephine Baker and James Baldwin Landmarks throughout Paris! 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Healing, Hope, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BrianScottBagley #JosephineBaker 
#JamesBaldwin #JustBeYourself #LivingTheMystery

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

#InternationalWomensDay2022 LovingKindness Meditation!

#InternationalWomensDay2022  LovingKindness Meditation! 

Beautiful People, 

Take a moment and still your mind.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

With each breath,  imagine that you are opening your heart. Feel a rainbow of Grace and Love as it fills your heart and moves through your entire body. 

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times.  What Does a Rainbow of Love and Grace Feel Like?  Sit with that feeling as you continue to breathe.

 May we heal by offering forgiveness and mercy to ourselves and all others. May we honor all sentient beings.

May we seek understanding and honor all cultures as we learn to Love each other as a diverse human collective. 

May we unlease our true potential of Angelic Goodness, and allow our every act to reflect compassion, integrity, kindness, and hope. 

May our hearts stay open with ease and Grace as we decide that good, sustainable change is possible only through Love. 

May we do harm to none, use technology to assist and see All safe and happy in a World without envy, greed, hate or violence.

May we share our resources  with humility & Love so that each child and every family has clean water, healthy food, education, and good opportunity to prosper and grow in flourishing communities on Earth/Heart.

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.

May we walk  always with Grace, Loving thoughts and actions and re-member that Peace Is Possible Only through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love.

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Breathe #Courage #EmbraceTheMystery #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #LovingKindnessMeditation 

Monday, March 7, 2022

True Friends Are Personal Angels!

True Friends Are Personal Angels!

Beautiful People, 

True Friends Are Personal Angels. Yes. Personal Angels!

They show up when needed.
Give space with care. 

Nurture us with care through disappointment, or tough times. 

Become lights in the dark, and encourage us to live our Greatness.

Our Personal Angels share our life passages of perceived failure and success.

They often lift us up so that We Begin Again with Courage, Integrity, Patience and Love.

A True Friend shares our laughter, our tears, our sadness and joy. 

True Friends often remind us to Cherish the Good of Our Lives.

Through Abiding Love... 

True Friends Are Members of Our Divine Spiritual Family.

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love....

Today, Let's Celebrate Our Personal Angels and the Gift of True Friendship!

Believe. Breathe. Pray. 
Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊 

* Etching by #JohnBiggers from a Private Collection. 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #EarthAngels #Gratitude #Integrity #Love #Patience #TrueFriends #PersonalAngels

Saturday, March 5, 2022

You Are a Miracle!

You Are a Miracle!

Beautiful People, 

Today, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

Remember Why You Are Here!  

YOU Are a Miracle; here to experience the beauty of Our Mother Earth; to sing with the birds, and learn from the trees as they share oxygen so you can breathe. 

You are here like a caterpillar in order to grow and have the courage to transform into a beautiful butterfly that soars in gratitude. 

You are here to offer your talent and gifts of compassion and Love; just as the bee offers honey for healing. 

You are here to befriend your World neighbors and to learn to live in Peace as you honor the oceans and rivers so  that there is clean water to drink and nurture our UniVersal Sentient Family for Future Generations. 

There are so very many good reasons why you are here! 

YOU Are a Miracle! YOU Are Here to Grow and Prosper with a Loving Heart! 

Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!

Believe. Breathe. Pray. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💫💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect,Tenacity Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #GiveThanks #HaveALovingHeart  #LiveInPeace #LoveIsLikeHoney 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Behold Many Miracles!

Behold Many Miracles!

Beautiful People, 

If you are brave enough to plant a garden within your heart; then you must make the commitment to nurture it throughout all the seasons of your life.

In the garden of your lives, the sun will shine always through your smiles but there may be winters of doubt and loneliness.

The many clouds and rainstorms will be your tears of disappointment, and dismay mixed with rainbows and the joy of knowing Love.

As new ideas, creative projects and your children are born, the air will bring you oxygen, new purpose, a desire to grow and whispers of understanding.

Spring buds and blossoming trees will be filled with hummingbirds and your humility, as you celebrate Being Born Again.

There will be joyful summers of Compassion as your willingness to forgive allows for deep healing.

Time and time again in the fall and season after season;  you will harvest the fruit of Love and acquire a propensity of Faith that nurtures you and many others with Integrity.

And throughout Eternity with Divine Grace, you will continue to Plant New Seeds of Hope.

With Love, Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times.

Today, Behold and Live the Many Miracles in Your Life of Love!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY.
Breathe. Live. LOVE.

 Always, Melony 💫💜💫 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeholdManyMiracles #Breathe #DeepHealing #DivineGrace #Faith #Forgiveness #FruitsOfLove #Inspiration #Integrity #Patience #PlantSeedsOfHope