Monday, May 30, 2022

The Me I Long to Become!

The Me I Long to Become!

Beautiful People, 

I honor the Master Creator's Gift of the Wind that clears my mind and opens my heart to the door of the me I long to be. 

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times.

All that I hope to become is found not externally but internally deep in the crevices of my heart. 

The Wind beckons me  to have Courage, Integrity and Strength as it clears the path of obstacles and its breeze sings the song of Love to my soul. 

Like the lover who stands beside me holding my hand, the Wind propels me into the depth and radiance of Peace and unconditional Love.

Again I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times. 

I allow Healing, Hope and Understanding to pour into my heart.  

The Truth of my Good Life Purpose lives within me.

I Stand In Truth with Peace and Love for Humanity.  

Always, I Will Sing the Love Songs of Equality, Equity, Freedom, Justice and Opportunity for All People! 

Love, in its Radiance provides me with Good Judgment and the Courage to Move Forward with the Integrity and Strength to Honor Our Human Collective and All Sentients.

No Matter the Conflict or Challenges On Earth, Each Second that I Breathe In Love and Exhale Love....

With Dignity, I Become More of the Me I Long to Be!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love... 

Always, Melony 💫💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through compassion, cooperation, courage, creativity, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, good purpose, healing, hope, integrity, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, respect, tenacity, understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #DeepListening #Dignity #Integrity #Inspiration #LoveForHumanity #StandInTruth

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

I Believe In YOU! 🎼🎵🎶🎵💖

I Believe In YOU! 🎼🎵🎶🎵💖

Beautiful People, 

Breathe Deeply  and Exhale Slowly Six Times. 

Listen to the Voice that Says...

"I Believe In You!" 

“I Believe In You!” is both a whisper and a roar that awakens and inspires us to live with Integrity. 

“I Believe In You!”.  It is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in Unity and Love together with the dolphins and whales and all the magnificent fish in the Ocean.   

"I Believe In You!".   It is the Lullaby of Hope that Ancestors, Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends and Community Should Sing to Children. 

I Believe In You!".   It is GRACE in Symphony singing the Love Song of the MultiVerse. 

Now Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

Will You Sing Too? 

🎼🎵🎶🎵💖 I Believe In YOU! 
I Believe In YOU! 

I Believe In YOU! I Believe In YOU! 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Melony 💫🌍💕💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Ancestors #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #Grace #IBelieveInYOU #LoveSong #MelonyMcGantAuthor #ReMemberingParis #SymphonyOfLove

Monday, May 23, 2022

Loving You…

Loving You…

Beautiful People, 

Take a Moment to Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

In Love. Out Love.  In Love. 
Out Love.  In Love. Out Love....

It’s about Loving Every Day, looking for a better way to share the joy of living with an open heart and giving…

Acknowledge special people. Let them know that you care.

Spread the mystery of goodness. Reaffirm that you are there.

 I Love You….

Some may say "It’s so easy to say but so hard to do".

 Love is by example…
The Gift Is Within YOU!

 It’s about Loving every day, looking for a better way to share the joy of living with an open heart and giving… 

Each of us is on a journey, our own personal trek.

Know that Blessed Divine Spirit moving throughout the Great Cosmos and within You, Loves YOU, supports your dreams; helps you through the tough times; helps you say what you really mean!

 Walk in the Day bringing brilliant Sunlight.

 Be a Star, twinkling, glowing and embracing the Night.

 I Love You…. I Love You….

 I Love You….

Some may say "It’s so easy to say but so hard to do!"

The Truth Is...Love Is by Example…

The Gift of Love Is Within YOU! 

Believe. Breathe. 
SayThank You. 
I Love You. 

Always, Melony 👑💖👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#BlessedDivineSpirit #GiftOfLove #ILoveYou #GreatCosmos
#LoveIsByExample #ThankYOU

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Full Moon Meanderings: Beyond Duality!

Full Moon Meanderings: Beyond Duality!

Beautiful People, 

For thousands of years all violent thoughts & actions, ego, envy, hate & greed or guns & wars said to bring Peace have been based in evil & misunderstanding.

Duality Exists.  Evil exists but over time, though it may be eons; Ultimately, Our Good Potential Will Prosper.

No matter what goes on in the World, WE have a responsibility to live with compassion, humility & integrity with Truth inspired by Love. 

Only then through the Creator's Blessing of Love will we be able to truly see and appreciate the magnificence of Our EarthHeart.   

Let us embrace the full moon in the sky, the fish, dolphins & whales in the oceans, trees, flowers, vegetables, birds, bears, giraffes, lions and all sentient beings as purposeful and interconnected in Love. 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Many Times. 

Feel the Goodness in a World where much of Humanity is fearfully Awakening and struggling to restore itself through Love. 

Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the Awakening of Truth discovered when we face ourselves by looking in the mirror of all those around us.  

Now, seeing the need for compassion, forgiveness, healing, hope, kindness, mutual cooperation, mercy and Love...

Imagine you are looking into the Beloved Divine Heart.

In the Circle of our Eternal Existence, beyond current evil acts of ego, envy, greed, hate and mis-understanding...
Love Exists Into Eternity. 

Yes, duality exists but ultimately Our Good Potential continues to prosper through our every Loving Action.

Please commit to walk with courage, fortitude, actions of integrity and patience.  Let us do our best to live with Loving actions and thoughts of Peace and Prosperity for All.

In Deep Reflection and Prayer...
Offer Gratitude, Embrace Eternity, and Re-Member that Love is the most powerful energy of the MultiVerse!

It is through our collective courage & commitment to live beyond duality as Beings of Love, that our magnificent Earth/Heart, and seven generations of Children yet unborn will peacefully prosper with Joy and Love!

Breathe Deeply & ReMember. . .  
We Are Spiritual Beings of Light and Love.  

Always, Melony  💫💜💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening,  Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeyondDuality #Compassion #Courage #FullMoon #Healing #Hope #Light #Love #SpiritualBeings

Saturday, May 14, 2022

A Love Letter to My Mother, MOMBetty J. Tilman.

Photo,TBT 1971 Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA...

 A Love Letter to My Mother, MOMBetty J. Tilman. 

MOM, I feel so privileged to have you as a Mother and to have journeyed with you in this lifetime. Looking back on this time on Earth, my life has been one of learning, adventure and more Joy than I thought imaginable.  

From the Dr. Seuss days of Green Eggs and Ham and the rhyming poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar to my rebellious teenage years where I sought solace in everything "Black" from  Ebony and Jet Magazine, the poetry of Langston Hughes and Sojourner Truth, the writing and filmmaking of Gordon Parks and the music of Roberta Flack,  James Brown, Grace Jones, Ashford and Simpson--- to my rocky  mistakes and disillusionment of young adulthood---You Exposed Me to the Best Life Had to Offer!  

Sometimes I was fearful.   You pushed and pushed and told me that I had a right to walk any path I choose in the World.   So often I felt that I was not good enough and unworthy of these great gifts.  People whispered behind your back and made fun of me when I articulated with my extensive vocabulary.   They said I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.  

Looking back, it was funny how some of the relatives and community associates or so called friends looked for ways to undermine your authority and convince me to go right when I should have gone left.  

What I thought I wanted was to be "normal".  I didn't understand that being different and unique was a Great Gift.  Though I tried to run away from all you had taught me, it was so imprinted in my mind and my heart and my Soul that the further I ran, the closer I came to it.     

I Thank You for a first class education, for the square dancing and swimming at the YWCA, ballet and drama at the Pittsburgh Playhouse, camp in Maine at Blueberry Cove and studying musical instruments like the violin and recorder.  I never did master either but at least I love music!  

I've become a person who loves people of different cultures.  Travel is like eating chocolate and I honor all Faith traditions and continue to explore the Divine Essence of MotherFatherG-D through Love. 

I look at myself now and know that I am a product of Your Magnificent Efforts!    Thank You for All You have done for me.  Your Goodness inspires me.  Your toughness helped me learn how to survive in a World that would say "Who do you think You Are??",  Instead of "How Can I Help?".  

I Could Go On Forever ….Thank You. Thank You. Thank YOU!  

I Love YOU Into Eternity 
MOMBetty J. Tilman!


Love, Melony 🌍
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love! 


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Faith In Goodness...

Faith In Goodness...

Beautiful People, 

These are times when 
the light of Love 
sometimes feels dim.

People are suffering.

How do we heal?

We heal through the Faith 
in our own Goodness.

Each kind act makes 
the light more vibrant.

We must open our hearts 
so the Light of Compassion 
Shines with Hope.

At every moment we have 
the opportunity to be Good 
and to offer our lives in service to Good.

The Light of Love is the Greatest Gift within You.

Believe it.

When we act with Generosity of Spirit, we make Kindness our practice and help heal our wounded World.

 Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten  Times...


I Heal through My Good Acts and by Sharing the Light of Love Within Me!  Kindness Is My Practice!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

 Always, Melony 💫💥💚💥💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith,  Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #Compassion #DeepListening #FaithInGoodness #GenerosityOfSpirit #Healing 
#KindnessIsMyPractice #LoveVisionary

Drink Often from the JOY Oasis!

Drink Often from the JOY Oasis! 

Beautiful People, 

First Stretch Your Arms to the Sky In Gratitude and Say Thank You!

Open Your Heart and Clear Your Mind. Let Go of Any Distractions. 

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

In Gratitude and Love.  
Out Gratitude and Love. 

In Gratitude and Love.  
Out Gratitude and Love...

When We Awaken and Say Thank You for the Miracle of the New Day...

We Are Re-Membering and Honoring Grace by Drinking from the Joy Oasis. 

Each Thank You we offer in Pure Gratitude comes from our Joy Oasis. 

What is the JOY Oasis? 

It is the place in our hearts where Compassion, Goodness, Hope, Integrity and Love reside. 

Drink Often from Your JOY Oasis and Simple Miracles of Hope will become more evident throughout your day!

Let Us SayThank You often throughout  the day & night as we believe, breathe, live & Love!

Always, Melony  💫💖💫
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity. Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Goodness #Gratitude #Inspiration #Integrity #JOYOasis #Meditation #MiraclesOfHope #SayThankYou

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Please Be Tender With HER; The MOTHER 👑💜👑

Please Be Tender With HER; 
The MOTHER 👑💜👑

Beautiful People, 

Please Be Tender With Her; The MOTHER.

Her Love Is Pure... 

She may not tell you of her sacrifice, her disappointment or her lost dreams. 

Life has taught her many lessons of patience & forgiveness.

Because life has surely brought her joy, sorrow, healing, hope and Love. 

Honor HER, for no matter how difficult, Every MOTHER wants her children to prosper and grow in Good.

She desires a safe, comfortable home filled with the joy of healthy meals and the opportunity for her Children to learn, and be educated, and Loved.

She will fear all the violence of our Broken World but every day Compassion, Courage and Faith will take her hand and urge her to Nurture, Love and Dream of Peace, Prosperity and Safety for her Beloved Children.

Breathe Deeply Many Times. ReMember to Please Be Tender With Her, The MOTHER.

She Still Hopes You Will Dream, Live with Integrity, Honor Our EarthHeart and Prosper In Peace.

Honor Every MOTHER Living or Ascended Into the Heavens of Eternity.

MOTHER.  For HER, Do what YOU can to share Your Goodness, Your Knowledge, Your Love and Your Prosperity... 

So that All Children and All People May Live Together In Peace.

Live & Love with Gratitude and Everyday; Please Be Tender With HER; The MOTHER...... 

Always, Melony 👑💜👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humilty, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Children #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Gratitude #HonorOurEarthHeart #Hope #Integrity #LiveinPeace #Love #MothersDayIsEveryDay

The Spirit of Mother

The Spirit of Mother

Beautiful People, 

The Spirit of Mother 
is filled with compassion, 
courage, humility and grace. 

She sings her joys 
and sorrows 
for the human race.  

Always whenever she can, 
she takes your hand, 
gives inspiration; 
and shares hopes 
and dreams for respect, 
cooperation and peace 
in every land.  

M O T H E R.  

Maybe Only The Heart Explains Reason--- 
for  L O V E!

Let's Celebrate the Divine Feminine! 

Happy Mother's Day!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑💖👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


Thursday, May 5, 2022

TBT: My Life Is A Colorful Work In Progress!

TBT: My Life Is A Colorful Work In Progress!
Beautiful People, 

My Life Is A Colorful Work In Progress. 

The picture painted in my heart is still incomplete. 

The vibrant blues and greens and oranges show my many failures that lead way to greater successes. 

The red, purple and yellow hearts remind me of all that I have lost, and each time I have fallen. 

Humility drew the hearts as she helped me up and taught me Love's Truth. 

Compassion, Forgiveness, Integrity and Mercy teach me how to move through the tunnels of Sorrow; and know both Joy and Peace. 

My Life Is A Colorful Work In Progress. 

It  has a beautiful texture of Hope; and through every Storm, Faith becomes My Rainbow of Understanding!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 🌍
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #EmbraceTheMystery #ExudeJoy #GlobalFamily #Healing #Hope #Integrity #JoyfullyShare #LivingTheMiracleOfLOVE #Cairo #GizaPyramids #RememberingEgypt2018 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Prayer of Love Affirmation...

Prayer of Love Affirmation...

Beautiful People, 

First Breathe Deeply 10 Times.

In Love. Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love. In Love.  Out Love.....

Please Join me in a Prayer of Love Affirmation...

I Am a Lighted Being of Love. 
Created and inspired by 
Our Blessed Divine Creator 
to Reflect Love, 
Share Love and Be Love. 

All that I dream and hope for 
comes through the Divine Flow
of Love. 

My thoughts and feelings are Love.

 The Air I Breathe is Love.

 YOU Are Love. 

 I Am Love. 

 WE Are Love. 

Today, All the Good that I Do 
Is Nurtured and Inspired By Love. 

I Am a Lighted Being of Love.

And So It Is With Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💫❤️💫
aka Miss  Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#Believe #Breathe #DivineFlow #LoveAffirmation #BeLove #ReflectLove #ShareLove