Tuesday, March 28, 2023

PAUSE: Open the Door for Love!

PAUSE: Open the Door for Love!

Beautiful People,

Take a Moment to Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times. 

Breathe in Love.  Exhale Love.
Breathe in Love.  Exhale Love....

In the still of the night; at dawn and throughout the day; into dusk and evening...

Always we are being asked to have Courage and Open the Door for Love. 

Love is ever-present in the whispers of the wind and even the harsh storms. 

Love calls to us with mercy and asks only that we acknowledge its fruitful presence in our lives. 

So Many Are Not Listening. 

Yes, envy, evil, fear, greed and hate has unfortunately, become a stronghold for many.

Still the voice and song of Love travels throughout the ethers of time and offers Hope to those who are willing. 

Today Is a Day for Simple Miracles of Hope and Compassion. 

Awaken!  Say Thank You and Open the Door for Love. 

Today Accept, Nurture and Share the Fruit of Love!

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Mercy, Patience, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love with Joy!

#Awakening #Breathe #Courage  #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Meditation

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Transported to the Miracle Realm by Sweet Honey In The Rock!

Transported to the Miracle Realm by Sweet Honey In The Rock! 

Sweet Honey in the Rock  at The Town Hall in New York City transported me and many to the Miracle Realm.   The stage was lit beautifully with a series of stunning and emotional backdrops.

I saw people I hadn't seen in years, including Rev. Don Marbury, Senior Pastor and Elder, AME Church  Hagerstown, MD and his beautiful, brilliant compassionate wife, First Lady Sheila Marbury who had traveled from Hagerstown/Washington DC  area to celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary and many more beautiful people.  

Happy 50th Anniversary to Rev. Donald L. Marbury, Mrs.  Sheila Marbury and beautiful team of #SweetHoneyInTheRock!

We listened to music that makes my heart sing sometimes with Joy and Sorrow too.   Sweet Honey speaks and Sings with Truth. Calling in the Ancestors. ReMembering those Ascended. Songs that say No More. Songs asking us to Stand Up and Call For Justice. Songs written by Dr. Bernice Reagon Johnson, Dr. Ysaye Barnwell, Miriam Makeba, Nina Simone and Marvin Gaye and current members. 

Like me, the audience was mesmerized and went on a journey with the magnificent, royal performers dressed elegantly in black and gold. 

Performing were Carol Maillard and Louise Robinson (both original co-founders of the group), Nitanju Bolade Casel, Aisha Kahlil, plus sign language interpreter Barbara Hunt. Special guest performers were vocalist Navasha Daya, and Herman Burney on acoustic bass and electric bass.

Just look at the photos and feel in your heart so that you too may be transported to the Miracle Realm. 

Let's Affirm the Greatness of 50 Years of Artivism by Sweet Honey In The Rock.  
Sweet Honey has given us hope, helped to heal our collective, lifted us up, offered prayers through music. They have held, rocked and fortified our hearts.

Sweet Honey In The Rock deserves the highest recognition and a multitude of awards that they haven't yet received including a lifetime Grammy and Kennedy Center Honors. 

Please, speak the name of Sweet Honey to your Congressional and Senate Delegations. 

Write President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris about their loving impact on the Deaf and All communities. 

Let's use our contacts and resources to help lift up the name of Sweet Honey In the Rock. Go see them when they are performing in your town.


Make plans to bring Sweet Honey In The Rock to your city, state in the United States and countries around the World.

Believe. Breathe. Pray. Live. Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Day of Miracles!

Day of Miracles!

Beautiful People, 

Today my GodDaughter Naima Dobbs  met me at Scent Elate and then we went to have lunch at Epanada Mama's. Naima gave me an exquisite Faith Ringold print and a loving note that brought me to tears.  Mo (Scent Elate owner) gifted me with a bottle of French perfume extract.

After lunch, we went back to Scent Elate to visit and shop. Naima purchased several things and left for her next appointment. 

And then here comes Legendary Cultural Icon Ben Vereen 🦋

Scent Elate is where I first met Ben.  What was amazing is that yesterday I wrote about him and today we joyously hugged. 

Ben Vereen, my GodDaughter  Naima Dobbs,  Scent Elate owner Mo Rum are all contributors in my new book GOOD IS POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE: An Affirmation of Hope due out October 2023.

Thanks Ben, Naima and Mo.  All of you make my heart sing and of course I cried tears of JOY. 

This has been a day of Many Miracles!

I should mention that #ScentElate always has #MYFavoriteThings ... 


Beautiful People, 

In NYC and need an adventure? 
Breathe Deeply and go to Scent Elate on W. 48th St.  Smell the exotic handmade incense as you enter the small shop and feel yourself experience warmth,  mystery and joy. 

Scent Elate is filled with special small and large mystical gifts like sage,  dreamcatchers, handmade candles, incense, jewelry, handmade scarves, world music, lamp berger and so much more!!!! 

When you visit, make sure you say hello for Me to Juan Carlos or Mo!

Scent Elate is Open Monday  - Saturday 11am to 8pm.
Sunday 12pm-7:30 pm

Located at  313 West 48th St. btw 8th and 9th Ave in NYC. 


Blessings of Love, Light and JOY! 

Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Join Me and Experience the Grace of #SweetHoneyInTheRock!🔥

Join Me and Experience the Grace of #SweetHoneyInTheRock!🔥 

Beautiful People, 

My MOMBetty J. Tilman often said "Sweet Honey In The Rock awakens our hearts, rocks our souls and fills us with Love!  At every concert I have been to over many years, we gave stand ovations and joined in singing!"

Please Join Me and attend the upcoming Sweet Honey In The Rock Concert  at 7pm on March 24th, 2023 at Town Hall, NYC. 

Purchase your Sweet Honey In The Rock tickets at the Townhall box office or online at Ticketmaster. Use code SWEET50 and receive a 50% discount on your ticket. 

Also, listen, share and support the music of #SweetHoneyInTheRock.  

Their exquisite voices of harmony is an example of beautiful, soulful activism and music that calls for equity, integrity and Love with Social Justice!

See You on Friday, 7pm on March 24th at Town Hall in New York City!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love!

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🌈


Monday, March 20, 2023

A Spring Prayer: May We Let Go of Winters of Doubt!

A Spring Prayer: May We Let Go of Winters of Doubt! 

Beautiful People, 

First, take a moment to still your mind and your heart.

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

We Are Grateful for Spring and Offer Prayers of Healing and Hope. 

May We Let Go of Winters of Doubt and Awaken in Love, knowing we are a part of the Infinite UniVerse.

May we release our need to destroy, and desire only to Share and Heal. 

May we share our harvest of Prosperity and let go of winters of doubt that have haunted us and caused us pain. May we heal our Earth & our Hearts.

May we look to our sentient brothers and sisters; the trees, the flowers, all plant life, sea life, the stars, insects, animals and all beings of MotherEarthHeart and our Infinite MultiVerse as a Collective of Divine Grace.

May we educate ourselves and our children as beings of Love Inspired.

May we choose to live in Peace, share food and material riches with All and re-member that we are responsible for eachother.

May we lift ourselves up into the Understanding of the Heaven Realm and Nurture eachother as ONE in Love.

May we use our creative selves to explore, teach and learn from each other; as we embrace our ability to Believe in the Unseen, to Live in Truth and Do No Harm. 

May we speak and dance the dance of a vivid Joyous Peace in our hearts and manifested from the womb of Our Mother Earth=Heart.

May we blossom as flowers in the springtime and lift our vision as we are given the Courage to learn from the maple, oak, evergreen, coconut, the jasmine or the baobab tree.

May we Listen to the fireflies in the silence of the night and with gratitude, embrace the Wisdom of the moon and the stars.

May we commit to climb the mountains of Faith & Hope that stand before us.

May we embrace our individual and collective Greatness as we honor our Ancestors  and open our hearts to the Infinite Grace of Our Universal Spirit.

May We Awaken in Love, Knowing We Are a Part of the Infinite UniVerse.

We Believe.  We Breathe.  We Pray. 
We Live. We Love.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈


Saturday, March 18, 2023

What Is Beautiful

What Is Beautiful? 


Beautiful Is the One who overcomes fear, forsakes envy, hate and greed...

And Offers Forgiveness.

Beautiful Is the One who walks with integrity, understands loss and pain, and yet embraces Hope...

And Shares the Gifts of their Heart.

Beautiful Is the One who moves forward Joyfully with Gratitude into the Light of Love to meet their Destiny!

Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly 10 Times.

Breathe In Love and Gratitude.  Exhale Love and Gratitude.

Breathe In Love and Gratitude...

Allow the Grace of Love to Inspire YOU to Walk with Courage, New Actions of Compassion, Gratitude, Healing, Integrity, Kindness and Patience.

You Are Ever Awakening and Becoming.

Your Soul Is Beautiful!

YOU Are a Star of Love!

YOU Are Beautiful! 

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 👑🦋👑
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Gratitude, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #GraceOfLove #Gratitude #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #YOUAreBeautiful #YOUAreAStarOfLove

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments...

Sacred Gifts and Tender Moments...

Beautiful People,  

Please take a moment and still yourself as you open your heart and clear your mind of all distractions.

Now Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

Let Us Offer Prayers of Compassion, Intimacy, Hope, Joy and Love. 

We sometimes  learn intimacy not always in words but more often by a tender touch in the Silence of the moment. 

It is a Sacred Gift to sit with another and experience Not Knowing--Not Having the Answer but feeling Loved.   

Sometimes we may feel intense suffering, sorrow or joy. 

We may cry and discover that our tears become like rivers of compassion and forgiveness with the honey of Hope. 

It is here that we learn to Trust, to have Faith, and to Love Unconditionally. 

When we trust, we are able to embrace the many joys and sorrows of our of lives.

We also learn that Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow Are Sacred Gifts.

We may find that we are ill and there is no cure. A tender touch will give us comfort for the difficult journey. 

We may embrace the sorrow of saying goodbye to a Loved One returning to the Infinite Heaven Realm, while at the same time feel joy that they have made a Loving impact on our lives.

Throughout life, Sorrow and Joy will always travel deeply into our hearts. They are intimate friends that teach us Gratitude.

Today, Let Us Honor the Tender Moments of Intimacy, Joy and Sorrow As Sacred Gifts of Divine Grace; and Expressions of Exquisite, Infinite, Eternal Love!

Believe. Breathe. Live. Love. 

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

#Breathe #DivineGrace 
#Gratitude #Intimacy #Joy #LoveUnconditionally #SacredGifts #Sorrow #TenderMoments

Monday, March 13, 2023

What Brings You JOY?Be JOY. Believe JOY! Breathe JOY! Live JOY! Love JOY! Share JOY!

What Brings You JOY?  Be JOY. Believe JOY!  Breathe JOY!  
Live JOY!  Love JOY! Share JOY!

Beautiful People, 

Today Ask Yourself...

What Brings YOU JOY?  

For me a walk in the park, a visit to the zoo or the aquarium, swimming in ocean in Tobago or Sali, Senegal, riding a camel at the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, visiting a souk in Marrakesh, walking along the Champs Elysee or meeting friends at a Montmartre cafe in Paris and living in New York City are gifts that bring me Joy!  

Reading a book, writing or listening to Stevie Wonder, India Irie, Nat King Cole, Samara Joy, Jon Baptiste and Sarah Vaughn while drinking coffee or ginger tea brings me relaxing Joy.

Alvin Ailey, Dance Theatre of Harlem and Sweet Honey In The Rock  sharing stories of our brilliance, our challenging history, our hope and our Global Awareness often brings me a tearful Joy that is bittersweet and reminds me of the many remarkable Earth Angels Ascended!

Joy, Joy, JOY!

Joy also comes to me through a smile, a hug or a kind word of support at moments when I feel sad or overwhelmed. 

The curiosity, hope, wonder and innocence of children always brings me magical JOY. 

Family and friends who are able to offer their support and say I Love You brings me JOY. 

Walking with Love, listening and learning to be gracious brings me Joy.

Caring and sharing with humility also brings me Joy.   

I Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

As I Recommit to do at least Five things every day that bring me Joy...

 With JOY, Awe and Wonder...

I Give Gratitude to our Blessed MotherFather of Every UniVerse...

I Give Thanks for the opportunity to share my Faith in the Power of Unconditional Love.  

I Give Thanks for my life and every moment of JOY that brings me more courage, hope and integrity with Love.

Be JOY. Believe JOY!  Breathe JOY!  
Live JOY!  Love JOY! Share JOY!

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love with JOY!

#Awe #Breathe #Children 
#Courage #DeepListening #EmbraceTheMystery #ExudeJOY 
#Inspiration #Integrity #Meditation #Motivation #Music 
#AlvinAiley #DanceTheatreOfHarlem 

#Africa #Egypt #Morocco #Paris #Senegal #Tobago #GlobalTravel

Thursday, March 9, 2023

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Friends and Good Neighbors…

You Listen Deeply, Share Your Hearts with Compassion and Inspire Us with Your Genius, Your Kindness and Love that Never Ends.

We Are Born and Live On Earth Because of YOU!

WOW! Women Of Wonder! WOW! Women Of Wonder! We Salute YOU!

You Are Activists, Accountants, Actors, Advocates for Justice, Artists, Architects, Astronauts, Aviators, Business CEOs and Leaders, Business Owners, Caretakers, Change Agents, Carpenters, Constructions Workers, Clergy, Dancers, Diplomats, Dreamers, Engineers,  Musicians, Poets, Princesses, Queens, Spirit Journeyers, Writers, and Matriarchs of Hope.

You Teach Us Patience.  Build Bridges of Possibility.  Create Skyscrapers of Integrity, Lift Us Up with Good Purpose.  Share Our Dreams and Wipe Our Tears.  

You Show Us Joy.  And Remind Us that Education, Equity and Peace Can and Should Be Our Reality.

WOW!  Women Of Wonder!  WOW! Women Of Wonder!  We Salute YOU!

You Are Bus Drivers and Train Conductors, Beauticians, Chefs and Cooks, Doctors, Educators, Historians, Librarians, Gardeners, Nurses, Nurturers of Children and Families, Scientific Researchers, Freedom Speakers, Inventors, Leaders of Countries, Hospitals, Foundations and Universities, Judges, Governments Employees, Legislators, Congressional Representatives, Senators, Members of the Military, Police Officers, and Veterans.

You Birth Us. You Nurture Us. You Defend Us.  You Help Heal Us.  You Support Us.  You Represent Us. You Pray With Us.  You Guide Us.

WOW!  Women Of Wonder!  WOW! Women Of Wonder!  We Salute YOU!

Across the 7 Continents of the World in Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. We Join Hands and Hearts As We Celebrate and Salute Women of All Cultures and Faith Traditions.

Women … Community Builders. Givers.  Helpers.  Servant Leaders. Peacemakers.  Entrepreneurs. Homemakers.  And Visionaries!


WOW! #WomenOfWonder! 
WOW! Women Of Wonder! 

We Salute YOU!

© Rev. Melony McGant 
Photo Melony McGant  Sherry Bronfman, Lana Turner 

March Is Women's History Month!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

A LovingKindness Meditation!

A LovingKindness Meditation!

Beautiful People, 

Wednesday, March 8th is #InternationalWomensDay2023

Take a moment and still your mind.  Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times.

With each breath, imagine that you are opening your heart.  Feel a rainbow of Grace and Love as it fills your heart and moves through your entire body.

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. 

What Does a Rainbow of Love and Grace Feel Like?  Sit with that feeling as you continue to breathe.

 May we heal by offering forgiveness and mercy to ourselves and all others. May we honor all sentient beings.

May we seek understanding and honor All cultures as we learn to Love each other as a diverse human collective.

May we un-lease Our True Potential  of Goodness, and allow our every act to reflect compassion, kindness,  and hope.

May our hearts stay open with ease and Grace as we decide that good, sustainable change is doable and possible only through Love.

May we actively work to do harm to none, use technology to assist and see All safe and happy in a World without envy, greed, hate or violence.

May we share our resources with Love so that each child and every family has a home with clean water, healthy food, education, and good opportunity to prosper and grow in flourishing communities on Earth/Heart.

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply Four Times. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love....

May We Walk Always with Grace, Loving Thoughts and Actions. 

Believe. Breathe. Love. Live.

Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss  Mellie Rainbow🌈

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Tenacity, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!


#ActionsOfLove #Breathe #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage #Grace #Healing #HopeForHumanity #Inspiration #LovingKindness #Meditation #Peace #TruePotential

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Behold Many Miracles!

Behold Many Miracles!

Beautiful People, 

If you are brave enough to plant a garden within your heart; then you must make the commitment to nurture it throughout all the seasons of your life.

In the garden of your lives, the sun will shine always through your smiles but there may be winters of doubt and loneliness.

The many clouds and rainstorms will be your tears of disappointment and dismay mixed with rainbows and the joy of knowing Love.

As new ideas, creative projects and your children are born, the air will bring you oxygen, new purpose, a desire to grow and whispers of understanding.

Spring buds and blossoming trees will be filled with hummingbirds and your humility, as you celebrate Being Born Again.

There will be joyful summers of Compassion as your willingness to forgive allows for deep healing.

Time and time again in the fall and season after season;  you will harvest the fruit of Love and acquire a propensity of Faith that nurtures you and many others with Integrity.

And throughout Eternity with Divine Grace, you will continue to Plant New Seeds of Hope.

With Love, Breathe and Exhale Deeply 10 Times.

Today, Behold and Live the Many Miracles in Your Life of Love!

Believe. Breathe. PRAY.
Breathe. Live. LOVE.

 Always, Melony 💕🦋💕
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🌈

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeholdManyMiracles #Breathe #DeepHealing #DivineGrace #Faith #Forgiveness #FruitsOfLove #Inspiration #Integrity #Patience #PlantSeedsOfHope