Saturday, October 2, 2010

Being Overwhelmed


Have you been overwhelmed by our collective
in-ability to re-connect in love?

I have, and it is difficult at moments
to breathe in the love of our creator
and to see good in all.

Our selfishness has brought forth a
tremendous imbalance throughout the planet.

Only love can return the balance.

Please re-member that as we undergo
this violent argument--this universal
struggle between the forces
of loving cooperation
versus fear and materialistic control,
we must be careful to
honor the cultures of others.

We must re-activate our inner listening
and use compassionate communication
in all negotiations-- be it family,
friends, corporations or nations
in conflict.

Our goal should be to do no harm
and to always do good!

This is the way, the divine call
and truth of love!

Your true compassion and honest
respect for others can restore
balance and hope on Earth!

Today please---Live and Breathe Love!

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