Friday, October 8, 2010

Divine Intention/ Trust your


Each day some of us listen
to commentators on the radio
or television who breed
hate and incite fear.

Many of us don't know whom to trust.
Our media is creating insanity
day after day.

Stop allowing voices of hate,
fear and separation to control
your understanding.

Turn your tv and radio off.

Talk to your children.
Read books to your children.

Teach them--- so that you re-member
the divine life principles.

"Thou shalt not kill or steal.
Honor your mother, your father
and all elders.
Love one another and
honor your neighbor as yourself!"

The gift of life and love resides within you.

Today please---turn off the tv and radio.

Listen to the divine within you.

Trust your heart and be discerning,
kind, and respectful to others
---even when you disagree!

Begin to live, and love with divine intention!

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