Tuesday, November 2, 2010


There will be times
that life becomes
more complicated
than we can imagine.

Still we must not give up.

We must always have the courage
to choose to stay
on our path of good.

Please don't let setbacks
deter you
from your true purpose.

Keep walking and working
with a clear perspective.

Allow divine grace to move
through you showing you the way.

your perserverance will be rewarded!

P. S. I also ask you to join me
in prayers for the people of Haiti,
Indonesia, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Tibet and Pakistan, as well as
all those suffering
or struggling anywhere on Earth.

And for those of you
in the United States, please vote!

Today I send each of you a rainbow
filled with compassion, joy
and hope to perservere t
hrough these difficult times.

Lastly, please re-member
to breathe deeply
and honor the divine spirit
within each and every sentient being!

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