For Immediate Release
Contact : Ynolem (212) 502-0895
New Book Offers Compassion and Tolerance As Key To Becoming Good Neighbors When Society Has Lost Its Moral Compass!
The Healing Adagio… A Love Symphony In Five Parts
Melony McGant with Fellow Truth Seekers
FORMAT: Softcover 17.95
ISBN: 978-1-4670-3816-4 (sc)
For Review Copies Contact: Author House:
Published by Author House
www.authorhouse.comThe Healing Adagio… A Love Symphony In Five Parts
For the unemployed, under-employed or employed--- and All Truth Seekers of every faith and cultural tradition ---The Healing Adagio is a new book written by Melony McGant where small poetic thoughts become big ideas that offer compassion, hope and inspiration in difficult and challenging times. Daily reminders, reflections and affirmations of hope carry the reader through the day.
Says H. Daniel Mujahid "This book highlights our need to restore respect for our sacred human core values, and our shared freedoms. In this way we, you and I, inherit the original acceptance for the very “Spirit of Mother”, and Gratitude to Fathers”… whose redemption is a debt we owe ourselves.
The Healing Adagio Moving Forward Heart Songs are written by Deborah Ballard and H. Daniel Mujahid, along with Heart Songs from James Aloway, Peter Andrews, Evens Anozine, Gloria Brown, Tehuti Carter Jones, Andrea Christofferson, Adrienne Croix, Kay Dendy, Katherine Henry, Gayle Hodnett Dobbs, Rev. Sedrick Gardner, Sunil Gupta, Patricia Moore, Karen Piazza, Pamela Patrick, Norbu Tsering, and Dr. Glory Van Scott.
“Reverend Melony McGant’s written words of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement,---travel beautifully off the pages of her new book The Healing Adagio. The reader’s eyes behold words of her truly universal spirit---which touches your heart, and gently rocks your soul. Her timely messages of truth will gladden and uplift your day, and gladden and uplift your year!”Producer, writer and choreographer, Dr. Glory Van Scott
Author Bio
Melony McGant is a poet, humanist and an ordained Interfaith Minister with more than twenty years experience in assiting people and organizations discover or promote thier personal or professional life missions. She considers herself a seeker of truth “quietly in service to those in need of guidance and positive thoughts. Melony has spoken with thousands of people seeking new employment, shifting careers, exploring new life options and seeking spiritual re-assurance and the path to re-discovering joy.
Front Cover photo by Tyrone Rasheed
For Review Copies Contact Author House 800-839-8640
Published by Author House www.authorhouse.com