Wednesday, July 31, 2019

You Are the Sum Total of Your Every Experience!

You Are the Sum Total of Your Every Experience!   

Beautiful People, 

 Our words and actions can never be undone and surely we will all make mistakes on our life journey.  

Thus we must learn to forgive ourselves, ask for forgiveness  and offer forgiveness to others.

We can allow those mistakes to lead the way to new and Better Choices.  In this way, Good Change becomes inevitable.  

We will Love and sometimes that Love will be not reciprocated.  It may be rejected or misunderstood.  

Trust Love Anyway!

When we journey with Humility, Integrity, and Mindfulness;  there is a greater possibility that we will Speak and Live in Truth.  

When we offer our Love unconditionally with trust, we discover that every breath aligned with our Heart and our Soul allows us to become more at Peace with Ourselves. 

Most Importantly, Who We Become in Love is the Greatness Exemplified by the Sum Total of All Our Experiences.

Breathe Deeply 10 Times.  

In Love.  Out Love.  In Love. 
Out Love.  In Love.  Out Love...

Remembering that You, Your Goodness and Your Greatness lies in the Sum Total of your every experience; Who Have You Become In Love? 

Live & Love...

 Always, Melony 💖

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift  of Love!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Be Inspired!

Be Inspired!

Beautiful People, 

If I have learned anything, 
it is that I am humbled most 
by the spontaneous gifts of those facing major life challenges and those who have little but...

 Are willing share their smiles, appreciation, kind words and big hearts with Loving joy.  

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Six Times.

Today Let's Be Inspired and Inspire!

Be Inspired...

To be kind and to listen deeply with care.

To be of greater service.

To keep our words of Integrity. 

To reflect only Loving Joy. 

To have respect and appreciation for All People, and Life on this Earth/Heart. 

Today Let's Be Inspired and Inspire!

Live & Love... 

Always, Melony 💖 

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Joy Is Contagious!

Joy Is Contagious!

Beautiful People. .
Joy is contagious!  The tender smile that you offer to yourself and others is like a flower blossoming in the Garden of  Hearts. 

Your laughter is like the Holy Bell of Joy ringing through the ethers with hope; traveling across oceans, mountains, valleys and cities through the wind.  

Your smiles and laughter are a catalyst that awakens the leaves on every tree of life and causes them to offer oxygen of joy so that we breathe in love and harmony.  

Today Offer Your Tender Smiles and Laughter.  

Breathe Deeply in Love and with JOY... 

YOU will become like a flower;  helping to heal many hearts!

JOY Is Contagious! 

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, JOY, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of LOVE!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Golden Stardust Homonyms and the Reign of Peace!

Golden Stardust Homonyms and the Reign of Peace!

Beautiful People, 

My Heart... 
Broken in pieces and pounded like flour by the sores of disagreement, misunderstanding violence, and poverty of Spirit... 

Has become like Golden Stardust grains that soar throughout the MultiVerse... 

And return reconstructed as heart shaped seeds of Love that forever are destined to plant fields of Cooperative Hope with Integrity. 

Even in the Drought of Reason and Respect; Rains of Faith nurture the fruit of Patience. 

Everyday I am learning to offer blossoming flowers of kindness, mercy, understanding, forgiveness and compassion. 

In this way, the desire for the Reign of Peace and Spiritual Prosperity begins to live as Golden Stardust Homonyms in My Heart! 

I Breathe and Exhale Ten Times.

Beyond the confusion, deception, egotism and the evil reality of hate... 

My Spirit Calls Me to focus on Goodness with Love.

I  Listen Deeply.  Dress my words and actions with discernment, and become a Vessel of Hope.

Divine Spirit easily orders my steps and provides the protection needed to Hold the Vision of Equanimity, Infinite Genius, Integrity and Good Possibility with a Vivid Opportunity of Grace for the Children of Many Future Generations! 

I Breathe and Re-Member! 

And So It Is With Love! 

Always, Melony 💖

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Will You Live the Good Answer?

How Will You Live the Good Answer?

Beautiful People, 

Clear your mind, open your hearts and Breathe Deeply Ten Times.

Breathe In Love with Hope.  Exhale Love with Hope.  In Love with Hope. Out Love with Hope. In Love with Hope. Out Love with Hope....

All that I write has been said before.  It has been written in our Sacred Texts and lived by the Gentle EarthAngels and Masters who have come to guide us. 

It is we, as a Collective that must learn to take heed!

In the World today we are focusing our resources and attention on sustaining the desires and materialist greed of the corrupt.

Too many millions of us are living in poverty without adequate shelter, education, healthcare or good opportunity to grow and prosper. 

Too many of us have become drunk with idea of power and materialist success without regard for our Earth/Heart and other Sentient Beings.

Too often, too many of us listen to and obey those who incite fear as they work to divide us with harmful conflict, violence, terror and un-necessary wars. 

Only Love with compassion, cooperation, courage, deep listening, faith, forgiveness, hope, good intention, good purpose, goodwill, mercy, patience, respect, truth and understanding will heal and unite Us. 

Across the Earth/Heart,  We Are Many Cultures, Many Religions, Many People. 

We Must Learn to Respect Eachother, and to Support Those in Need. 

Our willingness to Love one another and to want for others the Good we want for ourselves is the Most Important Mandate of the World Today. 

When Will We Learn to Share and Live Together In Peace, with Respect and Love? 

This is the Question.  How Will You Live the Good Answer?

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Rev. Melony McGant Featured in Le Manden Magazine, a New International Publication

Here is a copy of the new international digital publication originating from Cote D'Ivoire called Le Manden Magazine published by Balla Doumbia. 

Please Share with Friends!

This issue features many women who are working to "Live the Answer!"  I am so grateful and honored that activist, educator and scholar Kadidia Doumbia featured me among these wonderful women.   

I am on Page 54-58 but please read the entire copy of Le Manden Magazine.  It Will Give You Hope!

With Profound Gratitude, 

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Prayer for Humanity: A Breathing Meditation to Share with the World!

A Prayer for Humanity: A Breathing Meditation to Share with the World!

Beautiful People, 

May the Blessings of Love be with All People and Our Sentient Family on Earth/Heart.

May we as humans honor every living thing, and see the magnificent elements and creations of Our Blessed Divine One working together for Good.

May we all Awaken from the nightmare of envy, greed and disdain for eachother.

May we no longer live in fear, or desire power to control and subjugate those who are different.

May we work to create bridges of understanding and equity with Peace in our hearts, our communities, our nations and our Earth/Heart.

May we be models of Love for our Children so that they feel at ease walking as Beings of Light.

Let us Breathe and Exhale Four Times.  

We Say: 
"I am a Lighted Being of Love. I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me. We Are Lighted Beings of Love. We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us."

Today we Pray that Grace will move through us and that our hearts are filled with compassion and kindness.

If I or you have offended anyone, let us ask to be forgiven. And let us offer forgiveness for those painful memories caused to us by others.

Because We Are ONE In Love, Integrity and Patience become a Singular Thought.

Because I Am, and You are Lighted Beings of Love, We See, Reflect and Share Love with All Around Us.

We walk the path of Hope and discover Joy in every moment as we breathe.

I am, and You Are Human. We are learning and becoming; opening to Divine Understanding and Honoring the Good Potential of All.

I am a Lighted Being of Love. I See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Me. We Are Lighted Beings of Love. We See, Reflect and Share Love with ALL Around Us.

This is Our Prayer, Our Hope, Our Dream and Our Reality Throughout Every UniVerse.

Always, Melony 💖

 Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good  Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the  Gift of Love!

(Written in Tobabgo by Melony McGant, and recorded in Trinidad by Gregory and Mary Licorish).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

*Heaven On Earth!

*Heaven On Earth!

Beautiful People, 

Come walk with me into this magnificent valley filled with greatness…

Breathe Deeply and smell the tropical flowers, magnolias or cherry blossoms.

Walk with me through the daffodils and daisies…

Feel free to pick a rose and know that it’s thorns represent ages and ages of Divine wisdom.

Stop a moment.

Tenderly touch the dirt of our Earth and know that it is Mother
to fruits, vegetables, trees and flowers…

Living things.

As we move on in our discovery
select a rock or two along the way…

Cherish these rocks and know
that their firmness truly represents the will of the Divine.

Do you hear the lilt of the wind
and the birds chirping in delight of our presence?

Look what a glorious waterfall…

Imagine yourself as a frog
jumping from a lily pad and splashing into a clear pond.

Now gaze intently into the pool of life.

Permit our reflections to show merely Love…

For Love is the only weapon we need to conquer the fear in our hearts.

Will you allow me to take your hand?

May we always walk together
in Heaven on Earth--- feeling Divine Love?

Breathe Deeply.  Live. Love. 

Melony 💖

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

*From the book The Healing Adagio: A Love Symphony in Five Parts  
(c) Melony McGant

#BreatheDeeply #HeavenOnEarth #Inspiration #Live #Love #Meditation  #Tobago #Travel 

#Amazon #MelonyMcGantBooks #SummerReads #TheHealingAdagio

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

On Being Lovable...

On Being Lovable...

Beautiful People, 

With all the chaos and confusion in the World, it is difficult to remain in balance. 

Take a moment to clear your mind of all distractions. 

Just Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

Now Open Your  Heart...

Re-Member that to Know Love; We Must BELIEVE We Are Lovable! 

When we have the courage to allow ourselves the gift of being stronger and wiser even in moments where we feel fragile and broken, we blossom in Love.

That Love we feel for ourselves becomes a gift we are able to see and honor in others. 

When know, honor and share compassoon with Integrity and Love; we blossom with Courage,  Hope, Patience and Understanding through every season of life! 

Again, Breathe and Exhale Deeply...

Today, Nurture and Plant New Seeds In the Garden of Your Life.

Say to Yourself and Others...

"A Lovable Me Sees and Honors a Lovable You!"

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I Will Not Hate!

 I Will Not Hate!

Beautiful People, 

If I hate those who are selfish and hate, then I too become a selfish hater and will bury myself and my dreams in a relentless cycle of fear and despair. 

I will not be selfish or hate anyone.

Instead I Will Love the World We Can Create through Care, Integrity, Mutual Respect and Support with Wisdom. 

I Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  

In Love.  With each Breath I Exhale Love. 

There  Is No Way Forward but to see the potential of Goodness; to live with thoughts of goodness; and to share the Gift of Our Individual and Collective Genius with Compassionate Actions that Heal, Inspire and Nurture Our Earth/Heart. 

I  believe and will always believe that when we offer our hearts with Love, we will open the door to Good Change so that All Sentients, People and Families Will Peacefully Prosper; and Our Children Can Live Together in Safety with JOY!

I Breathe Deeply.  With Each Breath, Love Inspires My Good Actions and Words of Mutual Respect and Care.
For Every Breath of Love, I Give Thanks!

Live & Love...
Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Melony's Wisdom Mondays: We Will Sow Your Seeds of Light and Love!

Melony's  Wisdom Mondays:  
We Will Sow Your Seeds of Light and Love! 

Beautiful People, 

Just as trees, flowers and all living things; we are all born from the Seeds of Light and Love.  

Even when our bodies are frail, our Hearts grow strong when nurtured with Love.

Some of us stay here for many years, share wisdom with many others, and learn great lessons. 

Others stay only a short time but their Love guides and gives us courage, strength and new purpose.  

Through them we learn what it is to be happy even when we are very sad!  

We learn to support and nurture eachother and share our special moments. 

Hopefully we learn quickly to say what is in our hearts and to Live With No Regret--- because sometimes we are asked to offer our tender goodbyes when we just became comfortable and said a loving hello! 

And Yes, it is true...

Every beautiful flower will wilt and return to the Earth.  And strong trees may fall in a storm and die.

But the Roots of Love are Eternal and can remain and blossom in our minds and our hearts throughout All Time in the Circle of Life and Love!

Please Take a Moment,  Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

For All Those Whom We Love That Have Left This Earth, We Call Your Names, and Allow the Memory of Grace In Your Spirits to Help Us Live with Hope.

We Lovingly Call Your Names and  Re-Member Your Laughter, Your Joy, Your Wisdom, Your Precious Life Journeys, and Your Love. 

We Will Always Sow Your Seeds of Light and Love!  

Always, Melony 💖

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

This Is Earth School: An Audio Story and Breathing Meditation to Share with the Whole World!

This Is Earth School: An Audio Story and Breathing Meditation to Share with the Whole World!  By Melony McGant aka Miss Mellie Rainbow.  Recorded in Trinidad by Gregory and Mary Licorish.
Please Share!  via @YouTube

Beautiful People,

This is Earth School!

No matter the challenges and struggles, we must find peace within our hearts and walk with Loving tenderness.

This is Earth School.

Some come to learn, others to teach. Some are warriors. Others are peacemakers.
Some walk with great faith and become personifications of Loving hope.

Others are learning about the material world and mistakenly embrace greed and power. They have forgotten Love.

No matter who we are, our time here is finite but our Spiritual existence is Infinite and Eternal.
While we are here we must honor and celebrate each other, Love each other and cherish each other as beings connected in Love.

Today honor family, friends and strangers. Share compassion. Forgive with humility.
Make Peace with All.

Our time to be here may be short but in leaving we are never alone.

Those who return before us to Heaven, our angel ancestors await us---just as they live always in our hearts and soar through the Uni-Verse unlimited or restricted by physical bodies assisting us.

Let Us Honor the Lives of ALL those whom we admired, respected or Loved who have left the Earth Realm.

Grace lives through them and through us. There is nothing but Love. Love is Grace in action.
This is Earth School. Please Re-Member Love...

Ten Times Breathe In Love. Exhale Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love. In Love. Out Love.
Be Love...and Live Only with Love in Your Hearts Today!

Always, Melony 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy,  Patience Respect, Understanding and, the Gift of Love!

This Is Earth School: An Audio Story and Breathing Meditation to Share with the Whole World!  By Melony McGant aka Miss Mellie Rainbow. Please Share!

 Books by Melony  McGant Are Available on Amazon...
1. Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU!
2. Sunshine & Olivier: A Parable of Love
3. The Healing Adagio: A Love Symphony In Five Parts