Do Not Let Evil Paralyze Your Goodness!
Beautiful People,
When you have been hurt, wounded or discouraged, simply stop and still your mind.
Breathe Deeply Ten Times.
With each breath, Inhale Patience filled with the Oxygen of Love.
Exhale Hurt, Pain and Disappointment.
Take Your Time. Keep Breathing Deeply.
It is true that we are living in a World where egotism, fear, materialism and violence have taken center stage in our economic, social and political arena.
It is also true that those with small minds may try to destroy those who know Truth with deception and lies.
Those with small minds will try hard to distract you before their own inadequacy or fear of Equity and Good Change is discovered.
This minority of people often will attempt to sabotage or undermine your positive intentions and actions.
Evil ones may even try to rain on a joy parade or burst your bubble of enthusiasm and happiness.
They will use the media to confuse and suppress those who live with Integrity, Good Intention and Purpose.
Evil ones will attack Good Efforts of Progress and All those who speak out against evil.
You will be bombarded with so much negativity that if you are not careful, it can result in a loss of Hope.
Do not let evil paralyze the Goodness In Your Hearts and Our World.
Re-Member Good Will Win through Our Courage, Our Faith, Our Persistent Integrity, Our Positive Tenacity, Our Hope and Our Consistent Good Efforts.
Focus on Goodness and the Changes we must make to insure a Better World for Our Children.
Please do not try to fight evil with evil. Do not become hateful or seek vengeance with your words.
Stop filling your minds and hearts with useless evil propaganda. Stop discussing, promoting and giving evil a platform.
Stop Doubting Yourselves. Stop Creating a Fearful Reality.
Remember this...When You Awaken and Walk In Truth, no matter the obstacles; New Doors will appear through Grace.
We Must Focus on Building Bridges of Creativity, Cooperation, Education, Healing, Equanimity, Justice, Economic Prosperity to Share and Peace.
Try to Keep Your Hearts Open. Walk Only with Right Thoughts, Words and Actions of Truth.
Love will reward you with the Courage and Faith to live with a Peaceful heart, unlimited creativity, energy and resources to manifest Our Collective Good Dreams.
Breathe Deeply. No Matter What, Keep Moving Forward!
Today, Give Thanks for Wisdom, Grace and the Unlimited Power of Love.
Live & Love...
Always, Melony 💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊
Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!