Monday, March 30, 2020

Sending Rainbows of Appreciation and Healing🎊

Sending Rainbows of Appreciation and Healing🎊

To All the Beautiful People on EarthHeart...

In this Time of Corona, I Have Been Praying for You and Your Beautiful Families. 

I Will Continue To Send You Rainbows of Healing Light with Calmness, Courage, Hope and Love. 

In the wee hours of the morning,  I was contemplating my reality of having had different expectations for myself when I turned 62 and left the my job at the New York State Department of Labor; as well as the choices I've made and the unexpected challenges I have faced. 

I Am Still Breathing and Laughing In Gratitude.  

I also thought about my Love of children, swimming with the dolphins, my trips meeting others and sharing around the World on four  continents, and all the personal healing & forgiveness that has manifested in my life.  

Now at 65, I  am truly amazed and joyful for the path my life has taken.  

The rarely discussed personal trauma, lack of acceptance, early egoic success, fear, poor choices, detours, wrong turns and Divine Spirit Reinvention has added up to a life of Faith & Good Purpose for Which I Am Eternally Humbled and Grateful. 
I am currently living with more Compassion, Clarity, Gratitude, Hope, Integrity and Loving Joy. 

While I Am Here...
I will continue to listen deeply, be of service to Humanity through my meditations, prayers or writing; and follow the Divine Whispers of my heart. 

It gives me Great Joy to Know that Divine Spirit Sent Me Many Earth Angel Guides with a Pure Hearts and MultiVersal Understanding.   

Your Loving confidence, kind words and support are reflected in All the Hope I am able to share and the Path of Spirit I Will Forever Follow. Thank YOU!

Let Us Breathe Deeply with Hope and LOVE!

And With Love, Let Us Pray for the Healing on Our EarthHeart and All Her Beautiful Citizens!

Always, Melony 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 

#BREATHE #Courage #DeepListening #Forgiveness #Gratitude #Healing #Integrity #MelonysWisdomMondays

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Being Thankful... 

Beautiful People, 

In This Time of Corona, What Do We Have to Be Thankful for?

When we are Alive,
we learn to be Thankful 
for every experience
that offers us a moment
to Awaken within our hearts.

I Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Ten Times.

I Say Thank You... 

Thank You for each moment
of Loving Grace.

Thank You for each
learning opportunity of Hope which calls for me to expand
and develop in deeper understanding.

Thank You for each mistake
which has given me new wisdom.

Thank You for showing me true
compassion and integrity in the hearts of others; as I learn to meet them heart to heart.

Thank You for my tears
which show me how to heal the unlimited depth of my heart  much like the vastness of Your Infinite MultiVerse.

Thank You for the disappointment and hard lessons that allow me to learn to release judgment and discover new gifts because I am able to let go of my expectations.

Thank You for allowing me
Deep Listening, as well as 
an incomprehensible space 
that leaves me with Joy to Share.

Thank You for the Breath of
your Loving Grace, and your
constant Divine Whisperings 
that resides within me
and All Others.

Thank You for every argument
and World Tantrum that calls
for All of Humanity
to be still and to let go 
of our hate,
selfishness and greed.

Today I let go of my attachment
to what I think I know.

As I Awaken Within the Heart of Love... 

I Embrace the Unknown with Hope, Integrity, Infinite Faith and Appreciation for Each Miracle of Life!

For All that Is Known and Unknown; I GIVE THANKS!


Always, Melony 💜
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and, the Gift of Love!

#Awakening #Breathe #BeingThankful #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #DivineWhisperings #EmbraceTheMystery #ExudeJoy #Grace #Healing  #InfiniteFaith #Integrity #Joy #Love #Miracles #MelonysWisdomSunday

Saturday, March 28, 2020

#MelonysWisdomSaturday : An Affirmation of Integrity and Valour in the Age of Corona

#MelonysWisdomSaturday: An Affirmation of Integrity and Valour in the Age of Corona. 


Beautiful People, 

Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  With each breath, allow your hearts to open in kindness. 

In the Age of Corona, our healthcare professionals, maintenance, grocery store, postal, transportation and All Essential Services Workers (Known or Unknown) Are Teaching Us That  #WeMustHelpEachother. 

Let Give Thanks to These Earth Angels Everywhere.

They are teaching us that in a World that sometimes appears dismal with lack of value for life and respect for Humanity, we must put aside our differences and Re-Member to Be Kind to One Another! 

Again Breathe Deeply...

For ALL Who Are Suffering,  We Offer Compassion and Prayers of Healing.

May Love Guide Our Hearts. 

Please, Be Kind and Respectful to Our Elders and One Another! 

Every act of integrity, kindness and valour encourages our children,  nurtures our thoughts, words and actions and brings Healing & Hope with Good Possibility. 

Now with Clarity, Commit to Allow Yourself to Be a Vessel of Divine Peace.

An Affirmation of Integrity and Valour: 

"May my thoughts, my words, and my actions be like a waterfall of integrity and valour that flows and nurtures with good intent and healing!  

Today I Will Help by Offering Hope to All Whose Lives I Touch!" 

Blessed Be YOU and Your Beautiful Heart!

Live & Love... 

Always, Melony💖
aka Miss  Mellie Rainbow🎊 

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#AgeOfCorona #BlessedBeYOU #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #EarthAngels #Gratitude #Healing  #Hope #Integrity #Valour #VesselOfDivinePeace #WeMustHelpEachother

Friday, March 27, 2020

#MelonysWisdomFriday: A Morning Song of Gratitude!

A Morning Song  of Gratitude!

Beautiful People, 

First Open Your Heart and Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.  

Now, Please Join Me in a Morning Song of Gratitude...

Thank you Father Sky for sharing the air which we breathe, the winds and water in clouds and rain, the sun, the moon and the stars through which we learn the vastness of our UniVerse.

Thank you Mother Earth/Heart for your nurturing Spirit and for sharing your gift of trees, plants, vegetables, flowers as well as the rivers, lakes and oceans; and for your constant re-birth.

Thank you Songbird, for teaching us the Morning Song of Healing, Hope and Praise we now sing to our Blessed Creator.

We Welcome This New Day of Healing, Hope and Possibility with Hearts of Patience, Peace and Love!

Let Us Re-Member that Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love with Joy!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Photo by #Liora

#Breathe #Healing, #Hope#MorningSongOfGratitude #ThankYouMotherEarthHeart #ThankYouFatherSky #MelonyMcGantAuthor

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Offering Prayers and Honoring Congressman John Lewis!

Please Join Me Offering Prayers and Honoring Congressman John Lewis!

Thinking About Living Civil Rights Legend and Our Beloved Congressman John Lewis!

What a Magical Moment When We Took a Picture Together.   I am holding his  autobiographical graphic novel, MARCH.  He is holding my self-empowerment journal workbook, SEEKER DREAMER: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU (by Melony McGant)

Congressman John Lewis, WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOUR WELLBEING. 🙏🏾💜🙏🏾
Thank You for Sharing Your Beautiful Heart, Dedication  to Justice for All and Wisdom with Us.  We Love  and Appreciate You and Your Civil Rights Legacy!

Live  & Love...

Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

#CongressmanJohnLewis #CivilRightsLegacy #LivingLegend

TBT Photo! Magical Memories with Vickers Larry

TBT Photo! Magical Memories!
Aaah, Mr. Vickers Larry Is a Wonderful Living Legend Who Resides in Paris, Was Born in the United States and Traveled the World! 

Mr. Vickers is also a Creative Ambassador,  Debonair Dancer, Choreographer, Director, Writer and Compassionate Gentleman! 

An Earth Angel King, He Is One Who Has Mastered Living with Love and Sharing Joy!

Mr. Vickers Larry...
I'm Sending You Rainbows of Loving Appreciation and JOY with Gratitude! 

Much Love, 
Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow🎊

#MelonysWisdomThursday: We Are ALL of One Heart, One In Spirit, and ONE Only In Love!

#MelonysWisdomThursday: We Are ALL of One Heart, One In Spirit, and ONE Only In Love!

Beautiful People,

We Are ALL of One Heart, One In Spirit, and ONE Only In Love!

Take a Moment to Breathe Deeply Many Times.  
Breathe In Love.  Breathe Out Love.  Breathe In Love.  Breathe Out Love... 

Allow Our Mother Earth/Heart to Feel Our Loving Resolve to Accept, Understand, Nurture and Share with Each Other.

Continue Breathing.  Breathe In Love.  Breathe Out Love.  Breathe In Love.  Breathe Out Love...

Let Love be felt throughout every organ of the body, and let us open our total beings so that we become Love’s essence. 

Now, let us honor the beauty of our entire sentient family  including the birds, the dolphins, the horses, the lions, the elephants and all sentients across the planet.

Let us rejoice as the clouds burst with rain or snow, and we feel the impact of monumental oceans, rivers and mountains. 

Right now feel Mother Earth’s Love through flowers, fruits,  vegetables, plants, trees, the sparkling sun, the glistening moon, twinkling stars, and the magical rainbow sky. 

Let us each take time to embrace Goodness, then let us share Goodness with each other.

 Let us commit to become responsible stewards of the environment of Our Earth/Heart.

Right now let us forgive ourselves, and each other as we learn to release any vestiges of pain, hate and fear we have of one another.    

Let us work to cure all dis-ease, as well as to promote education, equality, harmony, healthcare,  justice, prosperity and well-being for All.  

We acknowledge ALL as beings of Love, and strive for the best compassionate outcome in every situation.

We understand that we must always reject all injustice or violence as an option; and move to the potential and joy of a Loving Prosperous Peace on our Mother Earth/Heart. 

Let us open the doors to our hearts, our homes and our countries to those in need; for ALL are related and connected in Love.

Today we walk with Integrity, Truth and commitment to Equality, Equity, and a Loving Reconciliation.

We Embrace and Honor Our Ancestors, Elders, Our Children, Our Families and Every Sentient Being for ALL Contribute the Magical Threads Woven in the Fabric of Our Lives.

Right Now, Let Us Dream, Imagine, Vision and Actively Work to Create a World Where All People, All Religions, and Cultural Traditions Offer Respect to Each Other and Embrace a Uni-Versal Consciousness. 

We Are the Children of Divine Love.  Each One of Us Has a Gift of Light that Needs to Be Nurtured and Shared.  Like a Rainbow, We Are Diverse In Colors, Cultures, Perspectives and Traditions. 

Because There Is Only One Blessed, Omnipotent, All Powerful Creator of Every Uni-Verse and All That Is Or Is NOT...We Are ALL of One Heart, One In Spirit, and ONE Only In Love!

May We Walk  Always with Grace, Loving Thoughts and Actions.  May We Re-Member that Peace Is Possible Only through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Integrity, Hope, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love.

We Are ALL of One Heart, One In Spirit, and ONE Only In Love!

Live and Love...

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

#MelonysWisdomWednesday: You Are the Sum Total of Your Every Experience!

#MelonysWisdomWednesday: You Are the Sum Total of Your Every Experience!

Beautiful People, 

Our words and actions can never be undone and surely we will all make mistakes on our life journey. 
Thus we must learn to forgive ourselves, ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness to others. 
We can allow those mistakes to lead the way to new and better choices.  In this way, Good Change becomes inevitable.  

We will Love and sometimes that Love will be rejected or misunderstood. Trust Love Anyway!

When we journey and rest with compassion, courage, healing, hope, humility, integrity and mindfulness in our hearts; there is a greater possibility that we will speak and live in Truth.

When we offer our Love Unconditionally with Trust, we discover that every breath aligned with our Heart and our Spirit allows us to become more at Peace with Ourselves. 

Most Importantly, Who We Become in Love is the Greatness Exemplified by the Sum Total of All Our Experiences.

Breathe Deeply 10 Times.  In Love.  Out Love.  In Love... 

Remembering that You and Your Greatness lies in the Sum Total of Your Every Experience... 
Who Have You Become In Love?

Live and Love...

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Joy, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

#MelonysWisdomTuesday : Faith In Goodness!

#MelonysWisdomTuesday:Faith In Goodness...

Beautiful People, 

These are times when the light of Love sometimes feels dim.

People are suffering.  How do we heal?  We heal through the Faith in our own Goodness.

Each kind act makes the light more vibrant.

We must open our hearts so the Light of Compassion Shines with Hope.

At every moment we have the opportunity to be Good and to offer our lives in service to Good.

The Light of Love is the Greatest Gift within You.

Believe it.

When we act with Generosity of Spirit, we make Kindness our practice, offer Hope and Help Heal Our Wounded World.

 Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten  Times...


I Heal through My Good Acts and by Sharing the Light of Love Within Me with Hope!  Kindness Is My Practice!

Live & Love...

 Always, Melony💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace Is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith,  Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#Breathe #Courage #Compassion #DeepListening #FaithInGoodness #GenerosityOfSpirit #Healing #Hope
#KindnessIsMyPractice #LoveVisionary 

Monday, March 23, 2020

#MelonysWisdomMonday: EVIDENCE OF A HOLY LIGHT!

Evidence of a Holy Light!

Beautiful People,

When we have no evidence of an outcome but believe in good anyway, then we have Faith.

Faith is the energy and the light of Love that opens the door to the UniVersal Heart.

Within the UniVersal Heart, when we are willing to embrace the Mystery, we can walk with compassion and share our collective dream of Love through kindness.

It is then that Grace moves through us giving Evidence of a Holy Light 
that magnifies and heals.

Through Faith, we become the Loving outcome of Hope and learn to live tenderly as Beings of Light and Love.

Today please try to be kind and have Faith in the benefit of each Loving action!

Ten Times Breathe In Love. 
With Each Breath, Slowly Exhale Love.

Know that You Are the Evidence. 
You Are a Holy Light of Hope!

Live & Love...

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊
Peace Is Possible through #Compassion #Cooperation #Courage Creativity, Deep Listening, #Faith Forgiveness, Good Purpose, #Hope #Integrity Joy, #Kindness #Mercy  #Patience Respect, #Tenacity Understanding and the #GiftofLove!

#BreatheDeeply #EmbraceTheMystery 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Joy and Sorrow....

Joy and Sorrow!

Beautiful People, 

Please Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly Many Times... 

When we learn that we are ill, are quarantined, and sometimes can not be cured...

When we lose our jobs, or our belongings and homes... 

When someone precious and dear disappoints us, won't forgive or turns their back to us... 

When we say our final goodbyes to a Loved One... 

It Is Then That We Discover What It Feels Like to Be Broken.

Sorrow is forever knocking at our door. 

How do we pick up the pieces of our broken lives? 

We Open the Door to Love.

With Love will come dear, old friends Compassion and Mercy.  They are like Sunshine to the Clouds of  Sorrow. 

And then, there are the tender moments and times of Forgiveness and Healing that bring the Rainbow of Joy. 

Joy and Sorrow... 

Rarely in life does one travel without the other! 

Today Breathe Deeply and Exhale Slowly at least 10 Times.

Even when Sorrow comes, Joy is ever-present to see us through the difficult times; and hold us Tenderly with Love! 

We too must try always to offer Compassion and Mercy As We Embrace the Joy and Sorrow of Our Lives!

Each Day,  Let Us Re-Member to Breathe Deeply and Let Love Be Our Tender Mantra of Healing & Hope! 

Always, Melony💜 
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊

Peace is Possible through Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Deep Listening, Faith, Forgiveness, Good Purpose, Healing, Hope, Humility, Integrity, Kindness, Mercy, Patience, Respect, Tenacity, Understanding and the Gift of Love!

#BeTenderWithYourself #Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Faith #Forgiveness #Healing #Hope #Integrity #JoyAndSorrow #Mercy #OpenTheDoorToLove

An Affirmation of Gratitude...

An Affirmation of Gratitude...

Beautiful People,

Please Join Me in  An Affirmation of Gratitude...

First Breathe and Exhale Deeply Ten Times.

In Gratitude, Awareness and Love. Out Gratitude, Awareness and Love. 

In Gratitude, Awareness and Love. Out Gratitude, Awareness and Love.....

Affirm and Say to Yourself...

"I begin this Day in Gratitude with Awareness and Love.

I have the curiosity and hope of a child with the ability to grow and transform like a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Within me is the flexibility of a monkey, the courage of an elephant, the fearlessness of a lion and the gentleness of a dove.

I Listen Deeply.  I draw on the wisdom of children and elders as well as trees, rocks, dolphins, oceans, all Sentients.

Patience Fills My Heart.  I honor the luminosity of our Mother EarthHeart, Stars and Galaxies.

Most Importantly through my thoughts and actions, I Cherish and Honor Our Blessed Creator of ALL That Is, and All That Is Not.

Today, I walk simply with prayers of compassion, courage, determination, faith, forgiveness, healing, hope, integrity, respect and appreciation of myself and All Others.

I Am a Vessel Open...
Ready to Share and Receive Love.

Because I Honor Life's Mystery...

I Am Learning to Allow Love's Symphony of Greatness, Healing, Hope and Harmony to pour through me and out into the World."

And So It Is With Love!

Always, Melony 💚
aka Miss Mellie Rainbow 🎊


#Breathe #Compassion #Courage #DeepListening #Determination #EmbraceTheMystery #Gratitude #Harmony #Healing #Hope #Inspiration #Integrity #Joy #LovesSymphony #Meditation #Motivation #Patience #PeaceIsPossible #Respect